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Workshop: HOW TO LIVE FROM YOUR HEART: a free(ing) workshop for men and folks on the masculine spectrum


I am happily anxious. In just two days, men and folks on the masculine spectrum will meet for another deep dive into the heart, and I really hope you come and/or invite folks to come. These workshops are nurturing and juicy: alive with what presents itself in the room and tuned to unpacking and reclaiming  our masculinity in a nurturing community.

DATE: Wednesday, April 10, 6:00-8:00
LOCATION: Friends Meeting House (Quaker House)
345 L st, Davis CA

Come, seeker of healing, of empowerment, of true connection. Let's get real together, then let's question our realities. I can't wait to meet you there.

Oh yeah, like Rumi wrote!

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other”
doesn’t make any sense.
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.
Don’t go back to sleep.
You must ask for what you really want.
Don’t go back to sleep.
People are going back and forth across the doorsill
where the two worlds touch.
The door is round and open.
Don’t go back to sleep.”


Wildish Work Counseling, Art Mentoring
leaf Wild, MFA

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