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WEBINARS: Self-Advocacy Chats; LGBTQI+ well-being; All Children Thrive; Supporting CalWORKS parents in community college programs; Race and class inequalities in higher ed; Mental health; Trauma-informed care

Register to Reserve Your Spot at the Monthly California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats

The third Wednesday of each month; the first will be held on Wednesday, October 21st @ 11:00 A.M.

The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) is excited to announce the first in a series of monthly California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats and encourage those who are interested to join in the conversation! The “California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats” are designed to provide self-advocates throughout California the opportunity to speak about topics that they want to talk about. After each meeting, participants will receive a follow-up email with resources and information related to the topics discussed. Information and resources shared will be designed to help advocates learn about issues important to them and advocate for change in their communities. For accommodations and/or questions related to the California Statewide Self-Advocacy Chats, please email or call 916-263-8196

Weekly All Children Thrive (ACT-CA) meetings

12:30-1:30pm every other Wednesday starting 9/30

ACT-CA would like to invite you to an information session to discuss how to get involved with the initiative.  You’ll get a chance to meet the staff of ACT-CA, hear examples of how other cities have engaged and be given information on how to start or build a team to engage your own city.  There will be a short presentation on how ACT-CA will support cities followed by a time to discuss how your city would begin to work with ACT-CA.  Our ACT-CA staff will present the info session and engage you and your team in follow up steps to become an ACT-CA city. Please see the attached flyer for more information.

Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations on 10/21

10am on Wednesday, October 21

Please join the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on Wednesday, October 21, at 1:00 p.m. ET for the release of its new report Understanding the Well-Being of LGBTQI+ Populations. This report will review the available data and future research needs relevant to persons of diverse sexualities and genders, and persons with differences in sex development, across multiple dimensions over the course of their lives. The webinar will include an overview of the study process and discussion of the report’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Supporting Student Parents in Community College CalWORKs Programs on 10/27

11-11:45am on October 27

All community colleges run support programs for students who receive CalWORKs, the state’s cash assistance program for poor families with children. Students do better when enrolled in these support programs, but completion rates are low. How can colleges help more CalWORKs students succeed? Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) researchers Bonnie Brooks and Shannon McConville discuss how CalWORKs is working for students.

Panel Discussion: Race and Class Inequalities in Higher Education on 10/28

3:30pm-5pm on Wednesday, October 28

This event from UC Davis Center for Poverty & Inequality Research will allow attendees to engage in cutting edge research on important issues related to race, ethnicity, and economic inequality in higher education. The panel will include research on the college admissions process, affirmative action policies, and college persistence.

Supporting Student Mental Health: A County Perspective on 10/29

8:30am on October 29

Too few children in California have access to mental health care services. By locating services at schools, we can effectively and efficiently reach children and youth with the mental health supports they need, because school-based health systems meet students where they are and can improve both health and education outcomes. Fresno and Sacramento Counties are great examples of programming that supports student mental health. Join Children Now and the Steinberg Institute to hear from Sacramento and Fresno Counties on how their programs were financed and administered, and receive recommendations on how to replicate these programs so that other counties can expand their school-based mental health services.

Trauma-Informed Care in the COVID-19 Era: ACEs, Telehealth and Beyond on 11/5

12-1pm on Thursday, November 5

In this presentation from California ACEs Academy, Dr. Gerber, a practicing general internist will review the long term health impact adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and other traumas have on patients in adult primary care. She will discuss the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic, and other recent collective adversities, may be worsening outcomes for trauma-exposed persons. Trauma-informed care will be discussed and a practical approach to applying its principles in Telehealth encounters will be shared.


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