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WEBINARS on sexual assault, stress, and structural racism

Web Conference Series: “Seeing Survivors in Familiar Spaces: Building Sexual Assault Awareness for Everyone” in September

These web conferences are designed for community based organizations (i.e. schools, faith based, recovery programs, etc.) seeking to build their capacity to address sexual assault among their service populations, and who want to work more collaboratively with their local sexual assault agencies.


Tools & Resources for Coping with Stress, Fear and Anxiety on 9/24
12-1pm on Thursday, September 24

This virtual session from NJ Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatric’s Healthy Spaces program will share tools and resources to support mental and behavioral health during the pandemic. Dr. Leopardi and Dr. Gubernick will share guidance on self-care, stress management, and positive discipline. Participants will also engage in thoughtful reflection on how to implement small tests of change to adapt patient care and support connections with families in these uncertain times.


Growing as a Community: Addressing Structural Racism on 9/25
12-1pm on Friday, September 25

As our communities grapple with the historic social injustices across our nation, it’s critical to hear from our leaders about the importance of adopting an equity and anti-racism lens to aid in the healing and wellbeing of our communities. This webinar from UC Davis Health will discuss:

  • What is structural racism and its impact on our community's well being and growth
  • Learn about tools to address structural racism
  • Learn what UCD Health is doing to address structural racism

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