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WEBINARS on Hair Care for Black Foster Children & Youth and Trauma-Informed Care


Hair Care for Black Foster Children & Youth: Practical Guide & Demonstrations, with Consideration for a Child’s Personal, Family & Cultural Trauma on 7/21

10:30am – Noon on Tuesday, July 21

Foster & Kinship Care Education & Fostering Unity Invite you to join this workshop by Tanisha C. Fulcher, MFT Doctoral Candidate. Not all caregivers, foster and/or adoptive parents, understand the unique way to care for their black child’s natural curls and skin. This easily can lead to the child’s hair becoming damaged, hard to manage, their skin dry, and the development of negative feelings of self-worth. This trauma-informed workshop is a must for all California caregivers accepting placement of children of color. We hope to strengthen the bond between caregivers and children by mitigating cultural differences through education. Our hair, how we look, and feel is important for all of us. It does impact our well-being. Because foster youth are susceptible to experiencing higher rates of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), the psychological impact of low self-esteem can be particularly detrimental and contribute to on-going personal trauma in our children. From this workshop you will leave with tips for washing, moisturizing, and caring for natural curly, textured hair, along with several demonstrations for moisturizing, braiding, and styling.


OUR TRAINER, Tanisha C. Fulcher has nearly 12 years of experience working with foster children and families involved with the system of care. She values cultural differences and believes that many life issues should be viewed through a cultural lens. Tanisha is passionate about empowering, educating, and advocating for the underserved and disenfranchised. She has strengths in the areas of restoration and connectedness; therefore, she is passionate about problem-solving and developing solutions that can affect comprehensive change and impact many.


4 Foundations for Helping Trauma-Impacted Youth Not Just Survive, But Thrive! on 7/23

11am on July 23

Announcing a FREE live webinar from the Center for Adolescent Studies to discuss the four foundations of trauma-informed care that both research and professional experience have shown to produce better outcomes with trauma-impacted youth. This webinar will include actionable, pragmatic, and concrete ways to build trust, teach self-regulation skills, and support adolescents on the path to healing and conquering their trauma. If you’re a therapist, educator, case manager, mentor, or really any type of youth worker who works directly with trauma-impacted youth, this webinar is for you. If you’ve ever struggled to connect and build trust with trauma-impacted youth, ever wondered how to approach disruptive behavior from a trauma-informed perspective, or ever wanted to learn the most important thing to do when trauma-impacted youth get triggered, sign up for this webinar!

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