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WEBINARS on cross-cultural communication, ACEs, addiction, compassion fatigue, poverty, and child maltreatment

Building Skills for Cross Cultural Communication Part 2 on 9/23 (Part 1 is available any time here)

3-4:30pm on Wednesday, September 23

Cultural competence is essential to achieve patient-centered or client-centered care. This workshop from the Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network will continue the work of enhancing skills and knowledge to work more effectively in a multicultural setting. Participants will explore stereotypes and enhance skills for interrupting bias. Sometimes we hear others say demeaning, degrading, or hurtful comments and lack skills to interrupt and redirect the intentional or unintentional behavior. This workshop provides skills to interrupt bias in a healthcare setting using a video titled “Ouch! That Stereotype Hurts,” and will conclude with points on what it means to be culturally competent.

Supporting Children to Thrive – State & Federal Outlook on 9/29

11am on September 29

Join 4CA (California Campaign to Counter Childhood Adversity) in this webinar taking a look at trauma informed policy implications at the state and federal levels, including the unique context of 2020.

Assessing Readiness & Building Resilience in the Clinical Workforce: A Foundation for ACE Screening Integration by 9/30

12-1pm on Wednesday, September 30

This webinar will provide strategies, promising practices, and resources to support health care providers and clinical leadership as they assess their own organizational readiness and build workforce resilience to successfully integrate Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) screening into clinical practice.

Addiction Born Out of ACEs and the Return of Hope on 10/1

12-1pm on Thursday, October 1

The downstream effect of childhood trauma has been well documented regarding the biological and psychosocial impacts. This presentation from California ACEs Academy will highlight the neurobiological changes associated with ACEs that function as a "primer" for the onset of addiction and related behaviors. It will conclude with principles for influencing these same pathways that assist with restoration of the mind and health

Compassion Fatigue Resilience Series from Mental Health Technology Transfer Center Network

More information is coming soon…you can register now!


“Poverty, Not the Poor” from the UC Davis Center for Poverty Research on 10/16

3-4:30pm on Friday, October 16
In recognition of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty, the Center for Poverty Research will be hosting a welcome back event with special guest David Brady of UC Riverside. Following Professor Brady’s talk, we will be hosting breakout sessions for informal conversation and continued discussion.

Scholars, commentators, politicians and the public tend to think about American poverty as a ‘problem of persons.’ The poor are in poverty because of individuals’ bad behavior, risks, pathological cultures, or innate traits. This leads us to concentrate on the poor as individuals and distracts us from the systemic problem of high poverty in the U.S. The Right tends to focus on behavior and culture, mistakenly arguing that fixing behavior, eliminating risks, and improving culture would substantially reduce poverty. The Left tends to focus on emotive selections of poor people, exotifying and mischaracterizing the population in poverty. Several examples from recent research will be presented to show how both the Right and the Left focus on the poor and misunderstand poverty. Political and structural theories of poverty will be advanced as a better way to understand poverty and not just the poor.

2020 Research-in-Progress Webinar Series on Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Maltreatment

Register for the following webinars from the Colorado School of Public Health:

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