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April 2022

PHC6534 - Lowering Depression and Suicide Rates Among First-Year Residents at Shands Hospital

Working as a doctor is already a stressful job, but factor in the reality that we are living in a pandemic, then the job gets significantly more difficult. A study that surveyed 7,288 doctors found that “45.8% of physicians were considered to be experiencing at least 1 symptom of burnout based on a high emotional exhaustion score or a high depersonalization score” and “37.9% of US physicians had high emotional exhaustion” 1 . As a result of stress, demanding hours, poor time management, and...

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Preventing, Screening, and Treating Abuse in Youth Sports in Alachua County Public School District- PHC6534

My intervention is, " A Trauma-Informed Approach to Preventing, Screening, and Treating Abuse in Youth Sports in Alachua County Public School District". The intervention involves training the existing mental health staff that services all of the Alachua County Public School District schools in trauma and abuse in youth sports. Then, multiple required online module would be created, one specific to each school's athletic staff, one for the parents of the student-athletes, and one for the...

PHC6534 - Building the Active-Duty Spouse Community to Prevent Adverse Childhood Events in Active-Duty Military Dependent Children

An ever-increasing number of studies show a correlation between the number of ACEs and devastating health and behavioral events later in life. To prevent these outcomes, we must prevent the occurrence of ACEs, which means directing prevention efforts at the parental level. An often-overlooked population is the military spouse community and the children of active-duty military members. With spouses who are often not co-located with their family and the transient life of forced moves every...

Community Education Program Grant Proposal

My grant proposal seeks to create a program that introduces counter-ACEs and builds resilience in the North Philly community. This program is targeted at minority families with whom their children experience at least one ACE. The parents will be enrolled in programs to attain GEDs and certifications for full time-employment. While parents are in certification programs children will be doing hobby-like activities like dance or recreational sports. Parents will have the opportunity to build...

PHC6534: Trauma-Informed and Resilience Building Life Coaching and Networking Support Program For First Generation Latino High School Students Seeking Higher Education

First generation students are at high risk of dropping out during their second or first year at a College or University, and are “51% less likely to graduate within 4 years” compared to students who have parents with college education (Ishitani, 2006). Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in the first-generation immigrant student population is largely understudied and may also be a contributing factor to the dropout rates. A recent study demonstrated that Latino Immigrants experience traumas...

PHC6534: Addressing Substance Abuse and ACEs among Hispanic/Latinx families in Alachua, FL

Hispanic/Latinx families, especially in the rural south, experience a myriad of ACES and issues with substance abuse or heavy alcohol consumption. According to the Florida Health Charts (2020), in Alachua County alcohol consumption (heavy binge drinking) has increased substantially from 19.9% of Hispanic adults in 2016 to 35.7% of Hispanic adults in 2019. WellFlorida Council and the Rural Women's Health Project will collaborate to create a summer long program through the local Iglesia...

PHC6534: The Art of Adaptation – Expressive Arts as a Protective Factor in Healing Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Trauma caused by adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) such as abuse, neglect, witnessing violence, and other traumatic exposures are associated with neurological impacts on the developing brain. These impacts are concerning to the brain’s responses to stress, with resulting impairments and functionalities leading to increased risks for depressive disorders in adulthood. To combat this issue, this proposed program seeks to provide preventative activities of expressive arts as a method of...

PHC 6534: Combatting the Impact of ACEs on Placement Instability in Foster Care

In 2020, more than half a million children were served by foster care systems across the nation. Yet, the topic is seemingly nonexistent; unmentioned in the media, forgotten in political discourse, and even overlooked in the field of public health. The initial removal of children from their homes is itself a traumatic experience, in addition to whatever circumstances led to removal; an entire traumatized population is left to a system that kicks them out at midnight on their 18 th birthday.

PHC6534: Universal ACEs Screenings & Intervention at IDEA Public Schools

Adverse childhood experiences are prevalent in the United States, yet those who report the highest number of traumatic events are individuals already more at risk to health disparities—minority, economically disadvantaged populations (Turney, 2020). ACEs affect many children based on surveys reported by adults asked to reflect on their childhood experiences. According to the CDC, nearly 61% of adults surveyed across more than half of the United States reported experiencing at least one type...

Sexual Violence Prevention at the University of Idaho

Summary Sexual violence is an issue on college campuses across the nation, with 26.4% of women and 6.9% of men being victims of sexual violence (Association of American Universities, 2019). Sexual trauma can have many long-term mental and physical effects, such as post-traumatic stress disorder and greater risk of heart disease (Campbell et al., 2008; Senn et al., 2015). This indicates that sexual violence is something that needs to be addressed and prevented as much as possible. To prevent...

PHC 6534: The Interface of Environment and Biology: Prevention of Borderline Personality Disorder through a Trauma-Informed Lens

Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) is characterized by emotional dysregulation, unstable self-identity and interpersonal relationships, and self-injury. A vast majority will attempt suicide, with 1 in 10 completing suicide. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are prevalent in those with BPD – between 30-90% have experienced trauma. Due to these factors, there is a dire need for a trauma-informed, primary prevention intervention for patients with BPD. Through targeting pre-adolescent aged...

PHC6534 Addressing and Preventing ACEs in Low-Income Mothers and Their Children

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) affect 15.5% of individuals living in Florida, and Polk County has one of the highest percentages of residents reporting 2 or more ACEs. Studies show ACEs have negative health outcomes on children and adults but promoting safe, stable, nurturing relationships, and creating trauma-informed communities can lead to positive impacts on these individuals. To address the needs of these communities, we developed a trauma-informed program that aims to help women...

PHC6534 A Trauma Informed Approach to Reducing Substance Abuse Use by Increasing Healthy Coping Mechanism for At-Risk Youth in Alachua County

For my grant proposal, I choose to address substance abuse among at-risk Alachua county youth with 3 or more ACEs as a negative coping mechanism. I developed a trauma-informed therapy intervention program that aims to educate the youth about positive coping mechanisms and foster social support among feel at-risk peers. Summary: Children who experience adverse childhood experiences and traumatic events are at a higher risk of partaking in negative coping mechanisms such as substance abuse and...

PHC6534: Conversations About Consent

My program, Conversations About Consent (CAC), aims to significantly reduce the prevalence of sexual assault perpetration and prevent sexually violent behaviors towards women on the University of Florida’s campus via a web-based program applicable for all genders. CAC also strives to propagate personal resilience in survivors of sexual violence through their involvement in the implementation of the program. Participants will access the program through a password-protected web portal that...

PHC6534: Creating an accepting environment for children affected by mental health conditions

Summary: One in five people are living with the signs and symptoms of a mental health condition (NIMH, 2022). Many others support, live with, or love those living with a mental health condition. Living with a person that has a mental health condition is among the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (Felitti et al., 1998). The children that live in homes with a parent or other family member that has a mental health diagnosis live with at least one ACE. We know that the more ACEs a person...

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