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Tagged With "Rebalance Earth"

ITRC PNW Transformational Resilience Network
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A Climate Change Inspired Poem (

As a girl by herself wandering wantonly within the woods, I was kept company By animal voices and ancient whispers from the tree canopy When my bare feet touched warm soil, planted firmly on earth, I was so aware I was never alone, I belonged to this mystic beauty, and happily had not a care Yet by the time I was a young woman, ready to journey from my home The animal voices, many were going quiet it was well known Our overpopulated and ever multiplying numbers, an occupying parasite upon...
Blog Post

How the Mental Health Community Is Bracing for the Impact of Climate Change “Eco-anxiety” and trauma from natural disasters will be on the rise along with sea levels

Bob Doppelt ·
Rolling Stone, May 16, 2019 By Andrea Marks When San Francisco broke heat records in 2017, with 106-degree temperatures in September, psychiatrist Robin Cooper didn’t hear until after the fact that one of her patients had been feeling dizzy and feverish. One day, he’d fainted in his poorly ventilated workspace. Emergency room doctors had surmised he’d had a virus. But Cooper warned him it could actually be a drug she’d prescribed him interacting with the extreme heat. Certain antipsychotic...
Blog Post

How the Threat of Climate Change Makes You Biased []

Alicia Doktor ·
The prospect of a dangerously warming planet inspires us to cling more tightly to our tribe. That is the discouraging finding of two newly published studies. One reports that confronting people with climate-change warnings provoked higher levels of ethnocentrism among residents of a central European nation—and decreased their intentions of acting in Earth-friendly ways. The other finds the threat of global warming increases group conformity , leading people to more tightly endorse the...
Blog Post

How the Threat of Climate Change Spurs Ethnocentrism []

Alicia Doktor ·
The prospect of a dangerously warming planet inspires us to cling more tightly to our tribe. That is the discouraging finding of two newly published studies. One reports that confronting people with climate-change warnings provoked higher levels of ethnocentrism among residents of a central European nation—and decreased their intentions of acting in Earth-friendly ways. The other finds the threat of global warming increases group conformity , leading people to more tightly endorse the...
Blog Post

Microsoft Wants to Pit AI Against Climate Change (

Microsoft announced earlier this month that the tech giant is broadening its AI for Earth program and committing $50 million over the next five years “to put artificial intelligence technology in the hands of individuals and organizations around the world who are working to protect our planet.” “At Microsoft, we believe artificial intelligence is a game changer,” Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer wrote in a recent blog announcing the funding . “Our approach as a...
Blog Post

More Than 11,000 Scientists Just Officially Declared a Global Climate Emergency

Bob Doppelt ·
NOTE TO ITRC MEMBERS : The official declaration of a climate emergency reinforces the reality that we are also in the midst of a climate change-driven mental health and psycho-social-spiritual emergency . Business-as-usual in the mental health and social service fields remains the dominant response (e.g. trauma treatment). We must make prevention the top priority and focus on building widespread capacity for Transformational Resilience. Bob Doppelt by Carly Cassella 5 NOV 2019 A massive...
Blog Post

Preparing People for Climate Change in California: Sonoma County Listens and Shares

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Last summer Bob Doppelt asked me to join a planning committee for a conference on climate change . I was surprised to be asked as my recent professional expertise is tied to addressing childhood adversity. Bob changed my perspective on the relevance by saying, "Adversity and trauma are the social side effects of climate-related disasters. Imagine the social-emotional impacts on Katrina survivors." The connection was a glimmer in my mind, but I agreed to support a California conference .
Blog Post

Resources on Some Mental Health Organization Responses to Climate Change

Bob Doppelt ·
After a recent ITRC Steering committee meeting, member Dr. David Pollack sent the following resources ITRC members might be interested in: Climate Psychiatry Alliance (CPA) website, recently launched and which will hopefully be updated regularly with lots of useful information about climate and mental health issues, including the slide presentations we have been putting on at various meetings, brief summaries of key issues, etc. www.climatepsychiatry. org Medical Society Consortium on...
Blog Post

The Best Medicine for My Climate Grief []

Alicia Doktor ·
Sometimes a wave of climate grief breaks over me. It happens unexpectedly, perhaps during a book talk, or while on the phone with a congressional representative. In a millisecond, without warning, I’ll feel my throat clench, my eyes sting, and my stomach drop as though the Earth below me is falling away. During these moments, I feel with excruciating clarity everything that we’re losing—but also connection and love for those things. Usually I don’t mind the grief. It’s clarifying. It makes...
Blog Post

The Ocean Is Suffocating, and It's Our Fault (

Ocean "dead zones" — regions of the sea where oxygen is severely or entirely depleted and most forms of life can't survive — are becoming more numerous, and scientists warn that they will continue to increase unless we curb the factors driving global climate change, which is fueling this alarming shift in ocean chemistry. This sobering view of the "suffocating" ocean was described in a new study, published online today (Jan. 4) in the journal Science . The study is the first to present such...
Blog Post

The White Earth Band of Ojibwe Legally Recognized the Rights of Wild Rice. Here’s Why (

Finally, plant species have rights , too. Manoomin (“wild rice”) now has legal rights. At the close of 2018, the White Earth band of Ojibwe passed a law formally recognizing the Rights of Manoomin. According to a resolution, these rights were recognized because “it has become necessary to provide a legal basis to protect wild rice and fresh water resources as part of our primary treaty foods for future generations.” This reflects traditional laws of Anishinaabe people, now codified by the...
Blog Post

UC Berkeley Event: Climate Climate Change: The Defining Health Challenge and Opportunity of the 21st Century

Elizabeth Ferguson ·
This coming Wednesday, The Lancet Countdown will release its first annual report tracking climate change and health indicators across five key domains (including Mental Health) on November 1 ( live in Berkeley , or via Livestream ). (Report attached below.) All of the speakers could and should be invited to the upcoming California Preparing Individuals for Climate Change Conference. Unfortunately, I am unable to attend. Climate Change: The Defining Health Challenge and Opportunity of the...
Blog Post

After the wildfire: treating the mental health crisis triggered by climate change

Bob Doppelt ·
Note from ITRC Coordinator Bob Doppelt: This story illustrates exactly why we organized the ITRC. Post trauma treatment is completely insufficient to address the traumas that lie ahead as temperatures rise. Prevention , by building widespread capacity for Transformational Resilience for all types of climate impacts--is the ONLY viable solution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 2017, thousands of homes in Santa...
Blog Post

Children are highly vulnerable to health risks of a changing climate []

Alicia Doktor ·
Young children are far more vulnerable to climate-related disasters and the onus is on adults to provide the protection and care that children need. In a paper published in PLoS Medicine, researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Irving Medical Center set out some specific challenges associated with the impacts of climate change on the world's 2.3 billion children and suggest ways to address their under-prioritized needs. "Children and...
Blog Post

Climate change and mental health: risks, impacts and priority actions

Bob Doppelt ·
This is one of the better assessments of the psychological and psychosocial impacts of climate change, though it neglects some key issues. International Journal of Mental Health Systems, October 2018, by Katie Hayes et al. Abstract Background: This article provides an overview of the current and projected climate change risks and impacts to mental health and provides recommendations for priority actions to address the mental health consequences of climate change. Discussion and conclusion:...
Blog Post

Climate Changed - Scientists on the ground in the world’s forests are witnessing big changes as trees adapt (or not) to the world’s new climate (medium. com)

Forests are one of the most important ways our planet regulates its climate. It's simple: Trees remove carbon from the atmosphere and store it. Older forests tend to store more carbon than younger ones, and a single big tree can add the same amount of carbon to the forest within a year as is contained in an entire midsized tree. Understanding the world's forest systems is an essential factor in building a picture of our planet's health. Forest ecologists can do this by walking through the...
Blog Post

‘Climate Grief’: Fears About The Planet’s Future Weigh On Americans’ Mental Health []

Marianne Avari ·
By Victoria Knight, Kaiser Health News, July 18, 2019. Therapist Andrew Bryant says the landmark United Nations climate report last October brought a new mental health concern to his patients. “I remember being in sessions with folks the next day. They had never mentioned climate change before, and they were like, ‘I keep hearing about this report,’” Bryant said. “Some of them expressed anxious feelings, and we kept talking about it over our next sessions.” The study, conducted by the...
Blog Post

Great pandemic resilience building activities for youth by ITRC CA steering committee member Lil Milagro Henriquez

Bob Doppelt ·
I hope everyone is staying safe during these perilous times. I wanted to share some of the resources that Mycelium Youth Network is putting together. I'm extremely proud of the programming that we've put together and the community partners that we're working with for these projects. We've put together comprehensive youth and adult programming all designed with mental, socio-emotional, and physical resilience in mind. A full listing of classes can be accessed on our website . All of our youth...
Blog Post

Happy Earth Day! (And Op Ed - Coming Full Circle for Earth Day - Uniting to End Poverty, Racism, Militarism, Ecological Devastation - The Davis Enterprise]

Gail Kennedy ·
Comments: I read the following Op Ed in my local paper (the Davis Enterprise) this morning about Earth Day, honoring leaders who spent their life working to end poverty, racism, militarism, ecological devastation and calls on us to join the Poor People's Campaign. The aim of the campaign is to build a fusion movement. Acknowledging the validity of the many issues and “silos” we are each committed to, they are calling people to act together to build a people-centered, transformative movement...

Re: The Promise of Post-Traumatic Growth Part II

Thank you, Louise: Such an imperative article articulating the Five-Domains of Post-Traumatic Growth! Thank you for posting. And thank you to your stellar team at Echo Parenting & Education! Your infographic is such an exemplary resource. Especially wanted to lift up the fifth Post-Traumatic Growth domain shared: Spiritual development “Why did God let this happen?” is a common enough question after trauma. We either have to readjust our spiritual beliefs to encompass trauma or revise...
Blog Post

Decolonizing Environmentalism (

The exclusion of Indigenous people and other non-White communities in environmental and conservation work is, unfortunately, nothing new. For centuries, conservation has been driven by Eurocentric, Judeo-Christian belief structures that emphasize a distinct separation of “Man” and “Nature”—an ideology that does not mesh well with many belief structures, including those belonging to Indigenous communities. Before the onset of such religion through colonialist conquests, the overwhelming...
Blog Post

A People’s Curriculum for the Earth: Teaching Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis (

A People’s Curriculum for the Earth is a collection of articles, role plays, simulations, stories, poems, and graphics to help breathe life into teaching about the environmental crisis. The book features some of the best articles from Rethinking Schools magazine alongside classroom-friendly readings on climate change, energy, water, food, and pollution — as well as on people who are working to make things better. At a time when it’s becoming increasingly obvious that life on Earth is at...
Blog Post

How regenerative agriculture could sustain humanity — and Earth (

No matter where you are in the world, one thing ties people together: We all gotta eat. But the ways people go about producing food can have disastrous consequences for the environment. With climate change already breathing down our necks, many are now pointing to sustainable methods of farming like regenerative agriculture as a blueprint for the future. Modern agriculture has led to a number of issues worldwide. For example, monoculture farming — where you use a single plot of land to just...
Blog Post

Please Read This Article: Preparing for Climate Overshoot Requires Quickly Expanding Our Mental Health System

Bob Doppelt ·
All mental health and social service leaders are urged to read the attached article Preparing for Climate Overshoot Requires Quickly Expanding Our Mental Health System . It describes: How this decade or early next global temperatures will likely surpass the 2.7 F temperature threshold that unleashes extremely destructive and possibly irreversible impacts on the planet and society (climate scientists call this "climate overshoot") How, if we remain unprepared, the climate overshoot will...
Blog Post

Over 80 Orgs. Call on Congress to Engage Whole Communities in Trauma Prevention and Healing by Introducing and Enacting the "Resilience for All Act of 2021"

Bob Doppelt ·
The International Transformational Resilience Coalition (ITRC) today released a letter to Congress calling for the introduction and enactment of the "Resilience for All Act of 2021." The letter is endorsed by over 80 national, state, and local mental health and human services organizations from across the nation, and by over 240 individual professionals. The letter can be found on page three of this document. Overview : The "Resilience for All Act of 2021" will, for the first time, make the...
Blog Post

Indigenous climate action leaders discuss racist colonialism with Dr. Gabor Maté

Laurie Udesky ·
Raging wildfires in California and Turkey, hurricanes in the U.S. southeast, flooding in West Africa, droughts in Iraq and Syria and other environmental catastrophes across the globe traumatize hundreds of thousands of people. Eriel Tchekwie Deranger, founder and director of Indigenous Climate Action , has a different view of these events than what we typically see. She says the trauma of climate change spans generations and is interwoven with colonization in the form of modern extraction...
Blog Post

Hearing the Language of Trees (

The author of "Braiding Sweetgrass" on how human people are only one manifestation of intelligence in the living world. The intelligence of plants has long been a theme of literature, philosophy, and Indigenous narrative. Scientific research into the chemical interactions between plant species and other living things supports the idea. In The Mind of Plants: Narratives of Vegetal Intelligence , writers and scientists add their personal perspectives in a rich collection of essays and poems,...
Blog Post

Researchers Say Science Skewed by Racism is Increasing the Threat of Global Warming to People of Color []

By Bob Berwyn, Photo: Asmeret Asefaw Berhe, Inside Climate News, February 22, 2022 Black, Brown and Indigenous people have been systematically excluded from earth sciences, magnifying their exposure to the most severe impacts of climate change, said Asmeret Asefaw Berhe , lead author of a recent commentary in the journal Nature Geosciences. That adds to the burden of global warming that people of color already bear more heavily than other populations because the world for centuries has been...
Blog Post

Invitation to Webinar on  Building the Movement to Prevent and Heal Climate Traumas and Promote Environmental Justice

Bob Doppelt ·
This Series is Sponsored by CTIPP, the NPSC, and PACEs Connections This specific session is c oordinated by Bob Doppelt of the International Transformational Resilience Coalition Building the Movement to Prevent and Heal Climate Traumas and Promote Environmental Justice Friday April 15, 2022 from 1-4 pm ET Sign Up for free at prevent-trauma-workshop-series The accelerating global climate-ecosystem-biodiversity emergency will increasingly disrupt every aspect of...
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Register now! Join us Friday, April 15: Building the Movement to Prevent and Heal Climate Traumas; Promote Environmental Justice Tomorrow - 1pm-4pm ET

Jesse Kohler ·
The accelerating global climate-ecosystem-biodiversity emergency will increasingly disrupt every aspect of society. It is a "wicked" problem, meaning it results from numerous factors that interact in new and surprising ways to defy standard solutions. The pervasive distresses and traumas it generates are also "wicked" problems: they result from multiple forces that often interact non-linearly and will, over time, impact everyone and every community on earth. No single profession,...
Blog Post

Perspectives and Practices for an Eco-Wise Culture

Sarah Peyton ·
The very best remedy for climate anxiety is knowing that this a collective experience, not an individual experience. This is a 12-month learning community to build understanding, resiliency and togetherness amidst the ecological crisis we and our planet are facing.
Blog Post

The Contribution of Large Animals to Help Fight Climate Change with Dr. Fabio Berzaghi

Sarah Peyton ·
Dr. Fabio Berzaghi will present on the contribution of large (and small) animals that help fight climate change and keep ecosystems healthy, as well as Rebalance Earth, a non-profit contributing to positive change in the world by protecting nature and helping local communities.
Blog Post

‘Defending life:’ Indigenous way of life imperative to solving climate crisis (

Earth Day on April 22 spurred debates about how to tackle our global ecological crisis. Global Voices spoke with Miryam Vargas, a Nahuatl journalist from Choluteca, Mexico, to help us understand what we can learn from Indigenous communities. Vargas reports on environmental issues and has worked alongside her native community for more than a decade. She believes the key to climate and environmental emergency is found in Indigenous and rural communities, not in Western, urban, or “green...
Blog Post

What’s Mine to Do? Vision, Action, and Mourning in the Face of Collapse with Miki Kashtan

Sarah Peyton ·
When we know what is ours to do and what is not, we can discern our next steps with care for all the needs, impacts, and resources we know of, including the limits of our capacity.
Blog Post

How do we empower youth in face of the climate crisis?

Whether you are a parent or a guardian, a teacher or a school administrator, if you have children in your life, you might hear them talking about climate change. Whether it’s wildfires or floods or tsunamis and tornados, these events are happening with increasing frequency all around us. Climate change may once have been an abstract concept or foreign idea, but it is now our reality. Young people are more aware than ever of the threats to the planet’s future and are getting involved...
Blog Post

In An Unusual Step, a Top Medical Journal Weighs in on Climate Change []

By Victoria St. Martin, Photo: Robert Nickelsburg/Getty Images, Inside Climate News, June 16, 2022 For years, research journals devoted to the earth sciences have warned of the dire consequences that could result from global warming and pollution going unchecked. Now, one of the nation’s oldest medical journals has committed itself to increasing the public’s knowledge about the health effects of the planet’s changing climate. Beginning with the issue published Thursday, The New England...
Blog Post

Challenges and Opportunity in the Amazon Forest with Dr. Carlos Nobre

Sarah Peyton ·
how close the Amazon forest is to a tipping point of “savannization” and the consequences of that for the maintenance of the world’s largest tropical rainforest.
Blog Post

‘Surprised and concerned’: Scientists find groundwater extracted by humans has shifted tilt of Earth’s axis (

Earth Photograph:( AFP ) To read more of the Seoul, South Korea's article, please click here. A new study has left scientists surprised and concerned after it was found that humans have pumped out so much groundwater in the past two decades that it has shifted the tilt of the Earth’s axis. According to the findings of the research published in Geophysical Research Letters, a journal by the American Geophysical Union, the Earth has tilted as much as 80 centimetres (31.5 inches) between 1993...
Blog Post

New York is suing the world’s biggest meat company. It might be a tipping point for greenwashing (

JBS is the parent company of the Swift, Certified Angus Beef, Pilgrim’s Pride and Grass Run Farms brands. Photograph: The Washington Post/Getty Images To read more of Whitney Bauck's article, please click here. When the office of the New York attorney general, Letitia James, announced that it would be suing the world’s largest meat company, JBS, for misleading customers about its climate commitments, it caused a stir far beyond the world of food. That’s because the suit’s impact has the...
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