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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "Youth survey data"

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How do you go about getting an ACE study for your State? We need one In Michigan!!!

Former Member ·
Maybe this is not the place for this --- but Michigan needs it's own ACE survey. Sure it will tell us the same thing every other ACE study from every state does. But I think every state needs an ACE study and this information can help us with local...
Ask the Community

Maryland State BRFSS Data

Brenda Yuen ·
Today I attended the first Webinar part talking about building ACEs and Trauma-Informed Care Communities. There was discussion regarding individual states who have included ACE data in their BRFSS, of which Maryland (my state) conducted such a data collection in 2015. I asked the group where I could find the data from my state and I was referred to both and the Acesconnection community "State ACEs Action". I've searched both sites for ACEs data and found nothing. Could...
Ask the Community

State Legislative Efforts? Like the Vermont Bill For Example.

Former Member ·
I am adding this discussion to ask you all to help me collate data on States (like Vermont) that are working on writing legislation to require training for  Physicians and other providers to make ACEs screening something Physicians/Mental Health...

Re: How do you go about getting an ACE study for your State? We need one In Michigan!!!

Kathy Hentcy ·
By "ACEs Study," do you mean the full-blown type of study conducted by Drs. Felitti and Anda? Or do you mean collection of the ACEs data for your state? If it's the former, I don't know. If it's the latter, I can offer some suggestions. Your public health department would be lthe place to start. They conduct the yearly behavioral risk factor surveillance system surveys, and they would have to add the ACE module to their survey. Some helpful information on this: As you may know, the BRFSS is...

Re: How do you go about getting an ACE study for your State? We need one In Michigan!!!

Former Member ·
I just found out the Children's Trust Fund provided the Money and the ACE questions were added to the Behavioral Risk Survey in 2013. The CDC has to approve the data and then The Children's Trust Fund of Michigan and DHS Michigan will approve letting the data to the public. Thanks Every one. It sounds like in 1 or 2 months (maybe sooner we will have our state ACE data). Hooray!!!

Re: Improving the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Scale

Kathy Hentcy ·
Tina, in Vermont, we are working with our legislature. Elizabeth Prewit did two (?) pieces about the Vermont activity, which I'm sure you can find on the ACEs Connection website. I took issue with them on prescisely this issue - the screening. The ACE study is an incredibly valuable study. It is a watershed moment in the childhood trauma world. It did not, however, develop screening tools, and it is not "trauma informed." The ten-item ACE questionnaire is not a validated screen - it came out...

Re: Improving the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study Scale

Robert Olcott ·
Kathy, I very much appreciate the clarification of concerns, and objections you noted above. I wish that I had seen it sooner. I've had periodic discussions with one Vermont House member-who's a retired School Principal- and he didn't clarify the concerns as well as your post above. I believe you have articulated a reasonable argument as it applies to both the 2013 Vermont House Bill 762, and use of the ACE questions in the annual State BRFSS (Behavioral Risk Factor Survey Study)-even though...

Re: Maryland State BRFSS Data

Robert Olcott ·
Brenda Yuen - I don't know how many states use 'sub-contractors' for their BRFSS data collection/analysis, but NH- which had not been collecting ACEs data in their annual BRFSS-at least until 2015, had been using Northrup-Grumman as the sub-contractor. I don't know if a 'national company' like Northrup-Grumman may also sub-contract to other states, but if this makes your research task any easier, I hope it helps. A [Maryland] Legislative candidate I know, who's familiar with ACEs, may also...

Re: Maryland State BRFSS Data

Jonathan Willias ·
Brenda, I admire your doggedness in pursuing this-you've been after basic data for years! I too would like ACEs info regarding Maryland. Here on the eastern shore we are finally having what I believe is our first, open to the public, training/presentation on trauma and ACEs: Sept. 13, 6-8pm, Easton, HS. 'Healing Neen' will be shown and 'Neen' will speak. For more info contact Talbot Co. DSS. Jonathan Williams

Re: Maryland State BRFSS Data

Barbara Ann O'Neal ·
Did anyone ever find it? Is it possible that the data was collected/stored when they did the ALICE data collection through United Way? Barbara Ann
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