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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "Billing parents"

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Think beyond ACEs screening, advises California funders workgroup in new report

Jane Stevens ·
Californians have experienced an alarming epidemic of adverse childhood experiences. Between 2011 and 2017, 60 percent of Californians reported experiencing at least one type of childhood adversity; about 16 percent experienced four or more. People who experience four or more ACEs are 1.5 times as likely to have heart disease, 1.9 times as likely to have a stroke, and 3.2 times as likely to have asthma as people who have experienced no ACEs. (For more information about ACEs and ACEs science,...
Blog Post

New California preventive mental health coverage puts ACEs science front and center

Laurie Udesky ·
A mother, frantic with worry, brought her newborn in for a checkup at the pediatric clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. But there wasn’t anything wrong with the baby. And over the next several months, no amount of reassurance could convince the mom that her child was eating, sleeping and growing just fine. If anything, the mother’s worry led to behavior that raised alarm bells for her health care providers. Dr. Kate Margolis “[The family] wasn’t returning calls from the provider, and...
Blog Post

The Latest Updates from California Children's Trust

Laurie Kappe ·
Read on to learn about our recent work to advance the transformation of children's mental health. Listen to recordings of other Critical Conversations, and find out how we are Raising Awareness and Taking Action With Our Partners. Critical Conversations In Case You Missed These Webinars NAMI Annual Conference. On October 12 Alex Briscoe and Jevon Wilkes, CCT’s Director or Youth Engagement and the Executive Director of California Youth Coalition (CCY) presented results from a new survey on...
Blog Post

Highlights from Michigan—one of four states to receive CDC funding for preventing ACEs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just launched a three-year, four-state, $6-million project, “Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE-D2A)” with the potential to energize an already blossoming movement of statewide community-based initiatives to address ACEs. The CDC awards of $500,000 annually for three years, announced on August 25 , were given to the Department of Public Health in Georgia and Massachusetts, the Office of Early Childhood in...
Blog Post

Opportunity to sign on to “A Trauma-Informed Agenda for the First 100 Days of the Biden-Harris Administration”—Deadline Dec. 8th

The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ) is inviting individuals and organizations to express their support for a set of executive actions for the Biden-Harris Administration to take “to address trauma and build resilience throughout the country.” Most of these actions could be taken early in the Administration and would not require congressional action with the exception of some recommendations that could be included in a new stimulus package. The recommendations are...
Blog Post

New York lawmaker leads effort to fund training of mandated reporters about childhood trauma

New York Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi pushes a small investment that can have a big impact on trauma experienced by children and families during pandemic.
Blog Post

Legislative win to be celebrated in New York on ACEs Awareness Day April 30

When advocates gather (virtually) to commemorate ACEs Awareness Day on April 30, there will be lots to celebrate—most specifically, the inclusion of language about ACEs in the FY 21-22 New York State budget (see attached document for the link to the budget and ACEs text). It calls for mandated reporters to be educated about “ACEs, the importance of protective factors and the availability of services for children at risk for suffering from ACEs.” It also requires the Office of Child and...
Blog Post

April 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Thank you to everyone who was able to join this month's CTIPP CAN call, and a special thank you to Dan Jurman, Dave Ellis, Commissioner Christine Beyer, and Angela Medrano Sanchez for their wonderful and informative presentations about the work in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We learned about strategies that have proven effective for launching statewide trauma-informed initiatives. If you were unable to join, would like to watch again, or want to share with others, you can find the call...
Blog Post

Major Child Welfare Bills Pass in New York, Texas, Oregon []

The early summer has seen a slew of high-impact state legislation on child welfare and youth justice. Last week, New York lawmakers moved several landmark bills while punting a few to next year’s legislative session. Among the biggest moves: The state will now give parents whose rights have been terminated a path to court-ordered contact with their children, even those who have been adopted from foster care. Children below the age of 12 can no longer be arrested and processed in New York’s...
Blog Post

Updated PACEs Connection resource: State ACEs and Trauma-Informed Laws and Resolutions Map

Natalie Audage ·
PACEs Connection is excited to share our updated interactive State ACEs and Trauma-Informed Laws and Resolutions Map . This resource catalogs all state laws and resolutions related to ACEs and trauma-informed care. The information is available in three easy-to-use formats: For those of you who want to see laws and resolutions passed in a particular state, we have created a clickable map . If you would like to play with the data and explore in more detail, the information is also available in...
Blog Post

Highlights from Minnesota—CDC funding for preventing ACEs addresses violence prevention in American Indian communities and services for families impacted by incarceration

After the disappointing news that the state’s application for CDC’s Preventing ACEs: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) program was not successful, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) staffer Kari Gloppen, who was involved in writing the proposal, was thrilled and surprised when CDC granted $400,000 annually in funding for the final two years of the three-year program. Before the stunning reversal, Gloppen along with Catherine Diamond, now co-principal investigators for the PACE: D2A program,...
Blog Post

Childhood exposure to trauma costs society $458 billion annually (

Author: Michelle W. Berger's article, Childhood exposure to trauma costs society $ 458 billion annually. Children are exposed to crime in a number of ways. They become victims themselves or witness violence against a family member or someone in their community. Sometimes they feel the aftershocks simply by having a parent who experienced such an event firsthand. This is true for millions of children in the United States each year, and the consequences are well-documented: The children suffer...
Blog Post

How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (

Carey Sipp ·
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post

Review of “First 60 Days” booklet: Leveraging author’s work and movement could spark revolution to prevent and heal trauma, one precious baby, child, and caregiver at a time.

Carey Sipp ·
(This is a review of what I believe is an important new resource for the PACEs [for positive and adverse childhood experiences] science movement. Opinions expressed are my own, and are shared as a parent, advocate, author, and longtime student of trauma, healing, and prevention. Thoughts are also shared through my lens as someone who believes, deeply, in the incredible importance of and value in building healthier, more compassionate communities to support and nurture pregnant and new...
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