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State PACEs Action

Tagged With "juvenile justice system"

Blog Post

How Nonprofits Can Stop Trump’s Effort to Roll Back Diversity Training (

The abbreviation “EO” often stands for “executive order.” But when used in connection with President Donald Trump’s Executive Order on Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping , which perversely protects racism and sexism, EO could just as easily mean “extremely Orwellian.” We start with the chaos that is already occurring. The immediate—and predictable—result of a series of White House directives is that federal agencies have started canceling trainings, including the US Environmental Protection...
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Investing in Community Resilience Webinar: Advocating for Trauma-Informed Policy and Systems Change

Aaron Weibe ·
Building on the Foundation’s Trauma-Informed Philanthropy series, we are pleased to present a 10-month learning series, Investing in Community Resilience . This series, presented in partnership with the Scattergood Foundation, will provide vital information to funders and cooperative extension professionals for developing trauma-informed, healing-centered approaches in their work. Please join us for the sixth and final webinar in the series, Advocating for Trauma-Informed Policy and Systems...
Blog Post

Spreading the Science: Michigan's NEAR Collaborative Aims to Infuse ACEs Science into State Departments and Agencies

Anndee Hochman ·
Mary Mueller likes to call herself an “opportunistic infection.” What that means is that Mueller, project coordinator for trauma-informed systems in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), is determined to share the science of ACEs and resilience wherever she goes. After Mueller attended the state’s first ACE master trainer two day session hosted by the Michigan ACE Initiative , she wanted to bring the foundational science shared by ACE Interface back home—to her MDHHS...
Blog Post

New Report: ACEs BRFSS Data Report- An Overview of Adverse Childhood Experiences in California

Elena Costa ·
A newly developed document titled “Adverse Childhood Experiences Data Report: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), 2011-2017: An Overview of Adverse Childhood Experiences in California” has just been released and can be found following link and attached to this blog post. The purpose of this resource is to report state and county prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in California; describe ACEs-related geographic and demographic disparities; and to offer details...
Blog Post

Think beyond ACEs screening, advises California funders workgroup in new report

Jane Stevens ·
Californians have experienced an alarming epidemic of adverse childhood experiences. Between 2011 and 2017, 60 percent of Californians reported experiencing at least one type of childhood adversity; about 16 percent experienced four or more. People who experience four or more ACEs are 1.5 times as likely to have heart disease, 1.9 times as likely to have a stroke, and 3.2 times as likely to have asthma as people who have experienced no ACEs. (For more information about ACEs and ACEs science,...
Blog Post

New California preventive mental health coverage puts ACEs science front and center

Laurie Udesky ·
A mother, frantic with worry, brought her newborn in for a checkup at the pediatric clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. But there wasn’t anything wrong with the baby. And over the next several months, no amount of reassurance could convince the mom that her child was eating, sleeping and growing just fine. If anything, the mother’s worry led to behavior that raised alarm bells for her health care providers. Dr. Kate Margolis “[The family] wasn’t returning calls from the provider, and...
Blog Post

OK25by25 Moves the Needle on Child Well-Being Metrics in Oklahoma

Anndee Hochman ·
The leaders of OK25by25 learned about Resilience and took it on the road. Pre-COVID, they traveled the state from Bartlesville in the northeast corner to rural Duncan in the south, showing Jamie Redford’s film about ACEs science and brain development to more than 13,000 people: teachers and attorneys, CASA workers and district judges, physicians and parents. Sometimes 300 people would gather to see the film and participate in a panel discussion; other times, it was an audience of twelve.
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The Latest Updates from California Children's Trust

Laurie Kappe ·
Read on to learn about our recent work to advance the transformation of children's mental health. Listen to recordings of other Critical Conversations, and find out how we are Raising Awareness and Taking Action With Our Partners. Critical Conversations In Case You Missed These Webinars NAMI Annual Conference. On October 12 Alex Briscoe and Jevon Wilkes, CCT’s Director or Youth Engagement and the Executive Director of California Youth Coalition (CCY) presented results from a new survey on...
Blog Post

Highlights from Michigan—one of four states to receive CDC funding for preventing ACEs

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just launched a three-year, four-state, $6-million project, “Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences: Data to Action (PACE-D2A)” with the potential to energize an already blossoming movement of statewide community-based initiatives to address ACEs. The CDC awards of $500,000 annually for three years, announced on August 25 , were given to the Department of Public Health in Georgia and Massachusetts, the Office of Early Childhood in...
Blog Post

How Massachusetts is leveraging $1.5 million CDC grant to focus on preventing ACEs, increasing positive childhood experiences

Nicole Daley (left), Director, Division of Violence and Injury Prevention, Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) and Lauren Cardoso, Epidemiologist, Child & Youth Violence Prevention, MDPH Nicole Daley and Lauren Cardoso were just a few months into their new positions with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) when COVID-19 and racial reckoning swept across the United States, creating both challenge and opportunity in their work. In this new environment, Daley...
Blog Post

Opportunity to sign on to “A Trauma-Informed Agenda for the First 100 Days of the Biden-Harris Administration”—Deadline Dec. 8th

The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ) is inviting individuals and organizations to express their support for a set of executive actions for the Biden-Harris Administration to take “to address trauma and build resilience throughout the country.” Most of these actions could be taken early in the Administration and would not require congressional action with the exception of some recommendations that could be included in a new stimulus package. The recommendations are...
Blog Post

Biden-Harris transition announces key health nominees, including Surgeon General and CDC

Photo (top left to bottom right): California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Dr. Vivek Murthy, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Dr. Marcella Nunez-Smith Over the last several days, the Biden-Harris transition has announced a number of key health nominees and appointees of keen interest to the ACEs/trauma/resilience advocacy movement. While the positions taken by President-Elect Biden are consistent with the broad policy priorities of many trauma/resilience advocacy organizations, the campaign...
Blog Post

Federal Opportunities to Advance Child Health Transformation and Spread HOPE []

Chloe Yang ·
Charles Bruner and Kay Johnson, 12/21/20, Our country and the world are eager to move toward the coming new year. In 2020, the triple crises of the COVID-19 pandemic, economic downturn, and reckoning on racism have elevated attention to social injustice in both the health care system and our country as a whole. Because of COVID-19, the public and policy leaders have heightened awareness of the importance of physicians, nurses, community health workers, child care...
Blog Post

'Toxic Individualism': Pandemic Politics Driving Health Care Workers From Small Towns (

The virus infecting thousands of Americans a day is also attacking the country's social fabric. The coronavirus has exposed a weakness in many rural communities, where divisive pandemic politics are alienating some of their most critical residents — health care workers. A wave of departing medical professionals would leave gaping holes in the rural health care system, and small-town economies, triggering a death spiral in some of these areas that may be hard to stop. More than a quarter of...
Blog Post

We are Overdue for a Revolution in Child Welfare []

By Jessica Pryce and Amelia Franck Meyer, The Imprint, January 4, 2021 Although child welfare reform has been a topic of conversation for many years, what is often meant by “reform” is evolutionary or incremental change, which are efforts to make the current system better, but not fundamentally different. But many systems leaders who operate significantly improved versions of the current system agree that it still falls short of meeting the needs of families. The Biden administration...
Blog Post

What’s in the Biden-Harris $1.9 trillion stimulus package to strengthen families, especially if reforms are made permanent

If you are finding it hard to keep track of all the Executive Orders, presidential directives, and release of plans by the Biden-Harris Administration and you’re interested in the key elements that hold promise for strengthening families and improving the lives of children, you might find the succinct 19-page document on the American Rescue Plan (the $1.9 trillion relief plan) valuable in an ever more complicated policy and political landscape. The recommendations in this document (also...
Blog Post

Including Indigenous Perspectives in Your Organization (

We were really excited to stumble on the Towards Braiding project. The project looks at the troubled terrain of non-Indigenous people or organizations trying to develop relationships with Indigenous people. Questions for Non-Indigenous Organizations They have a worksheet for non-Indigenous organizations that includes reflections on a series of questions: What do you expect the Indigenous perspective to do for you? What kind of learning are you willing to do? What are the hidden costs and...
Blog Post

COVID-19 cases, new syndrome on the rise among children, especially Latino children (

“We are at a critical time because the overall number of cases of COVID are increasing so much,” said Dr. Jackie Szmuszkovicz, pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. “We are seeing more children with MIS-C the last few weeks following that big increase (of cases) in the community.” MIS-C , or Multi-system Inflammatory Syndrome in Children, is the name of a new inflammatory syndrome that afflicts a small number of kids three to six weeks after they experienced coronavirus,...
Blog Post

It’s Time for Philanthropy to Be Brave (

Amid the dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racial injustice, we’ve seen how untenable and inequitable our society’s way of life has become. If we are to truly build back better — a phrase coined by disaster relief experts and championed by many, including President Joe Biden, during 2020 — then we must also build a better, braver philanthropy: one that eschews tinkering around the edges of a broken system, for supporting ambitious new solutions that shape new systems where everyone has a right...
Blog Post

ASTHO provides significant support to state and territorial health agencies to prevent ACEs

When the Association of State and Territorial Health Organizations (ASTHO) fielded the ACEs capacity assessment tool (ACECAT) in 2019, it prompted a 75% response rate, reflecting the states’ growing awareness of the impact of ACEs on health and eagerness to add to the body of knowledge about states’ activities and capacities around ACEs. After participating in the ACECAT, Nicole Daley, Director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Division of Violence and Injury Prevention,...
Blog Post

April 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Thank you to everyone who was able to join this month's CTIPP CAN call, and a special thank you to Dan Jurman, Dave Ellis, Commissioner Christine Beyer, and Angela Medrano Sanchez for their wonderful and informative presentations about the work in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. We learned about strategies that have proven effective for launching statewide trauma-informed initiatives. If you were unable to join, would like to watch again, or want to share with others, you can find the call...
Blog Post

Biden Is Giving Child Care 'Prime-Time Attention.' Can He Actually Transform It? []

By Alisha Haridasani Gupta, The New York Times, April 29, 2021 The last time America came close to creating a national child care system was in 1971. There were a total of 15 women in Congress. And a young Joe Biden, then a councilman in New Castle County, Del., was beginning to consider running for a Senate seat. But President Richard Nixon vetoed what was a largely bipartisan effort , worried that it would have “family-weakening implications.” Now, as president, Mr. Biden plans to vastly...
Blog Post

North Carolina launches first-in-the-nation statewide task force on ACEs-informed courts

Carey Sipp ·
(l-r) Judge Andrew Heath, Chief Justice Paul Newby, District Attorney Ben David Plans to integrate practices and policies based on the science of adverse childhood experiences in North Carolina’s 6,500-person,100-county statewide judiciary were announced today by Chief Justice Paul Newby. The announcement featured a presentation by Ben David, district attorney for North Carolina’s 13th District, that focused on building community health, the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs),...
Blog Post

American Rescue Plan provides funding for issues laid bare by pandemic, structural & racial inequities, plus trauma-informed projects

Carey Sipp ·
There may have been attendees with more questions than answers following a recent webinar on federal funding coming as the result of the American Rescue Plan Act. But much was made clear in the webinar sponsored by PACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP). For star ters, said Marlo Nash, “ The pandemic is continuing to impact physical, mental, social, and economic health, and pretty much every public system and the people who are in those systems. It...
Blog Post

NJ spends $445K a year to lock a kid up. We’ve got a better idea. | Opinion By Charles Loflin | Star Ledger Guest Columnist

Dwana Young ·
New Jersey plans to spend a staggering $445,504 per incarcerated youth in 2022 to house them in facilities that are almost 80% empty. The time is now for New Jersey to close its youth prisons and invest in community-based alternatives. The current system, with its focus wholly on punishment rather than rehabilitation, the current system leaves whole communities — as well as the families of both victims and offenders — with unresolved trauma that continues to reverberate long after the...
Blog Post

Major Child Welfare Bills Pass in New York, Texas, Oregon []

The early summer has seen a slew of high-impact state legislation on child welfare and youth justice. Last week, New York lawmakers moved several landmark bills while punting a few to next year’s legislative session. Among the biggest moves: The state will now give parents whose rights have been terminated a path to court-ordered contact with their children, even those who have been adopted from foster care. Children below the age of 12 can no longer be arrested and processed in New York’s...
Blog Post

New York Votes to Raise the Minimum Age of Arrest From Seven to 12, Reform Awaits Cuomo's Signature []

By Michael Fitzgerald, The Imprint, June 11, 2021 Upending laws on the books since at least 1909, the New York Legislature passed a historic justice reform this week that bars the arrest and prosecution of children who are 11 years old and as young as 7. More than a hundred young children are arrested and prosecuted in New York each year, overwhelmingly Black and Latino children who face off with law enforcement in their earliest years of life. If signed into law by Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D),...
Blog Post

How the American Rescue Plan Act will help cities replace police with trained crisis teams for mental health emergencies []

Gail Kennedy ·
By Stuart M. Butler and Nehath Sheriff, Brookings, June 22, 2021 L ast November, we co-authored a Brookings report on alternatives to police as first responders when dealing with people experiencing a mental health crisis. In the report, we drew attention to pathbreaking examples and innovative strategies from around the country that are using specially trained crisis intervention teams rather than armed police. We also highlighted a range of steps needed for such teams to become the...
Blog Post

State Sites on PACEs Connection (PC)

The designation of “state initiative” in this list refers to a formal statewide collaboration that is community-based and cross-sector with a primary focus on ACEs science—trauma-informed—resilience policy and practice. * State level advocates are planning to form a state initiative but have not yet created a formal organization. AL Alabama No AC site. No initiative. AK Trauma and Resilience Work in Alaska Community members, advocates, and professionals who share the goals to reduce trauma...
Blog Post

States Collecting ACE Data in the BRFSS through 2020

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) listed the ACEs questions as an “Optional Module” for states and territories to administer through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) since 2009.  The BRFSS is...
Blog Post

July 2021 CTIPP CAN Call Follow Up - Using Trauma-Informed and Faith-Based Approaches to Overcome Poverty

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
Thank you to all who joined our incredible CTIPP CAN call on Wednesday. We are grateful for all who participated, but want to especially thank Jen Curt for the overview of the STRONG Support for Children Act, and Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz and Sanghoon Yoo for their wonderful presentations about their work. You can find the recording from the July CTIPP CAN call here . There were so many valuable resources shared. Attached to this email are both powerpoints from Rebecca and Sanghoon, and they...
Blog Post

Advocates rally around bipartisan RISE from Trauma Act that includes $600 million annually for community coalitions

As Congress heads toward the August recess, President Biden’s major domestic priorities are included in the framework announced on July 14 along with Democratic congressional leaders. Biden and party leaders agreed on a top-level number of $3.5 trillion for major programs including an extension of the child tax credit, universal pre-K, two years of free community college, child care support, climate provisions, expansion of the Affordable Care Act, and more. The path to enactment is far from...
Blog Post

The most powerful bill that Congress has ever introduced to address childhood and familial trauma [CTIPP]

Jesse Maxwell Kohler ·
PACES Connection and CTIPP invite you to join us on a Zoom call for statewide coordinators and community managers rom around the country on Wednesday July 28th from 1:00-2:00pm ET/10-11am PT The call will cover several important and urgent issues coming out of Washington. First, a bipartisan group of four Senators has introduced the RISE from Trauma Act ( one-page summary attached ). This is the most powerful bill that Congress has ever introduced to address childhood and familial trauma in...
Blog Post

From 6 states in 2009 to 50 + DC in 2020, all US states now collect ACEs data

Over the last dozen years (2009-2020), every state and the District of Columbia have included the ACEs module in the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Survey at least once—many multiple times—achieving a significant milestone in the PACEs (ACEs/trauma/resilience) movement. In 2009, the first year that the ACEs module was available for inclusion in the BRFSS, only Arkansas, California, Louisiana, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Washington participated. Since 2009, the US...
Blog Post

What’s in the Build Back Better bill to address ACEs and adverse community environments

PHOTO OF AN EXCERPT FROM THE NOVEMBER 3, 2021 RULES COMMITTEE PRINT 117–18 TEXT OF H.R. 5376, BUILD BACK BETTER ACT [Showing the text of H.R. 5376, as reported by the Committee on the Budget, with modifications.] With President Biden signing the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act ( bridges, roads, internet access, etc.) November 15, it’s a good time to focus on the substance—not the legislative sausage-making—of the Build Back Better bill. The House of Representatives could...
Blog Post

Need to fund your resilience initiative? Here’s how.

Carey Sipp ·
Chart is sample page from county-by-county funding allocated as part of ARPA. Information is available by clicking here. This is the first of several articles on the importance of any resilience-focused entity, including your PACEs Connection community, seeking out the people in your area allocating ARPA funding and asking for money. Organizations do not necessarily have to be 501 C-3 nonprofits to receive funding. Thanks to federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to states in April...
Blog Post

State Actions To Prevent And Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences [National Governors Association]

The National Governors Association along with the Duke Margolis Center for Health Policy and the National Academy for State Health Policy, released today, December 9, the report "State Actions To Prevent And Mitigate Adverse Childhood Experiences." The Executive Summary is included below. To read the entire report, click here. An article about the NGA Learning Collaborative and this report will be posted soon on PACEs Connection. Preventing and mitigating adverse childhood experiences and...
Blog Post

In new report, governors reveal rich variety of approaches to address ACEs

“There is no way that Delaware would have built the connections and gained the understanding that we have without participating in the National Governors Association (NGA) Addressing ACEs Learning Collaborative ,” says Alonna Berry. Berry, Delaware’s statewide trauma-informed care coordinator, said that the impact (of the Collaborative) was “really immeasurable to the progress being made in Delaware.” The 12-page NGA report , released December 9, captures the essence of a variety of...
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Addressing Anti-Asian Attacks With Transformative Justice (

Between March and August of 2020, Stop AAPI Hate received more than 2,583 reports of anti-Asian hate crimes nationwide, and these incidents go grossly underreported. The alarming jobless rate of Asian Americans and the high COVID-19 mortality rate among Pacific Islanders, which is double that of White and other Asian people , continue to be left out of mainstream narratives when discussing the disproportionate economic and health impacts of the pandemic on people of color. The Model Minority...
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Updated PACEs Connection resource: State ACEs and Trauma-Informed Laws and Resolutions Map

Natalie Audage ·
PACEs Connection is excited to share our updated interactive State ACEs and Trauma-Informed Laws and Resolutions Map . This resource catalogs all state laws and resolutions related to ACEs and trauma-informed care. The information is available in three easy-to-use formats: For those of you who want to see laws and resolutions passed in a particular state, we have created a clickable map . If you would like to play with the data and explore in more detail, the information is also available in...
Blog Post

Highlights from Minnesota—CDC funding for preventing ACEs addresses violence prevention in American Indian communities and services for families impacted by incarceration

After the disappointing news that the state’s application for CDC’s Preventing ACEs: Data to Action (PACE: D2A) program was not successful, Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) staffer Kari Gloppen, who was involved in writing the proposal, was thrilled and surprised when CDC granted $400,000 annually in funding for the final two years of the three-year program. Before the stunning reversal, Gloppen along with Catherine Diamond, now co-principal investigators for the PACE: D2A program,...
Blog Post

Is Your IDD Organization/System Ready Yet for Trauma-Informed Care? Attend this FREE Webinar to Find Out. April 5th or April 18th

Steve Brown, Psy.D. ·
Dr. Karyn Harvey, noted expert on trauma with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) argues, “Trauma in people with IDD is the elephant in the room.” Yet, few IDD organizations train their staff about trauma, address trauma in the people they support, or recognize how re-traumatization can happen in their programs. This 60-minute webinar will discuss how TIC could strengthen your organization and how to determine your readiness to make this rewarding change.
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The Federal Budget is a Statement of Our Values. Thanks to You, It's Beginning to Look More Trauma-Informed.

Jen Curt ·
The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) reflects on progress made in the recently-passed Fiscal Year 2022 budget and the fight ahead in FY23. Congress passes appropriations legislation annually to fund the federal government, including federal agencies and their programs for businesses and local governments. Each year, funding levels are subject to change: while new programs begin and others grow, some shrink or are cut altogether. CTIPP is working toward a society that...
Blog Post

Will the new national 988 hotline improve the response to mental health crises? (

Image: (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images) Communities across the country have pushed for years to divert emergency mental health calls away from 911 and police. Now, as the nation launches the 988 calling code for mental health crises, some advocates wonder if the system is ready to deliver real-time, culturally appropriate services to meet the immense demand. In 2020, Congress passed the National Suicide Hotline Designation Act establishing 988 as the universal number to call for free...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program

Iya Affo ·
Iya Affo & Heal Historical Trauma Presents New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from...
Blog Post

Childhood exposure to trauma costs society $458 billion annually (

Author: Michelle W. Berger's article, Childhood exposure to trauma costs society $ 458 billion annually. Children are exposed to crime in a number of ways. They become victims themselves or witness violence against a family member or someone in their community. Sometimes they feel the aftershocks simply by having a parent who experienced such an event firsthand. This is true for millions of children in the United States each year, and the consequences are well-documented: The children suffer...
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KIDS COUNT finds American children are in a mental health crisis (

To read the Philanthropy News Digest article and download the 50-page report, please click here. More than seven million children in the United States are struggling with anxiety, depression, and related mental health challenges in what amounts to a mental health crisis across race, ethnicity, economics, and sexual identity, a report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation finds. The KIDS COUNT Data Book: 2022 (50 pages, PDF)—the foundation’s annual assessment of the well-being of children...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

Iya Affo ·
NOT TOO LATE FOR COHORT 1!! Also registering for COHORT 2!! New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various...
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Register and join the November 16th CTIPP CAN Call

Jesse Kohler ·
This month’s CTIPP CAN call will pilot a new tool – Airmeet – to further the movement’s ability to network and connect with other passionate advocates and practitioners. Airmeet enhances our ability to provide more interactive and engaging presentations, breakout sessions, polling, and more. Join us to help test out the new platform’s features and networking capabilities, as well as join important discussions and provide feedback about CTIPP to help us continue to better propel the movement...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

Iya Affo ·
New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely...
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