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Sonoma County PACEs Connection (CA)

Tagged With "Resilient Beginnings Collaborative"

Blog Post

Sonoma County Office of Education January Bulletin: Trauma-Informed Teaching and Fostering Resilience

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
This month the Sonoma County Office of Education dedicated their January Bulletin to raising awareness on Trauma-Informed Teaching Knowing Our Students’ Stories and Fostering Resilience. "Recent social and scientific research calls upon educators to provide student with not only academic learning, but also the social and emotional tools needed to be successful in life. We once though subjects like math and history to be disconnected from basic social skills and emotional resilience. Now,...
Blog Post

Sonoma County Resiliency Collaborative A Practical Approach to Post-Wildlife Resilience and Wellbeing

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The traumatic events of the North Bay wildfires affect our emotional and physical health, social functioning, and overall well-being, both as individuals and as a community. Unresolved, they can damage our health and limit our potential to rebuild a strong community. Join diverse Sonoma County leaders and representatives to participate in dynamic workshop where you will practice tools for effectively addressing personal and team stress after the fires, network with peers, and learn about an...
Blog Post

SPOTLIGHT ON: How to be Trauma Informed (repost from Echo Parenting)

Andi Fetzner ·
Okay, we’ve got it: Not “what’s wrong with you?” but “What happened to you?” That explosive outburst? The child who cannot concentrate at school? The domestic violence survivor who is in a constant state of hyper-vigilance? Yes, most of us in family services are now able to recognize trauma-symptoms and respond with empathy… most of the time. But what does it mean to be truly trauma-informed? For a start, it means that we have patience with others and ourselves as we seek to acquire the...
Blog Post

Stop Dreaming & Start Doing

Lori Chelius ·
With graduation season upon us, I have been thinking a lot about one of my favorite graduation speeches. It’s the speech that Shonda Rhimes, creator of Grey’s Anatomy, gave in 2014 at Dartmouth College. She references the typical expected advice from a graduation speech: “Follow your dreams. Listen to your spirit. Change the world. Make your mark. Find your inner voice and make it sing. Embrace failure. Dream. Dream and dream big..." And then she says, “I think that’s crap.”
Blog Post

Syrian Children in a state of Toxic Stress

Elizabeth Najmabadi ·
An article posted by BBC News captures what the children of Syria are experiencing and how many of these children don't know anything but war. This is a huge public health concern that could lead to irreversible damage to an entire generation of children. Save the Children shares, "Millions of Syrian Children could be living in a state of "Toxic Stress" due to prolonged exposure to the horrors of war." I have attached the Report, Invisible Wounds produced by Save the Children if you're...
Blog Post

Who Cares for the Caregivers?

Allen K. Nishikawa ·
(A written version of a presentation given at the February Sonoma County ACEs Connection meeting.) Sonoma County ACEs Connection is trying out a new meeting topic focusing on personal stories. There are three reasons why personal stories are useful and powerful. The first is that people like and learn from stories. People learn in different ways, and Powerpoint presentations aren’t for everyone. The second reason is that we’re hoping to involve more members by encouraging them to share their...
Blog Post

Workshop for Sonoma County ACEs Connection group members

Jane Stevens ·
If you're interested in becoming more involved in facilitating the work of the Sonoma County ACEs Connection group, please consider attending a free communications workshop hosted by Berkeley Media Studies Group and the ACEs Connection Network on...
Blog Post

Youth trauma conference, UC Berkeley!

Robyn Gee ·
We are organizing a conference on March 4 at UC Berkeley called: Contextualizing and Understanding Youth Trauma and Cultivating Resilience. It's aimed at bringing together people who don't usually get to share knowledge: community practitioners, researchers, students, scientists and educators. We want to understand the biology and the social-contextual factors of trauma and its impact on youth.
Ask the Community

Feedback Wanted on Draft Working Guidelines for Sonoma County ACEs Connection

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Dear Friends, We plan to vote on adopting the attached working guidelines at our September 28, 2016 ACEs Connection Meeting. We are looking for folks to respond with specific edits for text changes by September 12, 2016. Please feel free to use track changes, notes, or simply to send an email with suggested edits and page numbers. Thank you!
Calendar Event

Andy's Unity Park Dedication

Calendar Event

Peacetown Family Village

Calendar Event

Trauma Informed Resilience Building Workshop

Calendar Event

Violence Prevention Workshop


Re: Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience...

Jondi Whitis ·
Karen, are these online webinars on recording now, still accessible?

Re: Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience...

Karen Clemmer ·
Hi Jondi, It looks like the trainings can be accessed through their website: I hope this is helpful! Karen

Re: Don't let the ACES train leave without you!

Sue Stephenson ·
Hi, Karen- Sorry to have missed the last meeting. Just some confusion about website and finding the meeting info.are upcoming meeting notices emailed to members? That would help me a lot, maybe a week prior . Did we hear about the grant?? I am excited to learn more about local resources and begin working with others. I would like to see a chart of resources ( tools ) and how they differ and what their best applications might be. It seems that could help to unite and focus ACEs more...

Re: Oreos, Apples, Coconuts and Bananas: The Precarious Position of Interpreters. Basic ACES Training for Providers, Part Three

Allen K. Nishikawa ·
Thanks Holly (and all the other persons who have commented on my posts): I enjoy reading all the scholarly articles and news stories about ACEs, but I also like reading personal stories. To me, ACES is about listening to a person's narrative and understanding that each person deals with their experiences in a special way. It is never a case of "You experienced X, so you must be Y as a result." (By the way, I 'm not suggesting that the incidents I described in my posts are, or should be...

Re: Back by popular demand: Group managers' workshop May 10! (Save the date!!)

Jane Stevens ·
Forgot to ask: Has NACCHO had presentations about ACEs at its conferences, or is it integrating the science of human development into its work? Also, re economics....Economist James Heckman has done a LOT of work in this area -- he and Felitti know each other. Check out his web site. The Ella Baker Center did an analysis of the cost of incarceration on families. The federal government is starting to study the health benefits and screening and linking to social services. Here's an article...

Re: Kaiser Supports North Bay's VOICES through Youth & Trauma Informed Care Grant

Karen Clemmer ·
Wonderful! It would be great if they could complete the Community Milestone Survey! Maybe there are other organizations that are also ready to begin completing the survey?

Re: Kaiser Supports North Bay's VOICES through Youth & Trauma Informed Care Grant

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Karen - can you share the link to the Survey that works for Sonoma County if this is not it?

Re: Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Deirdre Bernard-Pearl ·
Sharing this info about a summer institute for educators at Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center on the Science of Social Emotional Learning

Re: Early childhood educators learn new ways to spot trauma triggers, build resilience in preschoolers

Holly White-Wolfe ·
Wow! Thank you for sharing this story and for helping to make some of the learning accessible to those of us who weren't able to attend. This is very helpful information for Sonoma County educators and early childhood professionals who are serving families after our wildfires.

Re: Feedback Wanted on Draft Working Guidelines for Sonoma County ACEs Connection

Remy Fuentes ·
Hi there, Have these been officially adopted?
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