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Poverty in San Diego County higher than during Great Recession (


Data released last month by the Census Bureau supports that notion, showing that even as more San Diegans are finding work, more of them are falling into poverty.

An inewsource analysis of two Census Bureau surveys — one conducted between 2006-2010 and the other between 2011-2015 — shows that the countywide poverty rate grew from 12.3 to 14.5 percent. That’s an increase of 94,000 people living on incomes below the poverty line, enough to fill two Petco Parks.

The areas with the highest proportion of residents living below the poverty line were concentrated in a few spots: a stretch of neighborhoods from Barrio Logan east to Lincoln Park, City Heights, National City and parts of El Cajon and Chula Vista.

To read more of Joe Yerardi's article, please click here.

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Thanks Lynn for sharing your thoughts. Please click on the Annie E. Casey Foundation report "Engaging Parents - Developing Leaders" on the link below. Concurring with you, how can "we" be resident driven/peer led with our polices, practices, procedures and programs.

We know the transformation of families/parents is long lasting and ultimately, collective efficacy, when their voice and choice is honored, valued and respected. As more parents develop their leadership skills and more opportunities for their advocacy become embedded in the culture of our communities and systems that serve them, self-healing communities will evolve and our communities will wrap around residents with hope and healing.

Joe's article gives us some really good data but I feel like he points out women with young children as if they were them and the rest of  us readers are some point - despite congress and the president or maybe in-spite of them--we as a community should say no more hunger or no more diaper challenge or whatever--one family destitute is one too many...and do whatever we can whenever we can to help families.  Ideas?

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