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Youth Mental Health First Aid Training's 2016



 Get trained and certified in YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID (YMHFA)

 You could save a life.

 Community members, teachers, youth workers, and parents in 11 high-need Sacramento County neighborhoods will be trained in Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), at no cost to participants, through a 3-year project funded by a "Now is the Time" Project AWARE Community Grant from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). 

YMHFA is an 8-hour in-person certification training that teaches you how to help a young person who appears to be experiencing a mental health crisis or developing a mental health problem. The training helps you identify, understand, and respond appropriately to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. YMHFA is designed to provide up-to-date best practices for adults who interact regularly with young people (ages 12-18).

 To register for a YMHFA training, click on one of the dates below:

 Thurs., Feb. 25 and Fri., Feb 26 - 2 half-days, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (South Sac.)

Fri., March 18 - 1 full day, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (South Natomas)

Thurs., April 21 and Fri., April 22 - 2 half-days, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. (Del Paso Heights)

Fri., April 29 - 1 full day, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (South Sac.)

Co-hosted with the Health Education Council, for Sacramento Minority Youth Violence Prevention 

Collaborative and Community Partners, and South Sacramento Christian Center staff.

 Fri., May 20 - 1 full day, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Downtown)

 To register for a YMHFA training, click on one of the dates above.

More dates will be added. 


 PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION with youth-serving adults you know, including community leaders, educators, community-based organization staff, civil servants, parents, guardians, mentors, volunteers, congregation members, coaches, and elected officials, etc. who work, volunteer and/or live in the 11 California Capital-Project AWARE Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Capacity Building Initiative" (CALCAP-Project AWARE) zip codes listed below:


95660 - North Highlands

95815 - Old North Sacramento, Woodlake

95821 - Del Paso Manor

95838 - Del Paso Heights

95841 - Belmont Estates


95811 - Richards, Alkali Flats, Mansion Flats, Midtown, Richmond Grove, Southside Park

95814 - Downtown


95817 - Oak Park

95820 - Elmhurst, Tahoe Park, Oak Park

95824 - City Farms, Fruitridge Manor

95832 - Meadowview

 If you belong to a youth-serving organization or group that has impact in one of the 11 CALCAP-Project AWARE neighborhoods and if you would like more information on:

 *  requesting an on-site YMHFA training for 10-30 participants or

*  becoming a CALCAP-Project AWARE community organization partner

 Contact ONTRACK Program Resources at (916) 285-1810 or click here.



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Gail Kennedy posted:

Thanks for posting this information, Daniel. Here is a recent article that stresses reasons for people to become more aware of mental health issues, specifically through mental health first aid training:

Hi Gail, I'm one of the new instructors for Youth Mental Health First Aid in our community and I'm excited to be involved in bringing the training to our community. Great article, thanks for sharing.

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