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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "London ACEs network"

Blog Post

ACEs Connection Information

Gail Kennedy ·
This post has links to a quick welcome tour through ACEsConnection, a link to a How-To Directory where you can find easy steps to post a blog and many other cools things, a link to FAQs about ACEs Science 101, and an overview of the ACEs Connection Network, which includes and our sister news site for the general public,
Blog Post

Caring for Working Caregivers (

Caring for caregivers has become the new frontier in workplace management. Statistics reveal a massive and growing challenge worldwide for employees who must juggle their jobs with caring for elderly parents; a life partner with a health condition; or a disabled child, sibling, or close friend. In my own country, the United Kingdom, one in every nine employees (3 million people) is juggling a job and caring for a loved one. That figure will grow inexorably: The country’s 6.5 million carers...
Blog Post

The World’s First International Congress of Mindful Politicians (

Something quite extraordinary happened in the UK House of Commons on October 17 th . Forty politicians from 14 countries sat together in silence, practicing mindfulness with the guidance of Jon Kabat-Zinn . UK Ministers sat in contemplation alongside delegates who had flown in from as far away as Israel, Sri Lanka, Croatia and Sweden to explore their interest in mindfulness as an instrument of positive change. The world’s first international congress of mindful politicians then engaged in...
Blog Post

UK - The Kinship Care: State of the Nation Survey (Grandparents)

Dawn Cretney · The Kinship Care: State of the Nation Survey This report is based on a survey of members of the Grandparents Plus Kinship Care Support Network, which includes almost 4,000 kinship carers. The results are based on responses from 671 kinship carers living in England and Wales, making it the largest ever survey of its kind. Carried out in February 2017 using both online and postal...
Blog Post

Why governments should prioritize well being — [10 min - 2019 TEDTalk]

Jane Stevens ·
In 2018, Scotland, Iceland and New Zealand established the network of Wellbeing Economy Governments to challenge the acceptance of GDP as the ultimate measure of a country's success. In this visionary talk, First Minister of Scotland Nicola Sturgeon explains the far-reaching implications of a "well-being economy" -- which places factors like equal pay, childcare, mental health and access to green space at its heart -- and shows how this new focus could help build resolve to confront global ...
Blog Post

Employers need to do more to support adult survivors of childhood trauma

Serena Bradshaw ·
We now need the right climate in the workplace for survivors to talk openly and with full confidence so that their employer can provide appropriate support.
Blog Post

Facebook has started to use artificial intelligence to identify users of the network that could be at risk of suicide

Dawn Cretney ·
According to the BBC, Facebook has begun to develop algorithms that locate warning signs in users’ posts and the comments other users post in response to this. Once highlighted, the company’s human review team will assess the situation and, if necessary, contact those thought to be at risk of self-harm. They will subsequently suggest ways in which the user can seek help. Facebook has stated that this new technology is not only helpful but also critical to the well-being of users. So far, the...
Blog Post

How many children experience trauma and PTSD UK 🇬🇧

Dawn Cretney ·
This article intrigued me, is this purely PTSD or did it included identifying CPTSD or developmental trauma?... MRC-funded research from King’s College London suggests one in 13 young people in the UK have had post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) before reaching age 18. The first UK-based study of its kind, published in The Lancet Psychiatry, found 31% of young people had a traumatic experience during childhood, and those who were exposed to trauma were twice as likely as their peers to...
Blog Post

Making Connections Understanding how local agencies can better keep missing children safe

Dawn Cretney ·
The Childrens Society Report attached...
Blog Post

Neglected Children End Up With 'Smaller Brains' []

By James Gallagher, British Broadcasting Corporation, January 7, 2020 An early life full of neglect, deprivation and adversity leads to people growing up with smaller brains, a study suggests. The researchers at King's College London were following adopted children who spent time in "hellhole" Romanian orphanages. They grew up with brains 8.6% smaller than other adoptees. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

Paper Tigers - London screening (booking deadline today)

Tiane Graziottin ·
Hello, Everyone, Nice being in this community :). A screening of Paper Tigers is due to take place in London on 13th December. But, for this to happen, they need to sell 7 more tickets and the deadline is today (2nd December)... If you are based in London and see this post in time - and can afford the ticket! - please consider supporting the film. Here is the link: They already cancelled 2 screenings last month due to lack of attendees. It will be a...

Re: Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

Simon Partridge ·
Andrew thanks for your interesting contribution to the debate around ACEs. As a survivor of early trauma, having been sent to an English boarding school at the age of 6 in the late 1950s, I have followed the development of the ACEs movement closely in Britain and Ireland and in the USA. After careful consideration I am an advocate of an ACEs, trauma-informed approach to ameliorating trauma consequences [it makes a whole lot more sense than the orthodox psychoanalysis I was subjected to over...

Re: Paper Tigers - London screening (booking deadline today)

Tiane Graziottin ·
Following up from my above post... The screening has been confirmed and bookings have been extended! You still have an opportunity to attend if you can . Let's spread the word!
Blog Post

Epigenetics of Poverty: Why Children from Deprived Backgrounds are Hardwired for Poorer Health (

For those of us passionate about social justice and equality, it stands to reason that children growing up in disadvantaged backgrounds may struggle to reach the opportunities and privilege others take for granted. We also know that people from deprived areas tend to have worse health outcomes throughout life than people from better off communities [1] . Poverty has always had clear links to health, but now a biological explanation for part of this may be coming to light. Long-term research...

Re: London ACEs Hub

Tiane Graziottin ·
Please, do share, Gail. It'll be great! Happy Thanksgiving
Blog Post

London ACEs Hub

Tiane Graziottin ·
Dear All, It's with immense happiness/alegria that I inform you of the launch of our London ACEs Hub (LAH) website! We've put a lot of thought and love into the project. Feel welcome to visit the site, explore its pages and resources and spread the word far and wide! If you are involved with an ACEs and/or trauma-informed service in London or elsewhere, do let us know! We have two maps available on the site to share details about projects. We would love hearing...

Re: London ACEs Hub

Gail Kennedy ·
Congratulations! Can i share it widely on ACEs Connection's main site and in our Weekly Roundup? We at ACEs Connection are off for some R&R during our Thanksgiving break so we wont have a newsletter until next week (out on Weds Dec 4th) but I can be sure it will be shared then if that is OK?

Re: London ACEs Hub

Iya Affo ·
YES!!! Great to hear! All registered for the Racial Justice Open Conversation.
Blog Post

Toward Belonging: Call for Papers (Othering and Belonging Institute)

Karen Clemmer ·
Opportunity to share your story and help connect continents! The Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley is pleased to issue this Call for Papers which will commission content that examines belonging in the European region. The deadline for submitting an abstract is Dec. 31, 2020 . This work is part of its Toward Belonging initiative, which a ims to build a more connected and aligned field of work across regions and sectors that can mount an effective challenge to the rise of...
Blog Post

Whole People Watch Weekend on ACEs Connection (Dec. 11th - 13th)

Christine Cissy White ·
The Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences FREE Film Festival continues this weekend. Please join us to watch parts 1, 2, and 3 of the PBS Whole People series at your convenience, on ACEs Connection, by clicking play on the videos below: Whole People | 101 | Childhood Trauma | Episode 1 (27 min) Preview: Whole People | 102 | Healing Communities | Preview | Episode 2 Whole People | 102 |Healing Communities Episode 2 (27 min) Whole People | 103 |A New Response | Episode 3 (27 min) This is one of...
Blog Post

Unmasking ACEs and racial trauma as causes of health inequity: ways forward for primary care

Tiane Graziottin ·
Dear Colleagues & Friends, We are delighted to invite you to our second Racial Justice Open Conversation . This live webinar will provide participants with a unique opportunity to hear from two London GPs who are at the forefront of a movement to raise awareness of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and racial trauma in causing health inequity and in medical practice and education. Challenges and solutions will be addressed during the event, giving special emphasis to...
Blog Post

LAH Statement on the Report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Tiane Graziottin ·
London ACEs Hub's Statement on the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities’ Report In the light of the official report on racial equality released by the UK Government on 31 March, we reiterate the London ACEs Hub ’s commitment to raising awareness of the adverse childhood experience of racism that results in individual and collective traumas and negatively impacts our society as a whole . We emphasise our Call to Action where we state our conviction that racism is a public health crisis...
Blog Post

ACES, Attachment and Culturally Competent Practice: Building healthier relationships and communities

Tiane Graziottin ·
Dear Colleagues & Friends, We are delighted to invite you to our next live webinar on Thursday 13th May . This online event will be an opportunity to learn about ACEs, attachment theory and cultural competence in action and hear from three passionate and inspiring practitioners who are committed to creating healthier relationships and communities and, ultimately, positive change . There will be opportunities to interact during the webinar. You can see the full programme here . For...
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