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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "Violent Crime"

Blog Post

Barnardo’s selected to run the National Centre for Expertise on Child Sexual Abuse

Dawn Cretney ·
As part of an effort to address CSE and abuse, the UK Home Office is backing the centre until 2020 following previous criticism for a lack of progress on delivering their action plan. The centre hopes to gather and share high-quality evidence of successful schemes that have previously prevented child sexual exploitation and abuse. The scheme was launched at an event in Westminster in January, and there will be other events in Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol and Wales, taking place throughout...
Blog Post

Thousands of police trained to spot childhood trauma (

How do you tackle the problem of young people falling into a life of crime? One of the approaches being adopted across the UK has been more awareness of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). In Wales, more than 5,000 front-line officers and police staff have been trained in responding to crimes involving children to enable them to recognise whether they may be experiencing ACEs. The programme, which has been backed by more than £6.5m of Home Office funding, is being used as a pilot which...
Blog Post

Could yoga save prisoners from a life of crime?

Dawn Cretney · The 46-year-old charity worker has been clean of drugs for seven years after breaking his two-decade cycle of addiction, reoffending and imprisonment. He now has a full-time job with the Karuna Trust , a charity working in India and Nepal, and he’s been out of prison for more than five years. He puts this down to the self-control he gained during his daily sessions of yoga and meditation while “inside”. “One...
Blog Post

How Adverse Childhood Experiences Cost $1.33 Trillion a Year (

Roger Kluck ·
Blog Post

Making Connections Understanding how local agencies can better keep missing children safe

Dawn Cretney ·
The Childrens Society Report attached...
Blog Post

Scotland Aims to Become the First Trauma-Informed Nation

Becky Haas ·
Shared by the International Association of Chiefs of Police... Ayrshire police play ACE card in drive to reduce crime.
Blog Post

Scots officers being trained to understand impact of ‘toxic’ childhoods []

Alicia Doktor ·
Police officers are being trained to understand the impact of “toxic stress” caused by childhood trauma amid evidence it can dramatically increase a person’s likelihood of offending. Officers and staff from Police Scotland’s Ayrshire division are among the first in the country to become “trauma informed” by learning about the effect of so-called Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). According to the Scottish Government, someone who has experienced four or more ACEs is 14 times more likely to...
Blog Post

Strategy to focus on crime prevention - Scotland []

Dawn Cretney ·
The Scottish government has announced a greater emphasis on crime prevention as part of its new justice strategy. Justice Secretary Michael Matheson published the new priorities as he started the demolition of Scotland's only women's prison at Cornton Vale. Two new community-based custody units for women will be located in Glasgow and either Fife or Dundee. The new units will focus on recovery and keeping women closer to their families. A smaller prison will also be built at Cornton Vale for...
Blog Post

'Procedural Fairness' Produces Better Outcomes for Justice Involved Youth: UK Study []

By The TCR Staff, The Crime Report, June 2, 2020 Young people who are treated with respect and given a “voice” in their encounters with juvenile court are likely to avoid further entanglement in the justice system, according to a study published in the United Kingdom. “Giving young people voice and the opportunity to engage in proceedings can help them identify as active agents in the [justice] process,” said the study by the Centre for Justice Innovation. The Centre, housed at the Institute...
Blog Post

UK - BBC Panorama - How Scotland Cut Violent Crime

Neil McCarroll ·
Just a heads-up about a programme being broadcast tonight then available on iPlayer (in UK). 30 minutes looking at Scotland's approach to tackling violent crime by taking a broad 'public health approach' to tackle the roots of the problem. Apparently the journalist Kate Silverton has been retraining as a child psychologist so this is a pet project she wanted to highlight. Don't blame me if the programme is rubbish!

Re: UK - BBC Panorama - How Scotland Cut Violent Crime

Dawn Cretney ·
Thanks for the share, will watch

Re: UK - BBC Panorama - How Scotland Cut Violent Crime

James Maguire ·
Thanks for the share, I’m sure it won’t be rubbish Kate.
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