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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "Health and Social Care Committee"

Blog Post

Responding to adverse childhood experiences: An evidence review of interventions to prevent and address adversity across the life course [Public Health Wales]

Jane Stevens ·
Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are stressful events during childhood that can have a profound impact on an individual’s present and future health. Growing up in the face of such adversities is recognised as an important public health concern in Wales and internationally. Actions to prevent and mitigate ACEs and their associated harms are essential to improve population health for present and future generations.
Blog Post

Scotland's parents need 'oxygen' []

Alicia Doktor ·
While probably not in your diary, the second of October 2017 is the fifth anniversary of the Scottish Government’s National Parenting Strategy. Other initiatives and events took precedence during this extraordinary period in Scotland’s history. But, when launched, the Strategywas not a trivial, ‘off the cuff’ public policy. After an extensive consultation process, the Scottish Government proposed dozens of actions under the rubric ‘Our commitment to Scotland’s parents’. A year later, NHS...
Blog Post

State of Child Health England – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On The State of Child Health 2017, uncovered alarming inequalities in the health and wellbeing of children across the UK and a clear disparity with the rest of Western Europe. One year on, our scorecard reveals that although progress has been made in some areas, in general, the picture for infants, children and young people remains largely unchanged across England. Government has taken some steps in the right direction. The successful passage of the soft...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Scotland – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On Child health in Scotland ranks among the worse in Western Europe, and the disparity between children living in the most and least affluent communities is unacceptably wide. One in four children – 210,000 – live in poverty, 28% are overweight or obese and many of the approximately 400 deaths among infants, children and young people each year are avoidable. In January 2017, we published a report, the State of Child Health, in which we presented...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Wales – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On In January 2017, we published a report the State of Child Health. This contained a series of policy recommendations for Wales and made the human and economic case for child health to be a top priority for Government and public services. It served as a call to action and a vision of what could be achieved. In the year since the report’s publication, there have been positive developments and important commitments made in Wales. These include the passing of...
Blog Post

Stephen Porges: “Survivors are blamed because they don’t fight” []

Marianne Avari ·
By Andrew Anthony, The Guardian, June 2, 2019. Stephen Porges is professor of psychiatry at the University of North Carolina and “Distinguished University Scientist” at Indiana University, where he has created the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium. He is best known for developing polyvagal theory, which describes how visceral experiences affect the nervous system and our resulting behaviour. On Monday 10 June, he will be giving a talk at Love vs Trauma , the Body & Soul charity’s...

Re: Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

Simon Partridge ·
Andrew thanks for your interesting contribution to the debate around ACEs. As a survivor of early trauma, having been sent to an English boarding school at the age of 6 in the late 1950s, I have followed the development of the ACEs movement closely in Britain and Ireland and in the USA. After careful consideration I am an advocate of an ACEs, trauma-informed approach to ameliorating trauma consequences [it makes a whole lot more sense than the orthodox psychoanalysis I was subjected to over...

Re: British Doctors May Soon Prescribe Art, Music, Dance, Singing Lessons []

Tiane Graziottin ·
Hi, Laura, nice initiative, indeed! It is just ironic that these very same “social prescribing” are losing ground in primary and secondary schools due to lack of funding... Maybe Matt Hancock needs to speak with Damian Hinds!

Re: Comparison of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and suicide in children and young people in care and non-care populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence

Trevor Lakey ·
Thanks for sharing Dawn - adds more weight to the importance of focusing on promoting mental health and wellbeing of children who are in care settings

Re: Zoom Meet Up?

Michelle Wright ·
Hi Dawn, this is a great idea! I live in Glasgow and went to the Conference and Immersive afternoon with Nadine. It was fantastic. I am a Senior Student Midwife and Campaigning to have ACE Screening in Pregnancy. I strongly believe if we offer a platform to help early identification, we can then implement a framework of support in place before a baby is even born. This framework of care and support can then follow onto the Health Visitor and then to the child’s Nursey is applicable. I am...
Blog Post

Growing evidence that minority ethnic groups in England may be at higher risk of COVID-19 []

By Anne Korn, Biomed Central, May 29, 2020 Evidence available to date suggests that minority ethnic groups in England, particularly black and south Asian people, may be at increased risk of testing positive for Covid-19, compared to people from white British backgrounds, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Medicine. Previous pandemics have often disproportionately impacted ethnic minorities and socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. While early evidence...
Blog Post

Epigenetics of Poverty: Why Children from Deprived Backgrounds are Hardwired for Poorer Health (

For those of us passionate about social justice and equality, it stands to reason that children growing up in disadvantaged backgrounds may struggle to reach the opportunities and privilege others take for granted. We also know that people from deprived areas tend to have worse health outcomes throughout life than people from better off communities [1] . Poverty has always had clear links to health, but now a biological explanation for part of this may be coming to light. Long-term research...
Blog Post

Covid-19: a large-scale dose of childhood adversity across Scotland?

Rob Kelly ·
I remember my first thoughts when I heard about the Scotland and UK lockdown measures to manage the Covid-19 pandemic. It wasn’t for myself or my wellbeing, or my job, but for my niece and nephews. If I was anxious about this, and their parents were anxious – through being furloughed and working more hours as key workers – how would that translate to them? In particular, the impact of suddenly being removed from school and their peer groups. For my youngest nephew, I wondered how far this...
Blog Post

Inside Out by NYA report on young people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Dawn Cretney ·
The National Youth Agency has published a report on young people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing in response to the coronavirus crisis . Click on the link .
Blog Post

Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary available for viewing from ACEs Connection this weekend

Christine Cissy White ·
Our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science film festival launches this weekend. We are thrilled to share the documentary , P ortraits of Professional CAREgivers: Their Passion, Their Pain on Saturday, September 12th, and Sunday , September 13th. The documentary will be streamed from our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Communit y . Click here to join. Registration is not required for viewing. You need to be a member of ACEs Connection and join this community site to watch the film this...
Blog Post

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) - call for evidence to help inform a review into improving health and development outcomes of babies and young children in England

Dawn Cretney ·
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has launched a call for evidence to help inform a review into improving health and development outcomes of babies and young children in England. They want to hear from new parents, health service professionals, charities, volunteer groups and academics. The consultation closes 16 October 2020. Click on the link . The closing date for responses is 11:59pm on Friday 16 October 2020.
Blog Post

UK Trauma Council

Dawn Cretney · More than one in three young people are exposed to at least one potentially traumatic event by age 18, which can have a devastating impact on long-term health and social outcomes. We know that intervention can make a substantial difference to the extent to which traumatic events impact on children and young people, increasing their resilience and improving how they are affected in the longer term. The UK Trauma Council (UKTC) is the first UK-wide platform...
Blog Post

BBC: Coronavirus Doctors Diary

Dawn Cretney ·[36459_PANUK_NLT_41_ENG_TheTrumpShow_RET_O35]-20201012-[bbcnews_doctorsdiaryaheartbreakinginsightintotheimpactoflockdown_coronavirus] A survey of 2,000 families in Bradford indicates just how bad lockdown is for health - and how being furloughed is enough to tip those on the lowest incomes into financial difficulties. Dr John Wright of Bradford Royal Infirmary considers how to achieve the twin task of protecting people from the virus,...
Blog Post

Three-nation research to examine relationship between social factors and epigenetics []

By Elizabeth Newcomb, University of Southern California, November 9, 2020 A new three-nation project will examine how social, economic, psychological, environmental and behavioral circumstances in childhood influence gene expression and affect health and aging later in life. The cooperation brings together large longitudinal studies in the US, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. This unique international collaboration will examine social, economic, health and epigenetic data from the...

Re: London ACEs Hub

Tiane Graziottin ·
Please, do share, Gail. It'll be great! Happy Thanksgiving
Blog Post

London ACEs Hub

Tiane Graziottin ·
Dear All, It's with immense happiness/alegria that I inform you of the launch of our London ACEs Hub (LAH) website! We've put a lot of thought and love into the project. Feel welcome to visit the site, explore its pages and resources and spread the word far and wide! If you are involved with an ACEs and/or trauma-informed service in London or elsewhere, do let us know! We have two maps available on the site to share details about projects. We would love hearing...

Re: London ACEs Hub

Gail Kennedy ·
Congratulations! Can i share it widely on ACEs Connection's main site and in our Weekly Roundup? We at ACEs Connection are off for some R&R during our Thanksgiving break so we wont have a newsletter until next week (out on Weds Dec 4th) but I can be sure it will be shared then if that is OK?

Re: London ACEs Hub

Iya Affo ·
YES!!! Great to hear! All registered for the Racial Justice Open Conversation.
Blog Post

Toward Belonging: Call for Papers (Othering and Belonging Institute)

Karen Clemmer ·
Opportunity to share your story and help connect continents! The Othering & Belonging Institute at UC Berkeley is pleased to issue this Call for Papers which will commission content that examines belonging in the European region. The deadline for submitting an abstract is Dec. 31, 2020 . This work is part of its Toward Belonging initiative, which a ims to build a more connected and aligned field of work across regions and sectors that can mount an effective challenge to the rise of...
Blog Post

Unmasking ACEs and racial trauma as causes of health inequity: ways forward for primary care

Tiane Graziottin ·
Dear Colleagues & Friends, We are delighted to invite you to our second Racial Justice Open Conversation . This live webinar will provide participants with a unique opportunity to hear from two London GPs who are at the forefront of a movement to raise awareness of the impacts of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and racial trauma in causing health inequity and in medical practice and education. Challenges and solutions will be addressed during the event, giving special emphasis to...
Blog Post

LAH Statement on the Report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Tiane Graziottin ·
London ACEs Hub's Statement on the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities’ Report In the light of the official report on racial equality released by the UK Government on 31 March, we reiterate the London ACEs Hub ’s commitment to raising awareness of the adverse childhood experience of racism that results in individual and collective traumas and negatively impacts our society as a whole . We emphasise our Call to Action where we state our conviction that racism is a public health crisis...

Laura Bush


Pam McArdle


Adrian Croft


Sandra Evers


Mark Pincher


John Lewindon


Tina Walker

Tina Walker

steve alex


Marianne Kr

Marianne Kr

Emma Phillips


Lindsay Muir




Hannah Harrsi


Terri Pegden


Emma Scriver

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