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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "Northern Ireland"

Blog Post

Child poverty and education

Dawn Cretney ·
Child poverty and education The National Education Union (NEU) has published a report looking at the extent to which poverty is damaging the educational opportunities for children from poor families. Findings from a snapshot survey of 908 NEU members including heads, teachers and school support staff working in England, Wales and Northern Ireland finds that: 87% of respondents said that poverty is having a significant impact on the learning of their pupils and students; and 60% believe that...
Blog Post

Children 'failed in first 1,000 days', says MPs [BBC News]

Karen Clemmer ·
The Health and Social Care Committee said the first 1,000 days were critical, but not enough was done. It warned cuts to children's centres, health visiting and services to support parents had left families vulnerable. Nearly a third of children are not "school ready" by the time they reach five, because they have not developed the necessary skills and behaviours. The cross-party group wants the government to pay for extra contact with health visitors beyond the age of two-and-a-half. The...
Blog Post

Towards an ACE-Aware, trauma-responsive Ireland: Firkin Crane event Cork 08 April 2019

Jane Mulcahy · This event was an open discussion with survivors of childhood trauma and professionals working in the Early Years sector, education, health, addiction and homeless services about the desirability of raising public and political awareness of the prevalence and impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Ireland and the need for a collaborative cross sector trauma-responsive approach for...
Blog Post

Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland

Dawn Cretney ·
Domestic and sexual violence and abuse action plan – Northern Ireland The Department of Health and Department of Justice in Northern Ireland have published their 2018/2019 action plan under the Stopping domestic and sexual violence and abuse strategy. This third action plan identifies new initiatives including: considering how relationships and sexuality education resources can support teachers in addressing domestic and sexual violence and abuse; and linking with the work of the...
Blog Post

First 1000 days of life - policy and practice examined

Dawn Cretney ·
The Health and Social Care Committee hears from senior officials in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland about how policy and practice in other parts of the UK can help inform England's approach to the first 1000 days. The Committee will also hear from Public Health England about their role in giving children the best start in life.
Blog Post

From across the water, the Irish Sea

Raymond Lambert ·
Thank you for adding me. I'm looking forward to your exchanges, especially as Ireland is a lonely place when it comes to ACEs and all-things Children. I will endeavour to not lower the tone too much with never-ending news and stories from my side. Suffice to say that a momentous report was released only a week ago, and for the first time it seems, the tone of the Rapporteur is 'angry' and speaks about a < societal change is required > and not just at the level of the groups and...
Blog Post

Measuring Trauma-Informed Care with Online ARTIC

John Engel ·
FREE Online ARTIC webinar for Ireland and UK Thursday, May 28, 2020, 3:00-4:00 pm BST Register today at this link The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC, a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and para-professional attitudes toward TIC, has...
Blog Post

Measuring Trauma-Informed Care with the Online ARTIC

John Engel ·
FREE Online ARTIC webinar for Ireland and UK Thursday, May 28, 2020, 3:00-4:00 pm BST Register today at this link The Traumatic Stress Institute (TSI) is hosting a FREE webinar for leaders in health, trauma, and trauma-informed care (TIC) to preview the new Online ARTIC, a cutting-edge online tool for measuring TIC. The Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care (ARTIC) Scale is one of the only validated measures of TIC. It measures professional and para-professional attitudes toward TIC, has...
Blog Post

Mental Health, Social Adversity, and Health-Related Outcomes in Sexual Minority Adolescents: A Contemporary National Cohort Study []

By Background Sexual minority adolescents are more likely to have mental health problems, adverse social environments, and negative health outcomes compared with their heterosexual counterparts. There is a paucity of up-to-date population-level estimates of the extent of risk across these domains in the UK. We analysed outcomes across mental health, social environment, and health-related domains in sexual minority adolescents compared with their heterosexual counterparts in a large,...
Blog Post

Oakgrove Hosts Trauma Informed Compassionate Schools Programme []

By Derry Journal, September 8, 2019 Oakgrove Integrated College last week became the first school in Northern Ireland to take part in the innovative ‘Trauma Informed Compassionate Schools Initiative’ – a programme designed to help educators better understand how and why Adverse Childhood Experiences can impact a child’s development. Held in the school’s assembly hall on Wednesday last, the event saw over 100 members of staff take part in the programme delivered by a team from Ulster...

Re: Good intentions but the right approach? The case of ACEs

Simon Partridge ·
Andrew thanks for your interesting contribution to the debate around ACEs. As a survivor of early trauma, having been sent to an English boarding school at the age of 6 in the late 1950s, I have followed the development of the ACEs movement closely in Britain and Ireland and in the USA. After careful consideration I am an advocate of an ACEs, trauma-informed approach to ameliorating trauma consequences [it makes a whole lot more sense than the orthodox psychoanalysis I was subjected to over...

Re: Child poverty and education

Christine Cissy White ·
Thank you for this. I shared over at Parenting with ACEs!
Blog Post

Three-nation research to examine relationship between social factors and epigenetics []

By Elizabeth Newcomb, University of Southern California, November 9, 2020 A new three-nation project will examine how social, economic, psychological, environmental and behavioral circumstances in childhood influence gene expression and affect health and aging later in life. The cooperation brings together large longitudinal studies in the US, Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. This unique international collaboration will examine social, economic, health and epigenetic data from the...
Blog Post

Woodworking and Hugs: Inside the Mental Health Movement for Men (

Credit: MSUK To read MaryLou Costa's article, please click here. Recognizing that “m en will talk shoulder to shoulder, but not necessarily face to face,” Men’s Sheds give guys a space to tinker while they open up — and heal. “While you’re doing this, you’ve got to concentrate on what you’re doing. And it takes your mind off other issues, and for those couple of hours, you kind of relax. Once you start feeling better, it’s like dropping a pebble in the water, and those ripples come back out,...
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