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United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

Tagged With "Childrens Society Report"

Blog Post

State of Child Health England – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On The State of Child Health 2017, uncovered alarming inequalities in the health and wellbeing of children across the UK and a clear disparity with the rest of Western Europe. One year on, our scorecard reveals that although progress has been made in some areas, in general, the picture for infants, children and young people remains largely unchanged across England. Government has taken some steps in the right direction. The successful passage of the soft...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Scotland – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On Child health in Scotland ranks among the worse in Western Europe, and the disparity between children living in the most and least affluent communities is unacceptably wide. One in four children – 210,000 – live in poverty, 28% are overweight or obese and many of the approximately 400 deaths among infants, children and young people each year are avoidable. In January 2017, we published a report, the State of Child Health, in which we presented...
Blog Post

State of Child Health Wales – One Year On (Jan 2018)

Dawn Cretney ·
State of Child Health: One Year On In January 2017, we published a report the State of Child Health. This contained a series of policy recommendations for Wales and made the human and economic case for child health to be a top priority for Government and public services. It served as a call to action and a vision of what could be achieved. In the year since the report’s publication, there have been positive developments and important commitments made in Wales. These include the passing of...
Blog Post

The plight of young people inhabiting the Children and Young People Secure Estate

Dawn Cretney ·
This report by User Voice highlights the plight of young people inhabiting the Children and Young People Secure Estate – which is made up of secure children’s homes, secure training centres and youth offender institutions. Commissioned by NHS England, which has responsibility for health and wellbeing matters in the estate, User Voice employed its peer-led research approach to elicit the views of some of the hardest-to-reach people in the criminal justice system. The project was inspired by...

Re: Comparison of suicidal ideation, suicide attempt and suicide in children and young people in care and non-care populations: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence

Trevor Lakey ·
Thanks for sharing Dawn - adds more weight to the importance of focusing on promoting mental health and wellbeing of children who are in care settings

Re: ACEs Aware Nation - TODAY in GLASGOW! 26th September 2018

Simon Partridge ·
Hi Dawn Will be with you in spirit for this groundbreaking event in Glasgow. Please report back - we are lagging behind in London. But the word is starting to spread. I'm giving an introductory talk to a group of educational psychotherapists on this Saturday 29 September. I will be mentioning ACE-Aware Scotland. Hope it all goes very well. Warm wishes, Simon Partridge Writer/Researcher & Complex Trauma Advocate

Re: ACEs Aware Nation - TODAY in GLASGOW! 26th September 2018

Dawn Cretney ·
I will do. If anyone fancies a Zoom I will set one up so we can connect and discuss (will create separate post)

Re: ACEs Aware Nation - TODAY in GLASGOW! 26th September 2018

Dawn Cretney ·
Hope your introductory talk goes well - enjoy! Best wishes

Re: Zoom Meet Up?

Simon Partridge ·
Hi Dawn First, my introductory talk to the educational psychotherapy students in London on 29.9.18 went very well - I mentioned the ACEs Scotland conference. I think they will be using ACEs ideas and spreading the word. Have just signed up to Zoom. It seems to me you have chosen three distinct topics, each worth a different discussion. As regards a report on the ACE-Aware Conference in Glasgow, as a non-attendant I would simply welcome a report on the day and outcomes. There has been very...

Re: Hidden Sentence Training by POPS (Manchester UK)

Dawn Cretney ·
So having been on this training I highly rate it and recommend. I worked for a short time for a solicitors - attending both magistrates and crown courts on their behalf. As someone who attended court and relayed info between family members, I've seen first-hand the immediate effects a sentence. This training provided increased awareness of the facts and emotions for those involved. The stats are concerning. I cannot believe in this day and age that the state, who administer the sentencing,...
Blog Post

'Procedural Fairness' Produces Better Outcomes for Justice Involved Youth: UK Study []

By The TCR Staff, The Crime Report, June 2, 2020 Young people who are treated with respect and given a “voice” in their encounters with juvenile court are likely to avoid further entanglement in the justice system, according to a study published in the United Kingdom. “Giving young people voice and the opportunity to engage in proceedings can help them identify as active agents in the [justice] process,” said the study by the Centre for Justice Innovation. The Centre, housed at the Institute...
Blog Post

Covid-19: a large-scale dose of childhood adversity across Scotland?

Rob Kelly ·
I remember my first thoughts when I heard about the Scotland and UK lockdown measures to manage the Covid-19 pandemic. It wasn’t for myself or my wellbeing, or my job, but for my niece and nephews. If I was anxious about this, and their parents were anxious – through being furloughed and working more hours as key workers – how would that translate to them? In particular, the impact of suddenly being removed from school and their peer groups. For my youngest nephew, I wondered how far this...
Blog Post

Poverty in the pandemic: the impact of coronavirus on low- income families and children August 2020

Dawn Cretney ·
The Child Poverty Action Group and the Church of England have published findings from a survey looking at the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on low income families in England . The survey of 285 low-income families with children who are eligible for free school meals found that: 8 in 10 respondents reported being in a worse financial position than before the pandemic; and almost half have had physical or mental health problems because of coronavirus. To read the report, click on the link .
Blog Post

how lockdown during the coronavirus crisis has affected children’s lives at home

Dawn Cretney ·
The Children’s Commissioner for England has published a blog looking at how lockdown during the coronavirus crisis has affected children’s lives at home . The blog discusses: the home environment and access to open space; and family relationships. To read the blog, click on the link .
Blog Post

Inside Out by NYA report on young people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing in response to the coronavirus crisis.

Dawn Cretney ·
The National Youth Agency has published a report on young people’s mental and physical health and wellbeing in response to the coronavirus crisis . Click on the link .
Blog Post

‘How safe are our children?’ report NSPCC

Dawn Cretney ·
NSPCC Learning has published the annual ‘ How safe are our children?’ report which compiles and analyses data from across the UK to show the current child protection landscape. The 2020 report focuses on statistics relating to abuse perpetrated against adolescents and an overview of emerging data on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the safety of all children and young people in the UK. To read the report, click on the link .
Blog Post

The Good Childhood Report 2020’ – looking at the wellbeing of children in the UK.

Dawn Cretney ·
The Children’s Society has published ‘ The Good Childhood Report 2020’ – looking at the wellbeing of children in the UK . The report includes findings from a survey conducted between April and June 2020 of more than 2,000 young people aged 10-17 across the UK and their parents or carers. Click on the link .
Blog Post

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) - call for evidence to help inform a review into improving health and development outcomes of babies and young children in England

Dawn Cretney ·
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has launched a call for evidence to help inform a review into improving health and development outcomes of babies and young children in England. They want to hear from new parents, health service professionals, charities, volunteer groups and academics. The consultation closes 16 October 2020. Click on the link . The closing date for responses is 11:59pm on Friday 16 October 2020.
Blog Post

LAH Statement on the Report by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities

Tiane Graziottin ·
London ACEs Hub's Statement on the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities’ Report In the light of the official report on racial equality released by the UK Government on 31 March, we reiterate the London ACEs Hub ’s commitment to raising awareness of the adverse childhood experience of racism that results in individual and collective traumas and negatively impacts our society as a whole . We emphasise our Call to Action where we state our conviction that racism is a public health crisis...
Blog Post

Creating the World We All Want to Work in Is Going to Take All of Us (

Studiostockart/ Getty Images Workplace well-being is having its moment. I think that’s safe to say, even though, yes, I’m saying it as a Chief Well-Being Officer. Never before have we had the opportunity we now have to redefine work around well-being. Never before have both employees and leaders been more in alignment on the value and necessity of well-being, both in their organizations and in their lives. We have the opportunity to create the world of work that we want to work in. Both the...
Blog Post

Why Are So Many Women Suddenly Being Diagnosed With ADHD? (

PHOTOGRAPHED BY LISSYELLE LARICCHIA Author: Dr. Sanah Ahsan's article, please click here. Are you struggling to focus? Finding it hard to concentrate on one thing or read for more than 30 seconds without picking up your phone? Do you feel like you don’t fit in, like you can’t do bills, taxes or keep up with the pace of society? Are ADHD memes circling online resonating with you? You’re not alone. Hundreds of thousands more women are being assessed for ADHD than ever before, especially Black...
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