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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesUnited Kingdom ACEs Connection

United Kingdom ACEs Connection

We come from all different sectors, walks of life and parts of the United Kingdom to prevent ACEs, and to change systems to become self-healing and to stop traumatizing already traumatized people.

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Dawn Cretney posted:
Simon Partridge posted:

Hi Dawn

Will be with you in spirit for this groundbreaking event in Glasgow. Please report back - we are lagging behind in London. But the word is starting to spread. I'm giving an introductory talk to a group of educational psychotherapists on this Saturday 29 September. I will be mentioning ACE-Aware Scotland. Hope it all goes very well.

Warm wishes,

Simon Partridge

Writer/Researcher & Complex Trauma Advocate

I will do.  If anyone fancies a Zoom I will set one up so we can connect and discuss (will create separate post)

Hope your introductory talk goes well - enjoy!

Best wishes


Simon Partridge posted:

Hi Dawn

Will be with you in spirit for this groundbreaking event in Glasgow. Please report back - we are lagging behind in London. But the word is starting to spread. I'm giving an introductory talk to a group of educational psychotherapists on this Saturday 29 September. I will be mentioning ACE-Aware Scotland. Hope it all goes very well.

Warm wishes,

Simon Partridge

Writer/Researcher & Complex Trauma Advocate

I will do.  If anyone fancies a Zoom I will set one up so we can connect and discuss (will create separate post)

Hi Dawn

Will be with you in spirit for this groundbreaking event in Glasgow. Please report back - we are lagging behind in London. But the word is starting to spread. I'm giving an introductory talk to a group of educational psychotherapists on this Saturday 29 September. I will be mentioning ACE-Aware Scotland. Hope it all goes very well.

Warm wishes,

Simon Partridge

Writer/Researcher & Complex Trauma Advocate

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