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Brukner: Fostering a Feeling of Security in Young Students

There are many ways to implement simple modifications to everyday routines in the pre-kindergarten and elementary classroom that can result in significant gains for your students. The following suggestions and supports offer options to further nurture academic skills in a way that all members of your classroom community can utilize (in the least restrictive manner). I hope you’ll find you can easily embed them into your already busy schedule, resulting in greater consistency, flow, and...

Nurture the Roots

Laura Porter’s research supports increasing three capacities that allow people to thrive. They are: building capabilities, increasing attachment and belonging, and supporting the culture and spirituality in communities. When working with organizations and communities, she warns that if the focus is solely on building capabilities, we make the process into an “individual fix.” Building individual capacities is very important to help people thrive, however we cannot deny the biologically...

Shonkoff: New Science+ More Diverse Voices = Greater Impact

The current early childhood ecosystem is fueled by extensive knowledge about child development, mountains of data from program evaluations, and continuing public fascination with the developing brain. Its energy is sustained by the tireless efforts of providers of early care and education, primary health care and social services, policymakers, advocates, and families raising young children under a wide range of conditions. Over the past two decades, the “brain science story” has made a...

The Interconnection of Safety and Belonging

Happy, Healthy New Year’s Wishes for You! Most of us have heard this phrase multiple times over that past week. Where exactly do happy and healthy start?? I believe the felt sense of safety is the common denominator. We are all looking for relief from the stress of the past few years, but some of us also continue to help ourselves or others cope with and learn from the adversities and toxic stress from our past. Research tells us that connection to competent and caring people and...

Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being used in this area...

The Hidden Biases of Good People: Implicit Bias Awareness Training

The Dibble Institute is pleased to present an introductory webinar by Rev. Dr. Bryant T. Marks Sr. of the National Training Institute on Race and Equity , which will provide foundational information on implicit bias. It will focus at the individual level and discuss how implicit bias affects everyone. Strategies to reduce or manage implicit bias will be discussed. Broadly speaking, group-based bias involves varying degrees of stereotyping (exaggerated beliefs about others), prejudice...

Chandra, Halfon, Cannon, Gardner, Forrest: How are the kids doing? The wellbeing of children and the nations potential

The pandemic has forced concerns about children’s health to the front and center: Is enough attention being paid to their well-being, including education and mental health? Have reopening plans taken children’s needs into consideration and have their potential losses been adequately measured? Could better preparation be put in place to help prepare children for the next pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic is just another example of a stress that is forming today’s youngest cohort of children and...

Cherokee Nation making record investment in early childhood

JAY, Okla. — Cherokee Nation Principal Chief Chuck Hoskin Jr. on Tuesday signed into law the Verna D. Thompson Early Childhood Education Act during a visit to the tribe’s Head Start facility in Jay. Chief Hoskin signed the legislation after announcing the law in September and receiving Council approval earlier this month. The Verna D. Thompson Early Childhood Education Act will invest up to $40 million to replace eight existing Cherokee Nation Head Start centers with new facilities and...

Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens

The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...

Path to a Just Society: Our new infographic shares common language and an aspirational path.

Our version of a “Path to a Just Society” is our first attempt at creating a common language and identifying points along the path to a just society. The Race and Equity workgroup of PACEs Connection started the project in early 2021, following a staff meeting where we realized that we, our organization and the movement needed this. We think it can help all of us gauge where we are, where we want to be, and what’s needed to get to the next level of integrating practices and policies based on...

FREE WEBINAR - The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample

Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues have conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to trauma symptoms, emotional regulation, coping and resiliency, and interpersonal skills for at-risk...

Krehbiel: Legislators look at shift in family and children services

Child welfare services could be more effective — and less expensive — if they were more proactive than reactive, an Oklahoma House of Representatives subcommittee was told Tuesday. “Sixty percent of child protective services responses nationally are for neglect only, … but our interventions have been predominantly focused on addressing … physical abuse,” said Clare Anderson, a senior policy advisor with the Chapin Hall child welfare research center at the University of Chicago. The result,...

Keaton Ross: Seeking to Reduce, Treat the Effects of Childhood Trauma

TULSA — Before they start honing their writing skills, incarcerated women enrolled in Liz Kollaja’s therapeutic poetry class are asked to take an Adverse Childhood Experience quiz. The brief survey is designed to gauge how rough a person’s childhood was. Nationally, 45% of children have experienced at least one of 10 ACEs, ranging from having a parent incarcerated to being physically and emotionally abused. Those with a score of three or higher face an elevated risk of psychological and...

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