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Michigan ACEs Action (MI)

Healthy and resilient kids, families, and communities are the foundation for a flourishing, vibrant region. We are dedicated to creating a trauma-informed Michigan and working together across sectors to share our efforts in building resilience and reducing toxic stress for Michigan children and families.

Tagged With "Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems"

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Resilience Coffee Notes May 2016

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
May 2016 Resilience Coffee Notes Present Mike and Sharon Herron, Carrie Douglas, David Lloyd, Paula Smith, Amelia Siders, Emily Quinn, Lance Morgan, Sharon VanDrie, Carey Curran, Deb Frisbie, Sarah Hubbell, Erika Solomonson Conversation about a support group for parents who are parenting a child with ACES (adoptive, foster care or otherwise)- Amelia Siders of the Child Advocacy Center and Paula Smith of Child and Family services offered to work on a series. Amelia mentioned that Child...
Blog Post

Spectrum Health Launches School-Based Telehealth Pilot Program (

Michigan’s Spectrum Health is piloting a school-based telehealth program that aims to give rural high school students better access to telemental health services. Greenville Public Schools is partnering with the Grand Rapids-based health system to give students at the high school access to a Master’s-level social worker through a telemedicine portal. The counselor, working out of Spectrum Health’s Lakeview Youth Clinic, can schedule as many as a half-dozen virtual visits a day with students...
Blog Post

Submit a Presentation Proposal for the Midwest ACE Summit!

Kate Bailey ·
The Midwest ACE Summit will take place in Minnesota on November 10th and 11th. We hope that you will join us for this opportunity to connect and learn with others across the state and region! We are currently inviting presentation proposals from folks across the Midwest who would like to facilitate workshop (breakout) sessions. The deadline for submissions is August 1st . For more information, please see the attached RFP form. Please share this form across your networks! For more information...
Blog Post

Thriving—Beyond Surviving: Resiliency After Trauma (

Alfredo Leano ·
"We studied what it meant to be “mentally tough” and what characteristics the mentally tough athlete possessed. Characteristics of Mentally Tough Performers Cope more easily with setbacks Have control over anxiety and use it productively Have higher self-confidence Use more positive self-talk Have a positive outlook on the future Set specific goals and visualize accomplishing goals Have a support network" "But the reality is that the majority of people who experience stressful or traumatic...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care is Not a Program For Your Clients 

Tanya Fritz ·
Understanding the long-term impact of developmental trauma, how trauma impacts the brain, and the science of resiliency is a powerful first step toward change. It is exciting to watch people begin to let this knowledge soak in… and even more exciting when they begin to ask “Now what?” As I have worked with organizations across the state, I have found that often what they are really looking for is the curriculum or recipe book that they can follow for their clients or students. Even those...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed is Messy Business…

Tanya Fritz ·
Words like trauma-informed and resiliency get thrown around a lot these days. And for many, the visions they call up are a bit too glossy. You see resiliency and trauma-informed aren’t always pretty. Resiliency can look like closing the bathroom door and collapsing in tears… but then washing your face and going back into the world, carrying the belief that you can survive and the hope that things will get better. It looks like begrudgingly going on that walk with a friend, when the little...
Blog Post

Trauma Primer for Juvenile Probation and Juvenile Detention Staff

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
A Trauma Primer for Juvenile Probation and Juvenile Detention Staff August 12, 2015 Juvenile justice probation and detention workers play an important role in helping system-involved youth and families navigate justice and social service systems;...
Blog Post

Want to crack ACEs in the Corporate world? Read this-

Jared Elzey ·
Business is the toughest door to get in when it comes to ACEs work, but chambers of commerce hold (some) of the keys to government when it comes to shaping the local civic space. If you're inclined to leverage the profit world, this brief can serve as a sign post to find the sweet spot between ethical responsibility and economic prosperity. The Future of Work Begins with a City's Youngest Residents
Blog Post

Want to make Michigan a top 10 education state? Here are some suggestions (

Former Member ·
Brian Whiston is the new guy in town at the  Michigan Department of Education,  and it looks like he's got poverty on the brain. Whiston and the state Board of Ed early this week convened a group of folks from around the state to  share...
Blog Post

When Systems Collaborate: How Three Jurisdictions Improved Their Handling of Dual-Status Cases

Dr. Cathy Anthofer-Fialon ·
When Systems Collaborate: How Three Jurisdictions Improved Their Handling of Dual-Status Cases   April 21, 2015 The  National Center for Juvenile Justice , the NCJFCJ's research division, has released the first in a new series of case-study...
Blog Post

Why Screen (for ACEs) if there are no Services? (Pediatric News)

Former Member ·
This is an older article but it is appropriate for us as we seek system changes (in all systems affected by Adverse Childhood Experiences) including the Health Care System:  The article is from last year's Pediatric News and is by Dr. Howard who...
Blog Post

Wisconsin state agencies end year one of trauma-informed learning community; goal is to be first trauma-informed state

Jane Stevens ·
Here in California, many people think that it’s only liberal Democrats who have a corner on championing the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and putting it into practice. That might be because people who use ACEs science don’t expel or suspend students, even if they’re throwing chairs and hurling expletives at the teacher. They ask "What happened to you?" rather than "What's wrong with you?" as a frame when they create juvenile detention centers where kids don’t fight, reduce...

Re: Trauma-Informed is Messy Business…

David Kenney ·
Awesome! I once titled a chapter "Love isn't Always Pretty" for much the same reasons you mention. But I love the way you put it, so real and with a true compassion. In the end, we will always still be human. We will make mistakes (and hopefully learn from them). We will misinterpret what we see. We will forget ourselves and act poorly. But the Trauma-Informed environment will help us gain in patience and understanding, learn to see others as innocent and learning too. It helps us to learn...

Re: Trauma-Informed is Messy Business…

Ruth A Rondon ·
Thank you for this. Very well said. It's a warm fuzzy. I will be sharing it. I'm reading David Kenny's book now too. He says he has a similar chapter about love. Can't wait! Such great writers you two are!!.
Blog Post

California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties. Next: All CA cities.

Laurie Udesky ·
Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...
Blog Post

Me & My Emotions: A New, Free Resource for Teens

Esther Barton ·
The pandemic has had a lasting effect on youth mental health. Moved by a desire to reduce youth’s toxic stress and increase their resilience, The Dibble Institute, in partnership with a team of students and alumni from ArtCenter College of Design and author Carolyn Curtis, PhD, is releasing Me & My Emotions —a new, free adaptation of our beloved Mind Matters Curriculum. The mobile-friendly Me & My Emotions website features engaging graphics and bite-sized lessons teens can access and...
Blog Post

Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for a new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Porter Jennings-McGarity, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being used in this area...
Blog Post

Connie and Steve Ballmer Pledge $425 Million for Children’s Mental Health []

Carey Sipp ·
By Maria Di Mento, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, March 1, 2022 The technology billionaires Steve and Connie Ballmer pledged more than $425 million to the University of Oregon to create an institute where the university’s researchers and experts in children’s behavioral and mental health will work with Oregon’s public school systems, families, nonprofits, and state agencies to tamp down the surge in mental-health issues children and youths in the state are facing after two years of the...

Re: Examples of Current Trauma-Informed Judicial Systems

Ashley Czuchaj ·
Love this topic!
Blog Post

The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Accelerator Program is now Open For Registration

PACEs Connection is excited to kick off our 2023 Creating Resilient Communities (CRC) Annual Accelerator Program.
Blog Post

Clinics Offering Child Care Help Parents Clear Arrest Warrants (

Credit: Freya Lowy Clark for The 19th To read more of Barbara Rodriquez' article, please click here. Cierra walked into the Bowens Senior Center with trepidation, but also hope. The promotional flier that brought the mother of three to this community center a few miles outside of Detroit offered to help people eliminate any active warrants for their arrest — people like her, who had a warrant for a years-old traffic violation. But something else on the flier also caught her attention: Along...
Blog Post

Call to Action & Toolkit: Urge Congress to Support Trauma-Informed Legislation

Laura Braden Quigley ·
It’s time to take action and make our voices heard to build healthy, resilient communities! The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) is organizing trauma-informed advocates, activists, and stakeholders to urge their U.S. Senators and Representatives to support two bipartisan, bicameral bills that would significantly help prevent, address, and mitigate the negative impacts of trauma through community-based/led initiatives.
Blog Post

ABA addressing bias in medical mandated reporting of Black and Indigenous families in Michigan (

To read more of the American Bar Association's article, please click here. The American Bar Association Center on Children and the Law is piloting a new community-based initiative in Michigan to address overreporting by medical professionals of Black, Indigenous and Latino/a children to the child welfare system. Nationally, injuries in Black children are 9 times more likely than those in White children to be reported as abuse despite evidence that child abuse and neglect occur at equal rates...
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