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LA County funding boost would let more kids enjoy local parks: Guest commentary (

(Image: A 2013 file photo shows Little League players from Lennox running sprints during practice at Jim Thorpe park in Hawthorne.) When I was growing up in Hawthorne, there was a spot along the 105 Freeway we called “the dirt field.” The freeway cut off access to the few parks we had in our neighborhood, so my friends and I just hung out in the dirt field — nothing more than a tiny dirt vacant lot. It was our ballfield, our playground and our place to just be kids. I cherish the memories of...

What’s Behind California’s Sudden Urge to Help the Homeless? It’s the Rich! (

CONNECTING CALIFORNIA--How did homelessness suddenly become such a hot issue across California? There are many reasons, and few of them have anything to do with people who are homeless. Those reasons—economic anxiety, budget surpluses, tax schemes, housing prices, prison reform, health care expansion, urban wealth, and political opportunism have combined to create today’s “homeless moment” in California. In Los Angeles, which has the nation’s second largest homeless population according to...

County Supes Create Financial Safety Net for Millions of Low Income and Struggling Angelenos (

GUEST WORDS-- Since joining the LA County Board of Supervisors 18 months ago, I, along with my colleagues on the Board, have taken a series of steps to build prosperity and economic security for residents by raising the minimum wage and establishing programs to promote social enterprises, help small businesses thrive and prevent people from falling into homelessness when they encounter short-term financial crises, like the loss of a job or a catastrophic medical condition. Last week, the...

Foster care system takes its knocks, but it works for many: Dennis McCarthy (

(Image: Moises Lopez with Danny Treyo) The 2016 graduating class from the school of hard knocks stood on stage at the Disney Concert Hall last week to be honored with college scholarships for completing the first leg of a long, tough journey they’ve been on. They are 175 foster care kids who have beaten every obstacle put in their path and succeeded beyond all expectations. They have shown the courage and they have the dreams. Now, it’s time to pursue them. They’ve all graduated from...

L.A. County supervisors seeks state of emergency as homelessness ‘threatens’ services (

(Image Credit: The L.A. County Board of Supervisors voted unanimously Tuesday to approve a motion to declare homelessness a humanitarian emergency in California. Supervisors Mark Ridley-Thomas and Sheila Kuehl sought the motion, saying the issue calls for more pressing attention, because of the increased health and safety risks to people living on the streets. The motion means the board will send a letter to the California state Assembly and Senate, asking them to...

Great videos on the what we are learning about telomeres (and how to lengthen them!)

I get daily updates in which Dr. M Greger reports on the science of the benefits of plant based diets. Here he covers telemores and what science is showing related to meditation, exercise and diet for lengthening telemores. I found these videos very interesting but I won't be eating processed meats anytime soon! Research Into Reversing Aging Does Meditation Affect Cellular Aging? Telomeres: Cap It All Off with Diet

Most new jobs in L.A. County will be low-paying, report warns (

(Image Credit: Jenna Schoenefield/ForThe Times) Hundreds of thousands of jobs will be created in L.A. County over the next four years, most of them low-paying, according to a report released Wednesday by the Los Angeles County Economic Development Corp. Most of the jobs added in the county by 2020 will pay below the median wage, the group said. Office administration and food services will add the most positions to their ranks through 2020, combining for a total of about 93,000 new jobs,...

Toxic Stress, Toxic Streets (4 minute video)

This video is about 2 years old, but I just came across it last week and wanted to share with you all. It is a powerful statement by the students at Leadership High School in San Francisco, CA. They speak about the ongoing adversity and toxic stress in their daily lives and in their community, all through the power of music. The youth voice is so important as we work to bring trauma-informed and resilience building practices to communities. Link to video: Toxic Stress, Toxic Streets

First Phase of L.A. County’s Homeless Initiative to Start June 30 (

Almost 47,000 individuals and families are homeless in Los Angeles County, according to the 2016 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, which was conducted by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and released on May 4. That count shows a 6 percent rise in the county’s homeless population from 2015. The total in 2015 – 44,359 – showed a 12 percent surge from just two years prior. The 2015 results played a major role in pushing Los Angeles County to create a plan to address the...

Subsidized rent, but nowhere to go: Homeless vouchers go unused (

With more than 35,000 people sleeping on sidewalks and in alleys, underpasses and riverbeds, the city and county are leaning on rent subsidies for private landlords to bring quick relief to homeless people while elected officials struggle to fund a $1.87 billion construction program. But in the last two years, rents have soared far above baseline federal voucher caps — $1,150 for a one-bedroom apartment and $1,500 for two-bedroom units. And with the county's rental vacancy rate at a scant...

Working with Childhood Trauma: Professional Services Training on June 23rd

Echo Parenting & Education's Professional Services Training will be hosted by The CA Endowment on Thursday, June 23rd, from 9am - 4pm. A first in their series of trainings, the attendees will receive a comprehensive review of the current science and deepened understanding of: * Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) student * Effects of trauma/toxic stress on attachment, the body and brain of a developing child * Survival responses and regulation * Trauma Informed Care * Intergenerational...

Oakland Unified to fund Restorative Justice with "at least" $2.3 million!

I'm not sure if this has already made the rounds, but it's such good news, it's definitely worth a repost! "Oakland Unified school board voted unanimously Wednesday night to eliminate willful defiance as a reason to suspend any student and to invest at least $2.3 million to expand restorative justice practices in its schools". What a beautiful commitment to the child, to meeting their actual needs rather than just sending them away with their needs unmet. The funding of RJ practices is huge,...

ACEs Connection Network Confab -- Southern California, May 10, 2016

(l to r) Sienna, one of the teens from Youth Voice from City Heights; Dana Brown, ACEs Connection Network regional facilitator and co-founder of Youth Voice; Francisco Mendoza, CEO, Mendoza Consulting; Jessica, Youth Voice; Lizette, Youth Voice; Talitha Thompson, Youth Voice co-facilitator; Joshua Aguirre, RISE Up Industries board of directors; Stephanie Linderman, Youth Voice mentor; Arturo Soriano, Youth Empowerment co-founder; (in front) Adrian, Youth Voice.

Why trauma-informed care is needed in Los Angeles County: Guest commentary []

When Jake was a child, his parents would scream at him every day. They told him everything he did was wrong and he was worthless. One day when Jake was 4, his father threw him against the wall three times. It was not until his mother found Jake talking to himself at age 12 that she saw he — and her family — needed help. When Jake entered therapy, he was hearing voices in his head and had a severe stutter. He never felt safe and found it hard to trust others. Today, Jake, a 58-year-old Los...

A Santa Barbara 'safe parking' program for homeless people may be coming to L.A. (

Office workers were still at their desks when Thomas Goodwin's 1974 motor home clanked out of a downtown parking lot one recent evening, power steering groaning as Lego blocks flew around the plaid interior. The 54-year-old single father moved the newly acquired camper to clear a parking place for the van where he and his 7-year-old daughter sleep — with the city's blessing. Goodwin makes use of Santa Barbara's "safe parking" initiative, a homelessness program that Los Angeles is studying as...

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