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Tagged With "social work"

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ACE's Informed Child Protective Services?

Elaine Spicer ·
As I listen to and watch the struggles in the Illinois and Indiana Child Services Departments, I search for states that have implemented the lens of trauma awareness and resilience into the child protective services practices. We know, by the numbers of foster care placements, failed placements, re-placements, residential treatment placements, failed residential treatment placements, failed adoptions, etc. that removing children from their families is not necessarily an answer for families...
Ask the Community

Looking for Writers: New magazine addressing foster care system and family trauma

Helen W. Mallon ·
Hello, Everyone, I am co-editor of a new publication on, to be launched in March 2020. Collective Power is the written arm of Home for Good , a collective organization recently launched after 6 years of planning. HFG began when our founders asked themselves, "What would a system that reflects our love for our children look like?" HFG's mission is to transform the trauma too often perpetuated by the various helping systems, among the people they purport to help—whether the...

Re: How does the general public percieve Foster Children?

Paul B. Simms ·
January 28, 2014 My Dear Colleague Jeff Bergstrom: The interaction you had with the couple in the restaurant in June 2013 was fascinating, scary and probably an honest summary of some of the mis-information and the biased thinking that dominates segments of this country. I have been told that it is difficult to reason someone out of something that they have not been reasoned into. This may be one of those conversations. But I wonder where the ideas about children in foster care came from? It...

Re: How does the general public percieve Foster Children?

Stephanie Russo ·
I think in our society we have a blind spot to why people behave the way they do. We like to assume that we are all playing with the same set of rules, but that leaves us blind to those that do not act in ways we can predict. If we can't predict their behavior, there must be something wrong with them. I believe that actions have meaning. I work with survivors of domestic violence and so often I hear survivors say, "You're going to think I'm crazy, but let me tell you what happened..." and...

Re: ACE's Informed Child Protective Services?

Christine Cissy White ·
Elaine: I know that Benchmarks PFE (Partnering for Excellence) has a pilot program going. They are working with researchers from Duke to help measure and assess. They are doing a few things I think are pretty cool: Making sure therapists and clinicians are trauma-informed and ACEs aware. Making sure Child Welfare and Family Services is trauma-informed and ACEs aware. Making sure medical insurers they work with are as well. But they are also doing some innovative things such as working with...

Re: ACE's Informed Child Protective Services?

Former Member ·
This is a problem area for sure. I did my residency at Riley and worked as a pedi in several places in Indiana. The child welfare system is incredibly broken because the resources alloted in Indiana are poor (and MI too). And all over the country. The case workers are not well trained or paid and all I have met are almost totally unaware of the importance of ACEs science, but getting better. I’ve talked to a few of my fellow peds classmates still in Indiana and it hasn’t changed much I am...
Ask the Community

(TRMBW™) Trauma Responsive Mind-Body Wellness Training

Amanda Willett ·
Hello everyone, I am the founder of Rituals for Recovery a non-profit organization in Ontario Canada who is commited to combating complex trauma and the stigma and suffering that results from it. We are getting ready to launch our fall programming and trauma responsive mind body wellness training and are looking for clinicans, social workers and helping professionals working with children and families in the foster care system (particularly those who offer free services for at-risk families...
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