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Tagged With "replacement parents"


Stacey Parent


Anna Skipper


Angel Taylor

Angel Taylor

Stacy Eppers


Kim M Young


Pamela Burrus

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Foster System Webinar Series []

Natalie Audage ·
From Children's Bureau Express, May 2021 A series of four webinars is available from the Shriver Center on Poverty Law. These webinars focus on how Black communities, communities of color, and families living in poverty are overrepresented in the foster care system and the aspects of the social systems that contribute to this. The series includes the following webinars: "Moving From Why to How: Parent Leaders' Perspectives on the Movement for Child Welfare Justice" "Policing by Another Name:...
Blog Post

New Report: A Vision for Creating Networks of Parent Peer Care []

Natalie Audage ·
Someone to Turn To: A Vision for Creating Networks of Parent Peer Care This Insights paper presents Rise’s vision for a peer network of collective care by and for parents. This fall, Rise created a parent Peer Vision Team to explore building a peer care model that can strengthen families while reducing contact with the family policing system . Nationwide and in New York City, where Rise is based, it’s crucial to broadly reorganize supports for families so that accessing resources and...
Blog Post

As New York Legalizes Marijuana, Parent Advocates Push Child Welfare Agencies to Adapt []

By Megan Conn, The Imprint, May 11, 2021 For generations of New York parents, smoking a joint on the stoop or tucking some weed into a pocket has always come with the risk of not only a criminal charge, but the threat of being reported to child protective services. People of color and families living in poverty have long been the overwhelming majority of those tested for marijuana use, arrested and reported to child welfare agencies. But at the end of March, New York became the 16th state to...
Calendar Event

Rise's Peer and Community Care Model Webinar

Blog Post

NCTSN May 2021 Spotlight []

Natalie Audage ·
Positive mental health is essential to a child's healthy development from birth. It promotes positive youth development, resiliency during difficult times, and recovery. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, children have faced unprecedented challenges, including making sudden and significant changes to their daily routines and dealing with the separation or sudden death of a loved one from afar. The NCTSN has resources to help parents, caregivers, child welfare workers, and providers support the...
Blog Post

Major Child Welfare Bills Pass in New York, Texas, Oregon []

The early summer has seen a slew of high-impact state legislation on child welfare and youth justice. Last week, New York lawmakers moved several landmark bills while punting a few to next year’s legislative session. Among the biggest moves: The state will now give parents whose rights have been terminated a path to court-ordered contact with their children, even those who have been adopted from foster care. Children below the age of 12 can no longer be arrested and processed in New York’s...
Blog Post

Helping children in foster care understand their history (AdoptUSKids blog)

Natalie Audage ·
We live in a country where everything is always “fine.” An acquaintance asks you how you are doing, and even if you’re having the worst day of your week, you’re probably going to say “fine.” We’re just not good at discussing difficult—and potentially hurtful—topics. So we avoid doing it. But if you’re a foster parent or adopting children from foster care—especially older children—you’ll probably need to talk with them about their past. Because the reality is that a lot of kids don’t know...
Blog Post

Color-Blind Ambition: The idea of removing race from child removal decisions is growing, despite some skepticism. (The Imprint)

Natalie Audage ·
In an all-too-common occurrence in the nation’s largest local child welfare system, a 37-year-old mother of five from Los Angeles County dialed 911 about two years ago, seeking protection from an abusive partner. That call brought not only the police but the Department of Children and Family Services to her home. Under the watch of social workers, Kenia Charles said, she moved into a shelter for domestic violence survivors, but still, the child welfare agency argued in court it had concerns...
Blog Post

6 Skills You Need to Master Before Becoming a Foster Parent (

Natalie Audage ·
Thousands of kids out there are in need of a safe home. Sadly, there are not nearly enough foster families available for all these children. You can help by stepping up to become a foster parent. Opening your home and your heart to a child is exactly what these kids need. But before you decide to take in a foster child, be sure you're up for the challenges (and joys) ahead. To help you prepare, we've compiled a checklist of key considerations and skills needed to be a successful foster...
Blog Post

Cultivating Resilience in New Foster Parents Through Mentoring

Natalie Audage ·
A recent article in Children and Youth Services Reviews discusses a study that explores the relationship between mentoring and resilience in new foster parents and how mentors can help new foster parents. Mentorship between experienced and inexperienced foster parents has shown to improve retention and increase the mentee's ability to manage the behavioral problems of children in their care. It also provides new foster parents with additional supportive contacts and encourages greater...
Blog Post

July 22: What Youth Wish Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Parents Knew []

From Fostering Media Connections, July 19, 2021 AN ONLINE CONVERSATION What Youth Wish Foster, Adoptive & Kinship Parents Knew Join us for a conversation with former foster youth who are sharing their lived experiences and wisdom gained after navigating the child welfare system. What are caregivers doing right — or wrong? What do youth see in the foster care system that caregivers don't? And how can caregivers help youth on the journey toward healing trauma? Our panelists: Alexis...
Blog Post

‘How’s Our Girl?’: On Loving a Foster Child and Letting Go (NY Times)

Natalie Audage ·
Every time we choose to love other mortal beings, someday, we will have to give them back. “Cute baby,” strangers said when they saw her. “Your first?” they asked. And when we told them she was our foster daughter, that we might have to return her to her biological mother, I watched them step back. “I couldn’t do that,” they said. “I’ll pray for you,” they said. I didn’t know if I could do it, either. But I also knew it’s what we do every time we choose to love another mortal being. Someday,...
Blog Post

Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

Elena Costa ·
English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance co-created “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe economic consequences resulting from...

Kalan Lloyd


Gaile Osborne


Ruth Burcaw

Ruth Burcaw
Blog Post

Investments in 'Family Resource Centers" Spread Nationwide, But Some Parent Advocates Disapprove of Link to Child Protection Agencies []

By Juan Carlos Castillo and Michael Fitzgerald, The Imprint, August 25, 2021 Damali Flippin, a mother of a 6-year-old girl, had been living in Washington, D.C., for years not knowing where to find emotional and social support. With her family living far away, the pandemic deepened those needs. “To be candid, I’d been feeling very depressed and just, you know, anxious and not motivated,” she said in a recent public meeting held over videoconference. Her desolation continued until the day an...
Blog Post

Join Us for Standing Strong Conference- Mon, Sept. 13- Wed, Sept. 15

Julie Beem ·
In less than a week, parents and caregivers for children impacted by early childhood trauma will be learning and supported at the Standing Strong Virtual Conference - Sept 13-15, 2021, hosted by the Attachment & Trauma Network, Inc. (ATN) . This 3-day event is focused on helping those caring for children with developmental trauma, complex PTSD and attachment challenges learn advocacy strategies and focus on their own care/burnout needs now that their children are back in school. Speakers...
Blog Post

Child Advocacy Centers Model Strong Skills and Partnerships for Helping Families Within the Child Welfare System []

By Paul S Dilorenzo, for Imprint News, September, 1, 2021 Most of what I write for The Imprint is about family support and primary prevention programming. Like many of my colleagues, I frequently distinguish between “upstream” and the “deep-end” activities of the child welfare system, which is a shortcut description of what we perceive and then, how we function. It serves our purpose for partializing our work. However, I’m sure we would all agree that this might not be the perception of the...
Blog Post

I Will Never Forget That I Could Have Lived With People Who Loved Me (

Natalie Audage ·
By Sixto Cancel, The New York Times, September 16, 2021 When I was 15, an usher at my church offered to become my foster parent. Hers was one of the best foster homes I lived in. But she wanted a son. It was more than I was able to give. I had been in foster care since I was 11 months old because of my mother’s drug addiction and poverty. Adopted at age 9 by a racist and abusive woman, I was locked out of the house at age 13. For two years, I couch surfed with friends, then entered foster...
Blog Post

Keeping children you foster and adopt safe online (

Natalie Audage ·
By AdoptUSKids, June 15, 2021 Long before COVID, children’s lives were increasingly spent online. Researchers estimate that 70 percent of us spend more than two hours a day on social media alone. If you’re a parent, you might be thinking: “Only two hours! My son is on his phone a lot more than that!” There are many well documented dangers created by children’s spending excessive amounts of time online. Children in foster care are often at a greater risk because they may have less impulse...
Blog Post

The Staggering Number of Kids Who Have Lost a Parent to COVID-19 []

By Joe Pinsker, The Atlantic, October 16, 2021 Throughout the pandemic, media outlets and online dashboards have provided constant updates on the number of people who have died from COVID-19. Far less prominent—but just as striking—are the tallies of those left behind. According to an estimate published recently in the journal Pediatrics , at least 140,000 American children had lost a parent or caregiver because of the coronavirus by the end of June—meaning that one of roughly every 500...

Jane Arnott


Ariel Pooley

Blog Post

Book Review: Rohan Bullkin and the Shadows: A Story about ACEs and Hope

Juleus Ghunta ·
Review of Rohan Bullkin and the Shadows by Jessica King Childhood can be brutal. Some of the authors I admire most have been able to reflect on difficult childhood trauma and create art, holding those experiences up to the light and processing them. In children’s literature, these personal, heartfelt #OwnVoices works tell a difficult story with truth and compassion. Books like this form a vital “mirror” for children in similar circumstances. I received an advance copy of Rohan Bullkin and...
Blog Post

Treatment foster care model shows promising results (

Natalie Audage ·
An Oregon-developed model of foster care aims for reunification by Libby Dowsett , Street Roots, November 10, 2021 Sharon Annett’s eyes are now wide open to what’s really going on behind closed doors. “I didn’t understand there are people out there mistreating children so badly,” said Sharon Annett. “It’s just horrific the stories you hear about what these little kids have been through.” Sharon Annett is a treatment foster care parent, meaning she and her husband Jim Annett care for children...
Blog Post

Roadmap to Resilience

Karen Zilberstein ·
On November 17, 2021, Roadmap to Resilience: Supporting Children Experiencing Stress and Trauma announced its official website launch and release of podcast episodes, short videos, and other digital tools. Roadmap to Resilience guides the listener through specific, trauma-informed approaches to supporting children and their families. Created by a task force of international child trauma experts, the collection of free resources provides practical, accessible, and timely digital content for...
Blog Post

COVID Is Driving a Children’s Mental Health Emergency []

By Julia Hotz, Photo: Getty Images, Scientific American, December 13, 2021 When COVID shut down life as usual in the spring of 2020, most physicians in the U.S. focused on the immediate physical dangers from the novel coronavirus. But soon pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris began thinking of COVID’s longer-term emotional damage and those who would be especially vulnerable: children. “The pandemic is a massive stressor,” explains Burke Harris, who is California’s surgeon general. “Then you have...
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