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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Community book study"

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When Hidden Grief Gets Triggered During COVID-19 Confinement

Tian Dayton ·
first published by The Meadows 4/15/20 Our sense of loss during the current COVID-19 crisis can trigger hidden emotions from when we experienced a sense of loss before. Whatever early losses you have had in your life — whether they be your own divorce, your parents, or both, or the abandonment of one parent, a childhood or parental illness or death, financial upheaval, constant moving around, or growing up with parental addiction or adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) — they are likely to...
Blog Post

When the Cross is On the Table

Robin Saenger ·
Susan Traylor says “When they see the cross on the table, they know someone has died.” The ‘they’ she is talking about are the many folks experiencing homelessness in our small community of Tarpon Springs, Florida. A few weeks ago, the cross was on the table for Terry. I knew him by sight but never knew his name. I observed him over the past few years quite often in a state that makes most people not only uncomfortable, but anxious and fearful as he argued with someone only he could see. He...
Blog Post

Why do kids of divorce ask, “Who am I?”

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
          Posted on  August 13, 2015   by  Linda Jacobs Imagine looking like your father and being proud of that fact. Perhaps at some point in your young life your grandmother proudly said to her friends,...
Blog Post

Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
As I begin to share with faith communities throughout Montana why adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) matter and how they can help build more resilient children and healthier communities, I sometimes hear something like this: "But why does it matter? What difference should it make in ministry?” The ACE survey measured the prevalence of ten stress-inducing factors in childhood including abuse, neglect, and substance abuse in the home, and these factors definitely influence ministries...

Re: A program to Teach ACEs concepts/Importance of Avoiding Toxic Stress to Parents at our Local Lutheran Church. Ideas?

Dave Lockridge ·
TIna, So sorry for the slow response. I'm about ready to go to print with a 12 lesson Biblical/Scientific Principles ACE Overcomers book and a 12 lesson Scientific Principles ACE Overcomers book. Either would be appropriate for church. Additionally, I have a 12 lesson DVD that would be appropriate for bible study classes. It will take me a few weeks to get the books finished, but the DVDs are ready. You can find the DVDs at . Take care.

Re: A New Resource on ACE

Hi Denice, Please share if you've posted your wonderful book you've authored on our Books! group on ACEs Connection. Our ministries have such an excellent platform for helping those in pain with their healing journey. Many blessings to you Denice... In gratitude, Dana

Re: Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Chris, where did you get the stats for Montana? Is there a link that tells such stats for various states? I'd love to use some of this in presentations to children's pastors when I speak at national conferences. Thanks for your compassion to inform congregations about ACEs.

Re: Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Linda... Here is the source for the stats: It is not an exhaustive discussion, but does discuss what is most prevalent as far as ACEs for each state. Hope you find it helpful! Chris

Re: Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks bunches. I get Child Trend's news but must have missed this one. Too much to read and keep up with at times.

Re: Confused

Rene Howitt ·
Ed...Last year I partnered up with a Pastor Tim Wesemann and we have written a bible study on ACEs. It is titled "Family. It's Complicated." A Bible Study of ACEs in the Book of Genesis. If you visit my website at you will find the study there. Read it and then gift it to your church. You have the ability to get your church informed about ACEs through the study. Please let me know if you have any thoughts or questions. Rene

Re: Confused

Denice Colson ·
Hi Ed, I'm excited that you want to share the information about childhood trauma with the church. It is my belief that God wants to heal the Church from its trauma wounds so that we can reach out to others and offer healing. I've started a movement and written a spiritually integrated trauma recovery model to use in churches and any location open to understanding more about ACE impact. I have a book and workbook on (Break EVERY Stinking Chain! Healing for Hidden Wounds) and offer...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Hi everyone... I think I mistakenly posted this on the main blog, which gets flooded with entries and things get lost fast! So, I reposted here in case any of the faith-based folks missed it last week. Blessings, Chris

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Excellent! I did miss it last week so thanks for posting it here.

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
You are welcome, Linda... I am still getting the hang of just how to best maneuver ACEs Connection and both find and post things in the appropriate places! I am glad you liked the article. Chris

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Dale Fletcher ·
Thanks for this post Chris. I also agree with what you've written. If what you've captured is the essence of the phrase 'trauma-informed,' Then I think we need to go one step further in ministry and that is to make available options for traumatized congregants to receive healing. Options such as Linda Jacobs is offering at her church. For Christian church communities, this is an opportunity for people too experience the healing balm of Jesus Christ. So, yes, people in faith communities and...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Sandy Goodwick ·
The following was in this month's church newsletter. "... "... Many years ago one of my parishioners came to see me because he could not shake a nagging feeling of anxiety and depression. Through the pastoral counseling process I also discovered that he had a heart condition. As I asked him questions to better understand what had happened in his life that could have triggered such physical and emotional symptoms he revealed that his mother had left his family on Christmas Eve as a child. He...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Sandy Goodwick ·
These are all nice theories and truly look good in a vacuum. but people who've been impacted by ACEs are not "waiting in the wings" for somebody to put together a "trauma informed" ministry. People already exist. Its not "oh gee, let's do trauma informed ministry! Yippee!" For people with ACEs its, "we've been mistreated for YEARS" Talk with people actively engaged in the 'consumer' movement. Churches really "big" on 'social justice' issues, on "ministry" issues, either embrace the "disease"...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Hi Sandy... A lot to respond to and I want to give your comments and questions the honor of the appropriate level of prayer and thought before giving a substantive response. Maybe a phone call would work better? If you are interested, send me a private message! Thanks.

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks for the mention!

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I have another friend that has developed a program called "Chained No More." This program is run in churches and is about breaking the chains from childhood. My friend, Robyn Bessemann didn't know much about trauma in the beginning but after lot of study, being raised in a minister's home and ministering to kids and youth of divorce she learned. The Lord impressed upon her to write this program. She also now has an Internet radio show where is...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Robyn Besemann ·
I am the author of "Chained No More...A Journey of Healing for Adult Children of Divorce/Childhood Brokenness ." I did not grow up in a horribly dysfunctional home, did not divorce, or have divorced parents. I did not suffer from abuse, although I had other issues growing up in a pastor's home. It used to be that we all kept our "family business" private, so never really discussed it, nor did we heal from it, so we took it forward into our adult lives. Churches proclaimed the gospel and gave...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Love it, Robyn! I share your passion. Of what I wrote, here's where I feel the crux of the matter lies... moving from advocacy for to advocacy with and empowerment of those with past (and present) trauma: Empowerment, voice and choice : Are those that are ministered to also given opportunity and empowered to minister within the church, understanding that they bring value and wisdom to the worshipping community? Are they fully integrated into the life of the church and given a voice for...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Robyn Besemann ·
Yes, Chris. That is the next step for someone who has found healing. They have lived through trauma and damage, so, in my belief, they are highly qualified to move forward and "use their pain for good." We find in our participants, that after finding that healing, they then feel much more worthy and accepted wherever they go, including the church. Concerning Chained No More participants, we sometimes have them come in and observe the next set of classes, share a little of their journey of...

Re: Building community by facing collective trauma with hope

Ed Martin ·
One of the concepts I try to invoke to the community is the transforming power of being there — connecting rather than separating. Abraham Lincoln is quoted, “I don’t like that man. I need to get to know him better.” And “Do I not lose my enemies when I make them my friends?” Jesus befriended Zaccheus. Zaccheus was transformed in that he worked for the better of his community (Luke 19). Instead of asking, “Why did you do that?” ask, “Why are you hurting?” I’ve worked with those with...

Re: Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Sanghoon, I am so encouraged by this work and our fellowship from afar! Let me know if there is anything I can do to help support your ministry this fall and going forward. Blessings, Chris

Re: Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Brenda Cochran ·
This is awesome! I can't wait to see what God is going to do in this congregation...

Re: Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Dale Fletcher ·
Thanks for sharing how God is using his people to share this facet of the gospel!

Re: When Hidden Grief Gets Triggered During COVID-19 Confinement

Margie Ann Neugebauer ·
Post By Tian Dayton: When Hidden Grief Gets Triggered During COVID-19 C...I refer all to the and their blogs. Extremely helpful blogs on grief and the coronavirus. There is also a free downloadable e-book which highlights the grief recovery method. Any kind of loss entails grief. No need to label a grief as complicated, whatever, grief is grief. And grief is not the same as depression. Much unresolved grief leads to depression. The Grief Recovery Method is also...

Re: Author of "Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks" study connects with the Arizona Trauma-Informed Faith Community

Sanghoon Yoo ·
It was a great day of connection, teaching & learning and lovely fellowship in this movement. Thank you, Chris, for coming and sharing your message with us!!

Re: July TiCong Meeting Notes

Former Member ·
Does this meeting have an audio or video recording we can review somewhere.

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Kimberly, I'd be interested also. I'll email you. My work has been with children's ministers and I speak at several national children's minister's conferences. They get concerned when a child's behavior is out of control. They get concerned when there are bruises. They get concerned when a child is leaning toward suicide and makes it known. I've been working with churches for over 10 years and I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over but no one is really listening. I've given out...

Re: Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Todd Benkert ·
This is great! I would love to see a similar thing happen in Indiana and Chicagoland and would love to get more details about what you've done there in Arizona.

Re: Trauma Informed Congregation Movement in Arizona

Becky Haas ·
This is awesome! Thank you for sharing. Though my work with ACEs and Trauma-Informed education began through my job at the Police Department, I am an ordained minister and have shared this message with our local faith community and hope in the coming months to provide them a four hour SAMHSA trauma-informed training for local pastors on the subject. In my work (Community Crime Prevention Programs) I was drawn to this subject in 2014 and felt it was an opportunity to infuse the community with...
Blog Post

Free Online Stress-Reduction Program for Individuals and Faith-Based Groups

Donna Chacko, M.D. ·
Hello. It is so satisfying to be able to turn to this wonderful community and tell you about the free online program I’m offering through my Serenity and Health ministry. While many of us continue with social distancing, this program may be useful for you or your church group. It is particularly relevant to this ACE community...both to prevent ACEs and to mitigate the new sources of stress created by the pandemic and felt so keenly by ACE survivors. The program is available in English and...
Blog Post

A Better Normal Friday, June 19th at Noon PDT: LGBTQ+ Identity and Race in the US: An Intersectional Discussion On Historical and Generational Trauma

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our ongoing series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. LGBTQ+ Identity and Race in the US: An Intersectional Discussion On Historical and Generational Trauma With Panelists Rev. Dr. D. Mark Wilson and Alexander Cho, Ph.D., Moderated by ACEs Connection staff members Jenna Quinn and Alison Cebulla Friday, June 19th, 2020 Noon to 1pm, PT (3pm to 4pm ET) >>Click here to register<< Please join us...
Blog Post

"A Different Distribution of Power": ACEs, Trauma and Resilience Networks Sharpen Focus on Racial Justice and Equity

Anndee Hochman ·
For the leaders of Sarasota Strong (or "SRQ Strong") Florida, anti-racism work isn’t about inviting people of color to tables long-occupied by white professionals fluent in academic jargon and theories of change. It’s about venturing, with humility and openness, into spaces where Black people worship, work and live. Helen Neal-Ali from SRQ Strong. Photo courtesy of Andrea Blanch. Which is why, before SRQ Strong even had a name or held a formal event, educator/minister Helen Neal-Ali launched...
Blog Post

Help Navigating the Road to Community Resiliency

Becky Haas ·
The first time I ever heard the words trauma-informed care and the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study was in the summer of 2014. At the time, I was working for the local Police Department as the Director of a grant-funded Crime Reduction Project aimed at reducing drug-related and violent crime. Of the many program goals, one was to develop a rehabilitative corrections program for felony offenders with addictions in order to reduce recidivism. Though I’ve lived in this region for...

Re: Help Navigating the Road to Community Resiliency

Michael Skinner ·
Thank you for sharing and your advocacy and education in this arena. And yes to the "war on trauma", instead of people.
Blog Post

'A Better Normal' Community Discussion Series: How to Grow a Resilient Community - July 7, 2020

Interested in learning what it takes to Grow a Resilient Community? Do you want to learn how to become a member of ACEs Connection Cooperative of Communities? If so, please join us Tuesday, July 7th, 12-1pm PDT for our next 'A Better Normal' community discussion series. In this discussion we will be talking with Brian Semsem of Fresno's Every Neighborhood Partnership. We will be talking to Brian about what led him to work with ACEs and resilience. In addition, we will be discussing the path...
Blog Post

Donald Trump is the product of abuse and neglect. His story is common, even for the powerful and wealthy.

Jane Stevens ·
“In order to cope,” writes Mary Trump, “Donald began to develop powerful but primitive defenses, marked by an increasing hostility to others and a seeming indifference to his mother’s absence and father’s neglect….In place of [his emotional needs] grew a kind of grievance and behaviors—including bullying, disrespect, and aggressiveness—that served their purpose in the moment but became more problematic over time. With appropriate care and attention, they might have been overcome.”
Blog Post

A Shadow ACE in Christian Babycare

Laura Haynes Collector ·
As a former La Leche League Leader I became familiar with the teachings of Gary Ezzo (“Raising Kids God’s Way,” "On Becoming Babywise") in the early 1990’s. Leaders in my area began getting a lot of phone calls on our warm line that followed the same basic story: a baby not thriving and a case of very low milk supply despite the Mom’s exclusive breastfeeding and a strong desire to breastfeed. It gradually emerged that a local church had begun promoting a rigid rules-based practice of baby...

Re: A Shadow ACE in Christian Babycare

Stacey Ray ·
Thank you! I was one of those 90's Moms who was basically told that NOT using this technique was unbiblical. There were many of us...and yet it didn't feel right. I had a "mentor" at church who told me to get my twins (first born) to nap I had to leave them in dirty diapers so that they would "learn" to self soothe and sleep on a regular schedule. So many other "lessons" this woman tried to teach me (and I read the book multiple times). I felt like my education (I have an MA in Developmental...
Blog Post

The Best for our Children: Considering ACEs in Voter Engagement.

Jvanete Skiba ·
The presidential race is a big-ticket item, but hundreds of other state and local races will impact critical issues like school funding, childcare and early education, nutrition programs, and health care. Every seat in the NC General Assembly is on the ballot, along with the Governor’s race, a US Senate seat, congressional races, and more. When it comes to elevating the importance of racial equity, voting is vital to make marginalized voices heard. Policies and systems can be changed by our...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion: The reintroduction of Michael Hayes — from ACEs awakening to ACEs community service

Sylvia Paull ·
It wasn’t until his fifth prison term in a North Carolina county jail — his fourth conviction for driving under the influence — that Michael Hayes volunteered to take an ACE survey that changed his life. The 48-year-old father of six sons and one daughter had spent a number of years in and out of prison. During his last term, to get some time out of the cell where he spent 16 hours a day, he volunteered to attend a class offered by RHA Health Services, a nonprofit that incorporates the...
Blog Post

Joseph, Adversity, and Autism

Adam Read ·
I don’t know about your upbringing, but I spent enough time in church to hear the story of Joseph’s many coat of colors many times and how his brothers sold him into slavery. Never, though, have I seen this story through the lens that Jospeh may have been Autistic until now. This exploration shows how disabilities and diversity can chemically react with the heat of adversity to create the powerful energy that saved two ancient adversarial cultures from starvation and famine.
Blog Post

Conference Breakout: Trauma-Informed Ministry and the Theological Implications of Trauma

Renae Dupuis ·
At our annual RESPITE | Building a Trauma-Informed Community Conference, I will be presenting a specialized breakout about Trauma-Informed Ministry and the Theological Implications of Trauma. Over the last few years, I've been working on my book (Did You Bring Your Heart?) where I tackle the issue of re-traumatization that can happen within worshipping community when there is not an intentional effort to understand the far-reaching effects of adversity in forming our understanding of...
Blog Post

New devotional book, Hope for Healing, seeks to give trauma-informed ministry insight

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
I am proud/relieved/gratified at finally being able to share a labor of love with the "PACES" community. It has been a struggle, the book project--yes, but just life and ministry in general have been hard over the past year. My family and I, personally, continue to walk the path of navigating all the complexities that come from trauma and working through that trauma in the context of ministry. I understand that many of you are in the same situation and can understand. The book, Hope for...
Blog Post

Praise for "Hope for Healing" by Rev. Chris Haughee, 30-day trauma-informed devotional

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
"Don't take MY word for it... hear from those who were kind enough to review my new devotional and provide an endorsement." Pastor Chris Haughee purchase now at Give yourself thirty days to experience the profound ministry of Intermountain Residential in Helena, Montana! Hope for Healing is a unique devotional book. It comes from Rev. Dr. Chris Haughee's ministry as chaplain to severely emotionally disturbed children and their families, gleaned from...
Blog Post

NEW CONFERENCE - Becoming Trauma Informed Faith Communities

Jean Pagliaro ·
Hello, I am the program/retreat coordinator at the Franciscan Spirituality Center in La Crosse, WI. We are very excited to virtually host this conference! Participants can choose a particular day/track or sign up for the entire event. Track payment includes the keynote speaker session, Dr. Frederick Streets, on June 1 from 6-7:30pm (CST) Together on Our Way: Becoming Trauma-Informed Faith Communities, Franciscan Spirituality Center virtual conference - Franciscan Spirituality Center [[GOLIVE...
Blog Post

Praise for "Hope for Healing" by Rev. Chris Haughee, 30-day trauma-informed devotional

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
"Don't take MY word for it... hear from those who were kind enough to review my new devotional and provide an endorsement." Pastor Chris Haughee purchase now at Give yourself thirty days to experience the profound ministry of Intermountain Residential in Helena, Montana! Hope for Healing is a unique devotional book. It comes from Rev. Dr. Chris Haughee's ministry as chaplain to severely emotionally disturbed children and their families, gleaned from...
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