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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina"

Blog Post

Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
As I begin to share with faith communities throughout Montana why adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) matter and how they can help build more resilient children and healthier communities, I sometimes hear something like this: "But why does it matter? What difference should it make in ministry?” The ACE survey measured the prevalence of ten stress-inducing factors in childhood including abuse, neglect, and substance abuse in the home, and these factors definitely influence ministries...
Blog Post

With VBS coming up, attitudes and conversations can make a difference when you have a rambunctious group of kids

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Summer is here, and recently I’ve been doing my early morning walk on the beach. In our part of the country we have a beach restoration project going on. This project involves ships, pipes 4 feet in diameter, tractors, backhoes, and other equipment needed to dredge the sand off the bottom of the ocean and pump it up onto the beach. It’s quite interesting to watch the sand pour out of those very large pipes onto the beach and then observe the large earthmoving equipment move all the sand...
Blog Post

Yoga Transformed Me After Trauma and Sexual Assault []

Laura Pinhey ·
Laura's note: This story of sheer determination of transformation of self and community in the face of personal trauma AND systemic racism is breathtaking. Be warned: it may blow you away, as it did me. As a child, Ebony Smith survived sexual assault but didn’t have the tools to cope with the trauma until years later, when she found yoga. Now, she’s bringing the practice to her community, and others in crisis. Exactly 247 people came to practice yoga with me today. Why is that such a big...
Ask the Community

Worth Forwarding - "Caught between the Amygdala and a Hard Place" - by Karyn Purvis, Ph.D. & David Cross, Ph.D.

Steven Dahl ·
As so many disturbing and traumatic events involving children have been covered by the media recently - it caused me to reflect on my own journey of becoming trauma-informed. Now that I know what I know, I cannot view such stories in a trauma- un informed way. I've found myself in discussions with others who may, or may not be, trauma-informed. It turns out this one factor predictably correlates with the type of conversation that ensues around any topic covered by the media where children...
Ask the Community

Child abuse can be found in every culture and religion

Dave Lockridge ·
Orthodox Jews and Child Abuse We must teach every religious leader of the damaging effects of child abuse. We can no longer sweep it under the rug.
Ask the Community

Examples of churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other faith communities practicing child trauma prevention and intervention?

Laura Norton-Cruz ·
Hello, I just joined this group because, as the coordinator for a statewide trauma-prevention, resilience-promoting coalition in Alaska, I am working with the Governor's Office to organize a forum for faith leaders on the topic of "Safe Children, Healthy Families." I am going to give a presentation to the faith leaders and others assembled and then they will engage in a conversation about what they can do -- with children and youth, with parents and caregivers, with leadership and...
Ask the Community

from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Before coming to Intermountain, I spent a little over 15 years in children’s and youth ministry in the local church setting. For 8 years I was the youth minister at a small church in Southwest Washington, and most recently spent 7 ½ years...
Ask the Community

Healing the Inner Child, part 3

Misa Leonessa Garavaglia ·
How do you root out the lies that were planted in your head when you were traumatized as a child? Most of us come to believe things that are not true about ourselves in the midst of childhood trauma and then carry that belief unconsciously, perhaps...
Ask the Community

MKSafetyNet Conference “Advocacy summit"

For those who are interested in advocating within the missionary community for investigations, reform or justice related to child abuse, Mk Safety Net will be hosting a two day Advocacy Summit prior to the main conference event on April 18-19, 2013....
Ask the Community

On the job training isn't enough!

Catherine Thompson-Darnell ·
GRACE recently convened a team of Christian theologians, pastors, counselors, educators, and child protection professionals who have each demonstrated a commitment to protecting children and serving survivors. This historic committee has embraced the...
Ask the Community

Religion, faith and trauma

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I'm looking for some research in the area of children's belief in God, faith and religion when a child experiences trauma.  I've been commissioned to write an article for a major children's ministry publication and can no research in this area. I...
Ask the Community

Systemic Abuse Within Mission Communities/Organizations

​     The mission community, on both an agency-level and as a collective community, functions as a closed family system. Closed family systems have some inherent characteristics which have allowed abuse to go unchecked in many settings. The followings...

Re: A program to Teach ACEs concepts/Importance of Avoiding Toxic Stress to Parents at our Local Lutheran Church. Ideas?

Krys Cooper ·
Hi - I have done exactly this for both faith-based communities as well as schools (teachers and kids). I have a presentation all set - where are you located? Perhaps we could do something together that you could then carry forward? I have presented to Episcopal churches in Philadelphia; and I live in Elkins Park, just north of N. Philly. Feel free to contact me directly: . Oh - I see you are in Michigan. That'd be a tough one to coordinate. Happy to share info,...

Re: Linear draft plan

Former Member ·
My suggestions to the linear plan from Kimberly for tomorrows discussion from our most recent email: A. Under mission and Values: Create trauma-informed congregations that are able to address the co-occurring epidemics of Violence Against Children (ACEs) , adult violence, untreated mental illness... etc.... VALUES Prevention as Young as Possible ( T h ere needs to be a statement here somewhere as to preventing ACEs --- it needs to be specific.... such as our values are to protect the rights...

Re: You know I really believe!!!

Former Member ·
Heather thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate it but I am truly going beyond a place of this is what happened to me thanks for helping! I use my story to give a valid example of a real life person who shows us clearly that this is an area for those of us with faith should engage! Engagement is soooooo consistent with what folk with faith are charged by God to do??? I know this to be true!!!! I believe I am a boddisatva (a person born to bring compassion to the world). I was...

Re: You know I really believe!!!

Former Member ·
Originally Posted by Tina Marie Hahn, MD: Heather thanks so much for your comment! I really appreciate it but I am truly going beyond a place of this is what happened to me thanks for helping! I use my story to give a valid example of a real life person who shows us clearly that this is an area for those of us with faith should engage! Engagement is soooooo consistent with what folk with faith are charged by God to do??? I know this to be true!!!! I believe I am a boddisatva (a person born...

Re: You know I really believe!!!

Former Member ·
Jesus felt as he was dying the same pain, I believe, felt by the traumatized child! Matthew 27: 45-46 "Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour. "And about the nineth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? My god, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"

Re: Why you faith community should know about ACEs - from

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks bunches. I get Child Trend's news but must have missed this one. Too much to read and keep up with at times.

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Sandy Goodwick ·
Perhaps it's time for the faith-based community to step back awhile and *listen to* those who sit in their pews (and those who leave). Start by asking those with lived experiences' of emotional distress to share their stories of the memories and events that served as the kindling for later depression, substance abuse and PTSD. Just... LISTEN. Take notes because the ten items on that ACEs list do not comprise the totality of adversities that children experience. Children may be bullied...

Re: Confused

sarah butler ·
Hi Ed- I would suggest that you start with your local church and your personal denomination. There are lots of folks working to bring ACEs and trauma-awareness to faith communities. Often these people are working in child and youth ministry, and in areas such as food pantries, homeless services, etc. All the best, -Sarah

Re: Youth Ministry and Mental Illness

Former Member ·
Yes it is important to respond to mental illness among adolescents as they will be the next set of parents but if we understand adversity in childhood and work with families on prevention and health, rates of adolescent mental health concerns would plummet. A dual approach recognizing and mitigating mental illness, addiction, suicide, family and community violence is the most effective way to gain major change and give so many hope!!!! Dr. Heckman really focuses on this for example early...

Re: TICongregationsLinear Plan2.docx

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks Jane. I'll check it out. I just did a Trauma-Informed Church workshop for children's ministers last week for the CMConnect conference. For the most part the children's ministers that came to my workshop had no idea about what a trauma-informed church was all about. They really didn't even know how to devise a list of traumatic events in children other than the child abuse, sexual abuse and homeless. I was floored. We have so much work to do. Here is one guy's conference notes on my...

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thank you for such an insightful article. I wish every teacher, child care worker and church leader would read this post. You have explained what is happening in that child's brain very well. Why can't we as a nation figure this out?

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Sandy Goodwick ·
The following was in this month's church newsletter. "... "... Many years ago one of my parishioners came to see me because he could not shake a nagging feeling of anxiety and depression. Through the pastoral counseling process I also discovered that he had a heart condition. As I asked him questions to better understand what had happened in his life that could have triggered such physical and emotional symptoms he revealed that his mother had left his family on Christmas Eve as a child. He...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
I have another friend that has developed a program called "Chained No More." This program is run in churches and is about breaking the chains from childhood. My friend, Robyn Bessemann didn't know much about trauma in the beginning but after lot of study, being raised in a minister's home and ministering to kids and youth of divorce she learned. The Lord impressed upon her to write this program. She also now has an Internet radio show where is...

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Dale Fletcher ·
Hi Folks! I'm attaching two documents that I used to deliver the teaching I mentioned in the post above. There is a Powerpoint file that I used on the Sunday that I've converted to a PDF. And the script that accompanies the Powerpoint is also in a PDF document. This presentation and the supporting documents are a 'work in progress.' As Ronnie and I present this to other churches and ministries in the area, I'm sure that it will evolve. We are doing our best to share this important material...

Re: Presenting to my congregation

Tori Cronin ·
Hi Dale, I would love to connect with you. I am a ACE's Child Advocate at a DV/SA support center. My role is to educate those in the community and trying to implement sustainable programming. My next steps is to reach out to the faith based communities. I would love to see your presentation as well as any information or resources you have that would be helpful. Thank you so much. I hope we can connect!

Re: Presenting to my congregation

Beth Moore ·
Hi Dale, thank you so much for sharing your PowerPoint. I have been talking to my pastor and church and I am preparing to help my church become trauma-informed. I'm creating resources online, so would appreciate anything ya'll have gathered. Thanks, P.S. I saw your question about neuroplasticity and I have some information if you'd like to use any of it for future teachings. Brain Plasticity Neural Growth Derives from exposure to new experiences and stimuli Allows for...

Re: Call for Proposals Philadelphia Trauma Conference (March 6th)

Neil Andress ·
Thank you so much for your interest, Stacy! The conference focuses on interprofessional work, drawing attendees from the Medical & Healthcare, Mental Health, Early Childhood, K-12 Education, Juvenile Justice, Child Welfare, Higher Education, Faith, and Community(Block Captains, organizers, etc.) sectors. The majority of sessions are accessible to cross-disciplinary audiences, while a few are targeted to attendees from specific backgrounds/professions. the website for the conference is...

Re: Child abuse can be found in every culture and religion

JoNaia Gill ·
Not just in every cutlture and religon Dave, but in homes, streets, public view, schools every where. Child abuse can be found anywhere and everywhere. I agree we must teach every religious leader as well as the entire public the damaging effects of child abuse. The only effect of keeping it quiet is a bad life long outcome, with decisions, perceptions, betrayls from trusting yet again as an adult. My experience my body grew, but my mind remained a child, well thats just from my experience.

Re: from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Former Member ·
I agree with you, Chris! There are so very many people hurting that the generic sermons just don't reach them. We have to get out and serve the hurting people like Jesus did. We started a ministry that we are waiting for 501c3 status for, called Lapeer P.E.A.R.L.S. (Prevent. Educate. Advocate. Restore. Love. Support) that is faith based, using Matthew 18:10 Beware that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my...

Re: from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Chris, I understand what you are saying. My expertise is in ministering children from divorce and single parent homes. For years I ran a therapeutic child care in OK. I had no church to send these families to because churches just didn't understand what was needed. Parents would say, "why should I go to church? I just get called out to deal with my own child so I might as well stay home." Thankfully more and more special needs ministries are cropping up now. However, church leaders and...

Re: from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Former Member ·
Upcoming Seminar on June 7th in Burton, MI about the compelling epidemic of child sexual abuse. This seminar is for leaders in the church and in the community.

Re: Examples of churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other faith communities practicing child trauma prevention and intervention?

Margie Marney ·
We are trying to put together a day focus event for a longer Child Abuse Conference for faith based communities in OKlahoma. If you would give us an update on your forum or surveys that you have learned about faith base qroups and what they would like to know and hear more about on the topic. I could find very little on the subject besides Chris Haughee's curriculum for high school. Margie

Re: The Power of a Trauma-Informed Ministry

Jabulile Mutale ·
Hello all! I'm very interested in getting trained. I run an organisation in Zambia that helps adult survivors of Child sexual abuse find healing. And i believe this training will really help us. Is it possible to get a schedule of the trainings, so that I can plan on when to attend?

Re: Trauma-informed churches

Ernest Izard ·
The church needs to go where the traumatized, abused or neglected child is and not expect the church walls to magnetically attract them to the church property. People make up the church.

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks for the mention of the post on trauma -informed churches that I wrote. I can't wrap my mind around why ministers and seminaries are not engaging in this conversation and training their people. I too believe that early trauma is trauma to the spirit and the heart. Churches could do so much to soothe the trauma the little ones are experiencing. I see this all the time in my DC4K, DivorceCare for Kids, group. Just last night in my group 2 little girls really opened up. They laid it all...

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Jaime J. Romo, Ed.D. ·
Most people will have prior existing traumas. Sometimes, these are triggered by authority figures (e.g., ministers), regardless of the authority figure’s intention. Sometimes, these traumas are triggered when interpersonal or organizational boundaries are confusing. In addition, sometimes the trauma that individuals carry are directly related to religious or spiritual abuse. Not surprisingly, authority figures and structures that highlight authority will frequently be questioned, attacked,...

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Dale Fletcher ·
Thanks for the comment Jaime and your commitment to make a difference. Let's see what kind of momentum we can develop on this issue! ~ Dale

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Kimberly, I'd be interested also. I'll email you. My work has been with children's ministers and I speak at several national children's minister's conferences. They get concerned when a child's behavior is out of control. They get concerned when there are bruises. They get concerned when a child is leaning toward suicide and makes it known. I've been working with churches for over 10 years and I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over but no one is really listening. I've given out...


Jane Stevens ·
Blog Post

Forsyth County Trauma Informed Care Network

Laneita Williamson ·
The Forsyth County Trauma Informed Network is taking great strides into recognizing and addressing community post Covid-19 impacts. PowerPoint attached.
Blog Post

What Do We Do? What Do We Do Now?

Jane Stevens ·
People’s response to the great chasms of structural inequities glaringly laid bare by the COVID-19 pandemic have been further inflamed by the murder of George Floyd and deaths of other African Americans in recent weeks. The acute emergency of the pandemic has eased, but the violence inflicted on racial minorities and now those who are protesting the inequities in our society has compounded the outrage. Right after the pandemic began running riot across the US, I often heard people ask: When...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Danette Glass says COVID-19 increases the need for trauma-informed communities

Sylvia Paull ·
Glass’s mission has always been to protect and foster the practice of nurturing children. That’s because she herself experienced at least five types of adverse childhood experiences, as measured in the original CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study). If the scale could account for childhood adversity such as structural racism and community violence that’s more likely to occur in communities of color, her burden of ACEs is higher.
Blog Post

North American Libraries Send Strong Message of Inclusion, Commitment to Racial and Social Equity, to Their Communities (Urban Library Council)

Karen Clemmer ·
June 1, 2020, Urban Libraries Council Newsroom Blog. In a strong act of commitment to a more equitable society, 164 public libraries across North America signed the Urban Libraries Council’s Statement on Race and Social Equity . This statement serves as a baseline upon which libraries can build policies and actions that make their communities more inclusive and just. [ Please click here to read more. ]
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