Profile Information
Wilmington, NC
United States
Postal Code
What is it you do for a living? (Parenting, volunteering, CEO of social service organization, etc.)
I serve as an educational consultant for the Center for Educational Effectiveness (
In this role I provide a range of services to school districts and educational professionals including strategic planning, professional development, culture and climate data analysis, and leadership coaching. A particular focus of my work is on scaling MTSS systems (academic, behavior, SEL) through stakeholder engagement in a data-informed decision-making process.
What organization(s) do you volunteer or work for?
Better Data.
Better Decisions.
Better Schools.
The Center for Educational Effectiveness develops and delivers quality surveys, data tools and services that catalyze community, district, school and individual growth.
What is your interest in PACEs and resilience science?
Professionally, I was heavily influenced by ACE Study research and implementation of trauma-sensitive practices as a school administrator (14 years). I guess you could say I was striving to be a trauma-informed school administrator. I found my experience, training and position put me out in front of many colleagues re: ACES/neuroscience as well as strengths-based approaches, so I developed an online course, Creating Compassionate Schools, that could be accessed (at that time) by K-12 educators nationwide.
Personally, I have adopted a number of practices that fall generally within a trauma-sensitive approach to relationships, and in particular, parenting. Reflecting on the past 20+ years of parenting, I can identify specific situations/experiences where my response was rooted in neuroscience, being trauma-informed, and a desire to BE (embody) a protective factor in the life of my family.
More recently, I continued to learn more about ACES while overseeing 7 programs for youth from a positive psychology and strengths-based stance. These programs included 3 juvenile justice facilities (incarcerated youth) and 3 K-12 programs designed to support students with disabilities who need specially designed instruction in SEL and self-regulation strategies. In these high-density ACES settings, I worked to build capacity across programs to focus on student strengths, build SEL skills, demonstrate unconditional regard, and help ensure that every child experienced the learning conditions they needed, and deserved.
From 2020-2022, as Director of Learning Solutions for Strivven Media, I drew from all of my experiences, expertise and education (M.Ed in Exception Children, Administrator Credential), to develop career exploration learning experiences and tools that supported equitable career exploration and preparation for individuals served by K-12, workforce agencies, postsecondary institutions, vocational rehabilitation service providers, and nonprofits focused on employability outcomes.
In August of 2022, I transitioned to a consulting role with the Center for Educational Effectiveness (CEE). CEE provides a range of services to school districts including custom surveys administered to students, staff, parents and community stakeholders. Additional services include strategic planning, professional development and organizational capacity building efforts.
My current interests are:
1) Developing resources to support professionals working within a trauma-informed
MTSS framework (PreK-12) so that all learners
2) Partnering with like-minded (and like-hearted) individuals, organizations and
businesses to implement systemic change and transformation to increase
protective factors for all while dramatically reducing the prevalence and impact
of ACES.
3) Driven to cultivate systemic data-informed decision-making processes so that
equitable learning conditions and outcomes are experienced by all.
Note: If you'd like to connect to explore possible intersections, we can do that here in PACES Connection, on LinkedIn, or email me at