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PACEs in the Faith-Based Community

Tagged With "Alive and Well Communities"

Ask the Community

Systemic Abuse Within Mission Communities/Organizations

​     The mission community, on both an agency-level and as a collective community, functions as a closed family system. Closed family systems have some inherent characteristics which have allowed abuse to go unchecked in many settings. The followings...

Re: Faith Based Organizations Paragraph on the new Wikipedia Site

Dale Fletcher ·
Hi Jane, I'm happy to do that. I like your sentence better - a little more clinical. See the changes here - Be well, Dale

Re: A program to Teach ACEs concepts/Importance of Avoiding Toxic Stress to Parents at our Local Lutheran Church. Ideas?

Krys Cooper ·
Hi - I have done exactly this for both faith-based communities as well as schools (teachers and kids). I have a presentation all set - where are you located? Perhaps we could do something together that you could then carry forward? I have presented to Episcopal churches in Philadelphia; and I live in Elkins Park, just north of N. Philly. Feel free to contact me directly: . Oh - I see you are in Michigan. That'd be a tough one to coordinate. Happy to share info,...

Re: Something to Consider... for the next time you teach or preach on worry

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Excellent points, Sandy... just another affirmation of how valuable this online community can be, as your words challenge and fuel me and encourage me at the same time! Vulnerability, TRUE vulnerability, is very hard in spiritual leadership... I have had church members get visibly agitated my times I have dipped my toe in these waters (years ago... pre-ACE Study), because their image (read: idol) of a minister was someone that was a spiritual superhero that didn't bleed... especially not...

Re: Confused

Roxanna Foster ·
Hi Ed, I have found the SAMSHA principles helpful to understand what it means to be trauma informed. What Does it Mean to be a Trauma Informed Church? There is a growing trend in education, mental health, social services, and health care: becoming trauma-informed. For those in ministry, “trauma informed” can be a confusing phrase, bringing up images we might not naturally associate with the church and its mission and ministry. Trauma results from something that occurs in a person’s life that...

Re: Following MLK’s Example Means Ending Our ‘Whatever’ Mindset []

Jim Sporleder ·
Thank you for this post Jane. As people of faith, I believe we are called to stand for justice, and that it is our responsibility to reach out to the poor and vulnerable. Where would Jesus be spending his time if he were to walk this earth again? He would be spending his time with those that society says..."whatever". He would be criticised for those He chose to love unconditionally. He would be accused of lowering educational standards, not holding our poor and vulnerable accountable...

Re: Silent Cries: How the church can help people with mental illness []

Jim Sporleder ·
I'm going to stick my neck out and share that as a person of faith, I struggle using the word "church." I think our churches can be fear-based, therefore if you struggle, it can be seen as you don't have a strong faith, you haven't prayed hard enough, or that it is a sin that you struggle to overcome an obstacle in your life. I trained a Christian High School on trauma-informed care and I shared how important it was for them to listen to their students and how important it was for their...

Re: Validated Measurement tools to gauge spiritual well-being?

Robert Olcott ·
Hi Chris, I recently ran into an old acquaintance, who's now working at the National Center for PTSD, where their database has just about any known assessment instrument, probably with some notes about its efficacy. While his project is separate from the Library & Database, he may very well be able to be of some help. I noticed, after I started this note, that you included your email address at the bottom of your note. I'll try to send you particulars. In the meantime, If you go to their...

Re: Peek Inside a Classroom: Jasmine

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thank you for such an insightful article. I wish every teacher, child care worker and church leader would read this post. You have explained what is happening in that child's brain very well. Why can't we as a nation figure this out?

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Love it, Robyn! I share your passion. Of what I wrote, here's where I feel the crux of the matter lies... moving from advocacy for to advocacy with and empowerment of those with past (and present) trauma: Empowerment, voice and choice : Are those that are ministered to also given opportunity and empowered to minister within the church, understanding that they bring value and wisdom to the worshipping community? Are they fully integrated into the life of the church and given a voice for...

Re: What does it mean for a ministry to be "trauma-informed?"

Robyn Besemann ·
Yes, Chris. That is the next step for someone who has found healing. They have lived through trauma and damage, so, in my belief, they are highly qualified to move forward and "use their pain for good." We find in our participants, that after finding that healing, they then feel much more worthy and accepted wherever they go, including the church. Concerning Chained No More participants, we sometimes have them come in and observe the next set of classes, share a little of their journey of...

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Nancy Ross Rivera ·
This is an answer to prayer indeed! Thank you for sharing. And please do share the slides - greatly appreciated. Be well & keep going!

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Dale Fletcher ·
Hi Folks! I'm attaching two documents that I used to deliver the teaching I mentioned in the post above. There is a Powerpoint file that I used on the Sunday that I've converted to a PDF. And the script that accompanies the Powerpoint is also in a PDF document. This presentation and the supporting documents are a 'work in progress.' As Ronnie and I present this to other churches and ministries in the area, I'm sure that it will evolve. We are doing our best to share this important material...

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Donna Chacko, M.D. ·
Dale, You are continuing to do such great work...not just directly with those in your programs, but by sharing your material so generously. Thank you so much. I was thinking about how each of us reacts to ACEs when we first hear about them--immediately trying to see where we fit in the survey. Have you read anything written about this? Such as specific calls for action depending on where you fit...hi score, low score, children have high score but you don't, etc. I hope you are well. I can...

Re: An ACES Presentation as a Sermon

Dale Fletcher ·
Thanks for the encouragement Donna! To answer your question, I have not yet developed such a 'next step' document, etc. In doing a quick search I found this - My ACES are too high, now what Is this the kind of thing that you are talking about, but from a faith perspective? And thanks for the encouragement to self care. I'm on it.... with God's help! ~ Dale

Re: Presenting to my congregation

Tori Cronin ·
Hi Dale, I would love to connect with you. I am a ACE's Child Advocate at a DV/SA support center. My role is to educate those in the community and trying to implement sustainable programming. My next steps is to reach out to the faith based communities. I would love to see your presentation as well as any information or resources you have that would be helpful. Thank you so much. I hope we can connect!

Re: Child abuse can be found in every culture and religion

JoNaia Gill ·
Not just in every cutlture and religon Dave, but in homes, streets, public view, schools every where. Child abuse can be found anywhere and everywhere. I agree we must teach every religious leader as well as the entire public the damaging effects of child abuse. The only effect of keeping it quiet is a bad life long outcome, with decisions, perceptions, betrayls from trusting yet again as an adult. My experience my body grew, but my mind remained a child, well thats just from my experience.

Re: from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Former Member ·
I agree with you, Chris! There are so very many people hurting that the generic sermons just don't reach them. We have to get out and serve the hurting people like Jesus did. We started a ministry that we are waiting for 501c3 status for, called Lapeer P.E.A.R.L.S. (Prevent. Educate. Advocate. Restore. Love. Support) that is faith based, using Matthew 18:10 Beware that you don't look down on any of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels are always in the presence of my...

Re: from my blog... Creating Communities of Hope for those with ACEs

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Chris, I understand what you are saying. My expertise is in ministering children from divorce and single parent homes. For years I ran a therapeutic child care in OK. I had no church to send these families to because churches just didn't understand what was needed. Parents would say, "why should I go to church? I just get called out to deal with my own child so I might as well stay home." Thankfully more and more special needs ministries are cropping up now. However, church leaders and...

Re: For those that ordered... the trauma-informed curriculum for churches is headed out the door this week!

Dale Fletcher ·
Thanks for putting this together Chris! Well done!

Re: What the World Needs Now: Healing-a sermon addressing ACES

Dale Fletcher ·
Your sermon was wonderful and SPOT on Aaron. Well done! We all need the love of Jesus to be extended to us through the relationships we have with others.

Re: Examples of churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other faith communities practicing child trauma prevention and intervention?

Dave Lockridge ·
ACE Overcomers has been at the forefront of the faith-based trauma-informed movement. We train pastors, laymen, law enforcement officers, social, behavioral, and mental health workers in many states. My curriculum, "Overcoming a Difficult Childhood" is used across the states, into Canada, D.R. Congo, and Uganda. Additionally we have a secular program, "Building Healthy Life Skills" (TM) used in high schools and jails. Both programs have been studied by University of California Merced and...

Re: Intermountain hosts trauma-informed ministry training and workshop

Roxanna Foster ·
Hi Chris, I have used your description of what it is a trauma informed church. Could let me know how you would like to be sited on that piece?

Re: Unconditional Love: Faith Leaders as Agents of Change in the ACEs and Resilience Movement

Dale Fletcher ·
This was terrific! Thank you for posting Anndee! I just watched the video of Sanghoon Yoo as he explained how trauma informed care and resiliency is rooted biblical scripture. Its well worth the 90 minutes.

Re: Personal stories from witnesses, U.S. representatives provided an emotional wallop to House Oversight and Reform Committee hearing on childhood trauma

Elizabeth Fitzgerald ·
Powerful summary. Thanks for including calls to action and all the video testimony links. This feels hopeful. I'm especially struck by this quote: "Members of the committee held up the courage of the witnesses who told their stories of childhood trauma. “I am so sorry you have to weaponize your pain in order for this and the survivor tribe to be seen and heard, but it is so critical for this work to be survivor-led,“ said Pressely. (Click here for the video of her statement). DeSaulneir told...

Re: The Hawai‘i Blessing (7-minutes Hawaiian Island Ministries)

Valerie Jackson ·
This was beautiful and well done. Thank you!

Re: Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Document

Dale Fletcher ·
You are more than welcome to use this document Lauralee. You may wanes to see and make use of the material I added to this blog post on this network about two weeks ago as well.

Re: Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Document

lauralee cummings ·
Thank you so so much sir!!! On Saturday, December 7, 2019, 03:58:01 AM GMT+10, ACEsConnection < > wrote: Reply By Dale Fletcher: Trauma Informed Congregations - A Strategy Documen... | == To reply by email, write above this line. == | | | | | Hello, lauralee cummings: We're sending you this notification because you are either following the forum, the content, or the author listed below. New Reply To Ask the Community | Subject: Trauma Informed...

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Linda Ranson Jacobs ·
Thanks for the mention of the post on trauma -informed churches that I wrote. I can't wrap my mind around why ministers and seminaries are not engaging in this conversation and training their people. I too believe that early trauma is trauma to the spirit and the heart. Churches could do so much to soothe the trauma the little ones are experiencing. I see this all the time in my DC4K, DivorceCare for Kids, group. Just last night in my group 2 little girls really opened up. They laid it all...

Re: The Need for Trauma-informed Education During Seminary

Amie Schumacher ·
Hi Kimberly, I'd like to be a part of the Community of Practice group as well, and would appreciate being added. I work as a chaplain in a large regional hospital, and am also involved in bringing ACE presentations to local churches and faith-based organizations. I have presented on ACEs and theology/pastoral care at one local seminary/school of theology, and would like to do more. I believe this education is critical. Thanks! Amie Schumacher

Re: Trauma can bring about growth []

Dwayne Decker ·
Greetings, Samantha and All! Dwayne, here! Thank you for this insightful post! I spent much of my life suffering from abuses; and then suffering more, from my failed attempts to cope with those realities. But, each time -- from adolescence to the present day (I'm 54, now) -- I have taken the disturbed earth and used it to grow an opportunity. I am a Peer Counsellor... I began this ministry as a teenager, still trying to fathom all that had happened and was happening still; and I reached out...


Jane Stevens ·
Blog Post

Forsyth County Trauma Informed Care Network

Laneita Williamson ·
The Forsyth County Trauma Informed Network is taking great strides into recognizing and addressing community post Covid-19 impacts. PowerPoint attached.
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Danette Glass says COVID-19 increases the need for trauma-informed communities

Sylvia Paull ·
Glass’s mission has always been to protect and foster the practice of nurturing children. That’s because she herself experienced at least five types of adverse childhood experiences, as measured in the original CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study). If the scale could account for childhood adversity such as structural racism and community violence that’s more likely to occur in communities of color, her burden of ACEs is higher.
Blog Post

Advancing Racial Equity Webinar Series []

By Tia Taylor Williams, American Public Health Association, May 2020 Alarming disparities within the COVID-19 pandemic — such as higher hospitalizations and death rates among African Americans — are sadly predictable and highlight the urgent need to address the root causes of health inequities. APHA is hosting this four-part webinar series to give an in-depth look at racism as a driving force of the social determinants of health and equity. The series will explore efforts to address systems,...
Blog Post

THURSDAY!! Cracked Up, The Evolving Conversation: Generational Trauma - Breaking the Cycle []

CRACKED UP THE EVOLVING CONVERSATION Episode 4: Generational Trauma - Breaking the Cycle with Darrell Hammond, Comedian, actor, SNL Legend Michelle Esrick, Filmmaker, activist Bessel van der Kolk, MD, Author of The Body Keeps the Score Jane Stevens, Founder of ACES Connection and special guest Jane Fonda Academy Award-winning actor, producer, author and activist Thursday June 25th at 1pm PDT / 2p MT / 3p CT / 4pm EDT Hosted by ACEs Connection THE PRICE OF THIS LIVE EVENT IS $12.50 We have...
Blog Post

"A Different Distribution of Power": ACEs, Trauma and Resilience Networks Sharpen Focus on Racial Justice and Equity

Anndee Hochman ·
For the leaders of Sarasota Strong (or "SRQ Strong") Florida, anti-racism work isn’t about inviting people of color to tables long-occupied by white professionals fluent in academic jargon and theories of change. It’s about venturing, with humility and openness, into spaces where Black people worship, work and live. Helen Neal-Ali from SRQ Strong. Photo courtesy of Andrea Blanch. Which is why, before SRQ Strong even had a name or held a formal event, educator/minister Helen Neal-Ali launched...
Blog Post

Do safe, stable, and nurturing relationships work? New research has important findings for responding to ACEs

Alyssa Koziarski ·
While we know that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) can cause risk behaviors, research has told us that the presence of protective factors can help mitigate the effects of ACEs. Common risk behaviors such as smoking tobacco and alcohol misuse can be a result from the trauma of childhood disadvantage. In responding to ACEs, public health research proposes that protective factors such as safe, stable, nurturing relationships (SSNRs) with a caring adult can mitigate the long-term effects of...
Blog Post

Greater Richmond Trauma Informed Community Network, first to join ACEs Cooperative of Communities, shows what it means to ROCK!

Jane Stevens ·
In 2012, Greater Richmond SCAN and five other community partners hatched a one-year plan to educate the Richmond, Virginia, community about ACEs science and to embed trauma-informed practices. Eight years later, the original group has evolved into the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (GRTICN) with 495 people and 170 organizations. And they're just scratching the surface.
Blog Post

Trauma-informed policing: Learn how three highly experienced community leaders strengthen ties between police and community

Carey Sipp ·
ACEs initiative participants in communities where there is tension between the community and law enforcement will want to join Becky Haas in a compelling conversation on law enforcement, ACEs science, COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement and protests. Haas is a nationally recognized adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) science initiative builder and trainer. She and colleagues Renee Wilson-Simmons, the head of the ACE Awareness Foundation of Memphis, Tennessee, and Maggi Duncan,...
Blog Post

A Shadow ACE in Christian Babycare

Laura Haynes Collector ·
As a former La Leche League Leader I became familiar with the teachings of Gary Ezzo (“Raising Kids God’s Way,” "On Becoming Babywise") in the early 1990’s. Leaders in my area began getting a lot of phone calls on our warm line that followed the same basic story: a baby not thriving and a case of very low milk supply despite the Mom’s exclusive breastfeeding and a strong desire to breastfeed. It gradually emerged that a local church had begun promoting a rigid rules-based practice of baby...
Blog Post

Does VP Candidate Kamala Harris know about ACEs?  You bet!

Nadine Burke Harris, California’s Surgeon General, has a lot in common with the vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris—Jamaican heritage, surname, home state—and a commitment to addressing ACEs and toxic stress. As reported in the New Yorker article by Paul Tough, “The Poverty Clinic,” Dr. Harris told Kamala Harris, then San Francisco district attorney, about ACEs in 2008 and in response, she offered to help. District Attorney Harris then introduced her to professor of child and...
Blog Post

New ACEs initiatives learn about strategic plan development from from New Hanover (NC) Resiliency Task Force executive director Mebane Boyd

Carey Sipp ·
The desire to see other ACEs initiatives grow and flourish was evident at a recent meeting of the Resilient Columbus County (North Carolina) ACEs initiative when Mebane Boyd, executive director of the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force (also in North Carolina), shared with the Columbus County and neighboring Pender County groups how New Hanover created and works on its strategic plan. In the spirit of sharing, Boyd agreed to let ACEs Connection post the strategic plan and the video of the...
Blog Post

The Intersection of Systematic Racism, the Pandemic, and SDoMH: Reality Mandates Change

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
Systematic racism is at the core of mental health disparities and social determinants of mental health (SDoMH).Upstream factors obstruct patient access to needed and appropriate assessment, timely intervention, with treatment for these populations often reflecting poorer quality, and ending prior to completion of treatment. COVID-19 and the recent pandemic have only amplified meso and micro-level gaps in care. considered, provided, and reimbursed.
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