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PACEsConnectionCommunitiesBooks! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Breaking The Cycle Short Film"

Ask the Community

The Development of the Person: The Minnesota Study of Risk and Adaptation from Birth to Adulthood

Former Member ·
The definitive work on a groundbreaking study, this essential volume provides a coherent picture of the complexity of development from birth to adulthood. Explicated are both the methodology of the Minnesota study and its far-reaching contributions to...
Ask the Community

Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
Ask the Community

Brief: Reflections on Childhood, Trauma and Society

Chris Engel ·
"This book is a collection of essays and commentaries by Dr. Bruce Perry, a world renowned teacher, researcher and clinician.  His thoughtful comments on children and society will stimulate and provoke deeper thought about how we are choosing to...
Ask the Community

Short documentary about resilience

Andy Takats ·
Hi everyone, I’m a documentary filmmaker. I’m wrapping up post-production on a remarkable story of resilience, and my co-producer and I are looking for opportunities to use it for good (education, awareness, training, etc.). We hope this community can help us brainstorm some ideas . Fashioning Charel follows Charel (my co-producer), a single mother of two striving to break the cycle of her family losing children to foster care, as she follows a dream of becoming a fashion designer. Woven...
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