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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Stop Child Abuse"

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Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents by Steele & Malchiodi (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"Trauma-Informed Practices with Children and Adolescents by William Steel and Cathy A. Malchiodi is a powerful and user-friendly book aimed at educating clinicians in their work with child and adolescent trauma survivors. This comprehensive book...
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Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models by Ford & Courtois (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Review "Describing evidence-based models for treatment of complex trauma in children, this book is interwoven with contemporary knowledge about psychobiology and is richly illustrated with extended clinical examples. In addition to a focus on...
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Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents by ME Blaustein, KM Kinniburgh (2010)

Chris Engel ·
"Grounded in theory and research on complex childhood trauma, this book provides an accessible, flexible, and comprehensive framework for intervention with children and adolescents and their caregivers. It is packed with practical clinical tools that...
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Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
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The implicit bias of, “Mental Illness” and “mentally ill”, a lexicon of hurt.

Michael Skinner ·
How can we heal from the implicit bias of “ Mental Illness ” and “ mentally ill ”? I hear these words and it sounds like fingernails scraping down the chalkboard. “ The stain of dehumanization colors the mind, body and spirit and it is not so easily washed away.” - Michael Skinner Recently I read a blog post at the ACEsConnection website, “Erasing My ACES” by Sirena Wheeler. It was posted on April, 19, 2020. It struck a chord with me, many in fact and it put me on a spiral down memory lane.
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The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others [Book review,]

Jane Stevens ·
Review: The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others. By Tali Sharot. Henry Holt. 231 pages. 978-1627792653 Facts alone don’t change people’s minds or behavior. Emotions do. That’s the basic takeaway from cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot’s highly accessible exploration of why and how we succeed, or fail, in our quest to influence, persuade, or alter the opinions and actions of others. Understand how the brain works, she argues in The Influential Mind:...
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The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior can Improve Our Lives and the World

Jane Stevens ·
Here's what Bryan Samuels, executive director of Chapin Hall, says about The Nurture Effect, a book by Tony Biglan that will be published March 1, 2015.     One year ago, Chapin Hall hosted a forum entitled Child Well-being: A Framework...
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The Relentless School Nurse: Coronavirus a Book for Children

Robin M Cogan ·
I am excited to share this children's book that explains the coronavirus to children! Thank you to Donna Gaffney for sending this my way! Retrieved from: The book answers key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9-year-olds: • What is the coronavirus? • How do you catch the coronavirus? • What happens if you catch the coronavirus? • Why...
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The Soulful Journey of Recovery: A Guide to Healing from a Traumatic Past for ACAs, Codependents, or Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences

Mary Beth Colliins ·
A groundbreaking new book from Tian Dayton, PhD, and the publisher of the New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics …The book that started it all! T ian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz author of Adult Children of Alcoholics left off…..for those who have grown up in a family with addiction, mental illness, or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the heartache and pain doesn’t end when they grow up and leave home. The legacy can last a lifetime and spread to generations...
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The Soulful Journey of Recovery is out TODAY!!!

Tian Dayton ·
A groundbreaking new book from the publisher of the New York Times bestseller Adult Children of Alcoholics …The book that started it all! "Tian Dayton picks up where Janet Woititz author of Adult Children of Alcoholics left off…..for those who have grown up in a family with addiction, mental illness, or other adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the heartache and pain doesn’t end when they grow up and leave home. The legacy can last a lifetime and spread to generations unseen. In The...
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The Surviving Spirit Newsletter November 2019

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael. Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse &...
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This veteran found a creative way to talk about his PTSD with his child. (

Kastle created the children's book titled, "Why Is Dad So Mad?" to help explain to his 6-year-old daughter his struggles with PTSD. And when it was published, he read it to his daughter for the first time "There’s a section in the book where I describe the anger and things associated with PTSD as a fire inside my chest," he says. "After I first read the book to my daughter, I remember her saying, 'I'm sorry you have a fire in your chest now, Dad." According to the PTSD Foundation of America...
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Toxic Childhood? 5 Spiritual Exercises to Heal the Soul (

How to bolster and support recovery with simple steps Some soul work can support and aid the healing process, and the following are suggestions for exercises you may want to incorporate into your recovery. 5 spiritual exercises to smooth the way Give up your affirmations and ask questions instead Create a blessing bowl Become a gardener of spirit Take a real look at the child you were Create a letting go ritual The ideas in this post are drawn from my books, most notably Daughter Detox:...
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Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--From Domestic Abuse to Political Terror, by Judith Herman, M.D.

Jill Karson ·
Many of you read this groundbreaking book on understanding and treating trauma when it first came out in 1997. This is where author Judith Herman first proposed the concept of complex post-traumatic stress disorder to describe prolonged, repeated trauma. Notably, this 2015 edition has an epilogue by the author in which she discusses ACEs science. Just when I thought this classic couldn't get any better! From Amazon: A revised and updated edition of the groundbreaking work that changed the...
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Treating the Traumatized Child: A Step-by-Step Family Systems Approach, by Scott P. Sells and Ellen Souder

Jill Karson ·
I haven't read this, but it looks like it might be of interest to therapists and other practitioners. From Amazon: This is the first book that addresses trauma treatment for child and adolescents using a Family Systems Trauma (FST) model which goes beyond individual therapy to include the child and their entire family. Co-written by a renowned family therapist who created the Parenting with Love and Limits® model, it delivers a research-based , step-by-step approach that incorporates the...
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UPDATED Information Regarding Broken Places, Cracked Up, Paper Tigers & Resilience: Hosting a Film Screening to Start or Grow an ACEs Initiative: How-to Guide

Christine Cissy White ·
Movie screenings of documentaries, such as Paper Tigers or Resilience are popular ways to introduce communities to ACEs science. Cissy White provides details about how to put on a screening event.
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Victim to Victory: Memoir

Heather Ferri ·
I wrote Victim to Victory, healing generational abuse from my bloodline, during a seven-year journey of being very sick. I am not a writer. I am a healer. In those years of losing my ability to walk and having my family abandon me I turned inward, asking why and how do I get out of this straight jacket. I did everything imaginable, but the pain was chronic and my will was losing strength. In my darkest hours, I would hear a voice during my meditations. I had nothing to lose, so I followed...
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Whatever It Takes: Geoffrey Canada's Quest to Change Harlem and America [by Paul Tough]

Jesus Gaeta ·
From the book's page on Amazon: What would it take? That was the question that Geoffrey Canada found himself asking. What would it take to change the lives of poor children—not one by one, through heroic interventions and occasional miracles,...
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Wheeling to Healing.....Broken Heart On A Bicycle

James Encinas ·
To ride a bicycle across the United States—Los Angeles to New Jersey—takes courage, a mission, and stamina. I did it twice. The first trip, during my mid-twenties, was done in hurt and fueled by anger. The second, at age 56, was done in the pursuit of healing self and others by collecting stories of other experiences of trauma and healing, dispensing information about human resilience, and sharing a deep belief in the power all people have to engage with and be enlightened by the process of...
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Why I believe Gregory Williams, and his book, Shattered By The Darkness, will help save lives and revolutionize healthcare.

Carey Sipp ·
When you first hear about it, it sounds unlikely, fact that something that happened to someone in utero, at the age of two months, or four years, or any time in childhood, is what is killing them as an adult, or making them want to die, or making them want to hurt themselves or others. Yet the connection between childhood trauma and adult disease, mental illness, addiction, suicide, violence – most all of society’s ills – is as irrefutable as the myriad truths revealed about it in the...
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An Unimaginable Act: Overcoming and Preventing Child Abuse Through Erin's Law

Jane Stevens ·
An Unimaginable Act: Overcoming and Preventing Child Abuse Through Erin's Law , by Erin Merryn With the publication of her first book Erin had achieved national attention and with her newly found celebrity and a drive to protect children, she became...
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Becoming Trauma Informed - edited by Nancy Poole and Lorraine Graves

Jane Stevens ·
Becoming Trauma Informed  describes trauma-informed practice at the individual, organizational and systemic levels. The editors and authors bring unique perspectives from various settings and from the diverse groups with which they work, sharing...
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Collaborating with Kinship Caregivers

Chris Engel ·
CWLA is delighted to announce the publication of its most recent kinship care resource, Collaborating with Kinship Caregivers: A Research-to-Practice, Competency-Based Training Program for Child Welfare Workers and Their Supervisors. More than 20...
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Creating a healing society : the impact of human emotional pain and trauma on society and the world by Lawrence (2007)

Chris Engel ·
Dr. Susan Lawrence's Creating a Healing Society program pioneers the recognition of the devastating impact of human emotional pain and trauma as the root cause of societal and world problems. Without healthy support, traumatized people (unconsciously...
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Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Anxious Children (Randye J. Semple, PhD; Jennifer Lee, PhD

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Anxious Children offers a complete professional treatment program designed to help children ages nine through twelve who struggle with anxiety. This twelve-session protocol can be used to treat anxious children in group or individual therapy. The poems, stories, session summaries, and home practice activities on the enclosed CD-ROM supplement child therapy sessions and parent meetings to illuminate mindful awareness concepts and practices. In twelve...
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My Struggle by Karl Ove Knausgaard

Sylvia Paull ·
I’ve just finished reading the third volume of My Struggle, by Karl Ove Knausgaard, a Norwegian whose six-volume memoir recounts in minute detail his traumatic experiences as a child and later as a husband and father of four. The fourth volume...
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My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom

Chaplain Chris Haughee ·
Pat Hays has written a devotional book that gives wonderful insight into the joys and struggles that parenting a child with emotional special needs presents. Her book, My Tears in His Bottle: prayers from the heart of a special needs’ mom , contains excerpts from her personal prayer journal as she worked through the last fifteen years of balancing her calling to be an adoptive parent with the roadblocks she encountered in her neighborhood, friendships, school district, marriage, and church...
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Nadine Burke Harris debuts "The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity" in Philadelphia

Jane Stevens ·
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris debuted her book, The Deepest Well: Healing the Long-Term Effects of Childhood Adversity , at the Philadelphia Free Library this evening in a talk and book signing. This first stop in an ambitious book tour that crisscrosses the country reflects a mission that Burke Harris has pursued for nearly a decade: to spread the knowledge about the science of adverse childhood experiences, and about how people can use this knowledge to help solve our most intractable problems.
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New Book: Crazy Was All I Ever Knew By Alice M. Kenny (pseudonym)

Alice Kenny ·
To this day, I still think of my childhood home as "the crazy house." Like me, millions of adult Americans are living with the effects of the precarious childhoods they experienced as offspring of mentally ill parents. If you are one of them, you can no doubt relate to my book. As a child, you most likely lived in a crazy house of your own. As an adult, you’ve probably retained and may even relive memories of your tumultuous upbringing. Crazy Was All I Ever Knew combines memoir with...
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New book explores storytelling and resilience.

Laura King ·
“Run,” he would shout. On two legs, I couldn’t match the speed of a terrified calf or steer, but I was plenty fast, especially in a sprint, so I’d launch myself across the gravel in front of our trailer while my father stood about ten yards behind me twirling his rope.
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New book: Lifetrap: from Child Victim to Adult Victimizer

Linda Nauth ·
I wrote a book about developmental/ family violence and how ACES during early childhood can lead to the adult survivor perpetrating his own violence. It's the story of intergenerational transmission, the cycle of violence. I worked with domestically violent men as a prison psychologist for 28 years in the Wisconsin correctional system. While the population of offenders is not a sympathetic group, I believe that we need to address the development of an abusive personality if we want to stop...
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New book release “The Trauma Banquet”: The truth about how to overcome adversity

Kenneth Pakenham ·
I am a Professor of Clinical Psychology at The University of Queensland, Australia. I recently released my memoir “The Trauma Banquet”. In this book I share about my ACEs and how I learnt to be resilient in the context of their enduring pervasive echoes. I have been practicing psychology for almost 40 years and I have engaged thousands of clients in psychotherapy. As a full professor I have also been teaching psychology and conducting research, which has focused on building resilience in the...
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New Intervention Fact Sheet: Parent-Child Care []

Gail Kennedy ·
A 7-page fact sheet describing Parent-Child Care (PC-CARE) is now available. A dyadic psychotherapeutic intervention for enhancing the caregiver-child relationship and making behavior management more effective, PC-CARE combines teaching and coaching on how trauma exposure affects children’s mental health. Caregivers can be biological parents, relative caregivers, resource parents, grandparents, nannies, or anyone caring for a child. While caregivers play with the child, therapists coach...
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Nothing Matters More Than Hope -- Including Resiliency

Casey G. Gwinn ·
“In every published study of hope, every single one, hope is the single best predictor of well-being compared to any other measures of trauma recovery. This finding is consistently corroborated with other published studies from top universities showing that hope is the best predictor for a life well-lived."
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Nurturing Resilience: Helping Clients Move Forward from Developmental Trauma--An Integrative Somatic Approach

Jill Karson ·
From Amazon: A practical, integrated approach for therapists working with people (both adults and children) who have been impacted by developmental trauma and attachment difficulties Kathy L. Kain and Stephen J. Terrell draw on fifty years of their combined clinical and teaching experience to provide this clear road map for understanding the complexities of early trauma and its related symptoms. Experts in the physiology of trauma, the authors present an introduction to their innovative...
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Our Community Page Is Expanding!

Jill Karson ·
As Oliver Wendell Homes once said, “The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of bigger ideas, never returns to its original size.” I am so grateful to all of YOU for making ACEs Connection such a forward-thinking and vibrant site, and for the many ways it’s expanded my own mind to the “dimensions of bigger ideas.” That said, I’m so excited to introduce myself as the new community manager of “Books! Educational DVDs! Documentaries!” A little about myself: I’m a freelance writer and have...
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Out of Darkness, Into Light: Child Sexual Abuse (

Jill Karson ·
From PBS: A documentary which delves into the lives of three adult survivors of child sexual abuse, who through their own personal experiences, are committed to helping others affected by this unthinkable crime. We explore how to shed light on this critical topic and learn about prevention, warning signs and how survivors overcome this traumatic experience. For more on this WLRN documentary:
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Parenting through the Storm Book Review

Christine Cissy White ·
Parenting Through the Storm: Find Help, Hope, and Strength When Your Child Has Psychological Problems , is written by Ann Douglas. The author, a member of this group and network , has a warm, open and honest tone. She's a parent and gets that parents and kids are sometimes or even often scared, struggling and in crisis. She knows. She writes about the time she almost lost her daughter, thirteen at the time, to death by suicide. Her daughter was vomiting and sleeping, restlessly, all night...
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Pip had high #ACEs

Elizabeth Perry ·
I just finished reading Great Expectations for the second time. I could relate to it much easier this reading as I used an ACEs lens to understand Pip's experiences and challenges. Dickens knew in 1860 the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. It seems strange to see humanity hasn't really evolved emotionally and socially that much in 160 years. Hopefully the ACEs movement will help propel our consciousness raising.
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Poignant Memoir/Self-Help Digs into the Process of Healing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) through Storytelling and Shared Discovery []

Alicia Doktor ·
Research has proven Adverse Childhood Experiences, known as ACEs, can have a long-lasting detrimental effect well into adulthood. Those struggling with repeating patterns, autoimmune diseases, and behaviors such as addiction and difficulties in relationships now have a profound and personal resource in author Christina Beauchemin’s new book, “Let My Legacy Be Love: A Story of Discovery and Transformation: Tracing Adult Issues to Childhood Hurts”. In this memoir/self-help hybrid, Beauchemin...
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Profound Cascading Effects: Treating trauma in adolescents author is in Putney Sunday [

Jane Stevens ·
Trauma isn't always the result of one big bad terrible thing happening to a child that changes that child. In fact most trauma, is a day to day trickle. An accumulation of days bearing witness to domestic violence, of a steady cascade of insults, of the endless moments of neglect. "And this ends up being severe (trauma)," said, Martha "Marti" Strauss, of Brattleboro, a professor in the department of Clinical Psychology at Antioch University New England. "One event can lead to another. So you...
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Sex Trafficking Prevention: A Trauma-Informed Approach for Parents and Professionals (Book Resource)

Christine Cissy White ·
Just a quick post to share this book resource I heard about this morning from Beth Grady . The author is Savannah J. Sanders and here's a bit more about her and this book, from Amazon (where I've just ordered my own copy): Drawing from her own experience being trafficked plus her insights gained from years of advocacy and anti-trafficking work, the author speaks directly not only of the realities of trafficking that occur in our own communities but also the solutions that we can all be a...
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Shattered By The Darkness: Powerful book by a humble man on a mission to prevent what happened to him from happening to other children.

Carey Sipp ·
Gregory Williams, PhD, will help change the world by taking this book into medical schools and teaching physicians and nurses about the root cause of most adult illness: childhood trauma. I just read this book in one sitting, save one hot tea refill. I could not stop reading it. Even though there were some passages that evoked anxiety, I couldn’t stop reading it, as I so wanted to learn more about this remarkable man and how he earned a PhD, had a normal family life, and earned the respect...
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Sibling Loss is Traumatic, Too

Sue Lawrence ·
For anyone who might be interested, please feel free to check out my book about sibling loss. As a professional and as a sibling loss survivor, this work has been years in the making through research and observation. Please contact me if you would like to comment or add to the discussion about how early loss in childhood can be a trauma!
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Someone like me

Nigel Holme ·
I am a survivor of non-recent systemic (CSA) child sexual abuse crimes committed by three perpetrators.
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The Beautiful Darkness: A Handbook for Orphans

Joshunda Sanders ·
I became a professional reader long before I was a writer when I was living in homeless shelters, subsidized housing, and welfare hotels with my mother in New York City. Most of the middle class and affluent black folks I would come to know in the future would wince and give me a look I couldn’t read when I would tell the story that I outline in my new memoir, The Beautiful Darkness: A Handbook for Orphans . All some intolerant, ignorant bigots need is to continue to hear about the...
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The Body Keeps The Score (Bessel van der Kolk, MD)

Former Member ·
    FINALLY IT IS HERE!!!!!!   Got mine by Amazon yesterday and on my Nook after midnight on the 25th.  Been reading it straight through!!! This is an awesome book to cut through all the stuff that will likely not work and it tells...
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The Healing Place Podcast - Dr. Kathleen Friend: The Greatness Chair

Teri Wellbrock ·
Kathleen Friend MD is a Child Psychiatrist, children’s author, musician and heart rhythm meditation teacher currently living in Tucson, Arizona. Her mission is to expand the paradigm of Child Psychiatry to embrace a holistic view of mind, body and spirit.
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