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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Veteran Stress Research Project"

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"Is That Me Yelling?" A new book for parents and professionals

Rona Renner ·
I am happy to announce that my book, "Is That Me Yelling? is out in bookstores and online. It's been a labor of love to write about ways parents can become more familiar with themselves as they attempt to respond, rather than over-react, to their...
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Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain Hardcover – April 21, 2014

Former Member ·
  Review “This is a truly groundbreaking book. Sebern Fisher combines a mastery of neurofeedback with a real knack for applying neuroscience to do nothing less than lay the groundwork for a new, powerful, mind-brain approach to the most...
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Not in MY name! A collection of quotes on the past, present, and future of the practice of torture by E. Mazel (free online book) (2005)

Chris Engel ·
"Forty-five years ago, in the course of browsing through antiquarian bookstores, I became fascinated by a number of volumes that depicted torture in various eras and in far-flung places. Horrified by the similarities to descriptions of Nazi...
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Parenting Without Borders by Gross-Loh (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Research reveals American kids today lag well behind the rest of the world in terms of academic achievement, happiness, and wellness. Meanwhile the battle over whether parents are to blame for fostering a generation of helpless kids rages on....
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Reaching and Teaching Children Who Hurt

Susan E. Craig ·
This is a book I wrote addressing the needs of traumatized children in public school settings. Given the overwhelming number of children with "aces too high", it is importnat for  teachers recognize some common characteristics of traumatized...
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Research on Pre-Para-Post-Therapeutic Activities in Mental Health: Prevention, Promotion, Psychotherapy, and Rehabilitation by L'Abate (2013)

Chris Engel ·
In the past 25 years, the field of psychotherapy has made tremendous leaps and bounds with regard to the efficacy of psychotherapeutic interventions. The  entire evidence-based treatment movement has no doubt revolutionized the manner in which...
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Resilience and Mental Health: Challenges Across the Lifespan by Southwick, et al. (2011)

Chris Engel ·
"Humans are remarkably resilient in the face of crises, traumas, disabilities, attachment losses and ongoing adversities. To date, most research in the field of traumatic stress has focused on neurobiological, psychological and social factors...
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Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Prince-Embury & Saklofske, Eds (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Translating Research into Practice recognizes the growing need to strengthen the links between theory, assessment, interventions, and outcomes to give resilience a stronger empirical base, resulting in...
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Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges

Jane Stevens ·
Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life's Greatest Challenges  is written by Steven Southwick, a Yale Medical School and Yale Child Study Center psychiatry professor who specializes in PTSD and resilience, and psychiatrist and...
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Restoring Sanctuary: A New Operating System for Trauma-Informed Systems of Care by S. Bloom & B. Farragher (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"This is the third in a trilogy of books that chronicle the revolutionary changes in our mental health and human service delivery systems that have conspired to disempower staff and hinder client recovery. Creating Sanctuary documented the evolution...
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Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much

Donna Woodard ·
We have all experienced those times when there is just not enough time to get everything done. We probably have experienced a time when we did not have enough money to pay all our bills and meet all our wants. We have probably all been on an extreme...
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Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease

Jane Stevens ·
Scared Sick: The Role of Childhood Trauma in Adult Disease , written by Robin Karr-Morse  and Meredith Wiley and published in January 2012, was recently reviewed by Seattle Times columnist Jerry Large , who says the book convinced him that the...
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Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Lieberman (2013)

Chris Engel ·
In Social, renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter.  Because of...
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"Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology"

Former Member ·
25 October 2013 : I had the pleasure of taking part in this very special project on complicated grief, titled  Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology , edited by Eric Miller, PhD. It will soon be released by  NASW Press , and if...
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Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success

Alicia St. Andrews ·
Super Survivors- The Surprising Link Between Suffering and Success About the Authors: Together, we examine post-traumatic and stress-related growth. We are interested in your stories of resilience and survival. Our mission to open a dialogue about the different ways that people survive trauma and tragedy, highlighting how people move forward in life. David B. Feldman, PhD , is an associate professor of counseling psychology at Santa Clara...
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Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School-Based Professionals

Eric Rossen, PhD, NCSP ·
Greetings everyone. I'm new to this site, although thought I would share a book I recently co-edited that has only served to increase my interest in supporting students with ACEs, with particular emphasis on providing those supports within schools....
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The Body Bears the Burden - Robert Scaer MD, 2nd edition (2007)

Chris Engel ·
"The Body Bears the Burden: Trauma, Dissociation, and Disease, Second Edition is the update of the classic book that explains the reasons behind some of the most common symptoms and conditions that previously defied a medical explanation....
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The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence by Linzey (Ed.) (2009)

Chris Engel ·
Based on the contributions to the 2007 international conference at Oxford, held under the auspices of the Centre, The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence is the most up to date, authoritative, and comprehensive volume on the relationship...
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The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-regulation (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology) 2011

Former Member ·
This book compiles, for the first time, Stephen W. Porges’s decades of research. A leading expert in developmental psychophysiology and developmental behavioral neuroscience, Porges is the mind behind the groundbreaking Polyvagal Theory, which has startling implications for the treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma, and autism. Adopted by clinicians around the world, the Polyvagal Theory has provided exciting new insights into the way our autonomic nervous system unconsciously mediates...
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The Resilience Handbook: Approaches to Stress and Trauma by Kent, et al (Eds) (2013)

Chris Engel ·
How are people and communities able to prevail despite challenge? What helps them bounce back from adversity and even grow in knowledge and understanding? And can this resilience be taught? During the past decade, exciting scientific advances have...
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The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Jane Stevens ·
  From the book's page on Amazon : This is a self-help book for teens and adults based on decades of social science research about how people bounce back from all types of trauma, crises, problems and adversity. It shows how building resiliency...
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Transcending family history of violence

Pamela M Bertram, MSW, LICSW ·
I self-published a book Spellbreaker Transcending Violence   (true story) in July 2012.  I wrote with a pen name for several reasons including safety and copyright law.     Patricia Evans, author of  The Verbally Abusive...
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Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models by Ford & Courtois (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Review "Describing evidence-based models for treatment of complex trauma in children, this book is interwoven with contemporary knowledge about psychobiology and is richly illustrated with extended clinical examples. In addition to a focus on...
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Treating Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents by ME Blaustein, KM Kinniburgh (2010)

Chris Engel ·
"Grounded in theory and research on complex childhood trauma, this book provides an accessible, flexible, and comprehensive framework for intervention with children and adolescents and their caregivers. It is packed with practical clinical tools that...
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"Unfinished Conversation: Healing From Suicide and Loss"

Former Member ·
Robert E. Lesoine's best friend Larry took his life by suicide on October 15, 2005. Although Lesoine knew Larry was struggling with feelings of disappointment, dejection, and loss, along with the return of debilitating pain associated with a past...
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Unsettled/Desasosiego: Children in a World of Gangs/Los niños en un mundo de las pandillas

Jane Stevens ·
Donna De Cesare is an incredible photographer, and she has produced a beautiful and heartbreaking collection of photos in this book. Here's the summary from Amazon:  Central American nations have recently had the highest per capita homicide rates...
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Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
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A Life Course Approach to Mental Disorders by Koenen, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Available as e-book. A Life Course Approach to Mental Disorders examines the interplay of social and biological factors in the production of a wide range of mental disorders throughout life, from the peri-natal period through to old age. The aging...
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Clinical Work With Traumatized Young Children (2011)

Chris Engel ·
"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recently issued a clarion call for a multipronged initiative to reduce the impact of “toxic stress” on young children. 1 As part of this call to action, pediatricians were urged to advocate for...
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Collaborating with Kinship Caregivers

Chris Engel ·
CWLA is delighted to announce the publication of its most recent kinship care resource, Collaborating with Kinship Caregivers: A Research-to-Practice, Competency-Based Training Program for Child Welfare Workers and Their Supervisors. More than 20...
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Coming of Age on Zoloft: How Antidepressants Cheered Us Up, Let Us Down, and Changed Who We Are by Sharpe (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"A compelling and troubling exploration of a generation raised on antidepressants, and a book that combines expansive interviews with substantive research-based reporting, Coming of Age on Zoloft is a vitally important and immediately engrossing study...
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Cracked : why psychiatry is doing more harm than good by Davies (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"Why is psychiatry such big business? Why are so many psychiatric drugs prescribed - 47 million antidepressant prescriptions in the UK alone last year - and why, without solid scientific justification, has the number of mental disorders risen from 106...
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Cutting: Understanding and Overcoming Self-Mutilation by Steven Levenkron (Sep 14, 1998)

Former Member ·
You can check this book out on Amazon also. This is of course an old book before all the research was available but I think it is a good book.  I read it in 2002 after residency.  I was trying to understand cutting (and I an associated...
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Destroying sanctuary : the crisis in human service delivery systems by SL Bloom, BJ Farragher (2011)

Chris Engel ·
"For the last thirty years, the nation's mental health and social service systems have been under relentless assault, with dramatically rising costs and the fragmentation of service delivery rendering them incapable of ensuring the safety, security,...
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Disaster, Disease and Distress: Resources to Promote Psychological Health and Resilience in Military and Civilian Communities by CSTS (2013)

Chris Engel ·
The Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences here has just published a new book titled, “ Disaster, Disease and Distress: Resources to Promote Psychological Health and Resilience in...
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Encyclopedia of Trauma: An Interdisciplinary Guide by Charles Figley (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"Trauma is defined as a sudden, potentially deadly experience, often leaving lasting, troubling memories. Traumatology (the study of trauma, its effects, and methods to modify effects) is exploding in terms of published works and expanding in terms of...
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Evolution, Early Experience and Human Development

Catherine H. Myers ·
This book offers powerful information and insight for primary prevention: Darcia Narváez, Jaak Panksepp, Allan N. Schore, Tracy R. Gleanson (2013). Evolution, early experience and human development : from research to practice and policy. Oxford ;...
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Figuring Out Fibromyalgia: Current science and the most effective treatments by Ginevra Liptan, MD (2011)

Chris Engel ·
Fibromyalgia is a medical condition characterized by widespread muscle pain and fatigue that affects 6-10 million people in the United States. Huge progress in research over the past decade has established dysfunction in sleep, pain, and the stress...
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Greening in the Red Zone by Tidball & Krasny (Eds) (Aug. 2013)

Chris Engel ·
Makes a first foray into the intriguing and potentially important field of "greening" Paints a comprehensive picture of how greening might be useful after major disasters Gathers renowned experts and practitioners from around the world Creation and...

Re: The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Jane Stevens ·
I haven't read it, Mem. I mostly agree with Tina, though, in that we're not born resilient, but are given resilience, or not, as the case may be. Having said that, though, epigenetics does play a part, and some kids are born with a higher threshold of tolerance to stress than other kids. But that's given to them by their parents, so, we're back to resilience being given to you. I think one way to rate books is to indicate whether they're informed by ACEs science or not. This one doesn't look...

Re: The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Nan Henderson ·
As author of this book, I relied on the research findings of Dr. Emmy Werner, called "the grandmother of resiliency." She is the co-researcher on the Kauai study, the seminal resiliency research conducted for several decades on the island of Kauai. Her best book about this research is "Overcoming the Odds: High Risk Children from Birth to Adulthood." Dr. Werner states that everyone is born with "an innate self-righting tendency." That is what I meant when I said in this book, "You were born...

Re: Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Yes, there are states/communities that claim to be trauma-informed but are not practicing it. They have documents up on their websites touting how trauma-informed they are and then when it comes down to a consumer’s experience they just retraumatize sufferers over and over again. There are no words for this great disappointment. And then people wonder why people with mental health challenges don’t seek treatment. The challenge with the trauma-informed movement is to change people’s hearts, a...

Re: Figuring Out Fibromyalgia: Current science and the most effective treatments by Ginevra Liptan, MD (2011)

Chris Engel ·
New research on fibromyalgia: Fibromyalgia is not all in your head, new research confirms

Re: Resilience and Mental Health: Challenges Across the Lifespan by Southwick, et al. (2011)

Chris Engel ·
Book review: The concept of resilience emerged about 40 years ago when psychologists considered the differing life trajectories of children exposed to similar traumatic life events and asked why some developed psychosocial pathology and some did not. It has since expanded to describe the adaptive responses to trauma across the human life span that usually maintain function but that can fail and result in conditions such as post–traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). [ source ] Brown, LM. (2013).

Re: Greening in the Red Zone by Tidball & Krasny (Eds) (Aug. 2013)

Chris Engel ·
Sowing Seeds of Resilience: Community Gardening in a Post-Disaster Context (Chapter) Abstract Resilience is a natural capacity to recover from adversity, sustain well-being, and grow from the experience. To enhance resilience in a high-stress, post-disaster context, we argue that it is vital to introduce positive stimuli to buffer the effects of negative stimuli. We review empirical evidence for the positive effects of various forms of contact with green space and contend that community...
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Research for domestic violence book for children

Jessica M. Miles ·
Hello all, If you work with domestic violence victims, I would be grateful for your assistance completing a brief survey. I have decided to adapt my children’s book: "Monty's Day in Court: What to expect when you have to testify in court”, for children who may have to testify regarding domestic violence they have witnessed. Thank you valuable feedback and generosity in completing this survey: Thank you for the work that you do, Jessica Miles ...
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💗 Would You Like A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD?

Mary Giuliani ·
Hello, my trauma-informed colleagues, The good news is after seven years, with a five-year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of trauma-informed professionals this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and...
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Short documentary about resilience

Andy Takats ·
Hi everyone, I’m a documentary filmmaker. I’m wrapping up post-production on a remarkable story of resilience, and my co-producer and I are looking for opportunities to use it for good (education, awareness, training, etc.). We hope this community can help us brainstorm some ideas . Fashioning Charel follows Charel (my co-producer), a single mother of two striving to break the cycle of her family losing children to foster care, as she follows a dream of becoming a fashion designer. Woven...
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