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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "Origin of Others"

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Healing Days: A Guide for Kids Who Have Experienced Trauma by Straus, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"With “Healing Days,” the American Psychological Association has published an illustrated storybook that aims to help guide young victims through their emotional or physical trauma. The book tells the tale of a child who has had an...
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How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character

Jane Stevens ·
Claudia Gold, a pediatrician who blogs on  Child in Mind  and , wrote  a terrific post about Paul Tough  and his book  How Children Succeed: Grit, Curiosity and the Hidden Power of Character . He was...
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Jemma's Journey

Jane Stevens ·
This is a review from the Like Minds Like Mine newsletter:  Mt. Maunganui (New Zealand) psychologist Janet Peters, who has been involved with the New Zealand Mental Health Foundation's   Like Minds Like Mine  programme for over...
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Looking for CRM Skills Trainers

Deborah Bock ·
I August, I am planning to travel to California to attend a 5-day training to become a Community Resiliency Model (CRM) Skills Trainer. I'd like to hear about other people's experience using TRM and CRM. Thanks! Deborah Bock, Anchorage, Alaska If you prefer to contact me directly, this is my email address:
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Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
"In 1981, Toronto activist Mel Starkman wrote: "An important new movement is sweeping through the western world.... The 'mad,' the oppressed, the ex-inmates of society's asylums are coming together and speaking for themselves." Mad Matters brings...
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Not in MY name! A collection of quotes on the past, present, and future of the practice of torture by E. Mazel (free online book) (2005)

Chris Engel ·
"Forty-five years ago, in the course of browsing through antiquarian bookstores, I became fascinated by a number of volumes that depicted torture in various eras and in far-flung places. Horrified by the similarities to descriptions of Nazi...
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Our Encounters with Suicide (July 2013)

Jane Stevens ·
Our Encounters with Suicide, edited by Alec Grant, Judith Haire, Fran Biley and Brendan Stone. From the book web site : The collection brings together a range of voices on the theme of suicide — those who have been suicidal, alongside the...
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Parenting Without Borders by Gross-Loh (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Research reveals American kids today lag well behind the rest of the world in terms of academic achievement, happiness, and wellness. Meanwhile the battle over whether parents are to blame for fostering a generation of helpless kids rages on....
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Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults by Prince-Embury & Saklofske, Eds (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Resilience in Children, Adolescents, and Adults: Translating Research into Practice recognizes the growing need to strengthen the links between theory, assessment, interventions, and outcomes to give resilience a stronger empirical base, resulting in...
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Scarcity: Why Having Too Little Means So Much

Donna Woodard ·
We have all experienced those times when there is just not enough time to get everything done. We probably have experienced a time when we did not have enough money to pay all our bills and meet all our wants. We have probably all been on an extreme...
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Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect by Lieberman (2013)

Chris Engel ·
In Social, renowned psychologist Matthew Lieberman explores groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter.  Because of...
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"Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology"

Former Member ·
25 October 2013 : I had the pleasure of taking part in this very special project on complicated grief, titled  Stories of Complicated Grief: A Critical Anthology , edited by Eric Miller, PhD. It will soon be released by  NASW Press , and if...
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Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students: A Guide for School-Based Professionals

Eric Rossen, PhD, NCSP ·
Greetings everyone. I'm new to this site, although thought I would share a book I recently co-edited that has only served to increase my interest in supporting students with ACEs, with particular emphasis on providing those supports within schools....
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The Last Best Cure: My Quest to Awaken the Healing Parts of My Brain and Get Back My Body, My Joy, and My Life

Jane Stevens ·
This book by Donna Jackson Nakazawa, was reviewed by Gretchen Heber on . Here's a part of that review: Nakazawa had spent a lifetime battling multiple autoimmune and other disorders, including small-fiber sensory neuropathy,...
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The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence by Linzey (Ed.) (2009)

Chris Engel ·
Based on the contributions to the 2007 international conference at Oxford, held under the auspices of the Centre, The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence is the most up to date, authoritative, and comprehensive volume on the relationship...
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The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Jane Stevens ·
  From the book's page on Amazon : This is a self-help book for teens and adults based on decades of social science research about how people bounce back from all types of trauma, crises, problems and adversity. It shows how building resiliency...
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Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders in Children and Adolescents: Scientific Foundations and Therapeutic Models by Ford & Courtois (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Review "Describing evidence-based models for treatment of complex trauma in children, this book is interwoven with contemporary knowledge about psychobiology and is richly illustrated with extended clinical examples. In addition to a focus on...
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"Unfinished Conversation: Healing From Suicide and Loss"

Former Member ·
Robert E. Lesoine's best friend Larry took his life by suicide on October 15, 2005. Although Lesoine knew Larry was struggling with feelings of disappointment, dejection, and loss, along with the return of debilitating pain associated with a past...
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Workbook for Adults Caring for Children Who Have Experienced Trauma

Susan Badeau ·
Greetings - A colleague invited me to jump in here and mention my own book as a resource for folks involved in this community. My name is Sue Badeau, I live in Philadelphia and have been involved in the Trauma community for many years including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network Advisory board for a decade and worked with Multiplying Connections locally for several years helping to develop curriculum and training. My daughter (and artist) and I have created a book entitled "Building...
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Years of Tears

Maxine Browne ·
One failed marriage and two kids later, I met a man I thought was the answer to my prayers. He turned out to be my worst nightmare. "John" turned out to be a control freak. He took over everything. He cut us off from family and friends, even each...
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Becoming Trauma Informed - edited by Nancy Poole and Lorraine Graves

Jane Stevens ·
Becoming Trauma Informed  describes trauma-informed practice at the individual, organizational and systemic levels. The editors and authors bring unique perspectives from various settings and from the diverse groups with which they work, sharing...
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Encyclopedia of Trauma: An Interdisciplinary Guide by Charles Figley (2012)

Chris Engel ·
"Trauma is defined as a sudden, potentially deadly experience, often leaving lasting, troubling memories. Traumatology (the study of trauma, its effects, and methods to modify effects) is exploding in terms of published works and expanding in terms of...
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Happy New Year!!

Jesus Gaeta ·
Happy New Year, group! I have finally come back online after a few weeks off for break. I hope everyone here had a fantastic and rejuvenating holiday, free from trauma and drama! If not, let me know how I can help you and/or your clients deal with...

Re: The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Jane Stevens ·
I haven't read it, Mem. I mostly agree with Tina, though, in that we're not born resilient, but are given resilience, or not, as the case may be. Having said that, though, epigenetics does play a part, and some kids are born with a higher threshold of tolerance to stress than other kids. But that's given to them by their parents, so, we're back to resilience being given to you. I think one way to rate books is to indicate whether they're informed by ACEs science or not. This one doesn't look...

Re: The Resiliency Workbook: Bounce Back Stronger, Smarter & With Real Self-Esteem [by Nan Henderson]

Susan Badeau ·
I have used and frequently recommend this book and find it to be a useful resource in combination with other training related to ACES and trauma-responsive strategies

Re: Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Chris Engel ·
Hi Steve, Totally agree with everything you said. If psychiatrists were to make the real changes necessary in the DSM it would have major ramifications on other sectors of society like the legal system and the military; it would ignite lawsuits and force the VA to give out benefits, money it doesn't want to spend. That's why the military gave Martin Seligman a $34 million dollar no-bid contract to implement his pathetic "positive thinking" model. A soldier sees his buddy blown up and he's...

Re: Mad Matters: A Critical Reader in Canadian Mad Studies by LeFrançois, et al. (2013)

Steve Stone ·
OK I see all the books now. Thanks for the information and link about war trauma. I appreciate this discussion about mental health care and look forward to getting into the book. The very system that has been established to foster healing and recovery often becomes a source of re-traumatization and we must continue to work towards a trauma-informed mental health system. Ohio, like many other states, claims to be a trauma-informed system, yet practices are tolerated and promoted that are...

Re: Yoga for Emotional Trauma: Meditations and Practices for Healing Pain and Suffering by NurrieStearns (Jul. 2013)

Loren Taylor ·
I am so going to put this on my list of books to send to prison ... I found this web site the other day and it ties in perfectly I have a vision in my head of everyone in the yard doing yoga and peace and harmony behind the razor wire ...
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Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea

Jenna Martin ·
Greetings everyone, I'm wondering if you might be able to help me. I'm the author and creator of an early chapter book series. The first book, "Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea" has been published and on the market, while the other four books are in varying stages of production. I'm curious if you would have ideas for greater distribution: radio shows, email distribution lists, publishers etc. I have a social media presence including Twitter , a blog , YouTube channel etc. But, the work and...
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