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Books! Educational Videos! Documentaries!

Here's a place where you can review books, educational dvds and documentaries that relate to ACE concepts or trauma-informed practices. "Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world." ~ Nelson Mandela

Tagged With "We Were Eight Years in Power"

Blog Post

A New Year's Thoughts

Michael Skinner ·
Wishing you a Happy New Year of Peace, Joy, Love, Hope & Healing. Take care, Michael. "JOY" - a song of thanks to all of those in my life - performed at the NYAPRS Conference 9/13 - “JOY”© Michael Skinner Music There’s joy in knowing what I have found There’s joy in knowing that I’m still around There’s joy in knowing that I still care Joy in knowing you’re still there Joy in knowing you’re still there I’m so glad you’re still around Thanks for...
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A Survivor on Speaking Out Against Shame, Silence, and Sexual Assault (

If you’re a survivor yourself and reading this, you know that when I write “I had finished being shocked and upset long ago,” I don’t mean it’s done and dusted and put away and now I’m finished with the rape. I remember a male friend to whom I talked less than a year after it happened. “Do you think I’m thinking about it for too long?” I wanted to know. “I still feel scared and upset; do you think I’m making too big a deal out of it?” “Yes,” he said, “you are. You should be over it by now.”...
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ACEs Validated My Teaching Experience

Bronwyn Harris ·
When I first heard about the CDC-Kaiser Permanente ACE Study , it felt like a light bulb had actually gone on. Finally, FINALLY, someone was validating what I saw every single day teaching in East Oakland. For eight years, I taught at an elementary school in the most violent part of Oakland , the part that the police called the “Killing Zone.” The kids in my class had seen friends, neighbors, and family members shot or stabbed, and routinely hid in bathrooms and closets when gang fights...
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Addiction, Attachment, Trauma, and Recovery: The Power of Connection

Oliver Morgan ·
This book provides a fresh take on addiction & recovery by presenting a more inclusive framework than traditional understandings. Utilizing an initial case study that continues throughout, it blends cutting-edge information from addiction studies, interpersonal neurobiology, attachment psychology, social ecology, and trauma science into a coherent analysis. The implications of each perspective for treatment and fostering recovery are explained. Several chapters review what is currently...
Blog Post

Addiction, Attachment, Trauma, and Recovery: The Power of Connection

Oliver Morgan ·
This book provides a fresh take on addiction & recovery by presenting a more inclusive framework than traditional understandings. Utilizing an initial case study that continues throughout, it blends cutting-edge information from addiction studies, interpersonal neurobiology, attachment psychology, social ecology, and trauma science into a coherent analysis. The implications of each perspective for treatment and fostering recovery are explained. Several chapters review what is currently...
Blog Post

Adversity Needn’t Thwart or Define You. Here’s How to Cope. []

Laura Pinhey ·
The author had a chipped tooth. It ruined her looks, she thought. She had to interview someone for her book, and she really wanted to cancel. The interview subject was Mariatu Kamara, the young woman from Sierra Leone who wrote “The Bite of the Mango,” a memoir about surviving a civil war, rape, losing the baby that resulted from the rape, having her hands chopped off, making it to safety and finally leaving everyone she knew to seek refuge in Canada. The author thought about this, about why...
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And Still We Rise: The Trials and Triumphs of Twelve Gifted Inner-City Students [by Miles Corwin]

Jesus Gaeta ·
From the book's page on Amazon: Bestselling author of The Killing Season and veteran Los Angeles Times reporter Miles Corwin spent a school year with twelve high school seniors -- South-Central kids who qualified for a gifted program because of...
Blog Post

Anna, Age Eight: The data-driven prevention of childhood trauma and maltreatment

Dominic Cappello ·
ENDING AN EPIDEMIC OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA REQUIRES COURAGE, COMPASSION AND A PLAN. ANNA, AGE EIGHT PROVIDES THE SOLUTION. NEW BOOK ANNA AGE EIGHT: THE DATA-DRIVEN PREVENTION OF CHILDHOOD TRAUMA AND MALTREATMENT By Katherine Ortega Courtney, PhD and Dominic Cappello If one in eight children suffered from an unknown but debilitating virus, outrage would boil, editorials would harangue public officials, and agencies would mobilize to counter the threat. The CDC would scramble resources to develop...
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Baylor College of Medicine students introduced to ACEs science

Carey Sipp ·
“I was one of those statistics that ACEs scientists and researchers talk about,” Dr. Gregory Williams, an administrator in the Baylor College of Medicine, told the school’s first-year class. Williams’ presentation about the science of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and his own experience as a trauma survivor, was organized by Dr. Reena Isaac of Texas Children’s Hospital for her class, "Hiding in Plain Sight: Understanding and Identifying Victims of Violence.” Williams regularly speaks...
Blog Post

Best Selling Memoir “Hillbilly Elegy” tells an inspiring story of overcoming ACEs

In search of insight into the country’s stark cultural divides in preparation for a week of potentially difficult conversations in Kentucky where I’d be attending family reunion and 50-year high school reunion, I dove into “Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis” by J.D. Vance . Throughout this mesmerizing, painful, and hilarious memoir, I kept wondering if the author might know about the ACE study. The answer was found on page 226 when “ACEs” jumps out at me and...
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Books by Category

Joanna Weill ·
The following books have been recommended by ACEs Connection members.   Categories (see below) Brain and Neurology Child Abuse Child and Human Development Children’s Books Depression Domestic Violence Foster Care Grief Law Enforcement and...
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"Breaking the Silence" Warriors of HOPE Series Concludes This Sunday with a 2-Hour LIVE Worldwide Webcast Event!

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
The “Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams” radio program will be featuring a SPECIAL LIVE 2-HOUR WORLDWIDE WEBCAST this Sunday evening, May 10 th from 8:00 PM to 10:00 PM Central Time. This event will be a special conclusion to their WARRIORS OF HOPE series featuring all the guest from the entire series together for one life-changing webcast. The guests are some of the most sought after authors, experts and speakers on the various topics of trauma, abuse, and resilience in the...
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Building a Collection of Books for Children, Teens and Adults

Jennifer Cantwell ·
The Drug Endangered Children’s Initiative is grateful to our community partners who shared their favorite book titles with us, especially Joanne Peterson from Learn to Cope and Gina Williams from East Bridgewater Public Schools for these suggestions. We look forward to discovering and sharing more resources in the new year, please comment with your favorites.
Blog Post

Building Bridges Engaging Students at Risk Through the Power of Relationships (

Nurture positive student-teacher relationships to improve student engagement, behavior, and achievement for youth at risk. Research shows that discipline problems are one of the greatest challenges in education. In Building Bridges , author Don Parker shows educators how to address this issue head-on. To read more, please click here.
Blog Post

Can Upstream Prevention Make the US Safe from Violent Crime?

Irvin Waller ·
New book on Science and Secrets of Ending Violent crime uses the best evidence available to conclude that the US has the knowledge to dramatically reduce violent crime. It shows to how to persuade the public and politicians to make a major shift from mass incarceration to smart investments in proven ¨upstream¨ solutions before crime happens. Action would save thousands of lives, avoid unnecessary trauma and protect women and children.
Blog Post

Check out 11-yr-old Aslan Tudor’s Standing Rock book: 'Young Water Protectors' (Indian Country Today)

Aslan Tudor, who first traveled with his mom Kelly Tudor to Standing Rock when he was just eight-years-old, has written a book about his experience in a book titled “Young Water Protectors: A Story about Standing Rock.” “I thought it would be a good book to hear about kids in Standing Rock,” said Aslan, who traveled to Standing Rock when he was eight in August of 2016, and had turned 9 by the time he returned in October. Aslan’s mother Kelly Tudor, who helped Aslan write the book, and who...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Child of Holocaust Survivor Explores Generational Trauma

Sylvia Paull ·
In her recently published book, Survivor Café , Elizabeth Rosner brings a deeper meaning to genocide, an experience she has been trying to process as a writer and the daughter of Holocaust survivors. In her first work of nonfiction, she explores the common threads that tie all survivors of mass trauma – from Armenia to Vietnam, Cambodia, and Bosnia – but always returns to Buchenwald, the concentration camp where her father, a young teenager, was imprisoned during the last year of WWII. She...
Blog Post

Children, Race, and Power: The Book That Continues to Read

Dr. Ivy Bonk ·
I recently read Markowitz and Rosner’s Children, Race, and Power . This book is a recount of Dr.’s Kenneth and Mamie Clark Northside Center in Harlem in the late 1940’s. Their journey while valiant was met with much heartbreak. Fast forward 70 years and it doesn’t appear that much has changed. Dollars continue to be wasted, and the contentment with the status quo and lack of outcomes seems a close resemblance to today. We can say we have the best intentions and well-meaning hearts, but...
Blog Post

Cultivate a Mindful Attitude with These New Books and Podcasts (

The work-life balance narrative gets turned on its head in this selection of new books hand-picked by the Mindful Editors. THE MIND OF THE LEADER How to Lead Yourself, Your People, and Your Organization for Extraordinary Results Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter (Harvard Business Review Press) ATTITUDES OF GRATITUDE How to Give and Receive Joy Every Day of Your Life M.J. Ryan and Mark Nepo (Conari Press) TRANSFORMING JUSTICE, LAWYERS, AND THE PRACTICE OF LAW Marjorie A. Silver (Carolina...
Blog Post

Dorothy and Steven Halley will this week's Special Guests on "Breaking the Silence" Radio Show

Dr. Gregory Williams ·
This Sunday evening's "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" special guests will be Dorothy and Steven Halley from 8:00 to 9:00 PM CST. Their over 25 years of professional life together will be discussed including the River of Cruelty model explaining how cruelty is passed from person to person and generation to generation. This model helps expand the Adverse Childhood Experiences conversation. Many other topics including their work with domestic violence and helping bring...
Blog Post

Dr. Claudia Gold: Empathy & Listening as ACE-Informed Practice

Christine Cissy White ·
"You are absolutely not doomed from having ACEs."
Blog Post

EMDR & Beyond: The Trauma Power Therapies (dvd video) 2 hours, 8 minutes (with instructions)

This video is the “must see” for anyone currently using, or considering EMDR and EMDR-inspired modalities. EMDR and Beyond: The Trauma Power Therapies includes the world’s leading experts on traumatic stress discussing the current “power therapies”, trauma’s most effective psychotherapeutic interventions. Join Bessel van der Kolk, Peter Levine and others as they discuss EMDR, Somatic Experiencing and Brainspotting and other approaches to trauma treatment. In addition they will explore the...
Blog Post

Emotional Agility as a Tool to Help Teens Manage Their Feelings (

“Emotions are absolutely fundamental to our long-term success – our grit, our ability to self-regulate, to negotiate conflict and to solve problems. They influence our relationships and our ability to be effective in our jobs,” said David, author of the book “ Emotional Agility ” and an instructor at Harvard Medical School. “Children who grow up into adults who are not able to navigate emotions effectively will be at a major disadvantage. ” Research out of Stanford University found that...
Blog Post

Finding My Way Back

Dr. Ivy Bonk ·
Have you ever felt you have painted yourself into a corner? Better stated perhaps, find yourself standing in the crosshairs of your own truth. Well, that’s me and here we are. In the last year, I have been going through a rebranding process, still the same heart, still the same mission, but a tweak to messaging and language so it was clear what the work was ultimately about. Simultaneously, I have been stewarding the completion of my book, my own story. Now, here I sit ready to pull the...
Blog Post

Ghosts in the Schoolyard: Racism and School Closings on Chicago's South Side (Eve L. Ewing)

In the spring of 2013, approximately 12,000 children in Chicago received notice that their last day of school would be not only the final day of the year, but also the final day of their school’s very existence. The nation’s third largest school district would eventually shutter 53 schools, citing budget limitations, building underutilization, and concerns about academic performance. Of the thousands of displaced students, 94% were low-income and 88% were African-American, leading critics to...
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Healing the Wound That Won't Heal

Jo Spencer ·
This book is the chronicle of my work to uncover and understand the trauma and neglect I suffered during the first year of my life due to my father's shell-shock from WWII.
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Helping Kids Find the Wisdom in Overwhelm

Ruby Roth ·
In an unprecedented global shutdown, many of us, especially without the noise and distraction of everyday life, are facing intensified, often destabilizing feelings. And that includes kids—whether they’re able to say so or not.
Blog Post

'Hillbilly Elegy' author details poverty's barriers []

Alicia Doktor ·
With frank honesty, J.D. Vance, author of the best-selling book "Hillbilly Elegy," spoke Wednesday in the student union at Bowling Green State University about his life growing up in Appalachia and the systemic problems stemming from poverty, educational inequalities and drug abuse. Persistence, resilience and grit are the Common Experience themes at BGSU this year and Vance's memoir "Hillbilly Elegy" is the year's Common Read book, reflecting those concepts. The student union was filled...
Blog Post

Hope Rising: How the Science of HOPE Can Change Your Life to be published Nov. 27, 2018

Casey G. Gwinn ·
What if we all lived in a culture of hope? What if we all worked in a culture of hope? What if everyone dealing with childhood trauma, challenges and difficulties found a place where hope was so high that it invaded their lives as they soon as they arrived? What if our families had a culture of hope? What if every marriage had high hope?
Blog Post

How (My Story of) Trauma/ACEs Unexpectedly Snuck Its Way Into My Memoir

Amit Janco ·
Long before I heard of ACEs or the phrase “childhood adversity,” I started to write a book; my first. Now, hot off the press, my memoir isn’t the book I set out to write. But who am I kidding? It’s exactly the book that had to be written. It finally gnawed at me, dared me, to excavate for truth. My book was supposed to be about walking the Camino de Santiago Compostela in 2013. After I’d hiked nearly 1000 kms of trails across Spain, I told my family and friends that I would write a book...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Self-regulation may sound like a tall order—but it’s also the best choice, according to Erin Clabough, a neuroscientist, mother of four, and author of the book Second Nature: How Parents Can Use Neuroscience to Help Kids Develop Empathy, Creativity, and Self-Control . Self-regulation is a skill that we need whenever we want to make a good choice or work toward a goal, especially when strong feelings are involved—in ourselves or others. Unfortunately, the qualities that support...
Blog Post

How Neuroscience Can Help Your Kid Make Good Choices (

Imagine the following scenario: Your eight-year-old son is repeatedly poked with a pencil by his classmate at school. How does he respond? He might endure the pokes without complaint by using willpower, or he might stay silent, succumbing to feelings of fear or powerlessness. He could lose his self-control and act out, attacking his classmate verbally or poking him back. Or does your son “self-regulate” by considering his options and resources, taking stock of his feelings and strengths,...
Blog Post

How to Help Students Dealing with Adversity []

Alicia Doktor ·
Six-year-old Jada feels a persistent expectation of danger. She overreacts to provocative situations and has difficulty managing her emotions, which often flare up without warning. To her teachers, Jada appears touchy, temperamental, and aggressive. She is easily frustrated, which makes her susceptible to bullying. When something happens at school that triggers Jada, she may lash out in fury. How can teachers manage a kid like Jada who may have suffered trauma, but whose emotional reactions...
Blog Post

I Am Human, by Author Susan Verde

From the picture book dream team behind I Am Yoga and I Am Peace comes the third book in their wellness series: I Am Human . A hopeful meditation on all the great (and challenging) parts of being human, I Am Human shows that it’s okay to make mistakes while also emphasizing the power of good choices by offering a kind word or smile or by saying “I’m sorry.” At its heart, this picture book is a celebration of empathy and compassion that lifts up the flawed fullness of humanity and encourages...
Blog Post

Improve Birth and Perinatal Outcomes with a Trauma Sensitive Approach

Kate White ·
The Association for Prenatal and Perinatal Psychology and Health is excited to bring together 10 talented practitioners to explore the Trauma Informed Practices that help improve birth outcomes and support human development right from the very start. The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (1998) launched the importance of trauma and trauma informed care in our health and educational systems. We suddenly had a measure of how early experiences in childhood could correlate with adult disease.
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Inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life

KPJR Films is pleased to present the selection for the inaugural 2019 KPJR Book Club. Self-Reg: How to Help Your Child (and You) Break the Stress Cycle and Successfully Engage with Life is a ground-breaking book that presents an entirely new understanding of your child's emotions and behavior that serves as a practical guide for parents to help their kids engage calmly and successfully in learning and life. Rooted in decades of clinical practice and research by leading child psychologist Dr.
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Internal Family Systems Therapy (The Guilford Family Therapy Series) by Richard C. Schwartz

Jill Karson ·
Although not the first to propose that we all have an interior assembly of sub personalities, or "parts," which make up an internal family system (IFS), Richard Schwartz presents the IFS model in an extremely accessible way. He describes how, when the self is threatened by trauma, overwhelm, fright, and so on, these "parts" focus on protecting us from harm. I read this book last year; I found Schwartz's discussion of how we can cultivate compassion for our own seemingly negative traits--say,...
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Interview with Hilary Jacobs Hendel

Jill Karson ·
I first came across Hilary Jacobs Hendel’s work when I read a New York Times article in which Hendel, a practicing psychotherapist and writer, described the “Change Triangle,” an upside down triangle that explains how emotions work. The Change Triangle is also a roadmap that teaches us how we can use emotions as guides to both heal trauma and attain a more vital and calm state of being. As a follower of Hendel’s blog—and an avid user of the Change Triangle to understand my own inner...
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Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth Bullock

Jill Karson ·
Last week I had the pleasure of attending Day 1 of the CAMFT "Advancing the Art and Science of Psychotherapy" conference in Orange County, where I got to hear Gabor Mate and Vincent Felitti weigh in on the impact of ACEs. What a singular experience to hear this dynamic duo on stage together! (My husband remarked that I was "lit up like a Christmas tree" when I got home that night.) While discussing the meaning of "resilience," Dr. Felitti recommended the book Judging Me, by Mary Elizabeth...
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Michigan Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
We are working with PESI, a leader in professional development, to offer a full day training in trauma informed education. This content follows the content of our book on Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. We will be in Michigan April 19, (Sterling Heights) 20, (LIvonia) and 21 (Ann Arbor) See the attached brochure If this goes well they will continue to offer this next year. Hope to see you there
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The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others [Book review,]

Jane Stevens ·
Review: The Influential Mind: What the Brain Reveals About Our Power to Change Others. By Tali Sharot. Henry Holt. 231 pages. 978-1627792653 Facts alone don’t change people’s minds or behavior. Emotions do. That’s the basic takeaway from cognitive neuroscientist Tali Sharot’s highly accessible exploration of why and how we succeed, or fail, in our quest to influence, persuade, or alter the opinions and actions of others. Understand how the brain works, she argues in The Influential Mind:...
Blog Post

The Legacy of Freedom Writers; How Literature is Helping Children and Teens Find Purpose

Renee Silvestre ·
If you have ever seen the movie Freedom Writers , you might have thought the story ended alongside the film. However, Erin Gruwell has grown the movement she began decades ago to reach beyond Los Angeles. Now, the Freedom Writers Foundation offers training, scholarships, and curriculum for educators and students in cities across the nation. Their main goal is to work with "unteachable students" and show them they are fully capable of pursuing a collegiate career. Many of these students come...
Blog Post

The New Science of Empathy and Empath (

Empathy doesn't make you a sentimental softy without discernment. It allows you to keep your heart open to foster tolerance and understanding. In my new book The Empath's Survival Guide , I discuss the following intriguing scientific explanations of empathy and empaths. These will help us more deeply understand the power of empathy so we can utilize and honor it in our lives. The Mirror Neuron System Researchers have discovered a specialized group of brain cells that are responsible for...
Blog Post

The Nurture Effect: How the Science of Human Behavior can Improve Our Lives and the World

Jane Stevens ·
Here's what Bryan Samuels, executive director of Chapin Hall, says about The Nurture Effect, a book by Tony Biglan that will be published March 1, 2015.     One year ago, Chapin Hall hosted a forum entitled Child Well-being: A Framework...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: Coronavirus a Book for Children

Robin M Cogan ·
I am excited to share this children's book that explains the coronavirus to children! Thank you to Donna Gaffney for sending this my way! Retrieved from: The book answers key questions in simple language appropriate for 5 to 9-year-olds: • What is the coronavirus? • How do you catch the coronavirus? • What happens if you catch the coronavirus? • Why...
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: "Unless Someone Like you Cares a Whole Awful Lot, Nothing is Going to get Better. It's Not." - Dr. Seuss

Robin M Cogan ·
The opening quote in Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha's gripping book, What The Eyes Don't See, struck me right in the heart: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." so says Dr. Suess. Caring is something that may be in short supply during our current political climate. Grappling with caring, too much or too little is worth a moment of self-reflection. We have to know what we care about, and lead with our "why," in order to make an impact. Dr. Mona...
Blog Post

The Resilience Workbook: Essential Skills to Recover from Stress, Trauma, and Adversity

What is resilience, and how can you build it? In The Resilience Workbook , Dr. Glenn Schiraldi—author of The Self-Esteem Workbook —offers invaluable insight and outlines essential skills to help you bounce back from setbacks and cultivate a growth mindset. Why do some people sail through life’s storms, while others are knocked down? Resilience is the key. Resilience is the ability to recover from difficult experiences, such as death of loved one, job loss, serious illness, terrorist attacks,...
Blog Post

The Ten Books That Changed My Life - Healing ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and Building Resilience

Teri Wellbrock ·
Teri Wellbrock offers a list of those books that had a profound impact on her life and helped her create a life filled with tranquility and joy. While she may not have agreed with every word written, she did find powerful answers, delicious little tidbits, and inspirational guidance within each book.
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This Is a Poem That Heals Fish: An Almost Unbearably Wonderful Picture-Book About How Poetry Works Its Magic []

Jane Stevens ·
“Poetry can break open locked chambers of possibility, restore numbed zones to feeling, recharge desire,” Adrienne Rich wrote in contemplating the cultural power of poetry . But what is a poem, really, and what exactly is its use? Every once in a while, you stumble upon something so lovely, so unpretentiously beautiful and quietly profound, that you feel like the lungs of your soul have been pumped with a mighty gasp of Alpine air. This Is a Poem That Heals Fish ( public library ) is one...
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This veteran found a creative way to talk about his PTSD with his child. (

Kastle created the children's book titled, "Why Is Dad So Mad?" to help explain to his 6-year-old daughter his struggles with PTSD. And when it was published, he read it to his daughter for the first time "There’s a section in the book where I describe the anger and things associated with PTSD as a fire inside my chest," he says. "After I first read the book to my daughter, I remember her saying, 'I'm sorry you have a fire in your chest now, Dad." According to the PTSD Foundation of America...
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