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Tagged With "health system"

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New report from the Alaska Children’s Trust addresses impact of ACEs on the state’s economy and workforce—present and future

The Alaska Children’s Trust (ACT) just released a data and image-packed 11-page brief “ Vibrant Economy, Strong Workforce, Thriving Families: A Guide to Trauma-Informed Policy Decision-Making.” The document was developed as a tool to educate a broad range of state and local policymakers about the impact of ACEs on health and social problems. The primary audience is state legislators and their staffs, government administrators, and county and municipal policymakers. Advocates have already...
Blog Post

New Resource Center Dedicated to Helping Providers Address the Health Effects of Trauma

Mariel Gingrich ·
The new Trauma-Informed Care Implementation Resource Center offers a one-stop information hub for health care providers and other stakeholders interested in learning about and implementing trauma-informed care.
Blog Post

New Study: "Advancing Trauma-Informed Systems for Children" from CHDI

Anna Brendle Kennedy ·
A new study published by the Child Health & Development Institute of Connecticut, funded by the Children's Fund of Connecticut,theIMPACT report is intended to help child serving systems advance trauma-informed care in order to provide more effective and cost-efficient services that result in better outcomes for all children: Introduction: "Fortunately, many children are resilient and can recover from trauma exposure...
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Next "A Better Normal" community discussion series: April 9, 2020 — Ingrid Cockhren, Joshunda Sanders on inequities in healthcare

Jane Stevens ·
Dave Granlund This week, we're hosting two more 'A Better Normal' discussions: on Thursday, April 9; and Friday, April 10, 2020....12 pm PT/ 1 pm MT/ 2 pm CT/ 3 pm ET. Thursday, April 9, 2020 Ingrid Cockhren, ACEs Connection community facilitator and DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion) expert, and Joshunda Sanders , freelance journalist and author ( The Beautiful Darkness: A Handbook for Orphans ) , lead a conversation focused on the inequities in our healthcare system and how those...
Blog Post

Our best bet against burnout is self-care, just not the kind you think []

Marianne Avari ·
By Rebecca Ruiz, Mashable, June 21, 2019. When burnout comes for you, it’s not subtle. It casts an inexplicable darkness on the most mundane things: driving in traffic, showing up to work on time, filing an expense report. It feels like a weight tied to your waist, stealing any spark of energy you will into existence. You might confuse it for depression — and it very well could be — but, by reflecting on how and when it arrived, you suspect the culprit is the unraveling of your work life. At...
Blog Post

Peace4Tarpon In Just Under 5 Minutes

Robin Saenger ·
Once again, our great partners have stepped up to share their "peace/piece" with us! Our MARC Program manager, Wendy Sedlacek connected us with Dave Cook, her former colleague from Pinellas County Schools. Turns out, Dave was a gem of a find; a cracker jack professional who put together this video for us in record time. Wendy pitched in as producer adding the slides and visuals. Together, they were able to create this great little video describing Peace4Tarpon. That's not the easiest task by...
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Podcast: "Honoring Culture, Language, and Family: Stories from the Navajo Nation" (30 min)

Diana Rivera ·
The Networks of Opportunity for Child Wellbeing (NOW) is excited to share the fifth episode of In the Arena with NOW , a podcast series that lifts up the voices of community leaders who are “in the arena” -- in classrooms, playgrounds, Congressional halls, hospitals, and neighborhood streets -- working to make sure that all children and families can live healthy, thriving lives. In our fifth episode, Honoring Culture, Language, and Family: Stories from the Navajo Nation , we speak with...
Blog Post

Rebuilding Lives while Building Homes: Tony McGuire's Resilience-Building Carpentry Class

Tara Mah ·
Tony McGuire is a great carpenter. He ran his own construction business for years. Then he wanted to get into teaching. He became a Tenured Faculty member at a local community college, and landed in the state penitentiary as a Basic Skills Carpentry instructor. So how could that be connected to saving lives with a 20 buck investment? Tony got touched by CRI’s trauma-informed training. He saw himself past and present and knew somehow that, “with this information comes the responsibility to...
Blog Post

Recently released research on ACEs; incarceration; separating families at the border

Laurie Udesky ·
Behavioral risk factor surveillance system state survey on exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs): Who declines to respond? [Children and Youth Services Review] "A wealth of research has examined the prevalence and impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) via various research methodologies. Some of these studies have also examined the presence of nonresponse bias, showing minimal nonresponse bias effects. More recently, many states and the District of Columbia have used the...
Blog Post

Reduce Health Costs By Nurturing the Sickest? A Much-Touted Idea Disappoints []

By Dan Gorenstein and Leslie Walker, National Public Radio, January 8, 2020 Improving health and lowering costs for the sickest and most expensive patients in America is a dream harder to realize than many health care leaders had hoped, according to a study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine. Researchers tested whether pairing frequently hospitalized patients in Camden, N.J., with nurses and social workers could stop that costly cycle of readmissions. The study found...
Blog Post

Report: ACEs and trauma-informed care across 8 countries

Janet Louise Peters ·
The International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) is a virtual international collaborative which aims to strengthen leadership and thereby improve services for people with mental health or addiction issues. Eight countries belong to IIMHL: Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, Scotland, Sweden and the US. Countries’ pay a small amount to belong and in exchange there are regular communications on innovation, research and national work plus every 16 months a...
Blog Post

Report: Solutions To Stop Sexual Violence Against Children []

Alison Cebulla ·
By Susan Brink,, November 19, 2019 Sexual violence against children happens everywhere: in wealthy enclaves, in slums, in suburbs, in rural villages. Invariably, it happens in secret: in the privacy of family homes, in dark corners of schools and churches, and in murky shadows at neighborhood, community, sporting and scouting events. It happens often, and periodically groups put out reports to call attention to the issue. "That's usually where the story stops," says Daniela Ligiero,...
Blog Post

Resource List -- Trauma-Informed Guides, Presentations, & Self-Assessment Tools

Emerald Montgomery ·
The resources listed in this blog focus on how to implement trauma-informed and resilience-building practices based on ACEs science. These materials can be used by organizations, agencies, programs, and communities to better understand how to bring a trauma-informed lens to their work. Resources are divided according to format type (guide/toolkit, presentations, videos, webinars) and organized alphabetically.
Blog Post

Revolutionizing the Way We Care: Building a Trauma Informed System

Emily Read Daniels ·
Many understand a lot about ACES/developmental trauma and the impact on brain development and behavior. This understanding may shape the way one deals with a child or adult that has experienced adversity. However, many lack the knowledge about how to integrate trauma informed principles THROUGHOUT a system. Please join "HERE this NOW" on Thursday, September 28, 2017, for a training to understand how to infuse trauma informed thinking in every facet of a system - individual, family, group,...
Blog Post

Road Map to Trauma Informed Care [Trauma Informed Oregon]

Karen Clemmer ·
Programs, organizations, and systems that make a commitment to implementation will differ in many ways–from the service context, to the motivation for change, to hoped-for outcomes, and resources available. Nonetheless, in a developmental way, implementation moves through a number of common steps that we’ve tried to reflect in the Road Map below. The Trauma Informed Care Screening Tool (found below the Road Map) builds on the Road Map by delving into each phase and offering a series of...
Blog Post

Safety First - Toxic Stress in Education

Jessie Graham ·
What is the purpose of having school without power? I work in a small school in a big state. The local school community had the power shut over the weekend as a preventive action for avoiding fires. This morning I was told that there would be school without power and to plan to provide services and teach children without power. My instinct was - this is not safe!
Blog Post

Sheltering in Place: ACEs-Informed Tips for Self-Care During a Pandemic

Jim Hickman ·
Millions of lives have been affected in unprecedented ways by the Coronavirus (COVID-19). We are all grappling with uncertainty—our daily routines interrupted, not knowing what is to come. For those of us who have Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), these times can be particularly distressing. At the Center for Youth Wellness (CYW), we know that childhood trauma can have a significant impact on an individual’s health and well-being – both physiologically and psychologically. Since the...
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Spotlight: An ACEs Connection community, Resilient Sacramento, tackles the issue of the traumatic impacts of racism and oppression

Donielle Prince ·
Resilient Sacramento has recently made explicit, their commitment to doing trauma-informed education & engagement that centers race, and other forms of structural oppression, as sources of trauma. The resources shared in a recent Resilient Sacramento meeting are described here for the entire ACEs Connection community. Please add your resources to the comments!
Blog Post

The Absence of Punishment in Our Schools

Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz ·
Where to begin... My heart is full of hope and joy as I watch the trauma-informed schools movement swell across our nation and planet. The science of ACEs is mind-bending to say the least and we are now able to open up a much deeper dialogue about human behavior and health. Ultimately this work is about healing… All. Of. Us. A new consciousness is taking root around ending the “us vs them” construct. The idea is growing that we’re all on this journey together and that no matter where our...
Blog Post

The American Health-Care System Increases Income Inequality []

Alicia Doktor ·
For most people, a single doctor’s visit can be a financial obstacle course. Many patients throughout the year pay hundreds or thousands of dollars in premiums, most often through workplace contributions. Then, at the doctor’s office, they are faced with a deductible, and they may need to pay coinsurance or make a copayment. If they have prescriptions, they’ll likely fork over cash for those, too. And that’s just for basic primary care for one person. Repeat that process for an entire...
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Karen Clemmer ·
To read the announcement and all details, click HERE and see below key dates. BUILD is looking to support dynamic collaboratives driving sustainable improvements in community health. Are you ready to BUILD with us? For this new third cohort, BUILD is looking to support up to 17 innovative collaboratives across the US t hat include a community-based organization, hospital or health system, and public health department working together in dynamic ways to address upstream challenges and drive...
Blog Post

The Hello It’s Me Project comes to Pittsfield: Dr. Claudia Gold at the helm of initiative to create healthy bonds between parents and infants (www./

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's note: I am a huge fan of the way @Claudia Gold works with those of us Parenting with ACEs . The first time I read her writing I relaxed. She was speaking with and for parents not about or at us. Unfortunately, her approach is rare. Fortunately, she just launched a new project she's been dreaming of for years. I love the way she supports all families and how she centers the role of all parents in the lives of all children - especially those - not all except those...
Blog Post

The implicit bias of, “Mental Illness” and “mentally ill”, a lexicon of hurt.

Michael Skinner ·
How can we heal from the implicit bias of “ Mental Illness ” and “ mentally ill ”? I hear these words and it sounds like fingernails scraping down the chalkboard. “ The stain of dehumanization colors the mind, body and spirit and it is not so easily washed away.” - Michael Skinner Recently I read a blog post at the ACEsConnection website, “Erasing My ACES” by Sirena Wheeler. It was posted on April, 19, 2020. It struck a chord with me, many in fact and it put me on a spiral down memory lane.
Blog Post

The Relentless School Nurse: Candida Rodriguez is Creating Community Through the Power of Conversations That Matter

Robin M Cogan ·
Candida Rodriguez is my mentor, while she may disagree with that statement and say it is the opposite, it is the absolute truth. My respect, admiration, and amazement at the depth of her knowledge, talent, and compassion astound me every time we work together. Candida serves her complex and ever-changing community with dedication, skill and a relentless pursuit of coordinating care for her students and families. We are partners in the Community Cafe Initiative that began in 2015 after I...
Blog Post

The Rise of the Trauma-Informed Mothers

Dawn Daum ·
The next generation is less likely to wear predisposed shackles of trauma because as trauma-informed parents we are re-wiring the traumatically stressed DNA that was passed down to us.
Blog Post

The Trauma-Informed Supervisor Training Tool

Dawn Daum ·
That is the question that so many of us champions of change are asking ourselves right now. Luckily, the information is and logistics of how to make this happen are becoming clearer. Thank you to @Christina Cunningham, Prevention Coordination Specialist for the Fairfax County Department of Neighborhood and Community Services for allowing me to share this resource with our community. (see attached PDF file) It has been a valuable tool in helping me coordinate an agency training on the...
Blog Post

The Trauma Resiliency Model: A “Bottom-Up” Intervention for Trauma Psychotherapy (Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association)

Morgan Vien ·
Grabbe L, Miller-Karas E. The Trauma Resiliency Model: A “Bottom-Up” Intervention for Trauma Psychotherapy. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association. 2017; 24 (1): 76-84.
Blog Post

TIC: News and Notes for the Week of July 8, 2019

Scott A Webb ·
ACEs, Adversity's Impact ACEs linked to higher health care costs in adulthood Beyond the ACE score: Examining the relationship between timing of developmental adversity, relational health and developmental outcomes in children Toxic stress: The other health crisis politicians should be talking about California doctors to begin screening for trauma Lupus patients with adverse childhood experiences report worse disease activity and overall health, study says Dr. Gabor Mate on childhood trauma,...
Blog Post

To Zoe’s Mom: I See You

Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz ·
I am not even sure where to start. But, I know I need to write about this. I need to give this to the world. Perhaps to another mother who is facing the darkness and can’t see her way out. Perhaps she is watching her children caught in the cyclone that is her life. I think she is who I am writing this for. And maybe for me too. I am doing some amazing work with a community that is fast becoming dear to my heart. I look at the people who keep showing up that are trying to wrap their heads...
Blog Post

Training course: Building Resilience and Challenging Systemic Racism

William Goldberg ·
The Summer Peacebuilding Institute (SPI) is here to help you gain the skills necessary to change your community and the world. We will be offering a three-day training course June 10 - 12, 2019, taught by Dr. Ram Bhagat , related to challenging the status quo in the education system that allows systemic racism to flourish . Course details are: The framework for Building Resilience for Challenging Systemic Racism is grounded in Restorative Justice theory, values, and praxis. This three day...
Blog Post

Trauma and Resiliency Informed Systems Change in Los Angeles County

Ann Isbell ·
First 5 LA and its partners are calling for a commitment within organizations and systems to help individuals, families and communities heal from trauma, strengthen their resiliency, and become trauma and resiliency informed. This work began in 2016 with a kick-off event to hear about promising practices underway in other counties and progressed to a workgroup of foundations, community-based organizations and Los Angeles County Departments that convened for nearly a year to provide...
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Care in Hospital Settings - is it missing?

Karen Clemmer ·
Sometimes life throws a curve ball and the best you can do is bunt. It's been almost two weeks since my nearly 80 yo mother fell at home and dragged herself towards the phone, using her walking stick to knock the handset onto the floor to call 911. Not wanting to alarm her neighbor's she asked that the ambulance drive up without their siren. I received a call from my mom's cell phone and I was surprised to hear a mans voice - the EMT - my mom was being transported by ambulance..... at the...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care Toolkits

Chris Engel ·
*Updated 10/09/2014 "Becoming trauma-informed is a process that involves striving towards a new way of understanding people and providing services and supports. This process involves a gradual integration of trauma concepts and trauma sensitive...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Journey with a local Department of Social Services

Lisa Wright ·
Our Trauma-Informed journey began with the Henrico Department of Social Services (DSS) in the fall of 2012 when we approached their leadership with a proposal to partner with the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) to create a Trauma-Informed Child Welfare System. We began by developing a TIMELINE of activities (please note we set out to complete things in one year - little did we realize at the time that the process is always ongoing!). The first step on the timeline...
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Trauma-Informed Learning Network for Girls of Color launches in late spring.

Rebecca Epstein ·
The Georgetown Law Center on Poverty and Inequality and the National Black Women’s Justice Institute are proud to announce the Trauma-Informed Learning Network for Girls of Color (The Learning Network), which will be launched in late spring. The Learning Network will provide a secure platform for school system leaders and educators to learn from experts across the country about trauma-informed approaches to girls of color and to engage in peer-to-peer learning. Registration is free and open...
Blog Post

Trauma Informed Oregon Response to COVID-19 [Trauma Informed Oregon]

Editor's Note: This excellent letter was widely circulated today across Oregon to detail the response of Trauma Informed Oregon to COVID-19 and ask the grassroots to provide feedback on needs and experience during this challenging time. Dear colleagues, partners, and neighbors across Oregon, Trauma Informed Oregon (TIO) is OPEN —don’t worry, not physically open. We are absolutely following physical distancing to flatten the curve, to protect others, and to respect the great sacrifices that...
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Trauma-Informed Organizational Assessments

Lisa Wright ·
Hi all** - Attached is a document with a list of trauma-informed organizational assessments that the Greater Richmond TICN has been working on for a while. When we began looking for information about helping organizations to become trauma-informed, we started with searching for assessment measures. We have always started from the place that many organizations and professionals are already doing many things that are trauma-informed and wanted to make sure to assess what areas were presenting...
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Trauma-Informed Policing

Becky Haas ·
(Becky Haas, Community Crime Prevention Programs, Johnson City Police Department) Since first hearing about trauma-informed care in 2014, and then setting out on a journey to bring this education to my community, I’m constantly amazed at how this message is being embraced in Johnson City, Tennessee. After partnering with Dr. Andi Clements from the East Tennessee State University Psychology Department, in a little over 2 years we have trained over 2,500 professionals! This growing number of...
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Trauma-Informed Practice is the Right Response to Austerity []

By Colin Diamond, Schools Week, March 8, 2020 Trauma-informed practice is good for everyone and best of all for the most vulnerable. Why would our government favour compliance instead? asks Colin Diamond Speeches like Gavin Williamson’s last week, in which he appeared to endorse the nationwide replication of so-called “no-excuses” or “warm-strict” schools, hardly deserve the attention, let alone the heat, they generate. In truth, even if the political desire is for uber-compliance, it is...
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Trauma-informed, Resilience-oriented Approaches Learning Community []

By The National Council for Behavioral Health, October 2019 The National Council for Behavioral Health is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 Trauma-informed, Resilience-oriented Approaches Learning Community. Since 2011, we have worked with behavioral health, social service and community organizations to implement trauma-informed, resilience-oriented organizational change. This Learning Community will provide participating organizations, systems and communities with the tools and skills to...
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Trauma-Informed Social Justice: Q&A with Dr. Bukuloa Ogunkua

Christine Cissy White ·
Cissy's Note: I work with people who challenge systems and policies, who reform or start non-profits, and who see hope and promise where others see despair or destruction. While some folks shake their heads or shrug indifferently in the face of injustice and suffering, others organize, mobilize, and channel their time and energy towards making a change. Maybe a physician hosts an annual conference bringing trauma-informed approaches to medical practice. Perhaps a woman shares ACEs 101...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Supervision: It’s For Everyone (Webinar)

Mariah Garratt ·
Click Here to Watch On-Demand About This Webinar "Demands on our time, focus and emotions at work lead us all to a level of exhaustion that is unhealthy for ourselves, our clients and our organizations. In a time when we are being asked to do more with less, watch this webinar to learn how trauma-informed care principles can be infused into your supervision work to not only re-energize yourself, but also to increase your staff’s job satisfaction and engagement." Watch this webinar to learn...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Supervision: It’s For Everyone (Webinar)

Mariah Garratt ·
Click Here to Watch On-Demand About This Webinar "Demands on our time, focus and emotions at work lead us all to a level of exhaustion that is unhealthy for ourselves, our clients and our organizations. In a time when we are being asked to do more with less, watch this webinar to learn how trauma-informed care principles can be infused into your supervision work to not only re-energize yourself, but also to increase your staff’s job satisfaction and engagement." Watch this webinar to learn...
Blog Post

TUGG closes its doors. Here's how to order Resilience, Paper Tigers, and Cracked Up

Jane Stevens ·
TUGG , a distribution platform for independent filmmakers, closed its doors at the end of January. This left the filmmakers who used TUGG to distribute three extremely popular documentaries with the ACEs community — Resilience : The Biology of Stress & the Science of Hope , Paper Tigers and Cracked Up — scrambling to figure out a way to meet the demand. Lynn Waymer, of KPJR Films, sent this information: TUGG is continuing to deliver Paper Tigers and Resilience to all organizations who...
Blog Post

Two studies shed light on state legislators’ views on ACEs science and trauma policy

New and returning lawmakers take the oath of office on day one of Washington state's 2017 legislative session. — Jeanie Lindsay/Northwest News Network As advocates prepare to see how ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) science, trauma, and resilience play out in the 2020 state legislative sessions — many beginning in January — they are undoubtedly asking: “What does a legislator want?" It may be a stretch to play on Freud’s question: “What does a women want?", but the query captures how...
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Understanding This Theory is Essential to Being Trauma-Informed

Emily Read Daniels ·
My typically happy, well-adjusted 11-year old daughter was having a melt downs of all melt downs. She was crying hysterically. I could hear her wailing downstairs as she was upstairs. I could feel my heart rate rising as her distress increased. I called up to my husband; “What is going on with Hannah?” Granted, the night before was a late Halloween night fueled by massive amounts of sugar. That right there renders a dire state in the body – little sleep, ample sugar. My gut twisted as I...
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We Need a Healing Movement

Frank Alix ·
What if you had developed a cure for the most painful and costly public health problem in America, you had proven that it worked, and you were offering it for free, but could not reach those who need it most because no one wants to talk about the problem? Tragically, this is my reality and the truth about human nature. It is easier to suffer in silence than acknowledge the painful things that happen to us. Over 20 years ago, researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Kaiser...
Blog Post

We Need the WHOLE to Create Trauma-Informed Systems

Emily Read Daniels ·
Sometimes I think I have PTSD from failed change efforts. I am not kidding. I have developed symptoms from living through nearly twenty years of failed education reform efforts. When I reflect on the many change efforts I participated in, I shudder. I try to block it out. I avoid discussing it. There is an "activating" body memory (SE™ talk) for me that is associated with prescriptive change efforts. When I encounter a stimulus or trigger, like someone talking about a new protocol intended...
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Webinar: Cultivating Our Best Selves in Response to COVID-19 | Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT

Elaine Miller Karas ·
How to use the skills of the Community Resiliency Model (CRM) for self and others to be the calm in the storm as we face the unknown. Free Webinar Tuesday, March 17 at Noon PDT Speakers: Elaine Miller-Karas, LCSW Linda Grabbe, PhD, FNP-BC, PMHNP-BC Zoom Webinar Registration Link: Additional ways to join are listed at the bottom of this post. About the webinar leaders: Elaine Miller-Karas is the Executive Director and co-founder of the Trauma Resource Institute and...
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WEBINAR | Integrating a Trauma-Informed Approach into Substance Use Disorder Treatment

Mariel Gingrich ·
Join a webinar highlighting how two providers have incorporated trauma-informed care into their substance use disorder treatment practices, shaping the experiences of their patients and staff.
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