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Tagged With "Resource List"

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An Organizational Model of Burnout & Trauma-Informed Leadership

Matthew Bennett ·
We all know that burnout, compassion fatigue, and secondary/vicarious trauma are problems in the helping and healing professions. The Job Demands and Resources Model provides trauma-informed leaders a simple way to evaluate and mitigate the impact of stress and trauma on their workforce. In this three-episode series, the Trauma-Informed Lens Podcast explores this model with the added bonus of examing how biometrics can help quantify organizational stress. ...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter April 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - Once again I've tried to create a mix of articles, videos, music, books, podcasts, resources, etc, that offer Hope, Healing & Help. As the saying goes, “ Take what you like and leave the rest. ” or here's the PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2021

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2021 Hi folks, June is NATIONAL PTSD AWARENESS MONTH I thought I would share a few of the resources that have...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Leadership: The Antidote for Collective Occupational Trauma

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
The healthcare workforce is amid a unique epidemic, coping with the ravages of collective occupational trauma . Physicians and nurses have been heavily impacted, but also an endless list of behavioral health professionals (behavioral analysts, counselors, social workers, psychologists), case managers, community health workers, medical assistants, nutritionists, pharmacists, phlebotomists, public health workers, rehabilitation professionals, respiratory therapists, not to mention those...
Blog Post

Well-being Isn’t Just Another Item On Our To-do List (

Well-being is having a moment. What was once considered a soft-news lifestyle topic has, thanks to our collective experience of the pandemic, moved to the center of the conversation about work and life. And as a Chief Well-Being Officer, I’m certainly glad to see this shift (even if I obviously would have preferred a different catalyst). Still, when I’m asked questions about well-being, as I often am, I’ve noticed a troubling trend. Very often, well-being becomes just another stress-inducing...
Blog Post

A Trauma Informed Focus On Employee Well-Being

Chuck Price ·
Organizations, agencies, departments, businesses, and industries, the list goes on and on. They all seem to be struggling with employee retention, recruitment, and issues of burnout. If we were to take a peek into the organizational cultures of these organizations I'm wondering if we would find a culture that is thriving or surviving? Do they care for their employees through a human lens, or as just a number? Do they employ compassion or authority when managing employees? A trauma-informed...
Blog Post

New Resource: Responding to Collective Trauma

Christine Cowart ·
In response to the current war in Ukraine, the Trauma-informed Design Society and Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership are pleased to announce a new resource for responding to collective trauma. Grounded in the knowledge that we can interrupt the possible negative effects of trauma, the pamphlet is available in three languages and provides an overview of resilience and how we can help develop a sense of safety that will lower the stress levels of survivors.
Blog Post

Elevating HOPE in the Positives []

Laura Gallant ·
By Bev Van den Bossche, 6/2/22, Often when we think of hope, we think about it as a response to hardships or challenges that either we are facing or that we are seeing in the world around us. For example, we hope that no one got hurt in the car accident that we saw on the way to work. We hope that we do well on our final exams. We hope that war and hunger will end in our lifetime. As a HOPE Trained Facilitator , I look at hope from multiple...
Blog Post

Building A Trauma-Informed Culture

Josh Stumbo ·
A trauma-informed culture understands the potential impacts of past trauma and is equipped to navigate these workplace impacts. This article explores a few more potential factors at play in working with those with past trauma. We will also introduce a few tools to help navigate the impacts of past trauma and build a trauma-informed culture in the workplace.
Blog Post

9 Signs of a Toxic Workplace (and How to Fix It With Trauma-Informed Care)

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
A safe and healthy workplace is the goal—but there is a concerning number of toxic workplaces out there. Is yours one of them? There’s a common dynamic where executive teams turn a blind eye to problems while those without power can see the glaring issues of a toxic workplace unfolding before their eyes. Today, we discuss nine common signs of a toxic workplace—and how to solve each issue with a trauma-informed approach. 1 High Turnover Rates Usually, when an employee leaves a job, it’s not...
Blog Post

How to Develop an Organizational Safety Plan

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Safety plans serve as a great resource for individuals to practice healthy coping skills and develop a sense of safety and security that can carry them through a crisis. Last week, we discussed the basics of creating your first personalized safety plan . Now, it’s time to discuss how an organizational safety plan can support your trauma-informed agency—and how to build one. If you work with an organization, sharing how to create an individual safety plan with your team members is a great...
Blog Post

9 Ways to Embody Trauma-Informed Values

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Throughout our last several blogs, we’ve explored the broader themes of how to accomplish trauma-informed cultural change. We’ve also discussed how embodying trauma-informed values is essential to accomplishing that change. But what does embodying trauma-informed values look like in real time? How are we practicing the values in our personal and professional lives? How do the concepts we discuss become embedded and embodied in our work? Today, we’ll give you concrete examples of how to...
Blog Post

How to Help Survivors of Extreme Climate Events (

Carey Sipp ·
By Elaine Miller-Karas MSW, LCSW Building Resiliency to Trauma Psychology Today, September 30, 2022 Mental health can suffer after extreme climate events. KEY POINTS Mental health conditions exacerbated by natural disasters include post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety. After a disaster, the number of people needing assistance from the mental health systems strains or exceeds community capacity. There are simple strategies helpers can use to help survivors restore...
Blog Post

7 Ways to Practice Active Listening and Become a Better Listener at Work

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
What's the difference between listening and hearing? We can’t control what we hear. Hearing is second nature. Listening requires focus. Imagine you’re standing in line at a coffee shop while music plays overhead. Everyone in the shop hears the music, but only a few of them might be listening to it. Who are our listeners? Most likely, the patrons in line with nothing else to do except wait will be listening. The busy barista can’t focus on the music, so they aren’t listening. The same is true...
Blog Post

The Complete Guide to Self-Awareness

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
“ Neuroscience research shows that the only way we can change the way we feel is by becoming aware of our inner experience and learning to befriend what is going on inside ourselves.” - Bessel Van Der Kolk Trauma-informed care is impossible without self-awareness. Anyone who practices TIC needs self-awareness, and most of us would benefit from greater self-awareness. In this complete guide to self-awareness, we’ll explore why self-awareness is core to the trauma-informed model and how to...
Blog Post

The trouble with trauma (-informed), the aggravation of ACEs (screening): We're trying to fit both into traditional frameworks and it isn't working

Jane Stevens ·
What do you call it? The PACEs movement (PACEs = positive and adverse childhood experiences)? The NEAR movement (NEAR = neurobiology, epigenetics, ACEs and resilience)? The resilience movement? The trauma-informed movement? No matter what you call it, this movement emerged from two mind-bending, culture-changing developments that grew and evolved over the last 25 to 30 years. One is a groundbreaking epidemiological study, the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study , first...
Blog Post

💗 Get A FREE Copy of My NEW Book - It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD

Mary Giuliani ·
Hi Everyone! The good news is after seven years, with a five year break (AKA stall-out), I have finally finished my new book and have titled it: It's Not About Food, Drugs, or Alcohol: It's About Healing Complex PTSD Although my book won't be available to the general public until its launch date on Feb 21 st , 2023, I am offering FREE advance reader copies to a limited amount of people this week. Below is a summary of what my book's about and how to qualify to get a free copy this week.
Blog Post

Finding Joy After Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Adverse childhood experiences understandably can numb feelings, including feelings of joy, happiness, and pleasure. Making time to be joyful rewires the wounded brain. Once healing has progressed, the capacity for joy can usually be expanded through the repeated application of proven joy strategies.
Blog Post

Complete Guide to Trauma-Informed Implementation - Complimentary Download!

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Our 2022 Guide to Implementation was a great introduction to the trauma-informed model, and the updated 2023 edition is even better! We've given our guide a fresh new look, provided even more helpful visual resources, and added over 30 pages of content. Get your downloadable copy for free today! Our Complete Guide to Implementation is a free downloadable resource that we encourage every member of our community to access and share. Full of essential introductory content, this free resource is...
Blog Post

A Complete Guide to Trauma-Informed Implementation

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Our 2022 Guide to Implementation was a great introduction to the trauma-informed model, and the updated 2023 edition is even better! We've given our guide a fresh new look, provided even more helpful visual resources, and added over 30 pages of content. Get your downloadable copy for free today! Our Complete Guide to Implementation is a free downloadable resource that we encourage every member of our community to access and share. Full of essential introductory content, this free resource is...
Blog Post

The Trauma Triangle: How Fostering Awareness of Reenactments Builds Resilience

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
The basic concept surrounding trauma-informed care is this: We all have trauma. Some of us are at a higher risk of experiencing trauma. We carry this trauma with us, and if we do not address it, we will not heal from it. Understanding reenactments is one way that we can continue healing from trauma. Our healing helps us make sure that we don’t traumatize or re-traumatize others due to our own inability to emotionally regulate. In the context of trauma healing, there are three main things we...
Blog Post

11 Trauma-Informed Boundary Phrases to Use at Work

Shenandoah Chefalo ·
Trauma-informed leaders know that healthy boundaries are essential for healthy relationships—in and out of work. But setting and reinforcing your boundaries can be challenging when you haven’t had a lot of practice. That’s why we’ve provided these boundary phrases to help you maintain healthy relationships at work by saying no and setting expectations in a kind and trauma-informed way. As you read through these boundary phrases, keep in mind that not all phrases are right for all people or...
Blog Post

The 2023 Creating Resilient Communities Summer Curriculum is Now Open for Registration

PACEs Connection is excited to roll out our summer 2023 *CRC* curriculum dates. Members who complete the CRC will qualify for a fall 2023 fellowship program.
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2023

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2023 Hi folks, Welcome to the the June issue of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter. It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe -...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter July 2023

Michael Skinner ·
The latest Surviving Spirit Newsletter - Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health is out - It can be read online via this & you can also subscribe - or this - “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran Contents List :...
Blog Post

Please be so kind, Fiorella, and share when you feel the master list of California's CRM trainers will be completed as this is the guiding topic of our next meeting. (

“OUR STORIES OUR VISIONS SERIES #6” BY AMIR KHADAR/WWW.AMIRKHADAR.COM To read more of Shelly Tygielski's article, please click here. In recent years, a growing uneasiness and an undercurrent of anxiety have emerged in the United States. Psychologists, therapists, social workers, and doctors across the medical spectrum agree that we are in the middle of a genuine national mental health crisis. A time like this can serve as an impetus for reclaiming self-care as a movement, which could have a...
Blog Post

Keys to Calming Anxiety from Adverse Childhood Experiences

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Anxiety rooted in the hidden wounds from childhood need not be a lifelong sentence. A combination of effective strategies offer hope and help to alleviate anxious conditions, including excessive worry and panic attacks, that originate in childhood.
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2023

Michael Skinner ·
Healing the Mind, Body & Spirit Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter September 2023 Hi Folks, Welcome to the September issue of the Surviving Spirit. Fall is definitely in the air here in New Hampshire, pleasant days and chilly nights ...a sign of what's to come.
Blog Post

Gifting Yourself Peace after Childhood Adversity: After Painful Memories Are Confronted, Healing Continues

Dr. Glenn Schiraldi ·
Wounds of the heart may persist after troubling memories from childhood adversity have been rewired. Fortunately, pain from childhood adversities can spur us to create a peaceful heart of forgiving, kindness, calm, and purpose.
Blog Post

A three-step skill set for self-care - 20min video

Hi. Sharing my recent 20 minute A three-step skill set for self-care ( ) Description: This video provides an overview of a three-step skill set for self-care, of one’s body, behaviors, thoughts, and emotions. And then, there is an additional segment with some possible approaches for thoughts, mindfulness, grounding, and resetting/relaxing. Purpose: Done to support the California Child Care Resource and Referral Network’s annual Trauma Informed Care conference...
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