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Evidence of Trauma-Informed Care's Effectiveness in Residential Substance-Use Settings

Hello ACEs and Trauma-Informed Community,

My name is Travis Hales, and I am a researcher at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. I have recently collaborated with the University at Buffalo's Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care to conduct a multi-year study on the impact of a substance-use residential agency adopting and implementing Trauma-Informed Care on a variety of organizational, staff, and client level outcomes. I wanted to briefly share the results of our study that you may be able to use in efforts to promote TIC in your agencies and respective practices. We discovered that implementing TIC within agencies, using aspects of the implementation model described in the Trauma-Informed Organizational Change Manual increased client treatment retention by approximately 35% over a two-year period. As a result of implementing TIC, there were also improvements in organizational climate, staff satisfaction, and client satisfaction. 

The citation for the article is: 

Hales, T. W., Green, S. A., Bissonette, S., Warden, A., Diebold, J., Koury, S. P., & Nochajski, T. H. (2019). Trauma-informed care outcome study. Research on Social Work Practice, 29, 529-539.

The article may be accessed by visiting

Kind regards,

Travis Hales

Assistant Professor, UNC Charlotte School of Social Work

In affiliation with The Institute on Trauma and Trauma-Informed Care, University at Buffalo, School of Social Work

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