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Tagged With "Pima County, Arizona"

Blog Post

Native American Voters Score Victory in U.S. District Court in Arizona (

U.S. District Court of Arizona (Photo/LinkedIn) To read more of the Native News Online Staff's article, please click here. On Thursday, September 14, 2023, U.S. District Court Judge Susan R. Bolton in Phoenix ruled in favor of the Tohono O’odham Nation, the Gila River Indian Community and Native youth against a voter suppression law requiring proof of a physical address. Considering more than 40,000 homes on Indian reservations across Arizona do not have physical addresses, the decision is...
Blog Post

Where Every Feather Counts (

Robert Mesta, a member of Arizona’s Pascua Yaqui tribe, is the coordinator of the Liberty Wildlife Non-Eagle Feather Repository in Phoenix. Credit: Rebecca L. Rhoades To read more of Rebecca L. Rhoades' article, please click here. In a small room tucked away in the back of an Arizona-based wildlife rehabilitation center, Robert Mesta sits surrounded by displays of feathers of all sizes and colors, taxidermied birds and Native American implements crafted from feathers. A stack of papers rests...
Blog Post

The Governor of Arizona Proclaimed “Arizona Trauma Awareness Month” at the Weave and Cleave Conference by The Faithful City (May 2, 2024)

Sanghoon Yoo ·
In January, I announced the “Weave and Cleave Movement,” defining it as The Faithful City (TFC)’s social and cultural movement that invites every human being and all sectors to come alongside, where everyone experiences being connected before being corrected, sharing struggles in compassion, and raising hope and resilience for the future journey altogether. The second annual Weave and Cleave Conference, which I organized with Marcia Stanton, the founder of the Arizona ACEs Consortium, was...

Re: The Governor of Arizona Proclaimed “Arizona Trauma Awareness Month” at the Weave and Cleave Conference by The Faithful City (May 2, 2024)

Iya Affo ·
CONGRATULATIONS FOR ANOTHER AMAZING EVENT!! You are a precious treasure in the faith community, the state of Arizona and the trauma and resilience movement.
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