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Alaska legislature takes up ACEs resolution similar to those passed in Wisconsin and California

A hearing will be held April 2 on Alaska House Concurrent Resolution 21 (HCR 21) to respond to adverse childhood experiences. The resolution is very similar to those passed in Wisconsin and California . Testimony will be heard in the Health and Social Services Committee on the bill introduced by Representative Geran Tarr. In her statement about the bill , Tarr calls on Governor Walker “to establish policy and programs to address the public and behavioral health epidemic of adverse childhood...

National article on Rose Domnick of Bethel, AK -- brilliant Yup'ik trauma prevention and healing expert

"[Domnick] owes her progress to learning traditional Yup’ik ways of healing and dealing with life. 'Our ancestors gave us tools to navigate through the tough times of life. They taught us to take bad experiences and turn them inside out, examine them, talk about them and understand how they have affected us.' In her work with Calricaraq, she and her team help guide others through this process and gain more insight into their own lives. 'We are also finding that our elders are recalling old...

Advanced Trauma Conference, April 18 - 21, Anchorage

Featuring international superstars in the trauma field such as Dr. Martin Teicher and Christopher Blodgett and amazing local trainers and change makers like Kristen Mortenson and Patrick Sidmore, this 4-day will cover topics of neurobiology, ACEs, trauma-informed systems, and more. Info on registration from the website: Registration Process : Registration for the Alaskan Advanced Trauma Training Institute is online only. During the Priority Registration period from March 18 th through March...

Bush Fellowships awarded to 24 who can use the $100K to develop leadership skills[MinnPost]

This article describes the award by the St. Paul, Minnesota-based Bush Foundation of 24 fellowships to individuals in North and South Dakota, Minnesota and 23 Native nations to develop leadership skills. Some of the awardees are doing work trauma-specific work such as Susan Marie Beaulieu who is teaching ACEs in Native American communities. Others are using the arts, drumming and other culturally-grounded approaches to heal communities. One is a state legislator (not seeking re-election),...

Alaska Resilience Initiative is now on Facebook!

In order to create multiple places for people to engage with statewide ACEs and Resilience work and be part of a learning community, and in order to reach people who may be unlikely to join ACEs Connection, we have created a Facebook page for the Alaska Resilience Initiative. Please "like" us on Facebook and share with friends and family: You can also "like" the Alaska Children's Trust on Facebook for more information and events.

U.S. Senator Heitkamp spreads the word about trauma to Senate colleagues and urges advocates to do more

At a March 8 breakfast meeting in Washington, D.C., the featured speakers—U.S. Senator Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota (left) and Judith Sandalow, Executive Director of the DC Children’s Law Center (CLC)—used the vivid image of children growing up with “black mold climbing the walls,” referring to unsafe physical and emotional environments at home and in communities, exacerbated by poverty but not limited to poor households. Heitkamp described how the science now explains what we already...

Youth Alliance for a Healthier Alaska (YAHA) needs applications from teens by 3/31

I wanted to share this flyer and message from Jenny Baker at the State of Alaska's Adolescent Health Program, because it's a fantastic way to get Alaskan teens involved in a meaningful leadership position (which we all know is a protective factor that builds resilience) and it's a way to have their experience and voices shaping health and social service programs in Alaska so that these programs can be more effective with youth -- which is our goal, right? Please share with teens in your...

Annual Innovation Summit shows the opportunity of economic crisis []

The state’s fiscal crisis is no tiny problem. Oil prices are volatile, reserves are depleting and the state is facing a financial deficit. At this year’s Innovation Summit, held in Juneau in early February, Governor Walker addressed more than two hundred of the state’s top entrepreneurs, politicians, investors and leaders. He discussed his budget plan and the need to diversify and shift the state away from a mono-focus on a non-renewable oil industry. Tough budget cuts, Walker explained are...

MARC Booklet 2016: Features Alaska

Please find attached the 2016 booklet for the Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities (MARC) project, including Alaska and the other 13 communities that have been selected to participate in this 2 year learning collaborative. This is a great summary of the work happening in all 14 communities across the country. I look forward to working with you all in Alaska!

The Quality of Intimate Relationships in Indian Country

As a research topic, Intimate Relationships are not well understood in Indian Country. This article, [ LINK HERE ] soon to be published in the Journal of Interpersonal Violence, is a first small step in addressing this gap. Decades ago, I spoke about the difficulties of parenting when you had no examples to emulate. As a boy, I changed diapers, fed babies, soothed fussiness and performed scores of other child care tasks. During one of our early morning talks, my Mother told me that she was...

Greetings & introduction!

Hello Alaska ACEs Action members! I want to introduce myself, as I am the new Program Director for the Alaska Resilience Initiative and will be working to enliven this ACEs Connection group and make it an active and useful space for us to learn and organize together. The picture is of me with my now two-year-old daughter, Ida Luna. I am mama to her and to a baby boy due in late July. I just began at the Alaska Children's Trust a few weeks ago as the Program Director for the Alaska Resilience...

State of Alaska Playing Catch Up

As one who has been advocating for change in addressing childhood trauma for many years now, I have learned that change is extremely difficult for most people. There needs to be a reason for it. When Dr. Felitti was in Juneau last week, his planned testimony before the House Health & Social Services Committee was cancelled. The Legislative leadership mandated no hearings could be held unless they dealt with the state budget deficit. It was odd because what Dr. Felitti has to say is of...

Jill Burke: Cuts to early childhood care will deepen Alaska's fiscal crisis []

As the state grapples with a $3.5 billion budget deficit, we must not lose sight of slowly acquired gains, those that require continued investment now before they pay off in the future. If we dont, the dollars the state might think it is saving now will be lost later when we have to spend more as we try to undo trauma-based harm to our states future workforce. This presents a crucial intersection of social and economic policy that should not be overlooked. In a bare-bones fiscal era, we need...

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