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PACEs in Maternal Health

Tagged With "survivor moms"


Re: When you don't fall in love with your newborn [ABC Life]

Veronique Mead ·
Thanks for sharing this heart wrenching story and how common this is so that mothers can find some sense of hope, know how often it happens, and know it's not their fault. I would add a more specific view, however, which is that this mom is expressing what some refer to as a bonding disruption - a disconnection that happens in part because of one or more difficult, adverse events that happened during labor (all the medications, the brutal forceps, long labor, worry about his fetal distress...

Re: A community-based approach to supporting substance exposed newborns and their families

Alex Risley Schroeder ·
Moms are in charge of their experience and the circle of support that surrounds them. Programs/agencies add in as moms direct and request. What other examples of this kind of mom (family) centering are out there? I'd love to know more about them. Alex Massachusetts Essentials for Childhood

Re: A community-based approach to supporting substance exposed newborns and their families

Karen Clemmer ·
Hi Alex, Centering Pregnancy is the model you are referencing, and there is tremendous evidence of the benefits for families, and fiscally for healthcare organizations. HERE is an example. Centering empowers patients, strengthens patient-provider relationships, and builds communities through these three main components: health assessment, and interactive learning community building. Additionally, there is a Centering Pediatrics model that is similar. HERE is more information. This LINK...

Re: NICU Moms 70% More Likely to get a Maternal Mental Health Disorder []

Karen Clemmer ·
Jessica, thank you for bravely sharing the back story to your interest in maternal mental health! I wonder if you will be the person who helps another mom seek help? Just like from the article, " i t was a friend who had struggled with PPD herself who finally urged her to get help " . Thank you so much! Karen

Re: I Thought My Kids Were Too Old for Me to Have Postpartum Depression. But I Couldn't Deny the Awful Reality (Time Magazine)

Joy Burkhard ·
We love Kimmy Gibbler (and Andrea!). The headline in this Time Article is a great hook and a bit misleading in clinical terms. Andrea wasn't experiencing depression but anxiety, and also the postpartum period is clinically defined as one year post birth. We would call what Andrea went through severe maternal anxiety and want mothers (and providers for that matter) to know there is a range of maternal mental health disorders. We have heard from Andrea's publicist and Andrea may be joining the...

Re: I Thought My Kids Were Too Old for Me to Have Postpartum Depression. But I Couldn't Deny the Awful Reality (Time Magazine)

Karen Clemmer ·
Thank you for the clarifications, Joy! Please feel free to share, clarify, or in any other way make more information available. Thank you for all you do to support moms and families! Karen
Blog Post

The Federal Military Moms’ Mental Health Assessment Act Is Introduced

Karen Clemmer ·
By Crystal McAuley, May 28, 2020, 2020 MOM. 2020 Mom is proud to support the ‘‘ Military Moms’ Mental Health Assessment Act ’’ (“The Act”) which was introduced last week by Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Tim Kaine (D-VA). The Act will require the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study of prenatal and postpartum mental health conditions among members of the Armed Forces and their dependents. The Bill Recognizes: The bill cites 2018 birth stats within the Armed...
Blog Post

2020 Mom Founder and Executive Director Joy Burkhard to Serve as Expert Advisor for AHRQ Rural Postpartum Mental Health Challenge (2020MOM)

Karen Clemmer ·
May 21, 2020, News and Announcements, 2020 MOM & AHRQ Washington, DC – In May, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality ( AHRQ ) announced that Joy Burkhard, MBA was selected to serve as an expert advisor for their Cross-Sectional Innovation to Improve Rural Postpartum Mental Health Challenge. The challenge aims to drive both proposal and narrative submissions, allowing the initiative to highlight success stories in rural postpartum mental health and encourage future innovative...
Blog Post

Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR

Victoria Burns ·
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post

Report on WIC Role in Reducing Maternal Mortality (California WIC Association)

Karen Clemmer ·
CWA Flash Newsletter - October 13, 2020 (Blue text=hyperlinks) Report on WIC Role in Reducing Maternal Mortality The National WIC Association released a report titled " The Role of WIC in Reducing Maternal Mortality ." NWA’s Maternal Mortality Task Force created the report to consider ways in which maternal mortality is addressed and discussed with program participants throughout the WIC appointment, as well as explore opportunities for additional focus on the topic. The report highlights...
Blog Post

New California preventive mental health coverage puts ACEs science front and center

Laurie Udesky ·
A mother, frantic with worry, brought her newborn in for a checkup at the pediatric clinic at San Francisco General Hospital. But there wasn’t anything wrong with the baby. And over the next several months, no amount of reassurance could convince the mom that her child was eating, sleeping and growing just fine. If anything, the mother’s worry led to behavior that raised alarm bells for her health care providers. Dr. Kate Margolis “[The family] wasn’t returning calls from the provider, and...
Blog Post

United Way grant helps Good Samaritan treat postpartum depression []

Karen Clemmer ·
By Web Desk, My Wabash Valley, February 9, 2021 Good Samaritan physicians and staff have been following perinatal depression trends throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. With the help of $9,970 from the United Way Lilly Endowment grant, the hospital will be able to establish a postpartum group therapy led by psychiatry residents for women with clinically significant levels of depression, anxiety or PTSD. The group therapy sessions will be a hybrid of in-person and virtual sessions. “Prior to...
Blog Post

My ACEs Affected My Birth

Kelsey Budge ·
High blood pressure. In your third trimester of pregnancy, you do not want to hear these three words, especially if you are planning to have a home birth. My blood pressure nearly caused me to have an induction for my first birth and transfer to a hospital birth for my second birth. I wish I had known of the ACEs test so I wouldn't have felt so lost and guilty. For my first birth I was clueless. I did not understand why this was happening to me because I ate a healthy diet, went to boxing...
Blog Post

Anxiety, Depression and Working Moms in a Pandemic

Arslan Hassan ·
Covid-19 is a challenging time for all of us. People are limited to their homes, and social distancing is the requirement of the time to stay protected from this contagious virus. Although social distancing is the only thing stopping the spread of the virus, it is also becoming the number 1 cause of anxiety and depression. People worldwide from all walks of life are suffering the psychological effects of isolation, and working moms are not an exception. They experienced a unique pressure...
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'Living Paycheck to Paycheck, Living Diaper to Diaper' []

By Jessica Grose, The New York Times, March 17, 2021 If your child is not potty trained, how many diapers do you have on hand right now? That’s a question I certainly wouldn’t have been able to answer with any specificity when my children were babies. But it’s a question that parents who struggle to afford the expense — about $70-$80 per month, per baby — can answer easily, because managing diaper need is among their most significant anxieties. That’s what a new study from Jennifer Randles,...
Blog Post

Carteret home therapy program is helping with rural parents' layers of stress []

Karen Clemmer ·
By Liz Bell, Education NC, April 8, 2021 Jessica Phillips, a mom of three in Carteret County, found out her youngest child has autism in October 2019. “I didn’t want to get out of bed after his diagnosis — it was just so hard — and then you throw the pandemic on top of that, and I’ve got three kids at home,” Phillips said. “I’ve got one autistic child, one that’s severely hyper, and then my tween who just thinks she’s too cool for everything.” During weeks of frustrating calls to find...
Blog Post

Starting This Wednesday-FREE Virtual Conference & Networking Event

Karen Clemmer ·
2022 FORUM Building the Maternal Mental Health Constellation Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday March 23 - 25, 2022 FREE Virtual Conference & Networking Event Join our partner 2020 Mom virtually for the 12th annual Maternal and Mental Health FORUM on March 23 - 25. The Maternal Mental Health FORUM is the conference where change agents come to convene, collaborate, and take in cutting-edge content to close gaps in care. Come together with cross-sector stakeholders in health care -...
Blog Post

Multi-level Public Health Resilience Building Intervention For Perinatal Mental Health: Building Maternal Resilience Through Mindfulness Mobile App

Rosha Loach ·
Multi-level Public Health Resilience Building Intervention Building Maternal Resilience Through Mindfulness Mobile App Section 1: Background and Epidemiology of the Critical Public Health Issue of Perinatal Mental Health Section 2:Priority population and rationale for geography Section 3: Marketing/Theme Products and Recruitment – Intervention Poster & Radio Ad Section 4: CDC Social Ecological Levels Postpartum depression is a critical public health issue that has been intensified in the...
Blog Post

I’m a Motherhood Expert. My Ambivalence Is Normal. []

Natalie Audage ·
By Pooja Lakshmin, M.D., The New York Times, May 7, 2022 I’m not someone who dreamed of motherhood as a girl. Quite the opposite. In my early 30s, I had a recurring nightmare in which I was unknowingly pregnant and the fetus felt like a parasite invading my body. Growing up in South Asian culture, which valorizes women’s childbearing and mothering responsibilities above all else, was one reason for my fear. I also got divorced in my late 20s. Becoming a mom didn’t seem like it was in the...
Blog Post

Building Resilience is a Team Effort that Starts Early

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
“YES!” was the response of Gaile Osborne, executive director of Foster Family Alliance of North Carolina (FFANC), when asked for input on a new program to help foster and kinship care families learn how to support the brain development of young children. “I love these Brain Insights materials. How soon can we start?” said Osborne upon receiving the "The First 60 Days ” booklet on myths about newborns and their caregivers and the eight “ Neuro-Nurturing ” ringed books. The materials delivered...
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