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PACEs in Maternal Health

Mom's Mental Health and the ACEs she brings...the past matters.


May is Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month and this Sunday is Mother's Day. The day is somewhat bittersweet when I think about it...shouldn't every day be Mothers' Day, just minus the fanfare? How can we promote better mental health for moms during a time of great transition? And how much harder is it for a mom to become a mom if she's got an ACE score of 4 or more? She carries a heavier burden and how will that impact the baby? the newborn? the toddler? the teen?

We can do something about this though and it helps both mom and baby! We can stop judging mothers on how "good" they are and acknowledge how "hard" things can be...that just gives them the permission to be human. In our society we do have super hero expectations of mothers without enough social and economic supports in place.

So in the month of May and in particular on this Mother's Day, let's scream out that it's hard and it might get harder, but MOMS - you are doing great! And how can we help?

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