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PACEs in Higher Education

Tagged With "Futures Without Violence"

Blog Post

Gov. Brown proposes California's first fully online public community college (

Gov. Jerry Brown wants California to launch its first fully online public community college to help 2.5 million young adults without college credentials gain skills for better jobs and greater economic mobility. In the 2018-19 budget plan he unveiled Wednesday, Brown proposed spending $120 million to open such a college by fall 2019, with a focus on short-term credential programs for careers in fields including advanced manufacturing, healthcare and child development. To read more of Teresa...
Blog Post

JED Foundation and UMass offer new guide: College to Career: Supporting Mental Health

Andrew Anastasia ·
"Investigators from The Jed Foundation (JED) and the University of Massachusetts Medical School examined the literature in education, business, psychology and sociology regarding the college-to-career transition. Knowledge gained informed a national survey of 1,929 college seniors, recent graduates and employers exploring specific challenges to the transition, as well as existing strategies to support young adults and their emotional health. Data from the literature review and the survey...
Blog Post

Living Homeless in California: The University of Hunger (

The true scale of this crisis was revealed last January in a groundbreaking report commissioned by the California State University system. The study found that 11 percent of students on the university’s 23-campuses reported being homeless during the past year. The problem was most acute at Humboldt State, where nearly a fifth of the student body had been homeless at one point the previous year. “In large part, students are homeless because they don’t get enough financial aid,” says Jennifer...
Blog Post

NJ medical school program requires all first-year students to learn about ACEs science

Laurie Udesky ·
In 2015, Dr. Beth Pletcher, a pediatrician and associate professor specializing in genetics, was at the annual conference of the American Academy of Pediatrics in Washington D.C. when she heard two speakers that forever changed her work with medical students. Dr. Beth Pletcher “I went to two talks on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) that were so mind-boggling to me that I decided on my drive back to New Jersey that I had to do something about it,”says Pletcher, director of the Division...
Blog Post

Press Release — New Survey of California Community College Students Reveals More than Half Face Food Insecurity and Nearly 20 Percent Have Faced Homelessness [California Community Colleges]

Karen Clemmer ·
Press Release — New Survey of California Community College Students Reveals More than Half Face Food Insecurity and Nearly 20 Percent Have Faced Homelessness March 7, 2019 Sacramento — More than half the students attending a California community college have trouble affording balanced meals or worry about running out of food, and nearly 1 in 5 are either homeless or do not have a stable place to live, according to a survey released today. Click HERE to read the press release and click HERE...
Blog Post

Professor uses her own ACEs story to teach med students how to help traumatized patients

Laurie Udesky ·
When O’Nesha Cochran teaches medical residents about adverse childhood experiences in patients, she doesn’t use a textbook. Instead, the Oregon Health & Science University adjunct professor walks in the room, dressed in what she describes as the “nerdiest-looking outfit” she can find. And then she tells them her story. “My mom sold me to her tricks and her pimps from the age of three to the age of six,” she begins. “I could remember these grown men molesting me and my sisters. I have...
Blog Post

Red Flag Warning

Andrew Anastasia ·
Red Flag Warning In weather-speak, a red flag warning is issued when conditions are ripe for fire combustion. Many law enforcement officials in Florida have described school shooter Nikolas Cruz as displaying all the “red flags” of a troubled youth, yet no one seemed to speak up enough to prevent the tragedy at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. This reflection extends writings I have recently done that describes trauma and traumatized systems as an invisible fire, an...
Blog Post

Some 350 Florida Leaders Expected to Attend Think Tank with Dr. Vincent Felitti, Co-Principal Investigator of the ACE Study; Expert on ACEs Science

Carey Sipp ·
Leaders from across the Sunshine State will take part in a “Think Tank” in Naples, FL, on Monday, August 6, to help create a more trauma-informed Florida. The estimated 350 attendees will include policy makers and community teams made up of school superintendents, law enforcement officers, judges, hospital administrators, mayors, PTA presidents, child welfare experts, mental health and substance abuse treatment providers, philanthropists, university researchers, state agency heads, and...
Blog Post

Study: Stress Disorders Linked to Greater Infection Risk []

By Lisa Rapaport, Reuters, October 31, 2019 People who have stress disorders like PTSD may be more vulnerable to potentially life-threatening infections, especially if they are diagnosed at younger ages or dealing with other psychiatric issues, a recent study suggests. Researchers examined data on 144,919 people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), adjustment disorders common after a major life change like a death or move, and other stress-related conditions. They also...
Blog Post

Survey Finds Evidence of Widespread Sexual Violence at 33 Universities []

By Nick Anderson, Susan Svrluga, and Scott Clement, The Washington Post, October 14, 2019 About one-quarter of undergraduate women say they have been victims of sexual touching or penetration without consent since starting college, according to a survey this year on sexual assault and misconduct at 33 major universities. The survey released Tuesday was the second from the Association of American Universities in recent years to document the disturbing prevalence of sexual violence at...
Blog Post

The new face of Sacramento’s affordable housing crisis: College students forced to drop out (

Going to college is tough for many students under normal circumstances. But for tens of thousands of young Californians today, it’s beyond difficult. It’s financially and physically perilous. Faced with tuition escalation and fast-rising rents – particularly in Sacramento – higher-education students find themselves struggling to get a decent night’s sleep, find permanent shelter and put food in their stomach so they can focus enough in class to make it to graduation. Nearly 40 percent of...
Blog Post

The Number Of Hungry And Homeless Students Rises Along With College Costs []

Samantha Sangenito ·
There's no way to avoid it. As the cost of college grows, research shows that so does the number of hungry and homeless students at colleges and universities across the country. Still, many say the problem is invisible to the public. "It's invisible even to me and I'm looking," says Wick Sloan. He came to Bunker Hill Community College in Boston more than a decade ago to teach English full time. He says it felt like he quickly became a part-time social worker, too. "When I first got here, I...
Blog Post

Toxic Schools Worsening Toxic Stress: The Destructive Reign of Universal Standards, Pathology, Medication and Behaviorism

Emily Read Daniels ·
This post is the first chapter of a book. The names HAVE NOT been changed, as each individual profoundly impacted the author's growth and development. She wants their identities to remain intact. I did not realize that my first years in public education would profoundly shape my trauma-informed journey and what I would do nearly twenty years later. But I clearly remember the late fall of 2001. I was completing my second year in a master’s program for school counseling at the University of...
Blog Post

Two Community Colleges Show How Students Can Succeed Without Remedial Math Courses []

By Ashley A. Smith, EdSource, November 15, 2019 A San Diego area community college that moved early to eliminate remedial math courses is drawing lots of attention across the state for success in teaching math. Not only are students at Cuyamaca Community College taking math classes that can transfer to four-year colleges, but Latino students are bucking a national trend by outperforming their white counterparts. Cuyamaca, along with College of the Siskiyous in Northern California, were two...
Blog Post

Why I believe Gregory Williams, and his book, Shattered By The Darkness, will help save lives and revolutionize healthcare.

Carey Sipp ·
When you first hear about it, it sounds unlikely, fact that something that happened to someone in utero, at the age of two months, or four years, or any time in childhood, is what is killing them as an adult, or making them want to die, or making them want to hurt themselves or others. Yet the connection between childhood trauma and adult disease, mental illness, addiction, suicide, violence – most all of society’s ills – is as irrefutable as the myriad truths revealed about it in the...
Blog Post

A Trauma-informed, Resiliency-based Community of Practice for Prison Educators

Sheryl Huggins Salomon ·
An article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled " How Philanthropy Can Create Public Systems Change " describes how Renewing Communities, a five-year, multifunder initiative aimed increasing education of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students by California’s public colleges and universities, partnered with the NYU McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research in order to address educator burnout through a trauma-informed and resiliency-based community of practice.
Blog Post

ACEs in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach

Suzette Reed ·
Hello. I am sharing a recent brief publication discussing how the principles of community psychology relate to ACEs in higher education, particularly the need to take a social justice approach to ACEs with non-traditional, adult, often minority students. It was posted in a community psychology bulletin, but would apply to anyone interested in ACEs in higher education.
Blog Post

ACEs in Higher Education: Lived realities, academic insights and raising awareness

Ute Kelly ·
Universities can play an important role in opening up difficult conversations, connecting personal stories and academic insights. The two blog posts below come out of a sustained conversation between Juleus Ghunta, a Jamaican Chevening scholar who used his MA dissertation to deepen his understanding of the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on his life, and Dr Ute Kelly, a lecturer in Peace Studies who supervised his dissertation.
Blog Post

Amador County builds community college pipeline for mental health workers (

Amador, along with a handful of other counties, is leveraging state funding to grow the ranks of peer mental health providers. The scholarship program relies on workforce development funds from California’s Mental Health Services Act, which established a millionaire’s tax for mental health prevention and intervention in 2004. Monterey and San Bernardino counties also use the funds to train community members with real-life experience, with the goal of hiring them in county-run mental health...
Blog Post

America’s First College for Former Foster Youth Will Open in July []

Samantha Sangenito ·
By this fall, 24 former foster youth will attend classes at the nation’s first college specifically for former foster youth. Riverbend Center for Higher Education, operated by nonprofit child welfare service provider KVC Health Systems , will open in Montgomery, West Virginia, in July, enrolling students for the fall semester. Operating in partnership with BridgeValley Community and Technical College, a community college with two locations in in the state, Riverbend will offer programming...
Blog Post

An Unusual Idea for Fixing School Segregation []

Alicia Doktor ·
Many proposals for addressing school segregation seem pretty small, especially when compared to the scale and severity of the problem. Without the power of a court-ordered desegregation mandate, progress can feel extremely far off, if not altogether impossible. Some even believe—understandably though mistakenly —that no meaningful steps can be taken to integrate schools unless housing segregation is resolved. But a new theory from Thomas Scott-Railton, a recent graduate of Yale Law School,...

Re: Securing Funding

Gail Kennedy ·
Hi Andy and Suzette - i wonder if you can share a little more details about what type of internal funding you received from your university? (where did it come from? was process competitive or was it because of a leader that 'gets' ACEs and wants to support movement in the Univ/ College?, Approx how much funding for how long ? what are deliverable? Those details may help others (i will be taking what folks share here to different CA universities that I work with). And another question - are...

Re: Securing Funding

Suzette Reed ·
A few years ago our school decided it was important to set up resources to allow our mostly teaching oriented faculty to have an opportunity to do research to "seed" the procurement of external funding. The project are under $10,000. My first grant was ~$7,500 and I used it on ACEs and Community Resilience. I also used it to learn from experts in Washington State. The second grant I am a partner on. I think it was approximately the same amount. In addition to that, the team that has this...
Blog Post

NEW TOOL: Translating Your In-Person Education Online []

By Jennifer White and Rebecca Del Rossi, Futures Without Violence, May 29, 2020 The Institute for Leadership in Education Development (I-LED), a project of Futures Without Violence supported by the U.S. Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women (OVW), shares a new tool for “going virtual” with pieces of your educational programs. Translating Your In-Person Education Online: Tips for Piecing it All Together , includes a process for taking all or part of in-person training to a...
Blog Post

Income Segregation and Intergenerational Mobility Across Colleges in the United States []

By Raj Chetty, John N. Friedman, Emmanuel Saez, et al., The Quarterly Journal of Economics, August 2020 Abstract We construct publicly available statistics on parents’ incomes and students’ earnings outcomes for each college in the United States using deidentified data from tax records. These statistics reveal that the degree of parental income segregation across colleges is very high, similar to that across neighborhoods. Differences in postcollege earnings between children from low- and...
Blog Post

Without A Whisper - Konnón:kwe (

Explore the untold story of how Indigenous women influenced the early suffragists in their fight for freedom and equality. Mohawk Clan Mother Louise Herne and Professor Sally Roesch Wagner shake the foundation of the established history of the women’s rights movement in the US joining forces to shed light on the hidden history of the influence of Haudenosaunee Women on the women’s rights movement. Streaming online from 11.2.20 - 12.1.20 Click here: ...
Blog Post

Affirmative action ballot measure fails, but these students are still fighting to diversify their universities (

Californians voted this week by a 56.1% to 43.9% margin to continue the state’s ban on considering race, ethnicity and gender in public college admissions, hiring and contracting. But universities are pushing forward with other efforts to recruit and retain a diverse student body. Black and Latino students are underrepresented at the University of California compared to those groups’ share of the state’s population. Statewide, many students of color enter college but don’t graduate. Among...
Blog Post

MSU opens 1st-ever sexual assault health care program []

By Anastasia Pirrami, The State News, November 17, 2020 On Thursday, Nov. 12, Michigan State University opened up its first-ever sexual assault health care program for MSU students, staff, faculty, and anyone in the tri-county area and Clinton county. MSU’s sexual assault health care program provides the option for survivors of sexual assault to receive treatment. The Center for Survivors designed the program for people who have been sexually assaulted within the last 5 days, have access to...
Blog Post

How counseling aims to help CSU freshmen graduate in four years []

By Larry Gordon, EdSource, December 17, 2020 Right out of high school and not sure where the advising office is, let alone how to register for classes, freshmen need special care at California’s big public universities. Without it, they are at higher risk of not making it back for a second year. That’s why about a quarter of the 23 campuses in the California State University system recently overhauled their academic advising to first-year students. [ Please click here to read more .]
Blog Post

Reaching Lithuania with Resilience Science

Becky Haas ·
(Pictured here are LLC International University students who serve as core leaders of Lithuanian non-profit Gausus Gyvenimas) In a year when the world has weathered trauma surrounding the global pandemic of COVID-19, quite surprisingly, new doors opened for me to share about the science of resilience in Lithuania. In 2017, a faith-based organization served as a means of introduction to a young minister from Pakistan named Robin Mubarik. Since our initial meeting we have only remained...

Re: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Indicators in a Young Adult, College Student Sample: Differences by Gender

Aimee Kitchen ·
I want to read the whole journal article but it is only an abstract. Where can I read it without paying? It is not available through my library > On Jan 23, 2021, at 1:16 PM, ACEsConnection < > wrote: >

Re: Adverse Childhood Experiences and Health Indicators in a Young Adult, College Student Sample: Differences by Gender

Alison Cebulla ·
I wish that journal access were free and easy for all! One day I'm sure they will be.
Blog Post

Partnering with Local Mental Health Providers to Support Foster Youth in College []

Karen Clemmer ·
LAST YEAR, NEARLY 18,000 CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE STUDENTS WERE CURRENTLY OR FORMERLY IN FOSTER CARE. These students, and students from other vulnerable or underserved groups, are motivated and resilient. However, many face higher rates of trauma and unmet mental health needs, coupled with systemic barriers that prevent them from accessing services. Without support, these challenges can contribute to lower college completion rates. BACKGROUND In 2018-2020, John Burton Advocates for Youth...
Blog Post

'Health equity tourists': How white scholars are colonizing research on health disparities []

By Usha Lee McFarling, STAT, September 23, 2021 F ueled by the massive health disparities exposed by the coronavirus pandemic and the racial reckoning that followed the murder of George Floyd, health equity research is now in vogue. Journals are clamoring for it, the media is covering it, and the National Institutes of Health, after publicly apologizing for giving the field short shrift, recently announced it would unleash nearly $100 million for research on the topic. This would seem to be...

Re: Ph.D. Students Face Mental Health Challenges

Former Member ·
I agree with this that most students suffer from depression because of the pressure of their studies which is not a good thing at all. To overcome this I suggest students get therapy from mental health therapist because therapist helps their patients well to overcome their issues so that they can live their life happily without any kind of issues related to their mental health.
Blog Post

American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL)

Established in 2006 by Dr. Debbie Reese of Nambé Pueblo, American Indians in Children's Literature (AICL) provides critical analysis of Indigenous peoples in children's and young adult books. Dr. Jean Mendoza joined AICL as a co-editor in 2016. Please visit the website by clicking here, https://americanindiansinchild.../best-books.html?m=1 American Indians in Children's Literature is used by Native and non-Native parents, librarians, teachers, editors, professors, and students. It is...
Blog Post

Making Learning Visible: Doodling Helps Memories Stick (

Shelley Paul and Jill Gough had heard that doodling while taking notes could help improve memory and concept retention, but as instructional coaches they were reluctant to bring the idea to teachers without trying it out themselves first. To give it a fair shot, Paul tried sketching all her notes from a two-day conference. By the end, her drawings had improved and she was convinced the approach could work for kids, too. “It causes you to listen at a different level,” said Jill Gough,...
Blog Post

Implementing Adverse Childhood Experience Screening in an Intensive Outpatient Mental Health Program []

By Bryan Amaro, Photo: Unsplash, University of San Diego, Digital USD, May 28, 2022 Background and Significance Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) have been well-studied for over 20 years, with the seminal research performed in San Diego, CA, through Kaiser Permanente and MD internist Vince Felitti in 1998. ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur during childhood before 18 years of age (Felitti et al., 1998). The stress response is a normal part of life, and is the bodies response...
Blog Post


Jeoffry Gordon ·
As a clinician, researcher and policy specialist devoted to the prevention and treatment of the ill effects of child abuse and neglect (CAN) I read “Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine” (Sherin KM, Stillerman A, Chandrasekar L, Went N, Niebuhr DW. Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the...
Blog Post

Medical and academic narrowmindedness block progress

Jeoffry Gordon ·
As a clinician, researcher and policy specialist devoted to the prevention and treatment of the ill effects of child abuse and neglect (CAN), I read “Recommendations for Population-Based Applications of the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study: Position Statement by the American College of Preventive Medicine”, a position statement by the American College of Preventive medicine, with dismay . (Sherin KM, Stillerman A, Chandrasekar L, Went N, Niebuhr DW. Recommendations for Population-Based...
Blog Post

How much would the NAS poverty reduction packages reduce referrals to CPS and foster care placements? Would they reduce racial disproportionality in child welfare? (

Carey Sipp ·
Because of a collaboration with Columbia University and UW-Madison, we have answers to these questions. By Peter Peter Pecora, Casey Family Programs, March 17, 2023 - Overview The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently released a “ roadmap ” to reduce child poverty by as much as half through the implementation of a series of social policy packages. The aim of this study was to simulate the reductions in Child Protective Services (CPS) involvement and foster care placements that are...
Blog Post

Quick Focus Group on ACEs & Successful 60+ Year Olds

Myra Sabir ·
Are you over 60 and successful despite your Adverse Childhood Experiences? Are you realizing that it’s truly now or never for your Soul’s original desire? Do you want to secure your Soul’s full incarnation before you leave this Earth? Are there family relationships you’d like to mend?
Blog Post

PACEs Research Corner — May 2023, Part 2

Harise Stein ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Makris G, Eleftheriades A, Pervanidou P. Early Life Stress, Hormones, and Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Horm Res...
Blog Post

Health Equity and the Social Determinants of Health Are NOT Synonyms

Ellen Fink-Samnick ·
Successful health equity strategies must be inclusive, and focus on all marginalized and minoritized persons and their communities. Any lesser view will continue to yield a faulty health equity equation.
Blog Post

Making Learning Visible: Doodling Helps Memories Stick (

Shelley Paul and Jill Gough had heard that doodling while taking notes could help improve memory and concept retention, but as instructional coaches they were reluctant to bring the idea to teachers without trying it out themselves first. To give it a fair shot, Paul tried sketching all her notes from a two-day conference. By the end, her drawings had improved and she was convinced the approach could work for kids, too. “It causes you to listen at a different level,” said Jill Gough,...
Blog Post

University reopens LGBTQ+ resource center after students fought back (

Photo: Southeast Missouri State University To read more of Bill Browning's article, please click here. Southeast Missouri State University administrators have announced the school will reopen an LGBTQ+ resource center after students across campus demanded it. The center was closed without warning due to lack of staffing and low student usage, according to the administration. “There wasn’t really much communication on the university’s behalf, so we were kind of like what is going on, why is...
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Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education

Ellen Goldstein ·
The National Collaborative on Trauma-Informed Health Care, Education and Research (TIHCER) presents: Trauma-Informed Competency Set for Undergraduate Medical Education Trauma is nearly universal and a root cause of numerous health and social problems, including 6 of the 10 leading causes of death. Research has substantiated the profound impact of trauma on the brain and body - and why trauma training is critical to the education and practice of health professionals. Yet a critical lag...
Blog Post

This queer couple is working toward their dream of a Little Gay Bookstore (

To read more of Greg Owen's article, please click here. Reese Steiner, a fourth-year English major at Ohio State, and her girlfriend, Lauren Branch, a recent graduate from North Central State, didn’t plan on testing their relationship by opening a business. “If we get through this without breaking up or anything, then we’re golden,” Branch told The Lantern , the Ohio State newspaper. The business is a bookstore and coffee spot that the couple are calling Little Gay Bookstore and Queer Beans,...
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