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PACEs in Higher Education

Tagged With "Childhood Trauma"

Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Classrooms: Educator Self-Care

Alexandra Murtaugh ·
Working in a school is hard. It doesn’t matter if you work in a suburban, urban, or rural area. It doesn’t matter if you work with 5 year-olds on building empathy, teach 11 year-olds about symbiosis, coach teachers in aligning curriculum, or help high school seniors choose their postsecondary pathways. It is hard work. From the cacophony of lockers closing at dismissal, to the challenge of getting 25 sets of 8 year-old eyes looking at you in synchrony, schools are a special kind of organized...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Educators Network Podcast

Mathew Portell ·
I am please to announce that the Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast is live and currently has episodes featuring Jim Sporleder, Claudia Roodt, and Ingrid Cockhren. The podcast was established out of the Trauma Informed Schools Network, a Facebook group with nearly 17,000 members from 100+ different countries. The network is designed to connect educators and practitioners around the world to share ideas, gain new ideas, and share resources! Here is the podcast:...
Blog Post

University students seeking counseling learn about their ACEs

Laurie Udesky ·
Dr. Diane Suffridge, a clinical psychologist and director of the University Counseling Services at Dominican University in San Rafael, Calif., has been interested in trauma for many years. But last summer that interest took a sudden and interesting turn. A student counselor she advised had written a research paper on the link between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) health and mental health outcomes in foster youth, and it gave the student a new view of the patients she counseled at the...
Blog Post

Using the Truncated Nominal Group Process As a Trauma Informed Research Example in an Introductory Sociology Class.

Dennis Haffron ·
Dennis Haffron MS Social research techniques are taught in all introductory sociology classes. The technique that I have been using in my classes is a truncated version of the nominal group process. I have recently found that this technique works very well as a trauma sensitive research technique. (I believe that it is another example of ACEs hard science supporting a best practice.) The nominal group process encourages participation, reduces conflict, increases involvement of all...
Blog Post

When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too

Andrew Anastasia ·
When Students Are Traumatized, Teachers Are Too -Emelina Minero "Vicarious trauma affects teachers’ brains in much the same way that it affects their students’: The brain emits a fear response, releasing excessive cortisol and adrenaline that can increase heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration, and release a flood of emotions. This biological response can manifest in mental and physical symptoms such as anger and headaches, or workplace behaviors like missing meetings, lateness, or...
Blog Post

Why I believe Gregory Williams, and his book, Shattered By The Darkness, will help save lives and revolutionize healthcare.

Carey Sipp ·
When you first hear about it, it sounds unlikely, fact that something that happened to someone in utero, at the age of two months, or four years, or any time in childhood, is what is killing them as an adult, or making them want to die, or making them want to hurt themselves or others. Yet the connection between childhood trauma and adult disease, mental illness, addiction, suicide, violence – most all of society’s ills – is as irrefutable as the myriad truths revealed about it in the...
Blog Post

Wilmington University Offers Trauma-Informed Approaches Certificate Program

Robyn Frank Smith ·
Trauma-Informed Approaches (TIA) recognize the impact of trauma on the human experience. Everyone experiences trauma differently, and our experiences create a lens through which we view, and process, stressors. Training in TIA not only enhances professionals’ abilities to recognize and accommodate people in crisis to ensure their success. If applied habitually, these principles allow us to help all students (or clients, or patients), and not just those about whose trauma we are already aware.
Blog Post

Wisconsin Dept of Health Services - Trauma-Informed Care News & Notes, April 30, 2018

Scott A Webb ·
ACEs, Adversity's Impact A closer look at the psychosocial realities of LGBTQ youth Appleton pageant winner on being raped: 'I kept telling myself this must be normal' Video: Trigger, a play by DeAngelo Mack [2 min] Suicide clusters within American Indian and Alaska Indian communities (56 pages) lit review and recommendations More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression Early childhood interventions show mixed results on child development Maternal binge drinking linked...
Blog Post

Wounds from childhood bullying may persist into college years, study finds []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Childhood bullying inflicts the same long-term psychological trauma on girls as severe physical or sexual abuse, suggests a new survey of college students. The study, which involved 480 college freshmen through seniors, indicated that the detrimental effects of bullying may linger for years, negatively affecting victims’ mental health well into young adulthood. While most of the scholarship on bullying has focused on kindergarten through 12th-grade students, the struggles revealed by college...
Blog Post

2020 Trauma-Informed Schools Conference []

By Heather T. Forbes, Beyond Consequences, October 23, 2019 If you'd like to be a speaker at one or both of our upcoming 2020 Trauma-Informed School Conferences, now is the time to submit a proposal. Join us to become one of our prestigious break-out speakers! These 2020 conferences will be building off the success of our last conferences and they will be evolving to an even higher level. I'm certain you have a knowledge base to share so submit your proposal by Friday, December 10, 2019. The...
Blog Post

A Trauma-Informed Approach to Teaching Through Coronavirus - for Students Everywhere, Online or Not []

By Valerie Strauss, The Washington Post, March 26, 2020 “Anxiety” is one of the words you hear frequently about our individual and collective reactions to the coronavirus pandemic — which has stopped public life in its tracks in much of the world. Kids are anxious. So are their parents and teachers and principals and superintendents and friends and elected officials. For those people who were anxious before covid-19, the sense of apprehension has only deepened. Given that, this post offers...
Blog Post

A Trauma-informed, Resiliency-based Community of Practice for Prison Educators

Sheryl Huggins Salomon ·
An article in the Stanford Social Innovation Review titled " How Philanthropy Can Create Public Systems Change " describes how Renewing Communities, a five-year, multifunder initiative aimed increasing education of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated students by California’s public colleges and universities, partnered with the NYU McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research in order to address educator burnout through a trauma-informed and resiliency-based community of practice.
Blog Post

ACEs in Higher Education: A Social Justice Approach

Suzette Reed ·
Hello. I am sharing a recent brief publication discussing how the principles of community psychology relate to ACEs in higher education, particularly the need to take a social justice approach to ACEs with non-traditional, adult, often minority students. It was posted in a community psychology bulletin, but would apply to anyone interested in ACEs in higher education.
Blog Post

ACEs in Higher Education: Lived realities, academic insights and raising awareness

Ute Kelly ·
Universities can play an important role in opening up difficult conversations, connecting personal stories and academic insights. The two blog posts below come out of a sustained conversation between Juleus Ghunta, a Jamaican Chevening scholar who used his MA dissertation to deepen his understanding of the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on his life, and Dr Ute Kelly, a lecturer in Peace Studies who supervised his dissertation.
Blog Post

ACEs Research Corner — November 2019

Harise Stein ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site -- -- that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Jackson DB, Chilton M, Johnson KR, Vaughn MG. Adverse Childhood Experiences and Household Food Insecurity. Am J Prev Med. 2019 Nov;57(5):667-674. PMID: 31522923...
Blog Post

ACEs Research Corner — October 2018

Harise Stein ·
[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site -- -- that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Harris HR, Wieser F, Vitonis AF, Rich-Edwards J, et. al. Early life abuse and risk of endometriosis. Hum Reprod. 2018 Sep 1;33(9):1657-1668. PMID: 30016439 Using...
Blog Post

ACEs science can prevent school shootings, but first people have to learn about ACEs science

Jane Stevens ·
The shooting in Florida isn’t only a gun regulation issue. It’s a systems change issue. All of our systems have to change their approach to changing behavior — whether it’s criminal, unhealthy or unwanted behavior — from a blame, shame and punishment approach, to one that is based in understanding, nurturing and healing….in other words, ACEs science.
Blog Post

Berkeley City College group screens Resilience, looks at ACEs through a social justice lens

Laurie Udesky ·
As far back as she can remember, Berkeley City College Mental Health Specialist Janine Greer understood that there was a connection between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and health. She had a sense early on that racism figures large in that equation. “Looking around in my community – I’m African American, I noticed that even people who had healthy habits got funky diseases,” she said. “And I’m thinking there must be some sort of health trouble that happens if you’re always stressed.”...
Blog Post

Call for Papers on Critical Approaches to Trauma in Adult Learning

Gail Kennedy ·
HI all- I wanted to be sure that folks from this community saw the request on the main site about a call for papers on critical approaches to trauma in Adult Learning Follow the link if you want to learn more.
Blog Post

Caregiver-Inflicted Trauma and Attachment Style: An Adlerian Perspective

Darian Gray ·
The powerful, lasting, and dangerous progression of Adverse Childhood Experiences has been well documented. When a parent or caregiver inflicts trauma of any kind upon a child, the burden of that trauma can extend beyond the trauma itself. To better understand why caregiver-inflicted trauma may be particularly damaging to a child's subsequent relationships and life choices, these will be discussed in tandem with the concepts of Attachment Theory and Adlerian private logic. Attachment Theory...
Blog Post

Childhood Adversity and Trauma as an Invisible Fire

Andrew Anastasia ·
Please read the full post here .

Re: Reminder: Free Webinar on How to Create Trauma Responsive Educational Institutions

Jeanie Tietjen ·
Dear Karen and Dr. Gross, I heartily second Karen's observation about the lack of resources on trauma in higher ed. Thank you for this webinar! I'll also circulate among my groups. Looking forward to it! Jeanie

Re: Red Flag Warning

Jeanie Tietjen ·
Andrew, thoughtful as always, and the metaphor of the invisible fire is powerful. To campus safety and security---an offshoot of your posting: as the students/faculty/staff on MassBay's campus have been talking about safety in the wake of Florida, it's clear the familiar categories of response fall short. Initiatives such as the Safety Net in Cambridge, MA combine law enforcement, with the schools, with mental health, with families, to engage in relationship building and collaboration that...

Re: Higher Education: What Do We Mean?

Jeanie Tietjen ·
Andrew, I also teach at a community college, and am so glad you have raised this need to expand and diversify what we mean by higher ed. Perhaps because so many of my students are first generation, and have to stretch resources of time and money to pursue their college education, they bring a sharpness and investment to the question: what do we as a culture mean by higher education? What is the function of a college education: transfer? vocational and trade? lifelong learning? What I've come...

Re: What is your ACEs in Higher Education Connection?

Dennis Haffron ·
I am an applied sociologist (community development) I have worked at the forefront of services to seniors, union members, youth in crisis, and people with decision impairment's. I have been teaching introductory sociology at Morton College in Cicero Illinois. I found that ACEs and Trauma Informed understanding provided the scientific underpinnings for what was already being done as best practices in all of these areas. I was astounded to find out how little attention the field the sociology...

Re: What is your ACEs in Higher Education Connection?

Andrew Anastasia ·
Dennis, Thank you for your post. I'm really excited to hear about your work and to learn that you're in Illinois! I don't doubt you speak for so many of us when you say you felt alone in noticing connections between higher education and your academic discipline. I teach English at Harper College in Palatine. Recently, a small group of admins, staff, and faculty joined together to conduct a small literature on ACEs in higher education (community colleges, in particular). We'd love to...

Re: What is your ACEs in Higher Education Connection?

Suzette Reed ·
Hello Andrew and Dennis. I am happy to see others in Illinois doing this work. I presume you are part of the IL ACEs collaborative? Dennis, I could copy and paste your post, but change "Sociology" to "Community Psychology" and it would be a fairly accurate description of my work. I find it ironic that the field of community psychology does so little in this area. I recently sent out a post to our listserv asking for anyone who is doing work related to ACEs and found few people. What I did...

Re: What is your ACEs in Higher Education Connection?

Brenda Ingram ·
I have worked as faculty in higher education for over 20 years. I have been teaching a class on trauma to MFT students for about 20 years. I currently participate in training Title IX staff and others on trauma informed interviewing sexual assault complainants and other misconduct complainants on college campuses. Many of the colleges and universities want to know more about the impact of trauma on their students academic achievement and what can student services do to assist in...

Re: What is your ACEs in Higher Education Connection?

Sue Penna ·
Hi - I have been working with individuals who have experienced trauma as a practitioner and trainer for many years . The ACE and trauma informed conversations are still new in the UK (!!!!) and we have been working for the last couple of years to spread the word - England has a very poor rate of mental ill health issues in our university's and we would really like to engage them on the debate so any research/ examples/ case studies of what anyone has done will be really helpful for us. Thank...

Re: CPTSD and Social Awkwardness: Another Source of Isolation

Suzanne Reinhardt ·
Wow, thanks for sharing this. I just wrote about this yesterday in a forum that I participate in. This is going to be a big help.

Re: East Tennessee State University President wants campus at forefront of trauma-informed care movement

Jeanie Tietjen ·
Bravo East Tennessee State University! We here at MassBay have also made a commitment to understanding trauma and its impact on academic resilience, and have a Center for Trauma & Learning in Post-Secondary Education. Look forward to hearing and learning more about how your campus orients best practices around an awareness of the impact of trauma on education---so necessary! Thankyou Becky for posting this! Jeanie

Re: East Tennessee State University President wants campus at forefront of trauma-informed care movement

Suzette Reed ·
Way to go East Tennessee State. I would love to talk with University's that are doing this work. Here in Chicago we are working on both practice and research on what we are calling our Trauma Informed University (TIU) at National Louis University. We have a small amount of money to test out some practices. I would love to share our work and learn from others doing similar work.

Re: East Tennessee State University President wants campus at forefront of trauma-informed care movement

Jeanie Tietjen ·
A couple of folks have requested some basic information about what we're doing, and happy to share. Find attached a digital copy of a brochure we put together describing the basic goals and rationale for trauma informed work in post-secondary. Again, feel free to reach out to me via email . Have a great weekend all ---

Re: An Extension Educator Perspective on Adverse Childhood Experiences (

Dennis Haffron ·
When we talk about reaching out this is an excellent example of higher educational institutions bringing ACEs to the communities they serve. Cooperative extension can be a linchpin in community and state ACEs awareness. However cooperative extension must itself become aware of ACEs and trauma informed responses at the local and community level. I have been trying to reach out to cooperative extension in my state (Illinois) but have been ignored. I'm going to forward this article to them in...
Blog Post

A Better Normal, Tuesday, June 2nd at Noon PDT: Higher Education and Trauma During COVID-19

Alison Cebulla ·
Please join us for the ongoing community discussion of A Better Normal, our ongoing series in which we envision the future as trauma-informed. College graduates across the world have been celebrating their big day virtually this month, missing out on the right of passage that marks their stepping into new realms of adult and professional life. Many students and recent graduates are feeling the negative impact of the current pandemic: being housing displaced, adjusting to virtual classrooms,...

Re: Professor honored for trauma work []

Mike S. ·
Thank you however rating of this professor not good at all 2.3 out of 5. As stated I need help and very concerned however I’m done with people with whatever accolades they may have but are unable to be effective therapist let alone professor in the field so to speak. Mike
Blog Post

Professor honored for trauma work []

By Alexandra Retter, Winona Post, July 8, 2020 Childhood is a formative period, and the experiences one has during it resonate throughout one’s life. One local professor has been helping to share information about the impacts of trauma during childhood on adult life, and she was recently honored for her work with an award. Winona State University social work professor Ruth Charles recently received the 2020 Champion for Children Award from Minnesota Communities Caring for Children (MCCC, or...
Blog Post

Relationships are Key: Supporting Underserved Students []

Chloe Yang ·, 7/13/20 Today’s post is based on an interview with Brooke Adams , Director of Organizational Change at Marathon Scholars. Brooke Adams is a first-generation college graduate with a master’s degree in social work and a passion for working with students from under-resourced communities. Please introduce yourself and your work for our blog readers. I’m Brooke Adams. I am 33 years old, I live in Portland, Oregon, and I have an ACE score of 8. I work with underserved...
Blog Post

SELF-CARE for Surviving the Pandemic of Racial Trauma

Michael McCarthy · Registration Link
Blog Post

How to Be a Truama-Informed Department Chair Amid Covid-19 []

By Manya Whitaker, The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 27, 2020 As a faculty member preparing for the fall semester, I’ve been thinking a lot about trauma-informed teaching amid Covid-19. But I’m also one of those academics who wears multiple hats — in my case, department chair and interim director of a multicultural center. And I’ve realized that I need to offer trauma-informed leadership, too. Perhaps the most difficult aspect of being in a management position right now is balancing...
Blog Post

FSU launches new level of professional certification on trauma and resilience (Florida State University News)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Anna Printess, August 31, 2020, Florida State University News. Florida State University’s College of Social Work recently launched a new level in its successful Professional Certification in Trauma and Resilience online series. The curriculum series, developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma and Resilience within the college’s Institute for Family Violence Studies in conjunction with the FSU Center for Academic and Professional Development , enables professionals to develop the knowledge...
Blog Post

Partnership with HBCUs Helps At-risk Students Realize Their Dreams of Higher Education (

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are known for helping students of color and opportunity youth access an affordable and quality higher education. Realizing that high SAT scores and GPAs aren’t necessarily indicators of student success in college, HBCUs instead focus on developing learners through personalized learning and support. Learn4Life and FLEX High serve at-risk students and share this approach to recover dropouts, and promote college access, readiness and...
Blog Post

Free 2020 Virtual Trauma-Informed Care Conference

Bharat Sanders ·
Each year, STAR hosts a Trauma-Informed Care Conference to help educate the next generation of leaders and build a strong network of Trauma-Informed professionals in the state of Georgia. The conference will be held on Saturday, October 3rd from 10:00am- 1:00pm EST and Sunday, October 4th , 2020 from 2:00pm-5:00pm EST conducted virtually via Zoom.
Blog Post

Undergrads’ nonprofit preps Central Valley teens for college success [Berkeley News]

Alison Cebulla ·
Growing up in the Central Valley town of Kerman, population 15,000, wasn’t easy for Michael Piña, who self-identified as queer. Piña, who prefers the pronoun “she,” suffered abuse from family, local youth and a Catholic priest who, at a church retreat, “threw holy water at me, trying to get the devil out of me,” she said. “It caused a lot of emotional trauma.” But in Fresno County, where less than 20% of all residents and less than 10% of Latinx residents have a bachelor’s degree,...
Blog Post

Starting New Trauma Division of American Counseling Association

Carol M. Smith ·
The American Counseling Association (ACA) is the flagship for Professional Counselors across the United States. A handful of dedicated members are preparing an application for Organizational Affiliate (OA) -- the stepping stone organization to full Division -- in ACA focused exclusively on counseling for traumatic stress, resilience, and post-traumatic growth. Why this? Great question! Because trauma counseling differs sufficiently from the broader field of mental health counseling to...
Blog Post

Clark State awarded over $1.5M to implement trauma-informed practices [Springfield News-Sun(OH)]

Sept 30, 2020 Clark State Community College will receive over $1.5 million next month from the Ohio Department of Education to improve the understanding of the impact of trauma and how to rebuild from it. The grant of $1,587,096 from the Title III Strengthening Institutions Program will be released on Oct. 1, and Clark State will use the funds to implement additional trauma-informed practices, according the college. “The award will enable us to better serve our students with a clear focus...
Blog Post

Combined $1M awarded to Duquesne, Penn State for program supporting sex-assault survivors (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Lauren Lee, October 22, 2020, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Both Duquesne and Penn State are among eight universities across the country awarded a combined $1 million in grants to establish and nurture a U.S. Department of Justice program designed to offer medical forensic care, advocacy and other victim services to sexual assault survivors on campuses of higher education. The department’s Office for Victims of Crime awarded around $4 million to various universities across the country to...
Blog Post

New Resource: Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic One-Pager (English & Spanish!)

Elena Costa ·
English: The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP) , Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative , ACEs Connection , and the Yolo County Children’s Alliance have co-created a newly developed resource, “Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic” in both English and Spanish. This material is intended for Californian families experiencing the severe...
Blog Post

Black Lives Matter professor tapped to lead university’s new anti-racism institute (The College Fix)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Rachelle Hernandez - Liberty University, December 2, 2020, The College Fix. Loyola University Maryland institute to ‘address racial trauma and violence’ Loyola University Maryland launched a new anti-racism institute this semester and picked a professor supportive of the Black Lives Matter movement to lead it. Karsonya Whitehead, a professor of communications and African American studies, will serve as the first director of the Karson Institute for Race, Peace & Social Justice. [...
Blog Post

Reaching Lithuania with Resilience Science

Becky Haas ·
(Pictured here are LLC International University students who serve as core leaders of Lithuanian non-profit Gausus Gyvenimas) In a year when the world has weathered trauma surrounding the global pandemic of COVID-19, quite surprisingly, new doors opened for me to share about the science of resilience in Lithuania. In 2017, a faith-based organization served as a means of introduction to a young minister from Pakistan named Robin Mubarik. Since our initial meeting we have only remained...
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