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Tagged With "educators' support"


Re: Looking for Suggestions on Policy

Matthew Reddam ·
Hi Katie, Educational policy, as you well know, is a tricky beast. I would suggest starting with broad, non-mandated policy that may exist within the district. This could be anything from communication policy to policy/practices on how meetings are conducted. When we examine current literature in Trauma Informed anything, the stall point is often at policy, because we get stuck trying to quantify and operationalize a fundamental shift in paradigm and thinking about ourselves and others. That...

Re: ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

Bob Lancer ·
I work directly with preschool teachers and parents, training them in the application of The 7 Mindsets for Empowerment through Awareness and Compassion. These 7 Mindsets (as determined through extensive research) provide parents with real mental strategies for improving their emotional self-management and for relating with their children in compassionate, aware ways that support the child's healthy development of cognitive skills in a context of social/emotional development. The training...

Re: Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Anita Behrman ·
I work for a PD company and we work with Heather Forbes author of Help for Billy - we have online programming featuring Heather's book, her conferences and classroom scenarios with commentary. Over 40 hours of online video and mini courses in four tracks. We recommend using it in a blended approach so teachers and administrators can discuss. We focus on practical take-aways.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Lee, Thanks for replying. I work in a school that has implemented trauma-informed practices. But it has been a real struggle. Trauma-informed practices when delivered to one student at a time, via the school counselors, dean of students, social workers, etc., seem to be working for us fairly well. However, at the school wide level, we have not been as successful. We aren't giving up - ever - but I am hoping to hear some ideas how other schools are doing this. The biggest challenge, based...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Dominic, I am happy to share our intake survey. I am attaching two documents. The word document is the one that we have all students fill out. We also have the Risk Assessment Survey questions as a separate document (PDF) in case a student does not feel comfortable answering the questions with their name on document. We have recently converted this document to a "google form" so that students can fill it out electronically. All of our students are assigned a chromebook during orientation.

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Wendy, I am so glad you replied. Having seen the disconnect in the schools where you have worked, do you have any ideas on how to bridge that gap? I know that in MN, the teacher licensure process is extensive, and by the time educators are done with their schooling, you would hope that they had been inundated with information on child development, brain development, cognitive processing, etc. But that does not appear to be the case, at least not at any depth. I'd appreciate any thoughts...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Jim Sporleder ·
Hi Kris, I have a staff survey that I give shortly after I have trained a school how to implement trauma-informed strategies into their daily practice. It's a simple tool that I use to measure growth. I give the same survey towards the end of the school year to give me a perspective where the staff is on the implementation process. It allows me to see where there are gaps that need additional support or it shows me what's really going well with the implementation. It's a tool for measurement...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

robert hull ·
I have been teaching an online course called Supporting and Educating Traumatized Students. I use my book by the same name as well as multiple other sources of information. The evaluations that I receive at the end of the course are very positive. I also do about 24 speeches a year on treating ODD and Conduct disorder from a trauma informed perspective. many teachers attend this seminar and give very good evaluations. As far as serious data you might try contacting Ron Hertel with Washington...

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Tracy Henegar ·
Jim - Is this a tool you can share? I'm training 3 districts with the ACE Interface next week, and it might be handy for them to use for self-reflection or for follow up work.

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

JoDee Buis ·
I also am looking for this same type of tool. Jim, please consider sharing the tool. It sounds like many are searching for a way to inform our decisions regarding how to support schools with trauma-informed strategies. Thanks!
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ACES Presentation for Preschool Parents (experiences, tips, etc.)

McKinley McPheeters ·
I work at an Early Learning Center that serves Head Start and ECEAP preschool families. We are looking to bring ACES and Resiliency to parents, but want to do so in a way that is strengths-based and does not leave families feeling at a loss for what they can do to move forward from ACES they and their families may have experienced. I have found many resources between this website and some other internet searches, but we are very interested in learning about other organization's experiences...
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ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Kinyofu Mlimwengu ·
Greetings, I am wondering who out there has done an ACE survey for students in K - 5? If so, what supports did you offer them? - Kinyofu
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Behavioral Health in Schools

Amy Gorn ·
Hello--I work for a health foundation in Alaska and our (geographically large) borough is beginning its third cohort of trauma-sensitive schools. With this work and intention, our schools are contracting with local behavioral health providers to offer accessible, onsite services to meet student needs, particularly emergent and episodic. We need to determine a strategic, standardized and sustainable model for the long-term as need and capacity grows in our school district. There are...
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Educator Input

Former Member ·
Hello! I am currently completing some Post-Graduate research on support systems within school districts. This is to better Identify how prevalent mental health and early intervention supports are within schools across the U.S. Is there anyone willing to complete my brief anonymous survey? I would greatly appreciate the input! In advance, thank you for your time. Much appreciation, Chris Pennington
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For parents who want to talk to schools

Ariane Marie-Mitchell ·
Please share any resources or other suggestions to support parents who want to talk to schools about trauma-informed approaches to education. Thank you.
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Audrey Garber ·
I would like to start talking about ACEs, trauma, mindfulness etc to my group of emotional support high school students. I will not be offered training most likely. Are there resources I can use on my own? Thanks! Audrey Garber
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How Can We Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed?

Natalia Garceau ·
Let's Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed by Endorsing TIS Leaders! This is Natalia Garceau from Broward County, FL. Last February, in Washington, DC, l met so many wonderful, caring educators from all over the United States and abroad at the first ATN Conference for Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools. Sadly, I was the only person from South Florida, and I was not sent to DC by my school district. I came there on my own to learn newest strategies of how to help traumatized children...
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National Education Association Resolution on Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
At the last NEA convention the resolutions committee created a new resolution recognizing the need for trauma informed education!! here is the exact language that was passed New C. Complex Trauma 2 The National Education Association believes that complex trauma impacts the brain development of children. 3 Complex trauma causes systemic and individualized educational barriers that interfere with children’s emotional 4 and physical health and impedes access to education. 5 The Association...
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Organizations that Support Training Teachers

Jennifer Schnupp ·
Hi! Does anyone know of any organizations that specifically train teachers and school leaders about the impact adversity has on child development and learning? Thank you!
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Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
I am looking to partner with folks in Georgia who are working to address ACEs. Does anyone have information on ACEs particularly in Georgia schools? My hope is to help end the practice of paddling children in public schools. To that end, I'm co-sponsoring a conference for teachers. Here's a brief description. I should have a brochure and landing page ready in about two weeks. The conference is February 8-9th at the Loudermilk Conference Center in Atlanta, Georgia called, DISCIPLINE THAT...
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Research into the effectiveness of TIC in Camden, NJ

Dan Rhoton ·
Hello, everyone! Hopeworks N Camden is embarking on formal academic study of the difference that our implementation of Trauma Informed Care has had on our outcomes with youth. We are lucky in that we have strong "before" and "after" datasets. Natasha Fletcher, of the Center for Urban Research and Education, is leading the study. I have posted a brief summary of the study below. Who is excited by this? Who would like to continue to hear more about our progress in this? We think it is a really...
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Research on emotional impact of assessment in schools

Maureen Hinman ·
Hi all, In Oregon we are looking at the the emotional impact of assessments (defined broadly, including formative and summative assessments) in schools. We are working on figuring out how to use quality assessment practices in school to impact the emotional affect of educators, students, and families, and trying to use it to support trauma informed practices. One example could include using more informal formative assessments to influence and adjust teaching and student support so that...
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schools/classrooms using trauma-informed practices?

Rod Kovach ·
Greetings, Can any of you out there share any information with me about schools/classrooms that use ACEs or trauma-informed practices?   I'm particularly interested in applications within emotional support classroom settings.  Thanks. --Rod
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Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Elizabeth Cranford ·
Hello, I am working on creating a list of possible PD ideas for my staff (elementary school in Winchester, VA). Our staff is very interested in learning how to appropriately support students who have experienced trauma or ACES (not what ACES are). They are asking for practical takeaways that they can implement in their classrooms. Who have you heard & loved?
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Trauma informed Classroom for Deaf students

Sandy Goodwick ·
Recently, I attended an IEP for a primary age Deaf child whose 'back to school' weeks have come from Hell. I'm both an adult with disAbilities and a long time teacher (both general and special education) - 44 years. It was as though the school knew nothing about trauma and even less about what it's like to live with trauma from having a disability. Child had gotten a new teacher this year. This child, like other kids born deaf to hearing parents, lived thru several years without language...
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Trauma informed - resilience building services/support within our schools for our refugees

Please share if your school or district has TI-RB services you've developed in support of our refugee populations and how you've infused into your school climate with your staff, students and families. My understanding is we have roughly 100,000 Syrian refugees already in processing and roughly 75,000 of them will be relocating to California. On a conference call with a Superintendent, he inquired what existing practices are in place in preparation for their arrival with other schools and...
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Trends in Trauma-informed Organization Development

Pamela Denise Long ·
I am curious to know how members of the group are seeing trauma-informed care being implemented in local/state education agencies or even private education/community support agencies that look at collective impact. Particularly, in addition to reading/math strategies, technology, curricula-- as observed in your work--which improvement content/strategies/competencies are emphasized by local/state education agencies with high federal programs funding/high utilization of free-reduced lunch?

Re: PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Martha Merchant ·
Hi there, I've seen it introduced in a number of schools. I think that when practiced with fidelity it is equitable. I also think it can help promote some very good school skills. However it has also been my experience that educators rarely get the support that they need to continue doing it with fidelity. I encourage teachers to start slowly, and get support from the consultant as long as possible. I don't know about how it promotes resiliency. From my experience, it's mostly focused on...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: Organizations that Support Training Teachers

Jessie Graham ·
Hi Jennifer, I provide individual and group coaching and training and am very Trauma Informed! I am happy to support you from wherever you are. I believe the training and awareness starts with "us". Please feel free to contact me at or and you can set up a time to speak with me directly. I look forward to hearing from you, Jessie

Re: School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Emily Read Daniels ·
@Cissy White You're the best. I love that you are so boldly putting it out there! To begin with, you know that your question is laden with like 10,000 $1,000,000 questions. You may be new to this arena, but you're a quick study, so of course you have all the questions everyone in education has been grappling with for eternity: - How to include ALL VOICES? - How to bridge PTAs mission with the broader school community? - How to engage parents with busy lives, distance, etc? And for what...

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
Beth, I just wanted to share the promotional material for the conference, just in case you had folks you might want to send it to. Any help in getting the word out is greatly appreciated! Robbyn https://parentingbeyondpunishm...educationconference/ Tina Payne Bryson, PhD will be one of the keynote speakers:

Re: Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Ann Marie Denelle ·
Hello, is there an update on this request. It makes so. I hope sense to offer some tips and support prior to the drills taking place for teachers and for them to review with students how the drills may trigger fears, previous trauma, etc.

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Heloise J Ridley ·
Hello Jennifer, Suzanne and Lisa, I would love to join in this information exchange. I am a doctoral student and counselor. I have interest in the research gap you mentioned. I too have spent many car rides driving and pondering the intersection of ACES and SPED. I was even looking into TI modified resources which will support their FBAs, IEPs and other documents that travel with them from school to school. I would love to hear your ideas.

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Kevin Denvir ·
If you've had a chance to watch the film "Paper Tigers" they clearly taught their at risk teens about ACE's. From the film I'd say this had a profoundly positive effect. Obviously take the best advice out there but understanding in a judgement free setting and with therapeutic support available is surely a positive step for many young people. It explains why they are not "bad" and their behaviour is adaptive. This new understanding can increase choices. Hope this helps and good luck. :-)

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
When I was a suicidal teen, I wish someone would have explained to me what was going on in my brain and that I wasn’t insane. I believe it is appropriate for teens -generally - maybe explained in a more general way like when you have these experiences and poverty and foster care and homelessness - your brain develops in a certain way and you will need support and to take special care. I’m my humble opinion, Laura and Dr. Anda are wrong. PS - If I had still been in N. MI, I would have been in...

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Beth Staton ·
Hi Robbyn, I am just now seeing this post... I can give you an idea of what's happening in Athens. We have a pretty active group working on a collaborative impact model to help Athens become a TIC. You can see info on the community summit here: You can also see all of the stakeholders who were involved in the Summit-- it's a diverse group . The primary convener is the Family Connections-Communities in Schools folks. It was one of their action...
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CALL FOR CHAPTERS Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers: Creating Classrooms that Foster Equity, Resiliency, and Asset-Based Approaches

Megan Brennan ·
We are excited to announce a call for an edited book entitled, Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers Creating Classrooms that Foster Equity, Resiliency, and Asset-Based Approaches. The text will be published by IAP Press. This text will provide readers with a more informed understanding of how educator preparation programs are providing teacher candidates with the knowledge and practical skills to effectively utilize trauma-informed practices that are rooted in an asset-based approach to...
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Teacher Mental Health Support

Margo Buchanan ·
Hi ACE community. I am social worker who works for a nonprofit and supports an urban school division. My team and I have been tasked to help support the well-being of teachers during this time. We have been offering services (professional developments, facilitated conversations and mindful and movement experiences) to schools during this first semester focused on offering stress management and self care strategies. We will likely continue to build up our services for the second semester, as...
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Seeking Support for Trauma-Informed MTSS Implementation/Atlanta, GA

Jen coker ·
On behalf of my school district in Metro Atlanta, we are actively seeking the support of a dynamic speaker or organization to inspire and guide us in transitioning from our 'why' to our 'how/what' phase as we implement trauma-informed practices within our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process. We recognize the importance of expert insight in facilitating systematic changes within our MTSS framework. The primary audience for this speaking engagement will be social workers, school...
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