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Tagged With "Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership"


Re: Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Ann Marie Denelle ·
Hello, is there an update on this request. It makes so. I hope sense to offer some tips and support prior to the drills taking place for teachers and for them to review with students how the drills may trigger fears, previous trauma, etc.

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Kelli Hartman ·
Hello! I am just starting my doctoral journey in the Missouri and as an administrator I am looking at teachers perceptions of preparedness when working with students who have experienced trauma. What I would really like to know is if a teachers own personal ACES score affects their perceptions of preparedness when working with these students.

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Lisa McGuire ·
Hi all. I love the idea of more research regarding SDED vs. Trauma. I have although narrowed my research to teacher's ACE's scores and their responses to the ARTIC scale. Sounds similar to you Kelli!

Re: Trauma Informed Curriculum for 13-18 year olds that have experienced trauma?

NancyHem ·
Erin, I would suggest you consult with the child's trauma therapist. Any child that has a trauma history should (and would greatly benefit) from having a "Trauma Trigger Management Plan." Avoiding triggers creates a fine line to walk. In a classroom setting - I think it's very important to avoid triggers - in a personal confidential and therapeutic setting - where a child may want help processing a trigger - is a different scenario but should only be addressed by a team working with that...

Re: PPT for High School Students explaining ACEs

Former Member ·
Hello Ms. Nall- I saw your post on ACEs Connection and wondered where you were from. And if your state or area had ACE Interface available. It is a specific curriculum and ppt. developed by Dr. Anda and Laura Porter. I have found it to be one of the best and thorough and consistent presentations that can be built out and broken down as needed for an audience. Our Mental Health Region brought the training of trainers to us and we have trained additional presenters. So depending on where you...

Re: ACE Scores of Educators

Lori Boggio ·
I recently provided my campus a brief training on Trauma and Learning. As part of this training I included information about ACEs, gave teachers the ACEs questionnaire and discussed how our own ACEs score can affect teaching/teaching styles and how educators relate to their students as well as other faculty members. My final question for them "What ACEs score do you bring into the classroom?"

Re: Partners in Georgia and States Near Georgia

Beth Staton ·
Hi Robbyn, I am just now seeing this post... I can give you an idea of what's happening in Athens. We have a pretty active group working on a collaborative impact model to help Athens become a TIC. You can see info on the community summit here: You can also see all of the stakeholders who were involved in the Summit-- it's a diverse group . The primary convener is the Family Connections-Communities in Schools folks. It was one of their action...

Re: Guest speaker for professional development?

Ellen Smith ·
Hi Amber, A teacher colleague of mine and I, a family doctor, have presented about ACEs, Resilience and Trauma-Informed Approaches to the entire West Shore School District (near Harrisburg) professional staff, along with the film Resilience, which you would have to get through Tugg (or you could use Paper Tigers, also from Tugg). It was a 3 hour program and was very well received. I would be happy to discuss further with you. We have also presented summer professional development seminars to...

Re: What do you think, is a 6th SEL core competency needed?

Michael Sirbola ·
Corrected Thesis; ACE's Knowledge and Awareness is a POWERFUL Therapy that delivers proven effective Therapeutic Healing in and of Itself. Simply knowing of ACE's and of one's own score is healing above any therapeutic intervention currently in use, to the best of my knowledge - odd as this might sound to those whose livings are made providing such therapies - not that these are not also beneficial - but the numbers speak for themselves I think. Dr. Nadine Burke-Harris has published some...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Brian Frick ·
I have been working and training with Trauma Informed Care out of Detroit for 5 years now and am currently connecting with Craig Beswick out of California (Learn4Life) on Creating Trauma Informed Care Nationwide. We are currently working with Jobs for America's Graduates on making their program Trauma Informed. I would be very interested in talking with you and seeing if I could help or connect you with Craig. Brian Frick I would be happy to share and connect
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CALL FOR CHAPTERS Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers: Creating Classrooms that Foster Equity, Resiliency, and Asset-Based Approaches

Megan Brennan ·
We are excited to announce a call for an edited book entitled, Developing Trauma-Informed Teachers Creating Classrooms that Foster Equity, Resiliency, and Asset-Based Approaches. The text will be published by IAP Press. This text will provide readers with a more informed understanding of how educator preparation programs are providing teacher candidates with the knowledge and practical skills to effectively utilize trauma-informed practices that are rooted in an asset-based approach to...
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Interested Educators

Brooke Lamberson ·
Hi there, Are there any educators interested in participating in an online Trauma Informed Series?
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Trauma-Informed RTC for teens

Lara Kain ·
I am frequently asked by parents and educators if I am aware of residential treatment facilities for teens that are conciously trauma-informed and ACE's aware so I thought I would source our community! Let me know what ya know. Thank you!
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Early Reader Chapter Book To Teach Kids Resilience: Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea

Jenna Martin ·
Greetings everyone, I'm wondering if you might be able to help me. I'm the author and creator of an early chapter book series. The first book, "Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea" has been published and on the market, while the other four books are in varying stages of production. I'm curious if you would have ideas for greater distribution: radio shows, email distribution lists, publishers etc. I have a social media presence including Twitter , a blog , YouTube channel etc. But, the work and...
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ARTIC - 35 Survey

Sami Çetinkaya ·
Hi Everyone I want to do the validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the ARTIC -35 survey that is Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care Scale. Do you have any idea where I can find it? Best
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Studies Regarding ACEs and Students' Academic Success

Sami Çetinkaya ·
Hi Everyone, I am studying on ACEs and ıts impacts on the academic success of students in the context of Trauma-informed schools. I wonder if there are any studies carried out in your countries related to these topics in case I missed them. Best
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District-Wide Trauma Specialist Position

Margo Buchanan ·
Hi ACE Education community! I have recently started in a new position: Manager of Trauma Responsive Strategy for Richmond Public Schools. I am looking to connect with others serving in similar positions in school divisions in order to share resources and collaborate. If you are serving in a similar role and interested in connecting, please email me at: . Thank you!!
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Use of COVID relief/stimulus funding for trauma-informed education

Lara Kain ·
Just over a year ago, the CAREs Act passed with $13.2 billion in education relief funds for elementary and secondary schools among other education funding. Recently, the Federal Rescue Act was signed into law providing an additional $130 billion in funding for education that includes funds to address the impact of the pandemic on student education and well-being. This survey by Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) and PACEs Connection is seeking to find out if any of...
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Research Question for ACEs in public school

Matthew Fleming ·
Hello, everyone! I am in need of some assistance. I am working on a study and need to find a medium to large public school district in California that uses ACEs to assess students for trauma. I would prefer to work with middle and high schools, but I am deep in this work and hit a snag. If you are in such a district, or know of one, please let me know. Thank you!
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What are you hearing about non-profits accesing ESSER funding

Kay Reed ·
Hi all- I'm curious about anyone has connected with their local district to provide SEL or other mental health supports to address the tsunami of student trauma. We have developed an ESSER Toolkit to help organizations learn about ESSER and reach out to their schools. I've heard of some states starting to push out RFPs and I'm curious to learn more. Thanks!
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Feedback requested: prosocial video games supporting resilience

Drew Crecente ·
The nonprofit group I work for is presenting its 15th annual prosocial game design challenge. For this year's competition the theme is resilience . We will launch the contest before the end of June and would appreciate more feedback regarding the educational resources about resilience that we are sharing with the participants. Some Background When we launch a game design challenge we try and provide as much helpful information to game developers who will participate. We do this so that the...
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Seeking Support for Trauma-Informed MTSS Implementation/Atlanta, GA

Jen coker ·
On behalf of my school district in Metro Atlanta, we are actively seeking the support of a dynamic speaker or organization to inspire and guide us in transitioning from our 'why' to our 'how/what' phase as we implement trauma-informed practices within our Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) process. We recognize the importance of expert insight in facilitating systematic changes within our MTSS framework. The primary audience for this speaking engagement will be social workers, school...

Re: Assessment tool for trauma-informed schools

Dr. Stacey Levin ·
The Trauma-Informed Schools Questionnaire (TISQ) is a valid and reliable survey tool that may be of interest:
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