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Tagged With "Choose Love Movement"

Blog Post

2019 Beyond Paper Tigers Conference Series - Why Take Course One and Course Two?

Tara Mah ·
Community Resilience Initiative is officially launching a new series of blog posts, building to our 2019 Beyond Paper Tigers conference on June 25th - 27th. We’ll cover a range of topics relevant to conference material, events, and inspirations. In addition to the regular conference, CRI is offering two training add-on options on Tuesday June 25, 2019 prior to the conference: Resilience-Based Trainings, Course One and Two . “A group of...
Blog Post

A Conversation with Nadine Burke Harris: How Should Pediatricians Address Childhood Adversity?

Claudia Gold ·
Pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris is a masterful storyteller. I learned in a conversation with her at Wheelock College before her presentation for the Brookline, MA organization Steps to Success , that before she decided to become doctor, Dr. Burke Harris wanted to be an author. Only after the smashing success of her TED talk: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime , when she was approached by a literary agent, did she find her way to writing. Her newly released book The...
Blog Post

A Massive Rollout of 'Community Schools' Show Signs of Paying Off, Report Finds []

By Megan Ruge, Education Week, January 29, 2020 In 2014, New York City launched a $52 million effort to launch 45 "community schools," part of a nationwide movement to transform schools into neighborhood hubs offering a range of social and health services to students and their families. That investment, which eventually grew to more than 200 schools, is starting to be paying off, according to an independent evaluation of the schools released this week by the RAND Corporation. The evaluation...
Blog Post

Middle school tackles everybody's trauma; result is calmer, happier kids, teachers and big drop in suspensions

Laurie Udesky ·
6 th grader Cayla White (right) helps lead class meditation with Niroga Institute’s Lauren Banister/ photos by Laurie Udesky During the 2014/2015 school year, things were looking grim at Park Middle School in Antioch, CA. At the time, staff couldn’t corral student disruptions. Teacher morale was plummeting. By the end of February 2015, 192 kids of the 997 students had been suspended -- 19.2 percent of the student population. “I was watching really good people burning out from the [teaching]...
Blog Post

A new movement to treat troubled children as ‘sad, not bad’ []

Jane Stevens ·
...All day long, a steady stream of Crocker students, feeling overwhelmed and needing to talk, ask teachers for passes to Gauthier’s office. Some students want reassurance that they’ll be okay after water or electricity is shut off at home; others are burdened with worries about a loved one who is sick, has been arrested, or even killed. Some, like Sherlae, are coping with a family mental-health crisis. In New Orleans, Crocker is at the vanguard of a collaborative of five schools launched in...
Blog Post

ACE-Aha Moments & Parenting: Meet Aprel Phelps Downey

Christine Cissy White ·
Aprel Phelps Downey What was your ACEs Aha moment? When did you first hear about ACEs and what impact did/does it have on you? How do ACEs impact you as a parent? How is your parenting impacted by past trauma? What’s been most helpful to you as a parent parenting with ACEs? What’s been most challenging for you as a parent parenting with ACEs? What has parenting taught you? What have you learned? How do you manage complex family relationships? What inspires/encourages and helps you? I know...
Blog Post

ACEs and trauma-informed teaching in the Netherlands

Edith Geurts ·
Over the past twenty years several studies have shown that ACEs are common and that there is a strong relationship of these experiences with various health factors. Although these studies have all been very important in helping to establish the frequency of adverse childhood experiences, very little has actually been asked of children themselves. In addition, never before has a direct link been made with what a large, representative group of children (N = 664) say they have experienced in...
Blog Post

ACEs Champion Julie Kurtz Gives Every Child (and Adult) a Voice

Sylvia Paull ·
Julie Kurtz hasn’t stopped creating ways to build and promote resilience in herself and others who have experienced trauma since she left her family home for college at age 18. Although she experienced four types of adversity during her childhood, the CEO of the Center for Optimal Brain Integration has traveled a complex journey to mitigate those adversities by recognizing her own internal resilience, building skills to buffer her toxic and traumatic stress, uncovering her voice through...
Blog Post

"ACEs Primer" KPJR Films (5 mins.)

Deborah Bock ·
This is an excellent introduction to ACEs and the trauma-informed movement.
Blog Post

ACEs Science in Education: The Next Big Challenge is Systems Change #ACEsCon2018

One of the first sessions of the 2018 ACEs Conference: Action to Access discussed the barriers and opportunities for increasing access in the field of education. The main question was: "How can one achieve systematic changes within the field of education?" The session was moderated by Michelle Flowers, a passionate advocate, and the principal of Kinney High in Rancho Cordova, CA, which is part of the Folsom Cordova Unified School District. It included a dynamic and diverse panel of education...
Blog Post

Articles about trauma-informed schools

Joanna Weill ·
Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA, tries new approach to school discipline—suspensions drop 85% 2012   Massachusetts, Washington lead U.S. trauma-sensitive school movement 2012...
Blog Post

Against the Tide

Emily Read Daniels ·
“I don’t know if I can do this anymore, Kris. I am just so discouraged.” I sit with my dear friend on a sticky summer night trying to get my gut right. “Gut wrench” is an apt description. It’s invaded my body and overwhelmed my mind. I can’t think straight, see straight, see a way out. The darkness pervading her porch has met my inner ache and it’s threatening to overwhelm my composure. I am choking back a watershed of tears as I open my mouth to speak. I am trying to conjure the words to...
Blog Post

Alternative Schools Network in Chicago Takes on Youth Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

Sarah Bowie ·
Click here to read the full article on the ASN website The Alternative Schools Network (ASN) Youth Resilience Project is an initiative that grew from the collective desire to develop and provide additional clinical resources for ASN Network schools. The Youth Resilience Project is dedicated to the cause of bringing knowledge, awareness, and support to schools around issues associated with youth trauma. Spreading the knowledge of trauma and its impacts on youth development became a mission of...
Blog Post

An Invitation to Co-Create Change and Shift Your Mindset

Jessie Graham ·
We are not born “normal” or “disordered” or with a “disability” we “are born” and “we develop” in many different ways. Along our path of development we will encounter various influences and each individual will respond to those experiences differently. The brain actually continues to develop well into adulthood!
Blog Post

Announcing CRI's Newest Trainings- July and September!

Tara Mah ·
CRI is excited to announce new trainings! We will have online trainings in July, and an in-person training in September. July Online Trainings CRI Course 1 LIVE WEBCAST: Trauma-Informed Training A dynamic 2 part six-hour LIVE WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into...
Blog Post

Are You at Risk for Secondary Traumatic Stress? []

Alicia Doktor ·
Caring is a finite resource. I learned that from an Ojibwa second grader. At the beginning of the school year, David (not his real name) would jerk his neck back to flick the bangs out of his light brown eyes and write, “I love Mario. I love Mario. I love Mario” to the bottom of the page, and then grin and ask, “What do you think, Mr. Todd?” Some days, the page would be filled with, “I love soccer.” In early October, David stopped playing soccer at recess. When I asked him why, he walked...
Blog Post

Arizona Educators Share What's Working to Create Trauma-Sensitive Schools (

Creating a supportive environment is helping reduce student behavior issues in Arizona schools and empowering students to pause before they respond instead of reacting to adverse events. Research shows experiencing six or more adverse childhood experiences increases risk factors for chronic diseases, which can reduce a person’s life by up to 20 years, said Marcia Stanton, coordinator of the Adverse Childhood Experience Initiative at Phoenix Children’s Hospital . Adverse childhood experiences...
Blog Post

At Ron Brown College Preparatory High School, Students Are Kings, Not Kids (

We have the story now of a radical new school in Washington, D.C., Ron Brown College Preparatory High School. It's an all-boys public school designed for young men of color with a staff of mostly black men. And that staff is passionately opposed to suspending students. In the early days at Ron Brown, Dawaine Cosey spends a lot of time just trying to get students to follow the dress code. COSEY: I tell the guys here all the time, like, you're going to get love, and there's really nothing you...
Blog Post

ATN Announces 40 Workshops for National Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference

Julie Beem ·
The Attachment & Trauma Network announces the full agenda of the first National Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference, February 18-20, 2018 at the Washington Hilton in Washington DC. The conference will feature keynotes by Dr. Susan Craig & Melissa Sadin, Robert Hull, and Dr. Mona Johnson. A Building Trauma-Informed Community luncheon will be held on Tuesday. And Jim Sporleder will be our special guest at a screening of Paper Tigers on Sunday night. "We had an overwhelming...
Blog Post

Attention Teachers! Resilience from a Brave Deaf Girl (Trauma & Recovery)

Janie Lancaster ·
This story is based on my dear friend Opal Fleming born in 1931. I promised her before she died that I would get her story published. She wanted children to know about the schools for the Deaf and how American Sign Language became a well-known language today by being passed on by other Deaf people. Opal was taken to the Oklahoma School for the Deaf by her father after he had learned about the school from a young Deaf man he had met on a train. The young man explained how he learned to read...
Blog Post

Open Positions at Healthier Generation

Lauren Puzen ·
Hello All, We @HealthierGen are excited to be expanding our work in social emotional health to work on resilience and supporting schools to be trauma-informed. We have two positions open that we'd love to fill with highly qualified individuals passionate about the work. Join our team! Best, Lauren Puzen, Partnership Manager
Blog Post

Ordinary Magic-Resiliency Research - The Power of Connection

Michael McKnight ·
Resilience and Positive Psychology The message from three decades of research on resilience underscores central themes of the positive psychology movement (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000; Snyder & Lopez, in press). Psychology has neglected important phenomena in human adaptation and development during periods of focus on risk, problems, pathology, and treatment. Attention to human capabilities and adaptive systems that promote healthy development and functioning have the potential...
Blog Post

Paper Tigers draws a huge crown in Montana!

Todd Garrison ·
On Monday night, January 25th, a collaborative group of child-serving organizations in Helena, Montana hosted a public screening of Paper Tiger's. Not really knowing what the response might be, we anticipated a fair attendance. Using our various databases of connections, and setting up a Facebook page, we were happily surprised that we filled the 1,000-seat auditorium almost to capacity! We've calculated that perhaps almost 800 people showed up and were incredibly inspired by the film!
Blog Post

Pathways to Policy []

Alicia Doktor ·
Young people are raising their voices to create safer, healthier communities—even if they’re not old enough to vote yet. From #NeverAgain to #MeToo, young people have been at the forefront of advocacy movements for decades, their passion and idealism sparking millions of people to take action. How can we channel that energy in a way that can lead to concrete public policy change? We created Pathways to Policy to answer that question—and to support young people in their pursuit of a better...
Blog Post

Peek Inside a Classroom: Jose

Daun Kauffman ·
                    Photo credit Max Klingensmith at  flickr . Jose was one of the calmest, quietest, most peaceful boys in the classroom.  The kind of boy everybody loves.    ...
Blog Post

Personalized Restorative Justice Best Way to Teach Traumatized Students, Conferees Told []

Samantha Sangenito ·
A white board with a giant illustration of the human brain sat in the middle of the room, a constant reminder, participants said, that any real attempts to treat juvenile offenders begins not with detention or tough love, but with science. Many of the teens who find themselves in the juvenile system or alternative school programs have grown up with trauma that directly impacts their cognitive functions, said Pender Makin, assistant superintendent of schools in Brunswick, Maine. Physical...
Blog Post

Place Matters

Emily Read Daniels ·
Place matters. It was spring break of 1993 – my senior year of high school – and I was driving back from Virginia Beach with three close friends. We passed signs for the University of Delaware. I asked if we could take a quick detour to see the campus. The one request literally changed the course of my life – forever. University of Delaware in Spring It was late in April and I had been accepted to UD but never set foot in the town of Newark, DE. Little did I know it would be the campus of my...
Blog Post

Portions of the Educators’ Art of Facilitation shared in Wichita

James Encinas ·
An exercises we encountered at the Family Peace Initiative in Topeka and one that both Rebecca and Katie shared at the Moving the Needle conference in Wichita, is “pandora’s box and the cover story.” Pandora’s box contains the following evils: sickness, death, turmoil, strife, jealousy, hatred, famine……but also within the box is the light of HOPE. Katie Perez, an education consultant at Essdack, made over 400 of the boxes pictured above for those in attendance at their Moving the Needle...
Blog Post

Positive Discipline in the Classroom Workshop- Apr 2 - May 7

Mary Power ·
"I love how interactive this workshop is and how open and honest we were allowed to be. I felt respected as an educator and human, and I feel empowered and encouraged..." Elementary School Teacher This Positive Discipline in the Classroom 5-week workshop gives educators tools to create a classroom and school environment where students feel encouraged and engaged in learning, solve their own friendship issues, and feel a sense of connection and value. As an educator you will feel a sense of...
Blog Post

Posltive Pax: Yakima Valley schools embrace program that teaches kids to be good people — and good students []

Samantha Sangenito ·
In Raul Hernandez’ Discovery Lab classroom in Yakima, his fifth-grade students are in a flurry working on lines for a poem. Then they hear the melodic “zwoop” of a harmonica, and all noise and movement stop in an instant. Hands go up in a two-fingered peace sign. All eyes are on the teacher. This is PAX, and it’s out to change the world. The PAX Good Behavior Game is an evidence-based program to help teachers and students build a safe, teamlike classroom environment, where the focus is on...
Blog Post

Puppy love on campus helping kids cope with daily stress []

Samantha Sangenito ·
Students stressed out over impending college acceptance and rejection letters drop by a teacher’s class to spend time brushing the therapy dog in her class just to calm their nerves. At another campus, a first grader practices reading aloud while absentmindedly playing with the ears of a therapy dog that visits his class once a week. Man’s best friend is playing an increasingly important role in maintaining student mental health as more becomes required of students to succeed academically.
Blog Post

Columbia University students encourage high school students on reservations to talk about historical trauma

Daniel Press ·
This article is by Orly Morgan, board member AlterNATIVE Education, Columbia College Class of 2017. Summer is known as a time for students to rest and relax after months of classes; but for AlterNATIVE Education , summer means business. The team is quickly preparing to train facilitators, book flights and put the finishing touches on curriculum that it will teach to Native American students on 10 different reservation communities around the country AlterNATIVE Education is a not-for-profit...
Blog Post

Columbia University students encourage high school students on reservations to talk about historical trauma

Daniel Press ·
This article is by Orly Morgan, board member AlterNATIVE Education, Columbia College Class of 2017. Summer is known as a time for students to rest and relax after months of classes; but for AlterNATIVE Education , summer means business. The team is quickly preparing to train facilitators, book flights and put the finishing touches on curriculum that it will teach to Native American students on 10 different reservation communities around the country AlterNATIVE Education is a not-for-profit...
Blog Post

Community is at the root of inspiring change through film

Leisa Irwin ·
I am posting this article in Aces in Education because of the emphasis on addressing ACEs through interconnected community services. Education is one of the six areas of focus. The film series starts on August 18th in Richmond Virginia. If I lived closer, I'd love to go to this. Are there any ACEs in Education members in Richmond? If so, can you contact me about your ability to go to this? I'd love to know more! Leisa Irwin It takes communities to achieve justice By Adrienne Cole Johnson,...
Blog Post

ConVal High School's Story: Becoming Trauma-Informed for Substance Abuse Prevention

Former Member ·
As a student assistance counselor, I regularly receive flashy emails from various organizations promoting materials for drug-free schools. Secretly I roll my eyes and strike the trash icon. “Drug free schools - ha, right?!” It may sound cynical or jaded that I don’t believe in drug-free high schools. It’s not that. The truth is I don’t believe a drug-free high school exists. This isn’t from a lack of effort or concern. As a product of the “Just Say No” era, schools have worked for decades to...
Blog Post

Could the #MeToo Movement Change Sex Ed.? (

Twice a month, 8th grade English teacher Stephany Copeland hosts what she calls a “gender assembly” for the 55 girls she teaches at the KIPP Rise Academy in Newark, N.J. They’re usually oriented around things that the girls want to talk about, and given their age, that often means the power dynamics between boys and girls. Copeland’s work predates the #MeToo movement, but her focus on relationships and consent, many advocates say, is uncommon: Both topics are frequently missing from whatever...
Blog Post

COVID-19 Quarantined with Dr. B

Kristin Beasley ·
Hi ACE Friends and Family, I'm starting a FB Live Video for parents at 10am daily starting tomorrow (Thursday, 3/26/20), followed up with FB Live Video for children at 1030am. We'll talk about how to manage this new way of life and relationships while we "Shelter in Place." Here's the page please join us and share with others. Love, Dr. B
Blog Post

Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference - Exhibitor Information

Alex Englander ·
Attachment & Trauma Network wants YOU and your organization to exhibit at our 2nd Annual Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools Conference. Join hundreds of educators from across the country and around the world to learn more about the trauma-informed education movement and how to Create Trauma Sensitive Schools. February 17 thru 19 in Washington, D.C. at the Washington Hilton! This is a great opportunity to increase your organization's exposure and be in-front of hundreds of education...
Blog Post

CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast!

Tara Mah ·
CRI Course 1: Trauma-Informed Training Webcast! Date: February 26, 2019 Time: 8am - 3pm Pacific Time A dynamic six-hour WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into action. The training includes three groups of topics: the NEAR sciences , a cluster of emerging scientific...
Blog Post

Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health & Trauma Conference

Jeanne Felter ·
Thomas Jefferson University's newly formed Department of Counseling and Behavioral Health has generated its first-ever newsletter . If you're interested in trauma-informed training and education , or if you simply want to stay abreast of the work of some great clinicians, researchers, advocates and aspiring professionals, please have a look. The Community and Trauma Counseling program currently has Art Therapy options and is launching two new specializations and certificates this summer: (1)...
Blog Post

Developing Super Powers: Using Resilience Strategies to Cope with Negative Experiences. Introducing CRI's Newest Book!

Tara Mah ·
“I believe that everyone, especially a child, deserves to know how their brains are shaped by environment, to then understand their capacity for building proactive protective factors. We all deserve to be super heroes as we do the best we can to consciously live life well. ” - Teri Barila The superheroes we learn about in comics, movies, and TV shows swoop in to save the world with their incredible powers, to shield people from harm. But in our world, no matter how much we wish to protect...
Blog Post

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States (

Development and Implementation of Standards for Social and Emotional Learning in the 50 States · SEL Thrive { "@context" : "", "@type" : "Organization", "name" : "SEL Thrive", "url" : "", "logo": "", "sameAs" : [ "", "" ], // "contactPoint" : [{ // "@type" : "ContactPoint", // "telephone" : "+1-555-555-555", // "contactType" : "customer service"...
Blog Post

Do You Have a Story to Tell? Speak at the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference

Florence Connally ·
Beyond Consequences is excited to announce that our Call for Proposals for the 2018 Fall Trauma-Informed School Conference has been extended. If you have a great story to share about your experience in working with students who’ve had adverse childhood experiences, we would love to hear from you! Here are some examples of sessions that fit in at our nationally recognized conference: Administrative/School-Wide Track • Mindfulness Instead of Suspension • Special Education Law & Advocacy •...
Blog Post

During COVID-19, how does a trauma-informed school pivot to distance learning?

Laurie Udesky ·
Antioch Middle School seventh-grader Alyssia Garcia was accustomed to scanning the cafeteria during lunch for kids who might need her assistance. “I’d look for kids who looked sad, kids who were sitting alone, kids who looked angry,” says Garcia, a peer advocate at her school. Alyssia Garcia When she’d spot students sitting alone or looking sad, she’d approach them and ease into conversation. “If it’s a sad person, I’ll try to cheer them up or ask them what the problem is,” she says. “If...
Blog Post

Echo Conference Spotlight: Attachment Trauma & Network Panel

Louise Godbold ·
Echo’s conference this year is jam packed with exciting workshops for teachers, parents and anyone who works with children and their families. In addition featuring to the landmark work of Ron Hertel and Mona Johnson in Washington State, we are proud to present: Attachment Trauma & Network Panel Workshop Spotlight: What Parents Wish Schools Knew About Our Traumatized Kids Are you struggling with a challenging child? Hearing the parents from Attachment Trauma Network ( ATN ) gives you a...
Blog Post

Educating Traumatized Students Public Service Announcement Video

robert hull ·
Here is a free access PSA to help educators move forward in explaining the impact of trauma on educational success. Just put it in your browser and it will come up Thanks for watching Would love feedback on this!!
Blog Post

Education Secretary Urges Schools to Tackle Racism, Teach Empathy (

The rise of the Black Lives Matter movement has placed attention on longstanding institutional racism and the racial bias that exists throughout society. But it's also led to resistance, as well as rising tensions between police and people of color. Education Secretary John King said a big part of this problem could be tackled if schools teach empathy. "As an educator, part of our role is to help students to see the world through others' eyes," King said. One way to do that, he said, is to...
Blog Post

Education Summit

Melissa Sadin ·
The Attachment & Trauma Network’s 2017 Educating Traumatized Children Summit will feature 18 audio interviews (available as mp3 recordings) exploring the Trauma-Sensitive Schools movement and the latest in understanding the impact of trauma on learning. Teachers, therapists, administrators and parents will all find this series helpful in working with children of trauma. Topics include:  Re-Thinking Children’s Behavior...the Seismic Shift 
  The Importance of Top Administrators’...
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