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Tagged With "Behavioral Transmission of Complex PTSD"


Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Lee ~ You hit on a key point. No one should be surprised that we don't "punish" the students. We use a restorative justice model to teach students how their actions/behaviors impact the community as a whole. It's time intensive, but it has helped prevent suspensions and expulsions, which has helped create stability in the lives of our students. While I'd like to believe that everyone was on board with the restorative justice model, I know that for some of the staff who had been in the school...

Re: How are schools incorporating trauma informed practices, if they are at all?

Leisa Irwin ·
Hi Dominic, I am happy to share our intake survey. I am attaching two documents. The word document is the one that we have all students fill out. We also have the Risk Assessment Survey questions as a separate document (PDF) in case a student does not feel comfortable answering the questions with their name on document. We have recently converted this document to a "google form" so that students can fill it out electronically. All of our students are assigned a chromebook during orientation.

Re: Has anyone surveyed teacher attitudes about trauma-informed care as a way to collect some baseline data?

Sandy Goodwick ·
Does your survey consider teacher self-care from the trauma experienced via workplace bullying in education? Does your district have a workplace bullying policy? A year ago, the AFT and Badass Teachers Association conducted an unscientific, national survey ("Quality of Work life Survey") which indicated teachers were deeply stressed... That survey lef to an amendment in ESSA (co-authored by Senators Booker and Baker) so that school district communities can apply for Title II funding in order...
Ask the Community

Behavioral Health in Schools

Amy Gorn ·
Hello--I work for a health foundation in Alaska and our (geographically large) borough is beginning its third cohort of trauma-sensitive schools. With this work and intention, our schools are contracting with local behavioral health providers to offer accessible, onsite services to meet student needs, particularly emergent and episodic. We need to determine a strategic, standardized and sustainable model for the long-term as need and capacity grows in our school district. There are...
Ask the Community

National Education Association Resolution on Trauma Informed Education

robert hull ·
At the last NEA convention the resolutions committee created a new resolution recognizing the need for trauma informed education!! here is the exact language that was passed New C. Complex Trauma 2 The National Education Association believes that complex trauma impacts the brain development of children. 3 Complex trauma causes systemic and individualized educational barriers that interfere with children’s emotional 4 and physical health and impedes access to education. 5 The Association...
Ask the Community

PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Danielle Vander Linden ·
My district was recently approached with a possible opportunity of bringing the PAX Good Behavior Game into our elementary settings. This is a new model for us and we are trying to learn as much about it as possible. I'm interested to hear from others who are using it or who have chosen not to utilize the approach. What are the strengths and of the program? What successes have you seen? Is it an equitable approach? How does it promote resiliency for students who have encountered multiple...
Ask the Community

TIC in post-secondary schools

Susan Hess ·
Hello All, I am writing to see if anyone can recommend articles on integrating TIC in the classroom. Many of my MSW students this year have disclosed experiencing PTSD and depression either from community violence and/or being veterans. I will be presenting to Field Instructors (AKA supervisors) who are supervising students who have experienced trauma and strategies to incorporate SAMHSA's guiding principles. I am hoping to find articles to forward on to the field instructors.

Re: PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Martha Merchant ·
Hi there, I've seen it introduced in a number of schools. I think that when practiced with fidelity it is equitable. I also think it can help promote some very good school skills. However it has also been my experience that educators rarely get the support that they need to continue doing it with fidelity. I encourage teachers to start slowly, and get support from the consultant as long as possible. I don't know about how it promotes resiliency. From my experience, it's mostly focused on...

Re: PAX Good Behavior Game- Is anyone using it?

Alice McCaffrey ·
Thanks for asking. I represent an Anti-Drug Coalition that is extremely interested in the PAX model. So I've signed up to catch all of the replies as we continue to train our school systems in ACES and TIC, and attempt to provide resources and next steps for them.

Re: Researcher looking for Gaps

Jennifer Lynn-Whaley ·
Hey Suzanne, I'm a school-based Trauma Educator in Northern California -- one of the conversations I keep saying hasn't happened yet is the connection between trauma-impacted kids and special education diagnosis. (A million years ago, before ACEs) my dissertation looked at outcomes for two categories of SPED: SED and EDBD - severely emotionally disturbed and emotionally disturbed behaviorally disordered -- now, with all the ACEs research we know that these are the kids -- mostly black and...

Re: For parents who want to talk to schools

Renae Dupuis ·
Hello Ariane, I have some suggestions: Chapter 4 of The Connected Child (attached with permission) shows the disarming of fear to create felt safety in what I think is an approachable way that is easy to share with teachers. An Article of "Trauma Informed Classrooms" from Adoption Advocate (attached with permission) gives some practical framework to what is needed in a classroom setting TBRI® Animate: Toxic Stress & The Brain - is helpful as well. I provide resources for Southern...

Re: Trauma Informed Curriculum for 13-18 year olds that have experienced trauma?

NancyHem ·
Erin, I would suggest you consult with the child's trauma therapist. Any child that has a trauma history should (and would greatly benefit) from having a "Trauma Trigger Management Plan." Avoiding triggers creates a fine line to walk. In a classroom setting - I think it's very important to avoid triggers - in a personal confidential and therapeutic setting - where a child may want help processing a trigger - is a different scenario but should only be addressed by a team working with that...
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