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Tagged With "School Nurse"

Ask the Community

ACEs survey and support in primary schools

Kinyofu Mlimwengu ·
Greetings, I am wondering who out there has done an ACE survey for students in K - 5? If so, what supports did you offer them? - Kinyofu
Ask the Community

An Opportunity to Inform an Educational Council

Katrina Masterson ·
Hello ACES in Education Community! I have a rare opportunity to speak to our Congressman's Educational Council in their upcoming meeting on March 29 Here's the thing: I'm not a teacher or parent! And I know that Virginia as a whole may be somewhat behind other States. But I'm not letting these things deter me. I'm passionate about ACEs and trauma-informed approaches! And as a concerned citizen, I know that spreading awareness to the schools can help shift the school/youth violence tide. We...
Ask the Community

Behavioral Health in Schools

Amy Gorn ·
Hello--I work for a health foundation in Alaska and our (geographically large) borough is beginning its third cohort of trauma-sensitive schools. With this work and intention, our schools are contracting with local behavioral health providers to offer accessible, onsite services to meet student needs, particularly emergent and episodic. We need to determine a strategic, standardized and sustainable model for the long-term as need and capacity grows in our school district. There are...
Ask the Community

Does anyone have a behaviour management policy?

Dawn Cretney ·
Hi does anyone already have a behaviour management policy that they use within their organisation or when they deliver partnership work (between youth services and schools)? Many thanks
Ask the Community

How Can We Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed?

Natalia Garceau ·
Let's Make South Florida Schools Trauma Informed by Endorsing TIS Leaders! This is Natalia Garceau from Broward County, FL. Last February, in Washington, DC, l met so many wonderful, caring educators from all over the United States and abroad at the first ATN Conference for Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools. Sadly, I was the only person from South Florida, and I was not sent to DC by my school district. I came there on my own to learn newest strategies of how to help traumatized children...
Ask the Community

Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Karen Crawford Simms ·
Greetings, My community is just starting Active Shooting drills using the ALICE model. A number of the teachers, parents and students have expressed concerns that these drills (because they are designed to simulate a real active threat) could be traumatizing and/or re-traumatizing for those in the schools. I'm wondering if anyone has any information (sample policies, procedures or practices) that can make an active shooting drill more trauma informed.
Ask the Community

My daughter with severe anxiety/ k-12

Sharon Przybylski ·
Hi there ! My name is Sharon and I am desperately trying to get my daughter out of high school due to the trauma she has suffered. On top of having SEVERE anxiety , she was attacked at school and other girls have come out of the woodwork threatening her. I pulled her out of school and now I am trying to find a k-12 that will work with her IEP (which is due to her anxiety) as well as her ACES . Please someone help me !!! Thank you !
Ask the Community

Organizations that Support Training Teachers

Jennifer Schnupp ·
Hi! Does anyone know of any organizations that specifically train teachers and school leaders about the impact adversity has on child development and learning? Thank you!
Ask the Community

Resources/ How to get staff on board

Tori Amicon ·
Hello, I'm a school social worker looking to implement trauma focused interventions school wide. While I have pretty good grasp on trauma focused care myself, I am struggling to find curriculum/ information that is easy for teachers to digest and implement. Does anyone have any suggestions in where I could find resources of this sort? Thanks for the help! Tori
Ask the Community

Seeking Speakers/Trainers in Virginia on Trauma Informed Schools

Elizabeth Cranford ·
Hello, I am working on creating a list of possible PD ideas for my staff (elementary school in Winchester, VA). Our staff is very interested in learning how to appropriately support students who have experienced trauma or ACES (not what ACES are). They are asking for practical takeaways that they can implement in their classrooms. Who have you heard & loved?
Calendar Event


Calendar Event

Addressing Trauma in Community Schools

Calendar Event

Creating Trauma Sensitive Schools - Bemidji MN


Re: The Focus Room: A Calming, Welcoming Space to Restore Receptivity and Readiness to Learn

Sara Komoroske ·
Would you be willing to share the referral/request form? I would love to see the reflection and restorative questions you use.

Re: The Focus Room: A Calming, Welcoming Space to Restore Receptivity and Readiness to Learn

Nevin Newell ·
Thank you for expressing your interest Sara. Please see the two attached documents. We primarily focus on helping students reflect on their needs and their behavior, while helping them to also consider the needs of their fellow students, community members, and the learning environment in general. Please let us know if you would like more information. Thank you!


Daun Kauffman ·
Please share a PSA link to help grow public awareness of the impacts of developmental trauma. There are so many of us who’ve never heard of the overpowering, life-long impacts. Click HERE for links designed to use in social media:

Re: Integrating ACEs science and trauma informed practices in your school district - what role does the administrator play?

Louise Godbold ·
Fantastic article! I'm going to share it with all the Superintendents and principals we know. I love this particularly: "ACEs and trauma informed practices might be new terminology, but in reality, they both give educators a common language, and some tools, to address what they have been seeing in the classroom since they started teaching."

Re: Taking ACEs to School: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Higher Education

Rene Howitt ·
This movement from "What is wrong with you" to "What happened to you" is such a great start. There is so much to be done. Working with current professionals in education, law enforcement, child welfare, medical and on and on is only the first step though. The study of ACEs science should be added to under graduate curriculum for any profession dealing with children or patients. As I think of this what about the text books at the high school level for psychology or sociology. Have any of...

Re: Education Summit

Thank you Melissa! We're all excited to learn through ATN's audio education summit. Thank you again for your gracious invitation to be interviewed along with so many esteemed colleagues!

Re: Education Summit

Louise Godbold ·
This looks really exciting. Well done, ATN! Sending support from LA. Lou

Re: Resources/ How to get staff on board

Sabrina Eickhoff ·
Wow, great question! I want the same info! Waiting to see what you all say!

Re: Taking ACEs to School: Trauma-Informed Approaches in Higher Education

Andrew Anastasia ·
I'm hoping to connect with folks in higher ed. (community college education, in particular) who are interested in or currently using trauma lenses to help interpret big data (e.g. drop rates in dev. ed.). Also, because this site has so many resources, it's hard to find information for conferences, etc. Looks like there was one in 2016, but does anyone know if more are planned for 2017 and beyond? Thanks!

Re: How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Kaci May ·
I was hoping for an article that would address children adopted from foster care, children with significant trauma backgrounds, now intelligent and healthy adoptive parents who beg for help. Where are resources for significantly mentally ill children?

Re: How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Robbyn Peters Bennett ·
Here is a post with an article in NM Politics discussing this very issue.

Re: How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Natalia Garceau ·
Kaci, Go to this web site. Register. ATN is a non-profit organization that was started by the mothers of adopted children with severe disabilities (some of these children came from orphanages from overseas). When neither parents nor teachers could give answers as to what to do with these kids, their mothers went back to school and started their own research looking for any information possible how to help their children. They started their own chat...

Re: How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Natalia Garceau · Everyone who deals with childhood trauma needs to know this resource. ATN is a non-profit organization that was started by the mothers of adopted children with severe disabilities (some of these children came from orphanages from overseas). When neither parents nor teachers could give answers as to what to do with these kids, their mothers went back to school and started their own research looking for any...

Re: How Do American Kids Become Murderers?

Natalia Garceau ·
Thanks, Robbyn! Great post! Sharing it on FB.

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Melissa Sadin ·
Congrats Jen!!!! Can't wait to read it!

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Jody McVittie ·
I read this to review it and highly recommend it. She uses stories and packed the book with practical tools.

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Jen Alexander ·
Thanks Melissa, looking forward to seeing you in February at the ATN conference!

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Jen Alexander ·
I'm so glad you found the book to be practical and helpful Jody!

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Kathy Flores ·
How can I order this book??

Re: Announcing: New Trauma-Sensitive Schools Book

Jen Alexander ·
Click on the word "here" in the last paragraph or you can search for the title with an online retailer of your choice. :-)

Re: Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Suzanne Reinhardt ·
It's unfortunate that this is even an issue. I'm not that familiar with working with children but would it be possible to adapt the same trauma-informed practices for teaching to active shooter drills? You might be the first to consider addressing trauma in this scenario. Here's to hoping you connect with someone who can give you some feedback. Best of luck.

Re: Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Karen Crawford Simms ·
Thanks for the feedback. I was actually hoping to find a school district who had discussed this or had outlined a process to share with our school board and superintendent Keeping my fingers crossed.

Re: Looking for Information about Trauma Informed Approaches to ALICE Training

Suzanne Reinhardt ·
You'd think there would be something out there. Best of luck!

Re: Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections

Lauren Geraghty ·
Looking forward to learning more about this conference! Is there a link to the event site?

Re: Trauma Informed Schools Network Conference: Cultivating Connections

Diane Sterling ·
Sounds fabulous! Considering attending and wondering the facility location (to plan for lodging)

Re: Reframing Undesired Behaviors as an Aspect of Learning, not Punishment

Jessie Graham ·
Hello Nevin, This is so exciting to see! I hope there will be a replication of these programs. I am wondering how you prepare your staff to work in these programs? What is your model of supervision and evaluation? Do teachers know their own ACE score and stories? I look forward to hearing more! Jessie

Re: Seeking Community input on the ACEs in Education community

Jane Pepa ·
I'm based in Liverpool, UK but really find this community helpful, hoping to visit San Francisco and New York this August and keen to connect to groups to gain understanding that I can bring back to UK.

Re: How Facial Expressions of Adults Affect Children

Former Member ·
We are our children's mirrors , they reflect our moods and actions. Putting on a happy face is one skill we parents need to learn. It is tough but crucial for their mental well-being.

Re: Reframing Undesired Behaviors as an Aspect of Learning, not Punishment

Nevin Newell ·
Jessie, thank you for your questions. We conduct training and professional development specifically around Trauma Informed Practices. During this training we do allow our staff to assess themselves on the ACES survey as we discuss and process concepts and practices within the Trauma Informed framework . We also provide spaces for staff to share and reflect on their behavior and collaboration with our team and with students, in the context of developing deeper understandings of how our trauma...

Re: Organizations that Support Training Teachers

Jessie Graham ·
Hi Jennifer, I provide individual and group coaching and training and am very Trauma Informed! I am happy to support you from wherever you are. I believe the training and awareness starts with "us". Please feel free to contact me at or and you can set up a time to speak with me directly. I look forward to hearing from you, Jessie
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