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Tagged With "trauma warrior"


Re: The Problem with ACEs Implementation

Barbara Jones Stern ·
I recently attended "A Pair of ACES" workshop in Sacramento in which the universality of ACES, both personal and socially determined, was addressed as was the importance of organizing one's own community for action. As a Family Therapist, it is important to treat (or at least educate) the whole family including grandparents and other significant people in a child's life. That is why I am focusing on prevention during the Prenatal to Five stage of Child and Family development because...

Re: The Problem with ACEs Implementation

Joyelle Brandt ·
Hi Gladys, Your work sounds fascinating, I would love to hear more about it! You can reach me at

Re: The Problem with ACEs Implementation

Joyelle Brandt ·
Hi Barbara, I am so encouraged to here that the pair of ACEs framework is being used to identify the larger scale issues at play. Thanks for sharing!

Re: The Problem with ACEs Implementation

Barbara Jones Stern ·
Yes and Strategies 2.0 offers this workshop, in California, at no cost to organizations with an interest in prevention and there are many more plus consultations. Where are you located?

Re: The Problem with ACEs Implementation

Christine Cissy White ·
Gladys: Please share what you and you husband are doing towards to the Primary Prevention of ACEs! It's SO GOOD to hear you are also focusing on how not to further harm parents. Part of the reason so many of us trauma survivor parents have become advocates is because that can happen. Or, sometimes parents are treated as a total afterthought. Please share what you are doing, learning, creating! Cissy

Re: When Your Child Is Your PTSD Trigger

Christine Cissy White ·
Dawn: I'm do glad you shared this piece. It's so important!!! There's little for parents in all phases of parenting to deal with this even though it's predictable. Thanks for sharing and for all you do!!! Cissy

Re: New Peer Support Group Successes and Challenges

Karen Clemmer ·
Oh Elizabeth - what a great idea! I am so glad you persisted. If I were a bit closer, I know I would want to participate too. Thank you for sharing your journey here on ACEs Connection ... where ideas can spark a movement! Karen
Blog Post

Beyond the Buzzwords: What Does Trauma-Informed Care Truly Mean? []

By Rachel Levy, Mad in America, May 20, 2020 On March 4, 2020, Rethinking Psychiatry (in Portland, Oregon) met for our monthly meeting. The topic was “Beyond the Buzzwords: What Does Trauma-informed Care Really Mean?” This subject turned out to be even more relevant, as we are now facing a global pandemic that is causing massive trauma. This was to be our last in-person meeting for the foreseeable future. We are continuing to meet online. Both our April and May meetings were held via Zoom...
Blog Post

After My Wife Died I Was Consumed by Both Grief and Paperwork. We Must Work Together to Change the Medical System []

Carey Sipp ·
By Daniel Jonce Evans, TIME, May 20, 2020 After finding a parking space I stopped and shifted my minivan into park. I sat still for a moment, a moment that allowed me to take a breath in relative silence. Silence, sitting in that driver’s seat, had a particular sound. It encroached after relays clicked and vent fans stopped. The engine crackled while cooling. Still hanging from the ignition, keys on the ring touched once or twice, singing their acknowledgement that their cohort completed the...
Blog Post

Shelter-In-Place Ignites Trauma From Past Abusive Partners []

By Carol A. Lambert, Psychology Today, May 12, 2020 In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, May as “Mental Health Awareness Month, is a great reminder to pay attention —perhaps, more than ever—to our mental health. Along with the deadly threat to our physical health, the coronavirus has brought unimaginable changes and losses. In times of natural disasters, of which this pandemic is one, the psychological impact of stress , anxiety, and trauma responses are inevitable. Given the impact of...
Blog Post

Tribal Communities: Advancing Trauma-Informed Care

John Engel ·
New federal funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes critical funding for advancing trauma-informed care services in tribal communities. The devastating impact of historical, intergenerational and current traumas experienced by tribal communities has long overwhelmed chronically underfunded health care, education, mental health, social service and legal systems in Indian Country. The current impact and anticipated aftermath of the coronavirus...
Blog Post

Meet The Black Ballerina and Entrepreneur Helping People Heal From Their Trauma []

By Lydia Blanco, Black Enterprise, May 15, 2020 Tyde-Courtney Edwards, founding director of Ballet After Dark , is a classically trained black ballerina , art model, and survivor of sexual assault who is on a mission to help others heal from their trauma through the art of ballet. Now, during the pandemic, she is helping people unwind and reset their focus on healing virtually as her studio is closed. Edwards began her journey at the Baltimore School for the Arts and has over 20 years of...
Blog Post

The Journey to Ready4K Trauma-Informed

Mary Westervelt ·
It began with a request from a small rural coastal town. They needed a new way to support families facing some of the biggest challenges. Their community was experiencing trauma at a higher rate than the surrounding towns. Community members were not getting the services they desperately needed to navigate challenges.
Calendar Event

Webinar - Men and Trauma: Breaking the Silence

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Transforming Trauma Podcast: Post-Traumatic Growth in Communities of Color and NARM in the Classroom

Brad Kammer ·
Transforming Trauma Episode 015: Post-Traumatic Growth in Communities of Color and NARM in the Classroom with Giancarlo Simpson Transforming Trauma host Sarah Buino and guest Giancarlo A. Simpson, MS, reconnect in the wake of George Floyd’s death and the nationwide protests against racial violence and systemic oppression, providing real-time context to their previously-recorded conversation about NARM’s ability to address complex trauma and support post-traumatic growth in communities of...
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Mind Matters Lessons - Lessons Posted Online

Kay Reed ·
Yesterday, Carolyn Curtis completed the free twelve-week online class of her program Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience . It was an amazing experience! Between 550 to 425 people attended each session. Overall, 2,300 people attend at least one class. The first class on Self-Soothing now has close to 3,000 views. Participants reported that it helped them deal with the isolation of the shelter in place order. It was the one thing they looked forward to all week long.
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thanks! Michael. The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020 Newsletter Contents : 1] I desperately miss human touch. Science may explain why. By...
Blog Post

Intergenerational trauma is 'pain' passed down generations, hurting Black people's health []

By Olivia Bowden, Global News, June 22, 2020 Some Black parents teach their children never to lose a receipt in case you’re accused of stealing or to keep your hands out of your pocket so they are visible to those around you. These are just some of the lessons Black people may tell their children to keep them safe from violence linked to anti-Black racism, said Myrna Lashley, an assistant professor in the department of psychology at McGill University in Montreal. But the need to constantly...
Blog Post

Resources to Support Children's Emotional Well-Being Amid Anti-Black Racism, Racial Violence and Trauma []

By Dominique Parris, Victor St. John, Jessica Dym Bartlett, Child Trends, June 23, 2020 Most Black children in the United States encounter racism in their daily lives. Ongoing individual and collective psychological or physical injuries due to exposure and re-exposure to race-based adversity, discrimination, and stress, referred to as racial trauma , is harmful to children’s development and well-being. Events that may cause racial trauma include threats of harm and injury, hate speech,...
Blog Post

Transforming Trauma Podcast: Strange Situation - A Journey into Understanding Attachment, Motherhood and Developmental Trauma

Brad Kammer ·
Transforming Trauma Episode 016: Strange Situation: A Journey into Understanding Attachment, Motherhood and Developmental Trauma with Bethany Saltman In this episode of Transforming Trauma, author Bethany Saltman shares the lessons she learned while writing Strange Situation: A Mother’s Journey Into The Science Of Attachment . Bethany and host Sarah Buino explore the different roles that curiosity, delight, anxiety, shame, and acceptance play when looking at parent-child attachment, and...
Blog Post

OPINION: ‘For our many Black and Brown children, the threats to their physical safety now and into the future are eating away at their insides’ []

By Karen Gross, The Hechinger Report, June 22, 2020 Our students are traumatized. They are living with fear and confusion. They are experiencing or witnessing police violence, rioting and looting. And schools, a place where children typically process events and emotions, are shuttered. What are children to do? Who will acknowledge, understand and respond to their trauma and its accompanying symptomology? Who’s there to enable our students to understand racism and violence, and to mitigate...
Blog Post

Reassessing our Priorities and Healing during the Pandemic: A Resource

ana joanes ·
Recently a friend reached out to say they finally got to read through the "Healing Program" on Wrestling Ghosts' Website and how helpful it was. It made me reflect on how the pandemic, like most crises in our lives, can open up the opportunity to reassess our priorities and refocus on our and our families' wellbeing. Healing childhood trauma starts with understanding the impact of toxic stress in childhood. That understanding lifts our shame and self-blame. Then comes visualizing what...
Blog Post

Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR

Victoria Burns ·
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post

Tea for Two, Trauma for Three

Former Member ·
Perhaps, that is the true miracle of resilience. The option to start fresh, even while I am still in pain. To build my life upwards, though triggers keep me scurrying back to shore up and re-lay crumbling foundations.
Blog Post

Childhood trauma can speed biological aging []

By Manisha Aggarwal-Schiefellite, The Harvard Gazette, August 3, 2020 Experiencing adversity early in life has a direct effect on a person’s mental and physical health as they grow, and certain kinds of trauma can affect the pace of aging, according to new Harvard research. In addition to being risk factors for anxiety, depression, and stress, early life experiences like poverty, neglect, and violence are powerful predictors of physical health outcomes like cardiovascular disease, diabetes,...
Blog Post

Children will pay long-term stress-related costs of Covid-19 unless we follow the science [Stat News]

Jennifer A Walsh ·
T he world is learning more about the uncommon but puzzling ways Covid-19 can show up in kids, keeping worried parents on the lookout for symptoms of the disease. We should also be concerned about how toxic stress brought on by the pandemic, or made worse by it, will affect children’s developing brains and bodies and their future health. In millions of households, kids are experiencing an incredible amount of stress and anxiety. They’ve lost the stability and safety of schools and day cares,...
Blog Post

Parents Need Help with Trauma Too: A Bottom-Up Approach

Beth Tyson ·
Psych Central published my latest article on trauma and it's one you don't want to miss! Through my work with children coping with Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) the historical trajectory became very clear to me. Often childhood trauma doesn't start with the child who was traumatized, but it starts with the parents and grandparents of that child who were overwhelmed by adversity and never had help. Unprocessed emotional trauma is likely to be passed on in some capacity to at least the...
Blog Post

Surviving Spirit Newsletter August 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael.
Blog Post

Loving An Orchid: Understanding Child Abuse Trauma's Impact []

By JoAnn Stevelos, Psychology Today, August 21, 2020 As a child, I was an orchid but lived like a dandelion. I have always prided myself on my resiliency, for surviving a long and painful childhood filled with abandonment, psychological, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse . Child abuse can do that to you—give you a false sense of self and what resiliency really looks like. Resiliency is not just surviving. This false narrative of resiliency can take years to undo. One approach is to try...
Blog Post

Beyond physical wounds, healing Black male trauma []

By John Rich, USA Today, August 30, 2020 As a primary care doctor in Boston in the late 1990s and early 2000s, I saw many young Black men who were injured by violence. But one young man stands out in my mind. The first time I saw him, he was lying in a hospital bed sweating and writhing in pain. Like many young men I saw as a doctor in an urban medical center, and despite what I – and many of my colleagues – might have assumed, this young man had done nothing to provoke the attack. Rather,...
Blog Post

Trauma 101 Workshops for Massachusetts Early Education and Care

Desiree Hartman ·
STRIVE (Supportive Trauma Interventions for Educators) FALL 2020 TRAININGS Trauma 101 Workshops for Massachusetts Early Education and Care Saturdays from 9:30-12:30pm September 26th - REGISTER HERE October 3rd - REGISTER HERE October 17th - REGISTER HERE November 7th - REGISTER HERE STRIVE is a collaborative project between Boston Medical Center’s Child Witness to Violence Project and Vital Village Network that aims to help schools and early education systems of care increase their capacity...
Blog Post

How I Became a Champion for Trauma-Informed Change

Dawn Daum ·
I began riding the “trauma-informed care” wave three years prior to realizing I was part of something bigger than my own vision to bust open the conversation on trauma. When my life as a writer, editor, and advocate for parenting survivors of childhood abuse collided with my professional life as a mental health care manager, I knew the universe was trying to tell me something. Having long ago succumbed to the realization that everything really does happen for a reason, I started to see my...
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