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Parenting with PACEs. PACEs science & stories. Trauma-informed change.

Tagged With "Vital Village Network"

Blog Post

ACEs Science and Racism

Morgan Vien ·
This is a collection of resources regarding structural racism and trauma. This list aims to give a broad overview and is not all-inclusive. We welcome suggestions; if you have any, please comment below! The titles below and the PDFs in attachments are in alphabetical order. BSC Full Report Trauma Resilient Informed City Baltimore: This is the full report of the work, data, lessons, and direct quotes from several teams of people from various backgrounds in the Baltimore community as they...
Blog Post

Addressing Trauma and Building Resiliency as Comprehensive Disaster Planning and Response

Holly White-Wolfe ·
The attached memo is intended to make observations about communities affected by disaster-related trauma, and to offer recommendations for trauma-informed recovery. Community examples provide case studies or models for other communities grappling with similar issues. Suggested resources and tools provide communities with support for accelerated action. Memo authors represent active cross sector networks that contribute to resilient community infrastructure development, awareness building,...
Blog Post

Adoptive Father Writes About Coping with His Own Secondary Trauma & Anger

Christine Cissy White ·
I write about parenting as a high ACE scorer. But many here (in this group and in the wider network) have lower ACE scores than their children. This is an essay by a father with secondary trauma writing about anger and self-care as he parents, advocates, educates and manages day to day challenges. The full article in entitled, How Did I Become So Angry , written by Donald Craig Peterson. Here's an excerpt: Constantly fighting battles on the front line can consume anyone. And the symptoms of...
Blog Post

Advice from a Parent Advocate: Communicating With Your Caseworker (

Interview with Toni Miner, Family Support Partner When the child welfare system first came into Toni Miner’s life, she felt shamed and blamed and not supported. For many years, Miner hid her problems—and that led child welfare to come back into her life. Today, as a family support partner in Jefferson County, Colorado, and a member of the Birth Parent National Network, Miner believes it’s still too hard for parents to be open about their struggles, but she also sees that families do better...
Blog Post

After the Chat Review & Additional Resources: Talking Tough Topics with Kids

Christine Cissy White ·
We had our first Parenting with ACEs Group chat a few weeks ago. The full chat transcript is saved online. For those who want highlights only and follow-up from our featured guest, Beth O'Malley, please find the following: Beth O'Malley: Talking Tough Topics as Social Worker, Parent & Adoptee How Lived Experience Can Be a Professional Asset Sharing Our Questions, Issues & Experiences How to Start Having Hard Conversations How to Talk with Teens ACEs as an AHA or Conversation Starter...
Blog Post

Association Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Mortality Among Responders and Civilians Following the September 11, 2001, Disaster []

By Ingrid Giesinger, Jiehui Li, Erin Takemoto, et al., Jama Network Open, February 5, 2020 Key Points Question What is the association of mortality with baseline and repeated assessments of posttraumatic stress disorder in a population exposed to the World Trade Center attacks on September 11, 2001, over 13 years of follow-up? Findings In this cohort study of 63 666 World Trade Center Health Registry enrollees, posttraumatic stress disorder was associated with an increased risk of mortality...
Blog Post

Association of Timing of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Caregiver Support With Regionally Specific Brain Development in Adolescents []

By Joan L. Luby, Rebecca Tillman, Deanna M. Barch, JAMA Network Open, September 18, 2019 Question: Is there developmental timing and regional specificity to the associations among adverse childhood experiences, caregiver support, and structural brain development in childhood? Findings: This cohort study of 211 children and their caregivers during 4 waves of neuroimaging and behavioral assessments from preschool to adolescence found an association between the interaction of preschool adverse...
Blog Post

Be the Spark: Igniting trauma-informed change within our communities

Christine Cissy White ·
Authors note: This piece is co-authored by @Lara Kain and @Christine Cissy White. Though we had never worked together or met, we were asked to co-present on creating t rauma-informed changes in communities by the Attachment Trauma Network for the first national (now annual) Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Summit in Washington, DC. This article is an expanded essay version of that presentation). Be the Spark Oprah Winfrey helped mainstream discussion about...
Blog Post

ACEs Science Champions Series: Because of Andres Perez, 10,000+ Latinx parents in Northern California embrace trauma-informed parenting

Sylvia Paull ·
Andres Perez immigrated to San Jose, Calif., from Mexico in 1990. He was 24 years old, undocumented, knew little English, lacked job skills, and had a pregnant wife to support. He hit the ground running by completing an ESL program in San Jose City College, and, while working days at any job he could find, at night he earned an associate of science degree with specialization in electronics and computers in 2002. Fortunately for thousands of Latinx parents and their children, he never worked...
Blog Post

Beyond Trauma: Building Resilience to ACEs (brochure)

Christine Cissy White ·
Wish you had a fairly easy and short way to share all about ACEs? Wish it was in-depth enough to share with teachers, doctors, nurses and therapists but not so long or jargony it puts family and friends to sleep? Here's the perfect thing to share when you've been all up in the faces with ACEs and want to back up your words before, during or after. This brochure is comprehensive but not so long that it remains in the "I'll get to it later," pile. Please feel free to print, forward, download...
Blog Post

Brain Injury Common In Domestic Violence (

Domestic violence survivors commonly suffer repeated blows to the head and strangulation, trauma that has lasting effects that should be widely recognized by advocates, health care providers, law enforcement and others who are in a position to help, according to the authors of a new study. In the first community-based study of its kind, researchers from The Ohio State University and the Ohio Domestic Violence Network found that 81 percent of women who have been abused at the hands of their...
Blog Post

Changing the Frame — How parents and investigators can focus on family strengths (

During a family crisis or investigation, it can be hard to believe you have strengths. Investigations, by their nature, make parents feel attacked and ashamed. But all parents have strengths, and being able to show investigators what’s positive about you and your family is incredibly important. Investigators need a full picture of families’ “ protective factors ,” because those factors have been shown to help keep children safe. Q: How can parents show their “ protective factors ” to an...
Blog Post

COVID-19 ACEs Connection Brainstorming Series: March 26, 2020

Jane Stevens ·
ACEs Connection's Cissy White will explain: What we are doing in our Parenting with ACEs, ACEs in Education and Practicing Resilience communities. How figuring out what support is right now is a challenge. How to grapple with anxiety, even though we know, with our knowledge about ACEs science, what’s happening, and how difficult it is to regulate.
Blog Post

Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Conference - Early Bird Pricing Ends Friday!

Julie Beem ·
Don't miss the most economical way to attend the National Conference for Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools in Washington DC, Feb 18-20, 2018. Early bird registration is only $395 through Fri, Dec 15. After that, full registration will cost $450. Here's the link to register. "Registration has been brisk," explains Melissa Sadin, Director of ATN's Creating Trauma-Sensitive Schools Program, "and the program we're offering is an incredible array of experts in the trauma-informed education field.
Blog Post

CRI is hiring an Associate Director!

Tara Mah ·
Community Resilience Initiative is seeking an innovative and passionate individual to join our organization as an Associate Director (AD). The AD reports to the Executive Director and to the Board of Directors. Job Overview The role of the Associate Director is to sustain the resilience-based, trauma-responsive capacity building work at the local, regional, state and national stage for which CRI is recognized. Success in this position will be evidenced by recognition of its exceptional...
Blog Post

CRI's Search for National Resilience Champions

Kathryn Padberg ·
CRI is the nation’s first Resilience community network and a national leader in the effort to create and support inclusive, equitable and healthy communities who understand, model and promote the common language of safety, connection and love. Contextual community resilience is our emphasis and helping to share that message is our passion. Why did CRI create a national resiliency award? Malcolm Gladwell defined a tipping point as ‘the moment of critical mass, the threshold, the boiling...
Blog Post

Dissociation: Understanding the Impact of Relational Trauma (

Christine Cissy White ·
I always find the best stuff via the Attachment & Trauma Network (ATN). This is an example. If you’ve ever driven to a familiar place and arrived not remembering how you got there, you could be said to ‘dissociate’ from time to time – that is, to disconnect your conscious mind from your bodily experience. Dissociation is an adaptive, automatic and universal mechanism of the mind that shapes our conscious sense of self. Contemporary thinkers see each of us as a collection of ‘self-states’...
Blog Post

Donna Jackson Nakazawa's Tweet Thread Response to Jennifer Brea & the Angel and the Assassin

Christine Cissy White ·
While @Donna Jackson Nakazawa is usually too busy writing books, training, and research to blog, she does share gems, nuggets, and information every once in a while on Twitter or Facebook which demand to be turned into blogs. With her permission to post, here's a recent, consolidated Tweet thread version of her writing. It's in response to another thread by Jennifer Brea (which can be found here) where she details about what we can expect from her upcoming book, The Angel and the...
Blog Post

Dr. Claudia Gold: Empathy & Listening as ACE-Informed Practice

Christine Cissy White ·
"You are absolutely not doomed from having ACEs."
Blog Post

Dr. Ross Greene, Educating Kids Who Have Been Traumatized

Christine Cissy White ·
The Educating Traumatized Children Summit had Ross Greene, Ph.D. as the keynote. He was interviewed by Julie Beem of the Attachment Trauma Network (ATN). Dr. Greene is the author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School, Lost & Found and Raising Human Beings . He's the originator of the Collaborative and Pro-Active Solutions (CPS) model . I’d heard his name from some of the teachers in my life, but I’d never heard him speak. I’ve summarized, paraphrased and quoted a few of the things he...
Blog Post

Dr. Ross Greene - Trauma Informed Educators Network Podcast Episode 18

Mathew Portell ·
I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Ross Greene, American clinical child psychologist and New Your Times Best selling author of the books The Explosive Child, Lost at School, Lost & Found, and Raising Human Beings, about his perspective on the current state of systems used to manage "behavior" in schools, his CPS approach, and the current pandemic! His insights are amazing and I hope you enjoy this amazing conversation. You can access the podcast from your platform of choice or through...
Blog Post

Education resources, including mental health, for kids, families during coronavirus pandemic

Lara Kain ·
We have an abundance of helpful links and posts swirling online to support families and school systems as we adjust to our new normal of learning while self-isolating at home. Thousands of free academic resources from the NYT student writing prompts, to the Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive Homeschool Resource list, to this excellent collection from BuzzFeed, and the ever-growing crowd-sourced collection aptly named Amazing Educational Resources are being shared. Our schools do so much more than...
Blog Post

Education resources, including mental health, for kids, families during coronavirus pandemic

Lara Kain ·
We have an abundance of helpful links and posts swirling online to support families and school systems as we adjust to our new normal of learning while self-isolating at home. Thousands of free academic resources from the NYT student writing prompts, to the Anti-Racist, Anti-Oppressive Homeschool Resource list, to this excellent collection from BuzzFeed, and the ever-growing crowd-sourced collection aptly named Amazing Educational Resources are being shared. Our schools do so much more than...

Re: School Council, School Improvement Plans, ACEs, Diversity & Help?

Emily Read Daniels ·
@Cissy White You're the best. I love that you are so boldly putting it out there! To begin with, you know that your question is laden with like 10,000 $1,000,000 questions. You may be new to this arena, but you're a quick study, so of course you have all the questions everyone in education has been grappling with for eternity: - How to include ALL VOICES? - How to bridge PTAs mission with the broader school community? - How to engage parents with busy lives, distance, etc? And for what...

Re: Trauma-Informed Parenting: What Adoptive & Foster Parents Can Teach, Part 2

Christine Cissy White ·
Tina: The Attachment and Trauma Network (ATN) is AWESOME and does so much to help with this issue. For those who don't have ACEs, there is sometimes a not knowing or realizing the full impact, because it may not show up til later. Many wish they had known or done more earlier and many speaks lots about when love isn't enough. It's what has helped many learn about trauma, and how loss of birth family, birth language, birth culture is a lot of loss and trauma even if there isn't abuse,...

Re: Show & Tell

Christine Cissy White ·
Gail: You wrote. "But as a parent who has ACEs, I think the guidance needs to come in a way that is with parents - ie., support among parents vs. done "to" us/them." It's rare to find this. So rare and so needed at ALL ages and stages of parenting. Is it because it's hard to talk about parenting vulnerabilities and/or ACEs - never mind the way they relate? Shame is too much a part of the mix rather than sharing in a more open and neutral way. So many times the engagement with the system is...
Blog Post

Systems Transformation for the Better Normal: Follow-up Slides and Call Recording

Donielle Prince ·
Find in this post the slides from the Systems Transformation Better Normal call, featuring RYSE Youth Center's Associate Director Kanwarpal Dhaliwal. A link to the call recording is also provided.
Blog Post

HOPE Webinar Summary: Frontline Stories of Inspiration, Concern, and Self-Care []

Chloe Yang ·
By Chloe Yang, 5/26/20, Last Monday, Dr. Robert Sege was invited by the Maine Resilience Building Network (MRBN) to speak about HOPE and Positive Childhood Experiences during an interactive webinar. Usually an in-person meeting, the gathering attracted nearly 300 virtual participants. Our Zoom screens were tiled with pages and pages of faces, front-line workers across Maine who continue to serve families during this time. Among the audience were teachers, social...
Calendar Event

Webinar - Men and Trauma: Breaking the Silence

Blog Post

Forsyth County Trauma Informed Care Network

Laneita Williamson ·
The Forsyth County Trauma Informed Network is taking great strides into recognizing and addressing community post Covid-19 impacts. PowerPoint attached.
Blog Post

Reminder: Practicing Resilience in Community recordings available

Jenna Zmyslony ·
The past week has been painful, overwhelming, and many other emotions, as the Twin Cities, Minnesota, National, and global communities grapple with the murder of George Floyd, ongoing police brutality, the protests, the uprising, and the institutional, systemic, and interpersonal racism that has been an ongoing trauma for many of our communities. Many of us are working to navigate the balance between engagement, the need for rest and renewal, and care for the community in these moments.
Blog Post

The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It [Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg]

Kelsey Visser ·
Dr. Kenneth Ginsburg (Keynote speaker from the recent Creating a Resilient Community Conference) shared the excerpt from his book Reaching Teens titled The Traumatic Impact of Racism on Young People and How to Talk About It. This is a valuable resource for anyone interacting with youth and we are providing the excerpt as an attachment here for you to read and share. Also, Dr. Ginsburg will be coming back to our community (virtually) and you’ll be invited to his workshop. Look out for the...
Blog Post

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020

Michael Skinner ·
Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thanks! Michael. The Surviving Spirit Newsletter June 2020 Newsletter Contents : 1] I desperately miss human touch. Science may explain why. By...
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