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Tagged With "Alberta Trauma Informed Care"

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The Brain Builders Lab (2019-2021)

Denise Connors ·
ACEs and Their Significance in Substance Use and Addiction Early childhood experiences are important contributors to health outcomes across the lifespan. Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), defined as negative, stressful, traumatizing events that occur before age 18, can increase the risk for negative health outcomes, including mental illness and addiction. ACEs are viewed as an important upstream determinant of health, and an awareness of this relationship can strengthen public health...
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A Journey Home: A First Voice Reflection

Elizabeth Perry ·
Returning to my childhood hometown is always surreal. The memories flood my soul. Some good. Many sad. They all have meaning in the life I live.
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Unbecoming an Armadillo: Recovering from Trauma with EMDR

Victoria Burns ·
Unbecoming an Armadillo By: Victoria F. Burns, PhD, LSW Instagram: @betesandbites “When you are traumatized, you are basically in a permanent defensive mode” — Gabor Mate I’m sitting across from Meg on her charcoal grey love seat. My forearms are resting on a velvety mustard-yellow throw cushion and I’m holding crescent shaped pulsers in each hand. Meg’s my psychologist; a rare gem who specializes in chronic illness and trauma. Every two weeks, we spend an hour...
Blog Post

Halifax man reflects on racial profiling, 23 years after Supreme Court acquittal (CBC News)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Cassidy Chisholm, June 6, 2020, CBC News. A Halifax man who was racially profiled by police when he was 15 is speaking out about the trauma he's facing after the murder of George Floyd. Floyd was killed by a Minneapolis police officer on May 25 and his death has sparked anti-racism protests around the world. Rodney Small was only 15 when he was arrested by a white police officer who claimed the teen assaulted him and now he said he's reliving the trauma of that experience. [ Please click...
Blog Post

Why We're All Suffering from Racial Trauma (Even White People) -- and How to Handle It | Resmaa Menakem (

Christine Cissy White ·
I listened to this great conversation between Dan Harris and Resmaa Menakem last night. Here's more information about this conversation from the 10% Happier podcast notes:
Blog Post

Thrive shines light on childhood trauma’s effects on adults (Rapid Growth Media)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Andrea Goodall, July 20, 2020,Rapid Growth Media. Even as a child, Theresa Glass knew physical and sexual abuse was wrong. However, the shame that went along with it — “That was just part of life.” During much of her adult life, Glass, 46, has struggled with diabetes, depression, anxiety, and her weight. In April, she had a heart attack. “Part of me thought, ‘You deserve this,’” she says. “These things you went through (in childhood), they wire you to think, ‘I’m not worth taking care of;...
Blog Post

Pandemic policing: Highlighting the need for trauma-informed services during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis

Elizabeth Perry ·
Journal of COMMUNITY SAFETY & WELL-BEING SERVICES Pandemic policing: Highlighting the need for trauma-informed services during and beyond the COVID-19 crisis Daniel J. Jones ABSTRACT There has been a move towards trauma-informed services in multiple systems whose services are provided by police, medical doctors, nurses, teachers, and social workers, to name a few. Trauma-informed practices are best described as understanding the psychological and physiological impacts of trauma in a...
Blog Post

Study aims to bolster mental health of military personnel and their families (Werklund School of Education)

Karen Clemmer ·
By Clayton MacGillivray, July 17, 2020, Werklund School of Education. While the conventional image of Canadian Armed Forces personnel is that of individuals who are stoic, steadfast and unflappable, the reality can often be quite different when it comes to mental health. Many grapple with personal wellness as a result of trauma experienced during their time in the military, and these struggles frequently have a significant impact on their family members. A new research study at the...
Blog Post

Impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families and children (

Elizabeth Perry ·
Released: 2020-07-09 The COVID -1 9 pandemic has dramatically altered the way of life for Canadian families, parents and children. Because of physical distancing and employment impacts, parents have altered their usual routines and supports, and many children and families have been isolated in their homes for months. Children, in particular, may not have left their homes or seen any friends or family members other than their parents for an extended period, since children do not typically...
Blog Post

Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions

Christine Cissy White ·
Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...
Blog Post

How Native and White Communities Make Alliances to Protect the Earth (

Native Americans, however, have been hollering for generations about the global impact of fossil fuels and the poisoning of water, land, and fish from mining, industrial farming, and industry to anybody who would listen. Native folks knew that eventually non-Indigenous people would hear them and realize that no one is immune to the fallout from the colonialism and corporate greed that drives so much of our economy with little concern for the planet’s health. In the traditional Native...
Blog Post

Orange Shirt Day - Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Susan J Ciminelli ·
"Orange Shirt Day" is a reminder that as a nation, we continue to travel the same well-trodden path with the same injustices. The only path to a new and better way is for everyone to be aware and mindful of the experiences others have endured. This day is dedicated to understanding our Native American and Indigenous Peoples experience and to recognize the the cultural, societal, and generational trauma with a goal of healing and rising above the past.

Re: Hello everyone, I just wanted to express my...

Elizabeth Perry ·
Thank you for contributing thus far Nicoletta. Do take care of yourself and feel free to reach out if and when that fits for you. Take care of you. You are precious. Elizabeth
Blog Post

#ACEs Canada Update @ACEsCanada2020

Elizabeth Perry ·
Elizabeth Perry provides an update on her advocacy efforts to increase awareness, prevention and healing of ACEs in the Canadian context through her #ACEs Canada organization.
Blog Post

Childhood trauma impacts millions of Americans, and it's having devastating consequences []

By Cat Wise and Jaywon Choe, PBS NewsHour, December 14, 2020 Childhood trauma impacts millions of Americans, and its consequences can be devastating. Those experiencing high levels of trauma can see dramatically lower life expectancies, and the CDC estimates it accounts for billions of dollars in healthcare costs and lost productivity. Special correspondent Cat Wise reports as part of our series, “Invisible Scars: America’s Childhood Trauma Crisis." Cat Wise: This hotel room in Oakland,...
Blog Post

Free ACEs Podcasts and Resources by the CBC

Maria Margaritis ·
A list of resources promoted by the CBC. The CBC produces podcasts for CBC radio. The program IDEAS with Nahlah Ayed aired a 3 part series about Adverse Childhood Experiences and childhood trauma entitled “All in the Family”. This is a summary of the content.

Re: Our Greatest Opportunity: Understanding ACEs & Building Self-Healing Communities

Elizabeth Perry ·
This is so exciting Denise. Thanks for letting us all know about this. What you have been able to launch in New Brunswick with the first Canadian Self-Healing Communities initiative has been a real accomplishment I believe the rest of us can learn from. I look forward to attending this learning opportunity, and inspiring others in Canada and Nova Scotia to consider similar programs. Thanks for your leadership in creating ACEs Aware and Trauma Informed Canada. Elizabeth

Re: PBS News Hour segment on ACE!

Elizabeth Perry ·
I'm glad to hear you've been able to access it Ray. It's a 4 part series. We'll post each of the video clips here together when they are available. In the meantime, check out the other resources Maria shared in her blog, some of which are from CBC. We're working to make Canada ACEs Aware and Trauma Informed. All this media attention helps. Thanks for engaging. Elizabeth
Blog Post

More young men in Western Canada died than expected last year — and not just because of COVID-19 (

Elizabeth Perry ·
Young men are dying at alarming rates in BC and Alberta, and the situation is only exacerbated by Covid-19. Overdose deaths and suicide are killing devastating families and communities.
Blog Post

4 New Communities Join ACEs Connection / January, 2021

Christine Cissy White ·
Please welcome these four new communities to the network. Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . Interested in Starting a Community on ACEs Connection ? For questions about starting or growing an initiative, using our site and tools, please reach out to one of our regional community facilitators. Communities in: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, contact @Alison...
Blog Post

Advancing Your Community’s ACEs & Resilience Strategy

Denise Connors ·
Advancing Your Community’s ACEs & Resilience Strategy (Case Studies and Upcoming Opportunities) Tue, Jan 26, 2021 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST This webinar will focus on how two regions in Alberta built on the pre-launch program for the ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities (ARRCC) to advance their regional strategies to transform the family justice system as part of a larger ACEs and Resilience strategy. The Reforming the Family Justice System coalition in Alberta and the...

Re: Advancing Your Community’s ACEs & Resilience Strategy

Elizabeth Perry ·
It delights my heart to see more events in Canada that actually use the term ACEs. It's been a long time coming. Thanks for sharing this event, Denise.
Blog Post

A Conceptual Analysis of Interpersonal Resilience as a Key Resilience Domain: Understanding the Ability to Overcome Child Sexual Abuse and Other Adverse Interpersonal Contexts (

Elizabeth Perry ·
New Canadian Research: A conceptual analysis of interpersonal resilience as a domain specific type of resilience, based on the premise that it is a multi-faceted construct. The researchers consider interpersonal resilience within the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) as an under-attended and salient interpersonal stressor with profound implications involving the self and personal identity.
Blog Post

Trauma-informed care as a rights-based “standard of care”: A critical review (

Elizabeth Perry ·
New Canadian Research: A growing body of literature on the concept of trauma-informed care (TIC) has emerged in response to greater recognition of the prevalence of childhood trauma. Currently, no review has examined the conceptualization of TIC in various child-serving systems, specifically TIC as a standard of care, the outcomes examined relevant to care, and whether child rights are part of the TIC discourse.

Re: Canadian Thought Leader Dr. Gabor Mate Shares His Wisdom

Amber Brewer ·
I am such a huge Gabor Mate follower. He is an inspiration and for me up there with all of the greats! Someday I hope to tell him how significant his work has been through my own journey, and a influence of my own personal work in helping to free woman from trauma. so glad to see this mutual admiration for this great leader. Amber B
Blog Post

50,000 members strong! ACEs Connection invites you to celebrate, reminisce and commemorate our collective growth

Jane Stevens ·
Where were you when you first learned about ACEs science? What do you remember about that moment? Were you relieved, scared, shocked, happy or sad? And where were you when you first learned about ACEs Connection? How did it feel to know there was a community of people who knew some of what you knew, and, perhaps, felt as passionately about learning more of the science and preventing childhood trauma as you do? On March 4th at 12 pm PT (3 pm ET), we’re stopping for an hour to gather around...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Care Toolkit

Agnes Chen ·
Becoming Trauma-Informed "As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress which could be viewed as a collective trauma. The purpose of this toolkit is to build a better understanding of what trauma is and how trauma affects the thoughts, actions and behaviours of people affected by it so that we can come together in solidarity and hope. As we come together facing this global pandemic, we are all experiencing heightened levels of stress...
Blog Post

"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"

Agnes Chen ·
"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...
Blog Post

International Perspectives Conversation with ACE Aware Nation (

Elizabeth Perry ·
ACE Aware Nation in Scotland ACEs Conversation Series 2020–2021 creates a space in which to explore a wide range of themes relevant to the Adverse Childhood Experiences movement. In this, the seventh in our series, we explore International Perspectives on ACEs. We meet the founders of grassroots movements in two other countries: Canada and Netherlands. Elizabeth Perry of #ACEs Canada speaks determinedly from a first-person perspective, using her experience of childhood trauma to boost wider...
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A thread about ACEs Questionnaires

Elizabeth Perry ·
Here's a collection of ACEs questionnaires from the original to the WHO for easy reference and comparison as we explore expanding what researchers measure.
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Learn How to Start Your Own Community on PACEs Connection

Elizabeth Perry ·
If you're interested in starting your own community on PACEs Connection, the staff hold monthly training sessions to help you do that. Check them out.
Blog Post

How to on PACEs Connection

Elizabeth Perry ·
Welcome New Members! We're growing like dandelions in spring! For those new to the PACEs Connection platform and for those looking to refresh "how to" participate fully in this network, please follow the links for access to quick training videos.
Blog Post

Support Indigenous Peoples - First Nations, Metis, Inuit for Truth and Reconciliation

Elizabeth Perry ·
In light of the recent discovery of the remains of 215 children in an unmarked grave adjacent to the site of the former residential school near Kamloops, BC in the territory of the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, many Canadians and allies worldwide are wondering how we can help. I've attached here links to the various resources created by and in consultation with Indigenous Peoples, outlining how they would like us to help. Here also are some links to recent articles posted about this...
Blog Post

FREE WEBINAR - The Impact of Mind Matters: Preliminary Evidence of Effectiveness in a Community-Based Sample

Emily P Jackson ·
Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues have conducted a randomized controlled trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to trauma symptoms, emotional regulation, coping and resiliency, and interpersonal skills for at-risk...
Blog Post

An Indigenous Pedagogy for Decolonization (

Discussions about Indigenizing the academy have abounded in Canada over the past few years. And yet, despite the numerous policies and reports that have been written, there is a lack of clarity around what pedagogical methods could help to decolonize our institutions. In Sharing Breath: Embodied Learning and Decolonization , edited by Sheila Batacharya and Yuk-Lin Renita Wong, contributors demonstrate how the academy cannot be decolonized while we still subscribe to the Western idea of mind...
Blog Post

Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Level-1

Iya Affo ·
HEAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA & Iya Affo PRESENT: The Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- Level 1 is a comprehensive understanding of Historical Trauma from a multicultural lens. The training is designed for participants serving, leading, advocating and working with people of color. It is the perfect training for people in a variety of disciplines as well as multicultural families and for anyone with the desire to understand the impact of slavery, genocide and colonization. The course...
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The Roll Out of LEVEL 2- Historical Trauma Specialist Certification

Iya Affo ·
LEVEL 2 HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION MARCH 2022!!! The wait is finally over! Iya Affo and Heal Historical Trauma will present: Historical Trauma Specialist Certification- LEVEL 2: A Neurological, Environmental & Cultural Perspective on March 1st & 2nd 2022. LEVEL 2 will cover the following: Neurological implications of Historical Trauma and how to align neurobiology with desired behavioral outcomes. Indigenous Attachment Theory Understanding the injurious relationship...
Blog Post

Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice with Special Guest, Becky Haas, Pioneer in Developing Trauma-Informed Judicial Initiatives

Porter Jennings-McGarity ·
Please join us for our new series entitled: Trauma-Informed Criminal Justice. This monthly virtual Zoom series will feature conversations facilitated by Dr. Porter Jennings-McGarity, PhD/LCSW, PACEs Connection’s criminal justice consultant, with special guests to discuss the need for trauma-informed criminal justice system reform. Using a PACEs-science lens, this series will examine the relationship between trauma and the criminal justice system, what needs changing, and strategies being...
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Black History Month 2K22- NEW Trainings!

Iya Affo ·
In Honor of Black History Month 2k22 Please Enjoy the Following NEW Trainings: Facilitating a Full Expression of Resilience: BIPOC are resilient. In learning how trauma is formed and passed from one generation to the next in our communities, we will understand how to facilitate a full expression of resilience in vulnerable communities. This course takes a deep dive into the reality of flight or fight mode and how many people enduring oppression, discrimination and hate live with a constant...
Blog Post

Proposed class-action alleges systemic discrimination of Inuit children in care in Quebec (

The wheels are officially in motion for a proposed class-action lawsuit involving Inuit children in the northern Quebec region of Nunavik. On Monday, a trio of law firms filed an application in Quebec Superior Court on behalf of all Inuit children who endured “decades of allegedly discriminatory and unlawful underfunding of child welfare” and other essential services in the north. If approved, the class-action would impact all Inuit children who were taken into the Quebec child welfare...
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Rationale for Why Canada Should Repeal Section 43 of CCC

Elizabeth Perry ·
There is increasing momentum and coordination across Canada to Repeal section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada which states that Every parent, schoolteacher and person standing in the place of a parent is justified in using force by way of correction of a pupil or child, as the case may be, who is under his care, if the force does not exceed what is reasonable under the circumstances. This law has sanctioned the use of corporal punishment against children at the hands of caregivers. With...
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‘Our ancestors risked their lives and freedom’ (Indian Country Today)

Like many Catholic orders that operated Indian boarding and day schools, the Sisters of Perpetual Adoration have embarked on a campaign to examine their organization’s role in the assimilation process that aimed to strip away Indigenous culture and language. While heartfelt and sincere, their efforts seemed vague and overly cautious, however. As Sister Eileen McKenzie, president of the Franciscan Sisters of Perpetual Adoration, said during an interview with Indian Country Today , “We are in...
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Podcast: White Coat Black Art - Talking ACEs with the Authors of Damaged (

Elizabeth Perry ·
New Podcast with Canadian Content: Dr. Brian Goldman is talking ACEs with the authors of Damaged: Childhood Trauma, Adult Illness, and the Need for a Health Care Revolution.
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program

Iya Affo ·
Iya Affo & Heal Historical Trauma Presents New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from...
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Creating the World We All Want to Work in Is Going to Take All of Us (

Studiostockart/ Getty Images Workplace well-being is having its moment. I think that’s safe to say, even though, yes, I’m saying it as a Chief Well-Being Officer. Never before have we had the opportunity we now have to redefine work around well-being. Never before have both employees and leaders been more in alignment on the value and necessity of well-being, both in their organizations and in their lives. We have the opportunity to create the world of work that we want to work in. Both the...
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Papal Visit: Apology at last in Canada (

Image: Pope Francis prepares to deliver his apology to Indigenous people on July 25, 2022, in Maskwacis, Alberta, Canada with chiefs of the four nations on whose land he stood. (Photo by Miles Morrisseau/ICT) MASKWACIS, Alberta, Canada – Saying it is time to find a pathway forward for healing, Pope Francis issued a long-awaited apology to the Indigenous people of Canada for the Catholic Church’s role in the brutal residential school system that separated children from their families, culture...
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48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

Iya Affo ·
NOT TOO LATE FOR COHORT 1!! Also registering for COHORT 2!! New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various...
Blog Post

48-Hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program- COHORT 1 & 2

Iya Affo ·
New!! 48-HOUR HISTORICAL TRAUMA SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION in collaboration with THE INTERNATIONAL HISTORICAL TRAUMA ASSOCIATION We are the only entity offering a comprehensive, 48-hour Historical Trauma Specialist Certification Program. The Program is broken into 6 levels and is built on a foundation of BIPOC cultures and neurobiology. It is taught from a multicultural perspective, injecting traditions and ideology from various cultures from around the world. In this inclusive study we rely...
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Re-Imagining How We Support Families So All Children can Thrive within their Home or Community

Agnes Chen ·
In 2014, a 4-year-old daughter, granddaughter, and sister, Serenity died after being apprehended by children's services when her Mother reached out for help due to domestic violence. Join a Collective of organizations who are re-imagining how we support families so that all children can thrive within their homes or community. Register here: “Parents should be supported so...
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Indigenous Scholars Release New Report at U.N. on Determinants — and Protectants —of Indigenous Health (

(photo: Jenna Kunze) To read more of Darren Thompson's article, please click here. NEW YORK — Indigenous scholars presented a report on Tuesday on Indigenous determinants of health at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) 22nd session. The study was delegated during UNPFII 21st session and aims to create positive health and wellness outcomes for Indigenous communities worldwide. The study also responds to the U.N.’s adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development...
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